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I just fought a fire in my house


"Be shapeless, formless, like water..."
Things are looking up!

Things are looking up!

Little update: sitting here trimming 12 sticky large blueberry plants. I got 95% of the stuff out, just gotta go back tomorrow. Got my story together perfect, the reason I didn't call fd right away was the blow I took to the back of the head made me just react and put it out. This is looking to be a huge windfall, I didn't get one bit of static for my grow, I still have all my genetics, the list of positives goes on and on, but the most important thing remains, my son and my dog are ok and unhurt. I'm glad it was me getting hurt and not my son or my dog, I can handle pain, it would KILL me to see them hurt. Thank you all so much, you have shown me how caring an online community can be, I've had multiple offers of assistance from people I know and friends online who've never met me face to face. I am truly grateful and humbled, I can't say thank you enough.

The rep comments and visitor messages have been so encouraging, you guys are awesome! Plus, if I even helped one of you to reassess your fire security, I feel I have succeeded with posting this. Peace! :friends: :wave:


Active member
Glad things are looking up for ya bro!

Here is some Strawberry Cough to cheer ya up...



Active member
I was sorry to read of this.. I'm glad you're ok budgood.
Peace and kindness
-Anima (another proponent of fire extinguishers as necessary equipment)


I cough up honey oil
WoW man! I haven't been around in a little while and haven't seen this till now. Sorry to hear about all this..... but glad to see it will be alright.


no wuckin furries!
"my son and my dog are ok and unhurt. I'm glad it was me getting hurt and not my son or my dog, I can handle pain, it would KILL me to see them hurt."

made me sick in the guts thinkn about my boys if they got hurt...rather 10 times the pain than they get hurt....

sometimes things happen to warn you of a worse possible problem...this may the thing that just helped you think/plan better....eg smoke alarm in roof ect....now you can sit back and think more about it (dont torcher yourself of course...) and as you say...if it helps one person ect...

healing up ok i hope.HH. =]-~
Good to read things are turning around a bit!

We had a fire years ago, the fusebox blew. Afterwards a fire expert from the insurance company came to check on damages. He inspected the entire house, for smoke and water damage that may be caused by the fire. So it might be a good idea to "accidentaly" lose the key to your cellar or something.

Hope it turns out well for you


"Be shapeless, formless, like water..."


Hello all, a little update on my situation:

Well, considering what happened, everything has really been falling into place nicely. My burns have been healing rapidly, which I'm attributing to the Silvadene, my fitness/health level, and all of the good vibes and prayers from everyone. I've been taking some antibiotics to prevent any infection as well. The insurance adjuster seems to be really helpful. He cut me a large check for living expenses right off the bat, (not gonna say an exact amount, more than 3k, less than 5) with more to come. The restoration company is awesome as well. When I mentioned to the adjuster & restoration reps I am a patient and they might find some medical cannabis or indications of it, they told me not to worry, it has nothing to do with the claim. I explained that being legal, I don't worry about police, but about loose lips and rippers, so I would appreciate their discretion regarding the matter. They were very kind and accommodating about everything, I kinda think they may all be smokers. :D

Anyhow, I got damn near everything out, so it's a moot point. I "conveniently" lost the key to the basement, they'll be back tomorrow to start full on restoration, beginning with a structural assessment by an engineer, I told em I'd find it by then. I'm going there today to do some final cleaning and move some reflectors and ballasts. I got a storage nearby, so I can move all my equipment to temporarily as I construct my new room at the new grow location. They're really excited to do my house, as it was built in the 1920's, and has that "old" feel, with many awesome details throughout the home (arched doorways, oak wood floors, coved ceilings, etc). They're telling me I'll be amazed what they'll do to this place, I can't wait! :jump:

It looks like this cloud is going to have an awesome silver lining, my remodel will get done quicker than normal, and on insurances dime. :) Things are looking good all over in my life really: My son just brought home his report card, all A's and B's in his first 9 weeks of middle school! :woohoo: I am a very proud papa, he had some difficulties early in the year, and really kicked it into high gear to get his marks up. I know he can do straight A's, he is a very intelligent young man. I'm truly blessed to have such an awesome kid. My dog is starting to make the adjustment, I actually started trusting him off the leash, with great results.

