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No-Till thread?

Team Microbe

Active member
It could be.. The pinto bean compost soil test results:


For a while, they actually got primarily water after tea feedings and topdress.. So I actually thought they were getting underfed.. But my ratios could be wrong. Might be swinging the soil in too different a direction unintentionally.. Will have more of what I gave them throughout the cycle soon. Gotta write it all down from whiteboard pictures. XD

Damn that potassium was more than twice the desired value, that very may well be it. I'm assuming you amended with a few high P amendments as well?

Now I know why people soil test their base mixes... it sounds like a really good idea for all scenarios. I wonder if there's a way to fix the toxicity without dumping out, and re-amending the soil?
I'm trying to understand where the P is in the regiment I'm following, and the only time they get some I feel is during the DEM Fat Flowers teas and EWC mixed topdressings on weeks 1 and 4... I hope I haven't screwed up beyond repair.

But on a plus note, they look much better. Should I just flush the paler ones with regular distilled water?


Active member
Yea there is. A soil test would be preferred before any application.

Gypsum and or Mg sulfate. The sulfer breaks away from the cation and form sulfric acid which grabs on to a lower cation and it can leach away. How this all works in pots is still what I am striving to understand. Where does the K sulfate go?

With out a soil test, water , maybe some humates to capture any excess nutes.

Me I would throw a tsp of gypsum per gal of soil just for the hell of it, I love gypsum. Maybe a gram or two of borax to go with the Ca.

Throw both with some humates in water.

Just what o would do but I'm a little weird...and don't test...God damn laziness


Active member
There is.a ton of P in your compost pluse the other amendments you used, crab if I'm not mistaken.

Water water water. Don't drown them but just give them water, prob for the rest of their lives.
Just water and they'll still yield? DX I didn't know following that schedule would force me to have to give straight water... :/

Just got a report. Set up clones under one T8 and one T5 (comparison) in domes, and on the orange Grodan Smart Trays, with a wet layer of perlite at the bottom (had a thought that the perlite would help keep the domes humid) in Oasis Cubes and they alllllll diiiiiied. XD Still have a ways to go. Most were rotting... Tells me the cubes were too wet, but they dried out in 3-4 days so.. I suppose spraying a small amount of water each 2-3 day span would've helped them survive. Used the clone/seed juice as per the regiment.

Mistakes were made! Trying too hard for 4 oz a plant...


Active member
Weird, no compost component at all?

I guess you need that heavy of a top-dress to get going, but I stand by the fact that you should have enough nutrition. That top-dress is a decent amount of food. You need the life to get it going.

Without the humus in there already the name of the game is to make it alive. Got castings? High quality?

Get some red wigglers and get them.in the pots ASAP. They will constantly create castings in the pot whils consuming the top-dress and making it plant available and stored in humus.
I do have high quality castings. I believe EWC are a humus component, but others I have are Chicken Manure, Brilliant Black from DEM (powdered humus), and Ancient Forest from General Organics... These are humus components, right?

Currently locating a local worm place... I've wanted red wigglers since the beginning. :/

Team Microbe

Active member
I do have high quality castings. I believe EWC are a humus component, but others I have are Chicken Manure, Brilliant Black from DEM (powdered humus), and Ancient Forest from General Organics... These are humus components, right?

Currently locating a local worm place... I've wanted red wigglers since the beginning. :/

Yep! Humus by definition is comprised of stable humic substances which are unable to be broken down any further; it's the last stop basically.

If I wanted to "kick start" my container and make everything available as soon as possible, I'd probably whip up an EWC extract to boost biology. If I wanted to keep going, I'd top dress with something rich in enzymes like malted barley powder, then water it all in with a fulvic acid like FulPower to act as that catalyst's catalyst. The key is to get these elements into ionic form, and fulvic acid does just that.


Active member
Uncle Jim's is a rip off. Consistently under weight. There are some great worm fourms on the FB. I forget what they all recommend.


Active member
I don't buy them there. It is a group for worm farmers big and small from around the world.

They have done buys from everyone they could and Jim's is known for the most complaints.

Take it as you will...
Yep! Humus by definition is comprised of stable humic substances which are unable to be broken down any further; it's the last stop basically.

If I wanted to "kick start" my container and make everything available as soon as possible, I'd probably whip up an EWC extract to boost biology. If I wanted to keep going, I'd top dress with something rich in enzymes like malted barley powder, then water it all in with a fulvic acid like FulPower to act as that catalyst's catalyst. The key is to get these elements into ionic form, and fulvic acid does just that.

I have FulPower! Just was unsure how to balance the humic and fulvic components, what they were primarily for, what measurements, and when... :( I had a broad idea, but thought the humic was the organic matter and that fulvic was food for microbes, or a semi-steroid. Been using Corn and barley SSTs for enzymes.

Got a standard recipe for your EWC extract?
I also found one for a fungal dominant AACT, but was unsure when this would be necessary in either grow phase. Thoughts?

Team Microbe

Active member
I have FulPower! Just was unsure how to balance the humic and fulvic components, what they were primarily for, what measurements, and when... :( I had a broad idea, but thought the humic was the organic matter and that fulvic was food for microbes, or a semi-steroid. Been using Corn and barley SSTs for enzymes.

Got a standard recipe for your EWC extract?
I also found one for a fungal dominant AACT, but was unsure when this would be necessary in either grow phase. Thoughts?

Well humic/fulvic acid is present in compost and humus, but adding more is often beneficial in building soil fast and "lubing" up the soil food web engine so-to-speak.

Humic acid supplements aid in holding onto soil nutrients in the soil, and fulvic acid is a catalyst that allows elements to become available to the plant. This is why fulvic acid products are commonly used in conjunction with enzyme teas or malted barley powder top dressings; enzymes are soil catalysts and fulvic acid is that catalyst's catalyst. If that makes sense.

I personally use Bio Ag FulPower in with malted barley powder once every 1-2 weeks at all stages of growth.

This is the recipe I use for compost extracts:

Fungal compost extract by Lead Sled

I use this about 2-3 times every grow cycle, mainly at key points of influence (3 weeks veg, week 1 flower, week 4 flower)
TM, I love praying leaves. Initially, I felt fungal teas were for gearing the mycorrhizae toward resin, and flowering production since they're fungal... Also found a local source for red wiggies!!! :D

So we flushed the pale ones today and gave everything else a humus topdressing with Ful-Power and water... Hoping they respond better. Thank you all for your help. I'd be lost without it. XD