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neoprene collars and aero cloners!!!!


New member
i have a couple of questions about neoprene collars and aero cloners.
would i take my cutting from the neoprene and place it into my cley plets or soil??? and if im in hydro could i just place the neoprene in the net pot and not have to worry about adding cley plets. and still be able to reuse the neoprene???? any help would be great..


typically you take the plant out of the collar and put it right into your medium (soil, rocks, etc). You will always need some type of medium even in hydro, unless you are doing an aero system.

What kind of hydro system?


Mofo SWC/TRON Master
ICMag Donor
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yamaha_1fan said:
You will always need some type of medium even in hydro, unless you are doing an aero system.

I disagree...Hope this helps. :spank:

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Active member
Hey phil...
The medium is what holds stores and transports the nutes to the plants roots. Some mediums support the plants (i.e. soil perilite) Others cant support a plant without help (i.e. water)
Your medium is water, and you have collars HOLDING and supporting your plants.
Grow Well PAX


New member
cool thanks for the info guys. im going to do a top feed nft system in vynil post's. can you reuse the neopene plugs??


Active member
I always wanted to try them neophrene puks but I was afraid they might restrict stem development in a full term Flower. I never tried it but I always wanted to. Its a real apealin thought not to have to clean rocks every other week. Hows it work for you guys that use the puks full term by themselfs, any probs? I went the other direction and I root directly into 3"net pots of hydroton. No cubes or nothin, just the rocks with the stem stikin in it. It works really good but I always wanted to try usin them neophrene puks without rocks or anything.


Was blind but now IC Puckbunny in Training
Using collars alone you may want to consider ScROG if only to give the plant a little support and keep it from falling into the tub.


Active member
Hey Howdy FB! I wonder what would happen if I got some 3" puks and and usdem to hold the cuting up in the 3" net pot. Thats kinda what I meen. That way Id only have to wash of 4 puks every other week insted of a grip of rocks. Shure would be easier. Mabey in a li'l while I might do an experiment. It would be cool that way also because Id be able to see roots rite when they develope. The way I root, -directly into rocks in 3" netpots, I have to wait till my roots pass the rocks to see'em. If I just used puks in the pots without any rocks to hold up the cuttings Id be able to see the roots develope from callus. I wonder how this would work out. In a li'l bit I think Im gonna find me some 3" puks online and try this.


Was blind but now IC Puckbunny in Training
I'd be concerned with the plant falling over. Possibly pulling itself out of the tub. In a similar thread I mentioned my preference for 3 inch cups when, I believe, Haps, suggested 5 inches was the minimum for stability. I was going to say nuts when I remembered, duh, I was tied to a screen. Of course I was stable tied to a screen.

I don't know that thrashing around in a net cup would hurt roots, they're pretty tough once they bulk up. I do foresee problems with the upper plant flopping around or falling over. I think you'll need some sort of upper support. I could be wrong.


Active member
I think Your rite FB. I dont think it would be real good for someone who's growin trees straight up. It mite work tho for someone who dose a strog type thing. I just mite try this out. This realy just mite fall rite in with my tek! In a li' while if I got a couple x-tra dokkets I just mite get me somma them 3"puks and try this out. Mabey Il do it on 1 outta 4 clones just to see how it works out. If it works out I get a new tek where I only gotta wash 4 puks every other week! If not I stil wash rocks.


Mofo SWC/TRON Master
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My Hellraiser Growroom...

FreezerBoy said:
I do foresee problems with the upper plant flopping around or falling over. I think you'll need some sort of upper support. I could be wrong.

:joint: yes, u will need support but thats easy and also depends on how big u want ur plants. Hope tis helps. :spank:



Active member
PhilCuisine said:
I disagree...Hope this helps. :spank:

Oilly SHITT Phil! Thats what I was wonderin bout! Im sory I didnt take the time to let my dial up make the pictures but when I first read your post I didnt see the pictures. WOW! SWEET! Now I know it works! So the puks just expand to let a stem grow to bout 3/4" in diameter? FAR FUKKIN OUT! First chance I get Im gettin me somma them puks!


Mofo SWC/TRON Master
ICMag Donor
I use them....

I use them....

:joint: pink styrofoam sheets for insulations u know the pink panther one that comes in 8'x4'..1 sheet of them will last/go a long time/way...Hope this helps. :nono:

Ps, it's still considered mediumless if u ask me no rw or lava rocks. :asskick:

btw, i use these sheets as walls too..i just line 1 side with mylar then BAM!!! instant movable walls. I use the thicker ones for walls..Hope this helps. :spank:

wall^^ :asskick:

^^^^reusable collars..... :bashhead:
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Mofo SWC/TRON Master
ICMag Donor
My Hellraiser growroom...

My Hellraiser growroom...

:joint: here's my current grow room with movable walls & reusable collars...Hope this helps. :asskick:

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I use neoprene just to cover up my silica stone making it harder for anything including light to get at my roots. They are foam, they will expand with the size of the stalk. They do get brittle and crack after a little while though. I would say you could get 3-4 grows outta one set (flipping them upside down helps)

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