Like I said, I'm just so damn happy, it seems as if everything has been great since the fire, as if it was meant to be the catalyst to a better tomorrow. Thank you all for the sage advice, good vibes and prayers. I appreciate how much care I have been shown, with offers of food, $$$ and places to stay from both people I know, and those I know but have never met besides online, from IC and other sites I frequent. It is truly humbling to know there are so many good people out there willing to help little ol' me. :redface: I could say thank you til I'm blue in the face, and it still wouldn't be enough. I'm eternally grateful and in your debt. You all know who you are. :wave:

And to the trolls/haters, keep on hating. Reminds me of a quote from Katt Williams "Say my hair ain't luxurious, when you know it is, bitch". Seriously, some of you guys are straight pricks, and karma WILL catch up with you, maybe sooner, maybe later. I feel my karma is pretty damn good right now and is getting better everyday, I have no need to sink to the depths some of you have in your comments and in PM's. You'll get yours eventually. ;) :bat:

So, peace & primo pot to all... :party:


"Be shapeless, formless, like water..."
I am glad to hear you are okay man, fires can be scary things no doubt. As someone who has had first and second degree burns I can tell you that if I had it to do over again I wouldn't go to the hospital. My treatment consisted of scraping my skin off with some popsicle sticks and purified water and putting a creme for cuts and abrasions on my burns. I received a small script for pain killers and that was about the only thing that I couldn't legally get and do myself out of the ordeal. If the burned area is not to large and isn't too terribly bad I would suggest getting someone to help you clean it, wife/girlfriend/oldest son. But that is just me and I am from a less than affluent background and have always had to make due with things. Healing is going to be a painful process if your skin comes off. I can still remember waking up in the middle of the night and peeling the sheets off of my wounds along with half of the wet formed scabs. But anyways, I am glad you and your family are okay, that is what is most important.

Yeah, taking my shirt off sucked for the first few days or so, the burns under my shirt would get stuck to the gauze or my shirt, so I'd end up tearing them part off before I jumped in the shower. The Silvadene is some amazing shit, I'm healing rapidly, which I'm attributing to my health/fitness level, the Silvadene, and all the prayers and good vibes from everyone. ;) Like you said, that we're all ok is most important, I couldn't agree more. :wave:

Damn BG, glad you guys are alright ( for the most part ). Good thing this didn't happen late at night while you were sleeping. I wish ya good luck getting everthing sorted out. Take care... BC

Thanks for those kind words and good wishes sir, it has helped, the restoration company is top notch, they've accomplished much since Monday, and are moving rapidly. They're treating my house and belongings as if I'm a VIP or something, seriously. :) I think about what could have happened had my son and I went to Denver as we were planning... My dog, my best friend in the whole world, might have died. Instead I was there and able to prevent total destruction. Some would call it luck, I call it fate. Just seems like it was meant to be for me to be there... :wave:

shit man sorry to hear glad shit is ok (sort of) its pretty sad when this country doesnt allow you to call the FD cause you may be a couple plants over the limit... especially when its wasnt the grow that cause the fire.... i dont beleive you need the FD for your insurance but honostly they prob gonna fuck with you over it....i would get the plants out the house for a couple days call the fd go to the hospital and get shit straitened out... good luck bro...

I don't know, if I hadn't taken such a hard blow to the head if I would've just called the fire dept. Looking at things, with the amount of patients I had at the time, I was only a few over. I just didn't want that to even be an issue, ya know? In retrospect, I'm glad I handled it the way I did, I was able to secure and hide shit for the most part, there were pipes, jars, stuff like that out, but nobody looked or gave a shit if they saw anything. My lights were run off a brand new oversized 240v line ran directly from the fusebox, off the main fuses, so I know 100% the fire had nothing to do with it, I just didn't want to have to answer any questions unnecessarily, you know what I mean?

jesus man... glad we didnt see your shit on the news tonight.

Take care of yourself, get to the doctor.

And get your count in line so you don't have to worry about calling 911 when you need to.

Thanks, thats what I was trying to avoid (the news). Read my above response, as it applies to you as well. I wasn't too much over, I just didn't want that to be even one tiny bit of an issue, especially when I know for sure the fire had not one bit of anything to do with my grow, it was the shitty old house wiring in the attic. I *did* call 911 when I needed to. ;)

glad u and ur family are fine,,,peace

Thanks bro. :wave:

damn bro, that's some :fsu:.

i'll give you a ring tomorrow, get some rest.

Thanks bro. :pumpkin:

So glad to hear everyone is safe and well done on keeping a calm head and dealing with the situation.

