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Megayields & Anti's Excellent Adventure

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Grower of Connoisseur herb's.
ICMag Donor
settle down guys....
at my "mega" grow we did as similar thing w the plastic "tents" that were 15 lights long and 3 rows of lights....
i ran a fan at each end of the tent exchanging air, altho i did find that a "boooster" fan in the center of the tent (longwise) was very helpful, just gave the air that extra push at the point that was most far from both other fans....
just an idea,
& anti, you are prolly right that w ENOUGH proper exchange you can forgo circulation (that has been my experience indoors at least...)
aside from the power draw, there is also really no downside to running some circulating fans, am i wrong?

btw, great thread guys, can't wait to SEE this thing coming together.

Avanish...I really appreciate your chiming in, I know you ran big ops before, in fact you are somewhat of an inspirational character for me......we will be closely monitering the GH and if we see "dead" air pockets or think we can benefit by adding circulating fans I know Anti and myself will jump on it ASAP if we can?

Remember we have a budget and and check writer that also comes into the equation here.....everything is not as easy as "get me 10 circulating fans" their is a process we have go through AND we have to explain in detail WHY we think we need to spend the money....it's kinda complicated in some ways.


Sorcerer's Apprentice
.............. But veg is right, keep an eye out for dead spots in late season. Air likes to do fucked up things in a greenhouse packed with the finest, and mold is a concern with your plant spacing already. Just a friendly reminder to keep a watchful eye :tiphat:

Yeah. I'm not mad at him for saying what he said. I just don't like the way he said it.

The sides can be rolled all the way up. The fans/mister will be on a humidistat.

We will be monitoring conditions closely with fungicide at the ready. I'm actually going to be hitting them with a dose of fungicidal bennies right before they go into the 100 gal bags and follow it up again in flower.

According to the landlord they've never seen PM where we're at. (Surrounded by vineyards.) That doesn't mean I'm going to just plug my fingers in my ears and go "la-la-la" but I am not overly concerned about it at the moment.

All suggestions are appreciated (even Veg). Anyone who's read my threads ought to know that I actively SOLICIT and often listen to advice from the community.


Caregiver Extraordinaire
ICMag Donor
Thanks mega, ur too kind *blush*

like i said, can't wait to be inspired myself by this thread.... it's exciting guys,

2013.... big tings.

Yeah. I'm not mad at him for saying what he said. I just don't like the way he said it.
I can relate, i feel that often on the forums, kudos for keepin a cool head anti.

keep up the good work y'all


the only time i have seen air circulated in a green house was to keep it warm in winter.

big fans on one end with some sort of evaporative cooling is pretty much the standard in my area ........ you have to let as much air out the other end as you put in or the system won't work. it gets to humid and they just cut the water flow to the cooler pads but they lose the cooling effect

not sure if the same systems work in cali because of the high rh .....

either way i'm thinking that 30K cfm is probably going to be enough to keep things from getting swampy


Grower of Connoisseur herb's.
ICMag Donor
Per Anti's comments; Here is a picture showing the "roll-up" sides to facilitate needed circulation. Our greenhouse will have 8' side walls though.



Sorcerer's Apprentice
I'm trying not to give too much of our location away... but let's put it this way. Between now and October, I am expecting exactly 0.000000 inches of rain. Temperatures in the low 100's. Humidity in the single digits. So dry the moisture evaporates right out of your eyes when you step outside.

Humidity buildups can be solved by:

Step 1: turn off mist fan
Step 2: wait one minute

If it gets REALLY crazy, we can roll up all four sides of the greenhouse up to 8'.


Grower of Connoisseur herb's.
ICMag Donor
not sure if the same systems work in cali because of the high rh .....

REMEMBER what Anti said, where we are located the normal humidity level BARELY register's, in our veg tent we have seen humidity levels at LESS than 10%...in fact in 20 minutes I have to run out to the tent and mist the whole place down JUST to keep the humidity above 40%, we would prefer 55%+ and up during veg, but this place is "extremely" dry.


Need a hand? :)

I can't wait to see the progress.

Good luck guys, but I am going to guess that you won't need much of it. You two will have this shit locked down.

