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The Bomb Shelter!

de Toke-ville said:
Navigator, you lucky bastard!! :laughing:

Little did our god-fearing, straight arrow, pinko commie hating, paranoid forebearers know that they were building the perfect the best growroms on the planet.

First a question, can you describe or post pics of the design of the ventilation system? Did the orig builder disguise or protect the in and out takes at all?

The other thing is that when I heard about the perfectly preserved period equipment and literature you found in there a suggestion came to mind. Instead of selling the stuff on ebay, you could consider preserving it yourself and keeping it for a time when you are no longer growing in there and can publicly associate the shelter with the materials found therein. It may be much more valuable in the future to a local preservationist or even a future buyer of the property than it would be to a collector on ebay. Just had to toss in my $0.02.

Lucky @#$%er!!

de Toke

DE tOKE: I gotta say my friend.... i have been following your grow and your problems and i see that you too are originally from the mid west. I would trade you any day.... come to the great lakes and i will give you my space! It's wet, its cold, its moldy. LOL. I have 4 huge fans just to keep 36sq. ft. dry enough!

as for your question, the original system had an old furnace blower with a filtration canister. However i removed that old set up as i didnt trust or need the filter. I put a dayton 176cfm blower in and ran new 4'' pvc out the back of the room which exhausts to a hillside. The intake is now passive and it draws air from the same area 6 feet below the exhaust. So, they are disguised very well!

I have saved all of the original items including the old lock on the bunker door, i have rethought the ebay idea and want to preserve for my family's sake!

OK, everyone! I should have made this pictorial along time ago! Here is a very primitive sketch of the area around the bunker!!
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Navigator330 said:
DE tOKE: I gotta say my friend.... i have been following your grow and your problems and i see that you too are originally from the mid west. I would trade you any day.... come to the great lakes and i will give you my space! It's wet, its cold, its moldy. LOL. I have 4 huge fans just to keep 36sq. ft. dry enough!

as for your question, the original system had an old furnace blower with a filtration canister. However i removed that old set up as i didnt trust or need the filter. I put a dayton 176cfm blower in and ran new 4'' pvc out the back of the room which exhausts to a hillside. The intake is now passive and it draws air from the same area 6 feet below the exhaust. So, they are disguised very well!

I have saved all of the original items including the old lock on the bunker door, i have rethought the ebay idea and want to preserve for my family's sake!

OK, everyone! I should have made this pictorial along time ago! Here is a very primitive sketch of the area around the bunker!!

All right, dude, you got me there. Mold hates AZ. But I still want a bomb shelter!

That drawing is great. The hillside makes sense, I had it pictured in a field or something.

Okay, so the blower and filtration canister were on the intake, right? With a passive exhaust? Are those vent shafts redone from the originals or were they located somewhere else?

Sorry to pester :bashhead: but I love me some 50s culture, design and tech. Shelters are one of the kind of an "atomic reaction" of the three.

Right on re: your decision to archive the accoutrement for your family.

de Toke
Navigator330 said:
Here is a couple of quick snaps with my phone cam to show how the hashberry trimmed up! Really nice lookin eh?

Wow, are you sure you didn't mix some plant labels? :laughing:

Looks like stash mas fina to me.

de Toke
I replaced the ducting with pvc to handle the wet and cold better, plus it was perfect size 4''. Yes it was passive exhaust. I replaced the intake set up with my dayton blower.

I am 100% sure i didnt mix them up, however wish i had then it would be explained! It smells and tastes of hashberry.
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Fako Namo

New member
Beautiful find, I mean seriously? A bomb shelter, could it get any more ironic? Good luck, and btw I have been a Blueberry fan for years, and one of DJ Shorts phenos naturally does stretch, and point like that, another has multiple points on the tops of its colas.....the two phenos that have the best Blueberry flavor actually..........


Active member
Man I am loving those "Foxtails" you are harvesting!! They look very delicious. Looks like you are going to have a good winter!

What are you thinking of throwing up next?


That harvest looks great man. Congrats! Hey, I just got a thread up about my new cab I started to build, I'd be happy if you checked it out. The link is the first in my signature. Later man.



Navi: i was reading the beggining of you thread where you said you've been having more trichs with colder temps. I had heard that once and was trying to confirm it over in my thread but nobody could attest that its true. I've been trying to lower my temps as well, but they don't get much below 70F. What temp is cold enough to make a difference? Is the time in the photocyle important? like is it only nightime temps, or does it have the same effect to have cold temps during either light or darkness? Is there a time of cycle that it makes more of a difference than others? obviously during flower, but does it make more of a difference in the last 2 weeks than say 4 weeks from maturity?
Illadelph said:
Navi: i was reading the beggining of you thread where you said you've been having more trichs with colder temps. I had heard that once and was trying to confirm it over in my thread but nobody could attest that its true. I've been trying to lower my temps as well, but they don't get much below 70F. What temp is cold enough to make a difference? Is the time in the photocyle important? like is it only nightime temps, or does it have the same effect to have cold temps during either light or darkness? Is there a time of cycle that it makes more of a difference than others? obviously during flower, but does it make more of a difference in the last 2 weeks than say 4 weeks from maturity?

Ill: Thanks for droppin by.... My grow has had over 6 weeks at temps as low as 59 f and the warmest it gets is maybe 70f on the warmer days. MJ as a plant will produce more trichs in colder weather because the plant thinks it is dying or in danger of freezing. More trichs are produced to protect the leaves and fruit as it covers the plant with more insulation. Whatever the truth or reason may be, it definatley helps the production. I have always ran temps indoors between 73f and as high as 95f in the summer. I see lots of difference with the cooler temps since i moved to the shelter. I know a few cats on the west coast that use A/C to keep their light on temps. below or at 65f and they have really nice crystally purple kush's. Find Digital Hippy's thread on his kush grow and find the part about his A/C and previous heat problems. Obviously, the more weeks of cold during flower the more trichs, you cant do it on the last two weeks and expect a miracle!

Hope this helps.


thats what I like to hear. I can't achieve those temps except for maybe in the middle of winter, but your testimony is all the confirmation I needed.


Wednesday Evening i was 30 mins away from home visiting friends. I slipped and fell on a icy concrete step. I fell backwards and smashed my head on the step. I drove home after i made it to the car. I have been beaten up, broken and bruised but never felt a pain like that! I went to the ER only because i was beginning to get spots in my vision (left side) and it hurt when i took a breath. Total of the damage as diagnosed by my ER doc? Not my list of symptoms, just the injuries...

Mild Concussion
Bruised Rib (right side)
Bruised Lung
Bruised Kidney
Fractured Coccyx (tailbone)

Navigator 0 Winter 1

:cuss: :asskick:

In other news!

Had a great harvest, Almost a pound under my two 600's. Not bad considering the drastic change of scenery just before flowering! The bomb shelter has helped with resin production etc, but the area was a lil too big for just 1200 watts. A 1k and 1 600watt would be prefect here! Being throwin into a new place and not having lots of time to dial in on things, I am still very happy!

I will post pics of the harvest and the goods!

I think i am going to take a hiatus from gardening for a while. It is time to do other things for now. I will still hang around here just as much! I am planning on finding buyers for my beans and lighting asap. I plan on saving only 2 strains and then starting over from scratch on everything else, that way i will have the most current gear and lights!

Stay tooooooned to see amazing pics of curing candy!!!!
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East Coast Grower
Fuckin A man, hope your ok. I've bruised my tailbone before, that sucked...sitting down must suck. Nice that you got a solid harvest, I've been checking up on this thread, just been lurking. Cant wait for some bud pics!

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