Seriously tho you should listen to the guys and head to the hospital, skin falling off sounds serious and your probably in shock and not feeling the full force of the burns.

Thanks man, I was just reactin', I was definitely out of it. I've been punched by a Golden Gloves winning boxer, kicked full force in the head by a karate expert, and have never been as close to being knocked out as I was after getting cracked on the back of the head with the burning ceiling. I was pretty out of it, I'm sure I had a concussion. :abduct: So I wasn't all there, for sure, hehe. As far as not feeling the full force of the burns, you're right, the REAL pain didn't hit til later the next day. :yoinks:

all i can say is WOW your lucky!!! ....and hope you heal well...may be a horrible uncomfortable sleep ahead and full of worrying ???

all the best.HH. =]-~

Hehe, thats funny. Yeah, my friends will be giving me shit about this for a while, I'm sure. Thanks for the kind words brother... :wave:

fires can rekindle within 24 hours, you might not even see/smell it
coming as the rest of your crib smells overwhelmingly of smoke now.

keep a really close eye on the most heavily burned area.......

It didn't restart, actually, the firefighters said I had completely knocked down the first ignition point, but there was another that was in a wall, I couldn't see it. Thats what caused the heavy smoke that drove us out and made me call 911. Thanks for the advice tho, I was spraying it down with the hose a crapload because of your advice, and completely killed the 1st as a result. :respect:

Glad your not killed and nobody in your family got hurt but me myself i would of got my family out and let the fucker burn until the F.D. arrived. Last week i went to a in case of a fire seminar and was told if the fire is bigger than a trash can don't risk it yourself and call the F.D.. Your house and belongings can be rebuilt and replaced but not you or your family. It is instinct to put it out but one must think hard before doing so. Burns are real dangerous and can be fatal with infection setting in. Hope you get well and the pain subsides.

It's real easy to say what you would or wouldn't do in a certain situation, but until you are faced with said situation, you really DON'T KNOW exactly how you would react. I'm sure the ultra-hard smack to the head I took didn't make me think all that clearly though, but everything worked out alright and my sons are both OK, that is the main important thing to me. Thanks for the kind words, take care.... :wave:

To be continued....


Active member
Good to hear Dr. Budgood, glad you are healing up. I gave up on gauze after a couple of days. It just kept getting inundated with the coagulants trying to scab the wound over so I just made sure I kept it clean and dry. After peeling off non stick gauze with huge chunks of your flesh attached for a few days I just didn't think it was beneficial for my situation but then again I have always been a "rub a little dirt on it" sort of fellow. Again, its great to hear about the insurance company and the contractors they have employed. I have dealt with contractors that were a bit less professional before so you are indeed very lucky. Keep safe man and let us know when you get back into your place and get the grow back up and kicking. Be well man.


"Be shapeless, formless, like water..."
Glad to hear it did not result in a tragedy

I would defiantley get someone in to check shit out.I know I would never be able to sleep again, with that happening

I did end up calling the fire department. Thanks for the kind words... :wave:

Wow - a real close call!! How fortunate you really are, but the pain must be intense!

So glad your kids are ok! I wish you a speedy recovery - infection is a real issue with burns - and burn treatment is no picnic - but going through it yourself is sooo much better than watching your kid(s) suffer through it... Kinda hard to tell someone with a bad burn that he is lucky

How traumatic... and could have been so much worse.

My heart is with you man...

I really do feel lucky, some would say this is bad karma, but really this is turning out to be awesome, I'm healing super fast, my house is getting a nice remodel, everything is just working out so well, I would say that this is good karma disguised as a house fire. ;) Thanks for the kind words, truly. :wave:

If you choose not to go to the hospital, then you will need to loosely bandage the area with sterile gauze, after cleaning it well and applying Silvadene (or some other prescription grade topical anti-fungal anti-microbal creme) ointment. Silvadene will need to be re/applied and the gauze changed daily (to prevent the bandage from sticking to the wound, or becoming a petrie dish)

Yep, I ended up not going, I had the firefighters look at them, and they told me damn near EXACTLY what you said here, so awesome advice sir! :wave:

Burns are serious, they can get infected. You should really go to the hospital. Crazy story. That sucks. Glad to hear you're ok though.