Veg N Out

When you fill it full of plants and soil the greenhouse will be its own microclimate, plants do this thing called transpiration where they expel water through the leaves from the soil..in deep flower with big plants filling your space, it wont matter if you have 30k cfm or roll up sides, because there wont be any cross ventilation because your space will hopefully be full of marijuana. You should tell your investor you need circulator fans so all the other money isnt wasted.

Heres an experiment you can do...hang some flagging tape from various parts of the gh turn your fans on, youll see that the tape isnt fluttering very hard. Now imagine the space full of trees...

Mega, ive seen your thread bro, I know who im talking to and that is why im trying to give you some advice.


not sure if the same systems work in cali because of the high rh .....

REMEMBER what Anti said, where we are located the normal humidity level BARELY register's, in our veg tent we have seen humidity levels at LESS than 10%...in fact in 20 minutes I have to run out to the tent and mist the whole place down JUST to keep the humidity above 40%, we would prefer 55%+ and up during veg, but this place is "extremely" dry.

:biggrin: "Anti said" all that after i posted mega ....... ya fuckin stoner:ying:

if your rh is that low you might want to take a look at using a lower tech version of evaporative cooling than a mister. cooler pads work with pumps that are real easy to deal with. misters (depending on various things) can be a major PITA ....... and nobody needs that.

not saying they won't work just throwing my two pennies in. the lower tech system might save you guys more that a few pennies too:dunno:

2 Legal Co

Active member
Twin 55"ers, sounds like standard GH equipment.

The only concern will be, having enough openings in the far end to vent that volume. lol.... and keeping the aspen/pads, wet.

Welcome to the tropics, eh?


Grower of Connoisseur herb's.
ICMag Donor
:biggrin: "Anti said" all that after i posted mega ....... ya fuckin stoner:ying:

if your rh is that low you might want to take a look at using a lower tech version of evaporative cooling than a mister. cooler pads work with pumps that are real easy to deal with. misters (depending on various things) can be a major PITA ....... and nobody needs that.

not saying they won't work just throwing my two pennies in. the lower tech system might save you guys more that a few pennies too:dunno:

I know lol ..he is in his room and I am in mine and we are BOTH answering questions here on IC lol....yeah I saw he answered that then I just repeated it, happens a lot here...we are waiting for some equipment to arrive..right in the fucking high heat of the day...lol...well we better get used to it, this place is blazing hot!

Time to go mist the veg room lol.....ghetto mister's:tiphat:


Active member
Strainlist seem very cool, i will be watching the show along with great anticipation. Stuffing my mouth full of popcorn :lurk:
Happy growing and the best of luck to you two. :ying:


Well-known member

Also, there's no "hood" where we are. It's over a mile to the nearest ROAD. The nearest gas station? Fuggetaboutit.

Actually when I say hood it means your 'neighborhood'...like my old one, where the minimum parcel was 40 and everyone was growing...thos kinda hoods..

and if buying ten oscillating fans is hard on your budget i cant imagine the kind of hurdles you may run into down the road....

good luck and be safe

2 Legal Co

Active member
A mile from the road? Sounds like your most immediate concern ought to be a good 'back-up' Genny, for when the grid goes down. lol


Grower of Connoisseur herb's.
ICMag Donor
Actually when I say hood it means your 'neighborhood'...like my old one, where the minimum parcel was 40 and everyone was growing...thos kinda hoods..

and if buying ten oscillating fans is hard on your budget i cant imagine the kind of hurdles you may run into down the road....

good luck and be safe

Not our budget..(shrug)...but if you knew our investor he is CHEEEEEAAAAAPPPP....to the maximum....I think we will be fine with the GH the way it was designed by Anti and the GH manufacturing company.

BUT if we need more fans, well get them.

Nuff said.......


Well-known member
yeah sometimes you might find (as i did as well as a friend who ran another dudes property) that sometimes you have to reach in your own pocket to get some things done right...


Active member
You guys should go check out Veg's thread in the outdoor section. He does it big, real big. Veg can be a little callous, but mostly helpful and right imo. I read some scientific papers on ventilation too, with extraction and circulation both shown to be important. Laminar and turbulent airflow or something like that...
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