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Outdoor Michigan

Mt Toaker

I realize it is November and I won't be able to do it till next summer and that is some time away but I was curious if any one in here has grown outdoors in Michigan?

Since the passing of Prop 1 I'm excited that I will have the opportunity to cultivate cannabis where it was meant to be. Obviously I need a strain that has a shorter flowering period due to the short flowering time Michigan allows. Other than that any tips and tricks that would be useful to work with Michigan's erratic weather and cloudy conditions(I heard it is one of the cloudiest states).


michigan definitely has a tendency to be a nuisance when it comes to weather. we have our good days and our bad days like everyone else, but bad days tend to get the stronghold sometimes. I would definitely go with a shorter flowering pheno, especially one with good mold resistance. Outdoors, mmj does fairly well here, any sativas you may want to harvest wont be done till late october/early november, which in most years, is too late. Like i said above, a short flowering mold resistant type would do you well. I've seen many outdoor michigan grown buds including ssh, white rhino, ak47, etc etc..I would expect Guerrilla Gold to do exceptional, see if you can get your hands on a clone or somethin. Good luck.


ICMag Donor
michigan is probably THE best guerrilla growing state. med grows have to locked so outdoors will still be illegal. but the conditions are perfect for a no maintence grow. don't believe me try for yourself. i finished sept. 31. you just got to find the right strain.


Yea I just found a guerrilla grow in some woods by me.. Seemed like the guy knew what he was doing.. I respectively left the site alone, being as we are in the same hobby and I wouldn't want some random guy touching my artwork.

I've had a few friends grow outside with great success in Michigan.


classy grass
You could enclose and lock a greenhouse to be within the terms of P1. Problem is the measley possession limits. One plant would put you way over the 2.5oz limit. Maybe they'll treat it like they do here and just count plants and not hassle ya over how much they'll yield. We'll see...


natural medicator
Is the sandy soil in Michigan much of a problem?
I've read differing takes on how sandy soil affects growth.

Land out there seems nice for a little guerrilla growing. Lots of fairly private areas and secluded houses, at least in northern Michigan. beautiful area too.

Mt Toaker

I forgot about the locked facility portion of the law. I was thinking more on pop's farm in the middle of a field. Not in eye shot of any one because of tree lines, but I don't know about people riding dirt bikes and such around there. Does a "facility" have to be a building or can it be a locked fenced in area?
I was also thinking about the sat strains and if I were going to do that I would probably force flower them maybe start vegging indoors.


Hey whats up mt. I grew in MI (near detroit area) this last summer. It was my first time growing outdoors and Michigan weather definitely didn't make it easy for me (you know how it is here).

Anyway, I would say the key to keeping your plants healthy is make sure they are in a spot that gets a lot of sunshine. Even though all of my plants were relatively close to each other, the ones that were in the prime sunshine stayed way healthier than the others and definitely avoided the mold problems.

Btw, nothing quite like seeing your plants get hailed on in the middle of summer :mad:


the great thing about michigan is the abundance of swampy or muckyish land, more than most midwestern areas - very easy to find sites that need no watering or irrigation. Avoid areas with pine trees. Sand is bad but by following a sand ridge to a wetland, a decent spot can be found at the transition. About a foot or two higher than the muck zone is perfect.

The bad thing is the weather and short season. Pick it by end of september. or else the mold will instead. Its much harsher in northern michigan, almost not worth it, outdoors.