Thanks for the kind words. I ended up not going, but I had antibiotics, Silvadene, an awesome mom who was trained medically, and many good vibes, with all that combined I'm healing freakishly fast. :D

wow crazy shit man .im happy you and your kids are all ok .like h3ad said get some silvadyne that stuff is awesome on burns and you deff DO NOT WANT AN INFECTION on burns .glad alls good, be safe

Thanks chuck, the kind words are appreciated. My mom had a huge bottle of silvadene, antibiotics and a gentle touch, I'm doing great. :jump:

my thoughts are with you and your family. I am so glad that the kids are fine, that would be a very scary situation. I agree with going to the doctor, I know first hand what can happen when the medical dominoes start to fall.

Thanks! :wave:

You still alright man? i know the next day is never fun... damn adenine wears off..

You're right, it did wear off, I was in horrible pain the next day. I'm still glad it was me and not either of my sons, so it's all good. :wave:

get to the hospital right away - if they ask how you got burned, tell them you had a grilling accident

Hehe, I knocked over the grill on my neck and back? No way I could come off as that clumsy, lol. :)

Yea if your skin is sloughing off then you have third degree burns not good btw. You need to seek immediate medical treatment . I'm glad your alive.

Thanks man, yeah, they were bad, but they're healing good now, thank Jah. I'm glad I'm alive too, never been more happy and appreciative of every new day.... :wave:

I am sorry to hear that man.
Glad everyone made it out alive.

Thanks man. :wave:

To be continued....


"Be shapeless, formless, like water..."
thank heavens you and yours are all alive ... that was real hero mode goin on there. can you move the stuff to an alternate location immediately? you have to go to the hospital IMMEDIATELY, it sounds like you have third degree burns, infection and such can set in crazy, you're gonna have to trust someone you can get to relocate the stuff. the cops will be involved i would think, someone coming in with burns like that a couple days old, insurance will see something fishy, something will pop, maybe fire dept has to check whole building. you were a hero now dont be a hero any more ... better judged by 12 than carried by 6. wishing you luck and safety

I did move most of the veg plants that night, harvested 12 plants the next night I think, got it all taken care of. As far as the burns I'm healing freakishly fast, more good karma... :wave:

Go to the hospital right now. Also no insurance company is going to pay with out offical report. You need to clean house and get legal.

good luck

Yep, I called 911, they came out and killed the fire, never bothered going anywhere near the grow, awesome. My house is being restored as we speak. :) Thanks for the luck, it has really helped! :wave:

Hey man, hope you are doin alright! If I were you I'd follow the advice and go to the hospital. Everything else will work itself out, but those burns can be VERY serious, so get it taken care of properly!

Best wishes man!

I got em properly cleaned and dressed, I've never been one to go to a hospital unless I'm on the verge of death. ;) Thanks for the kind words and good vibes brother. :wave:

Wow, Budgood, glad you and your family are still around and you still have a roof over your head.

I would definately either get legal or move them completely before going to the hospital or calling the insurance company. Thats the last thing you need right now is to be hassled over some plants.

Sounds like Grat3fulh3ad has experience with this and has given some good advice, take heed.

I hope the insurance covers a re-wire, you think they would since it would potentially save them from rebuilding the house.

I ended up calling 911 and eventually insurance. My house will look even better than before! And it will be rewired completely as well, so no more fire from electrical ever again. Thanks man. :wave:

holy shit man - glad youre alive!

Thanks! :)

Hope you are OK Bud!

Let us know how things are going.

DAMN! I hate to hear about this tragedy. Sorry, sorry, sorry.

My house burned down once, and I lost pets and fish and all my stuff. Fires are the worst.

I still catch myself looking for things that burned up in the fire.

Mine was due to electrical fire as well. Watch those houses built during the Korean War. The wiring is very substandard.

Yeah, this one was wired in the 20's. :yoinks: It was definitely time for a rewire, it was just good karma in the disguise of a house fire. Thanks Lola! :wave:

First off I'm glad that you and your family are safe, second like everyone says get your house clean. The cops and fire inspectors will want to go everywhere. I'd get rid of all growing evidence as you don't want to battle your insurance company even if your legal. Then go to the hospital you sound really injured. Take care.

Cool thing is, the cops didn't even go in the house at all, and the fire inspector was content with looking at the attic. I locked the door to the basement, and "lost" the key, there were a couple of times I was asked what was down there (basement), I told em "just some storage" nonchalantly, they didn't press it at all. You hit the nail on the head, even though I'm legal, I didn't want my growing to be an issue at all with the insurance company. Incidentally, I got a REALLY cool adjustor, when I told him and the restoration guys I was a med patient, they waved it off and told me it didn't matter, and not to worry about it. YES!!!! :jump:

aaaaaaaahahahahahahahha! house almost burned down and you run to your computer to talk in a weed forum about it. although this is awful just another reason why dope should be legal so when someones house goes up in flames or some other emergency.. emerges.. people arent afraid to call the police for help! this could have ended far worse.

I *did* call, when it was necessary, number one, and number two, I was in shock and probably had a concussion, so I wasn't thinking all that clearly. Also, I didn't "run" to my computer, dickhead. Get a life, troll. :dueling: :bat:

Glad you are well and got some silverdine... It must be the same stuff as Silvadene.

I meant Silvadene, lol. That stuff is AMAZING! Thanks for all your advice! :wave:

I agree with H3ad. That Silvadene is very good stuff.

Heck yeah it is, my neck and back are healing freakishly fast. ;)

To be continued....
Glad to hear that you are on the mend Mr. Big.

Also glad to hear that the family is alright. Things have a funny way of working out. When you are ready, drop me a line and ill throw a few funny tunes your way.

Hoping for all the best for you and yours man!


"Be shapeless, formless, like water..."
change your train of thought there...you want to cover EVERY option. You don't know if they have to by law inspect the entire residence. I wouldn't chance it at all. Having it in one locked room does not guaranty your safety - getting it somewhere else (or using hidden passages, if you have any). Would not chance that. Chances are there's laws on the books saying the fire inspector or adjustors whoever have to survery the ENTIRE residence. I would just not call the cops or fire or insurance and like air blast everything that got messed up etc and paint over/replace as needed.
Gotta think like a spy, dude. Cover all your bases and have backups.

Yep, Rear Admiral BudGood called it, luckily. I got everything out before the adjustor showed up though, had the basement completely cleaned. And fuck not calling insurance, they're taking care of EVERYTHING. :)

Holy shit mang! Glad to hear you are ok, so to speak, aside from the burns and rattled nerves and fuckt up attic. That sucks man, I hope it gets all straightened out for you. Be careful, I know you said the fd has already been there, but just be careful, I know you have a pretty elaborate set up, but if you are able to, I would get it out. Will the ins company be sending out an adjuster?
God damn knob and tube bullshit! That's scary stuff, be safe and take care of yourself and your family, wishing you all the best in your tough times.

Yeah, I got it all completely sanitized, when the adjustor came, there was nothing to see whatsoever, but then come to find out he wouldn't have cared anyway. Better safe than sorry though! Thanks for the good vibes brother, they've helped immensely. :smoke:

Someone might have mentioned this, i'm sorry if they did, But after dealing with 3rd degree burns with permanent scaring there's one thing to watch out for:
There will be a red circle around your wounds, the doctor told me that was blood poisoning, be very careful it doesn't get bigger (She drew the line in Permanent marker on my arm so I knew to come to the hospital in case) and keep it cool, and go get yourself some antibiotics.

Nice job and saving your house though K+ coming at you

Thanks man, and yeah, I am taking antibiotics, don't want to risk infection for sure. :joint:

Damn man i just found this thanks to Mrs Weekend & Shack. Glad you are ok bro! Crazy ass story brother, could have ended up alot worse. You need anything just let me know man.

Thanks man, it's crazy, I've been offered all kinds of different help, from cash to places to stay to places to put my plants, it's truly humbling how many people are willing to help me. I appreciate the hell out of it, I'll be seein' ya when you get out here... :pimp3:

Hope like hell you are just joking around.

Unfortunately not, some people are just pricks and feed off others suffering. Let em hate, my shit is luxurious, say it ain't, when you know it is, bitch! ;)

hmmmm your getting some REAL fuk wits on this thread hey...showing some true colours....

doubt they'ed have the balls to stand there and deal with it as you did!

18 yrs and over site here guys....find the account delete button guys and use it!. HH. =]-~

No doubt, thanks for having my back. :bat:

Glad to here your alive, fires are pretty scary. I had a pretty serious house fire about a year ago burnt my ankle pretty much all the way to the bone. That silvadene is amazing stuff. Make sure to keep your burns clean, and use some antibacterial ointment on them to make sure you don't get infections. Stay up...


Thanks, and yeah, that silvadene is some truly amazing stuff, my burns are way more healed than I would've expected them to be! Take care dude... :kos:

you felt it could be possible eh ?


Nope, after thinking about everything, I think this is some of the best karma and luck I've ever had. Keep hating, I'm feeding off it! :woohoo:

Glad your ok BudGood....

Thanks brotha! :pumpkin:

Glad to hear it's all working out. Was a bit worried when you were off line for a while.

Good luck on the rebuild.

Yeah, I was having a hard time without my regular internet, got it switched to my temporary place while house is being remodeled. They're really some awesome craftsmen, I'm impressed with the work they've done so far, and excited to see what they're gonna do to the house! :jump:

To be continued...


"Be shapeless, formless, like water..."
glad to here that every thing worked out well for you.
So what u gunna do about that big hole. u gunna fix it or whatever.

Yep, the house is being remodeled, rewired, sheetrocked, painted, cleaned, etc. All on insurances dime. :) Thanks!

Glad things are looking up for ya bro!

Here is some Strawberry Cough to cheer ya up...

That'll definitely cheer me up, can't wait to taste that baby! :woohoo:

I was sorry to read of this.. I'm glad you're ok budgood.
Peace and kindness
-Anima (another proponent of fire extinguishers as necessary equipment)

Thanks. Like I said, I hope people rethink their whole fire plan after reading this thread. I'd hate for anyone to have a fire and be unprepared. :smoke:

WoW man! I haven't been around in a little while and haven't seen this till now. Sorry to hear about all this..... but glad to see it will be alright.

Yeah, it's cool man. Seems like it's working out real nicely! Thanks for the kind words bro :wave:

Holy crap BudGood, I just read this and I am glad you and your family is OK!!!

Thank you very much. :)

"my son and my dog are ok and unhurt. I'm glad it was me getting hurt and not my son or my dog, I can handle pain, it would KILL me to see them hurt."

made me sick in the guts thinkn about my boys if they got hurt...rather 10 times the pain than they get hurt....

sometimes things happen to warn you of a worse possible problem...this may the thing that just helped you think/plan better....eg smoke alarm in roof ect....now you can sit back and think more about it (dont torcher yourself of course...) and as you say...if it helps one person ect...

healing up ok i hope.HH. =]-~

Yessir, I'm healing GREAT!!! :) I think more than a few people will re-think their whole fire preparedness after reading this thread, and that will make it all worthwhile. Right now I'm just trying to think all positive, and it seems to really be having a good effect on things. Thanks!

Good to read things are turning around a bit!

We had a fire years ago, the fusebox blew. Afterwards a fire expert from the insurance company came to check on damages. He inspected the entire house, for smoke and water damage that may be caused by the fire. So it might be a good idea to "accidentaly" lose the key to your cellar or something.

Hope it turns out well for you

Thanks, I did "lose" my key, til it was completely cleaned and sanitized. You would never know there was a grow down there now! :D

Glad you're better! :wave:

Good luck!

Thanks brother!

Good to hear Dr. Budgood, glad you are healing up. I gave up on gauze after a couple of days. It just kept getting inundated with the coagulants trying to scab the wound over so I just made sure I kept it clean and dry. After peeling off non stick gauze with huge chunks of your flesh attached for a few days I just didn't think it was beneficial for my situation but then again I have always been a "rub a little dirt on it" sort of fellow. Again, its great to hear about the insurance company and the contractors they have employed. I have dealt with contractors that were a bit less professional before so you are indeed very lucky. Keep safe man and let us know when you get back into your place and get the grow back up and kicking. Be well man.

I'm getting the grow up and kicking at another location, so I'll be posting that soon. As far as the burns, yeah, they were a pain, they're getting easier to deal with now that they're drying and scabbing. The contractors are awesome, I smoked one with a couple of em and gave em a nice appreciation "tip", they've been really kicking ass!

Glad to hear that you are on the mend Mr. Big.

Also glad to hear that the family is alright. Things have a funny way of working out. When you are ready, drop me a line and ill throw a few funny tunes your way.

Hoping for all the best for you and yours man!

Thanks bro, yeah, things DO have a funny way of working out! :) Peace...


Active member
Lol Budgood, thats one hell of a way to get them to do a good job. Glad everything is working out okay. Question though, where did you move your plants to? A friend's place or did you just rent another house or something?? Something thats been bugging me since you said it. Im thinking, man if that happened to me I would have to scrap the grow and just throw them out in the back yard to flower.


"Be shapeless, formless, like water..."
I took them to a good friends place, he had a nice little outbuilding he has loaned to me. :woohoo: They are SUPER secure and safe there, it feels more secure than my house TBH. ;)