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Hey ICMag! We are Lush LED Lighting!!!


a 35" heatsink

This question is for Lush Lighting: Does it really have a 35" heat sink inside? Or does it look more like this on the inside?



Next Stop: Outer Space!

Sorry to hear you may have been censored. I haven't read anything from before page two because I took over the ICMag account and Sam was the one who created this thread. I haven't seen any of your previous comments. Maybe try again?


Thanks for the reply. My main concerns were with some of the more outlandish claims that have been made, but I'm by no means trying to say anything bad about your product. I have little doubt your products are solid and do the job. I also know that the allure of LED is ultimately supposed to lower costs in general, so the high price tags of premium LED kits like this is hard for me to get excited about.

I do think some good points have been raised in this discussion, despite some of the more negative folks here. A more modular approach would be great for future models, and if you can keep dropping the prices I may eventually bite. Also, if you ever made ambient light arrays(aka "side lights") for supplementing HID, that might also do well. Its going to take some serious changes in LED to inspire me to give up my ceramic metal halide completely.


Active member
Not for nothing phychroton but I think you need to watch ledoneshots video on growblu LEDs. He didn't even get to finish a run before he was ripping apart his unit because of pods burning out. Then I think if I remember correctly theysent him the wrong clusters to fix the unit and didn't fit his light exactly I know it was a cluster fuck!!

My point being not everything can be perfect u are gonna have failty units it all depends on how that said company responds to there faulty units that make the difference. Plus most of the lights are made in china anyways. LEDs are still evolving and it's gonna take many years especially with the technology evolving for company's to put out a great product without any flaws. But you will still have those 1 in a million panels that just shit out. We are talking about electronics here.

I mean for example look at the xbox 360 how many version and different gpu chips did they have to change and motherboards before they came to the jasper units that had barely any fail rates and Microsoft is a billion dollar company. Plus go figure the jasper units didn't break down enough once there were tons sold then they came out with the slim models and guess what they failed just as fast as the first xenon boards if not faster.

Company's don't make money if there products lasted for ever. Lush looks like a good made light. Let's sit back and see how long it will take to have issues before we start dismissing it. Maybe the light might make it 6 yrs without a issue or maybe 6 months.

So I would hope dr young with his testing of the light if he runs into issues doesn't hide it from the Community.


K+ vibes
Thanks for being mature MagicCannibus, and Mikenite. Really shows a contrast with the differing ones.

So far this thing makes no heat. Its going to be amazing to see how the SLH change in the next week.

2 Legal Co

Active member

At what distance does the light cover 4'x4'? I'm using a 6' x 12' room so it's a bit awkward. 7' ceilings.

I'm not up on LEDs at all, but my curiousity is tweeked.

What is the effective 'best' distance for LED growing?

I'm using T5s where the distance is paramount. Are LEDs the same?


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Heres proof that Lush are putting these lights into peoples hands.

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I can't even put in words how far this thing exceeded my expectations..... This shit will blind you... You think your MH is bright... or HPS... pffft.... You'll see more than spots.
I've shined it down the hallway, in a 20'x20' room, shined it up against the wall at all kinds of distances to see the footprint, and its just amazing... This thing lights up for infinity... from 10' away shining it at the wall it lit the whole wall up, and when you hit the 2nd switch which lights up the reds/etc... it makes you squint/burns damn near the way a MH or HPS would if facing towards you.

I'll be glad to Pycho... gimme 48 days... My SweetTooth #4s germ'd today.... I got some SourBubble bx3s just flipped into flower... I'm sure the SLHxOger99s that started under CFL for 4 weeks will still finish that big with this light.

I'll throw these Elephant Stomper f2s in germ tonight just for 12/12 from seed to prove my point. They are more replaceable than the SWT#4 I cant really waste them doing 12/12 from seed and risk not getting to reveg/clone.

So what, the light you see with your eyeballs and the light that a plant "sees" lie elsewheres in radiometric and quantum plots.

Fuck cheapass led period. Cobs from Bridgelux Cree or Nichia are offering everything over these lights, spectrum, pricing, efficiency, ease of use.

Very few led's are starting to replace and supplement HPS in umol's. Lush's design isn't one of them. Sorry.

In the future when your transparent window on a cloudy day will project "artificial" sunlight, then you will know that LED has arrived, until then, we are stuck with what's proven.

How bout a single datasheet from LUSH? Even just one that covers the diodes. I double dog dare you.


K+ vibes
How about you search instead of saying they suck, but you are trying to say Lush is hiding something that they have several posts, and videos of everything you just mentioned. Goldfish

Of course it doesnt matter what I see, its what the plant see. Just go to youtube, and do a search. You'll see a video of umol,lumen,par, everything.
Just got done finally mounting, and setting the light up. Placing the plants accordingly... I'm blown away. To the human eye the plants look almost shaded, but when I have my hand 20"+ away from the light, and I can feel my hand soaking up UV its pretty obvious... The plants are getting all the spectrum, and par they need.
Its all about what the plants see.

The only thing I can judge is the pictures, and videos on Lush's website, and Youtube that prove you can get over a LB with a single light... What more do you need.

Give me 2 weeks... I'll show some before/after pics, and I'll have some 12/12 from Seed stuff going on just for Lush's sake to test the Dominator 2x out. I'll put as many 12/12 from seed as I can fit under her. So far I've had a 60/60 bean 100% successful germ. 4 different strains/2 different gifters.


Andinismo Hierbatero
that's gonna be really cool to watch Dr. Young, 12/12 from seed under those LEDs, I'm ready to subscribe to that thread. let us know and provide us a link please.

Hi magiccannabus, I think you will be happy with try out our next model. I can't say anything about it yet but soon.
Mikenite69, Thanks for being impartial. I appreciate your input. One thing I'd like to note is that if anything goes wrong with a Lush light, we don't send you parts. We're Michigan based and we'll send you a replacement while our in house engineer fixes any problems so your garden doesn't suffer. In our new retail store in Niles, we'll have our engineer on site for locals to have anything repaired while they wait.
Hello, 2 Legal Co, our Dominator 2xxl covers a 5x5 footprint but is concentrated at 4x4 at 2' away from canopy. The 2x lens makes the light more intense so you still don't really want to get it closer than 2'. Babies, I'd say 4' up to 2' away as they grow.
As for Aotf, I feel a lot of hostility coming from you. I just want everyone to remain friendly. Hopefully someday you'll be more open to the thought of LED. Peace :)


Active member
Look very well put together to me inside that light. That heat sink is massive!

Hey lush L. that is good to know that you don't just send parts out and you send replacement units very nice to know. I am seriously on the fence and hearing this info is starting to make my decision of what company to buy from a little harder now. I just can't wait to see the results from dr. Youngs grow. Well maybe I'll check out some YouTube videos.
mike, i wouldnt say those heat sinks are massive, if u compare other ones you will see they have 2inch fins so the actual surface area would be 3x what the ones u see. the reason that is important if anything ever happend you wouldnt lose ur panel as there not being ran at the pinnacle end of what that heat sink can do, just something to think about.

i havent been impressed for the specs they have vs whats out there especially at the price point there going after. even more so with what i have previously seen between others.

i do agree with aotf, that they should provide some data to back up whats asked not just pictures, data is what i want.

if i get to see one of your lights i might have different views same with some other data an info id stick with what i got.
if i get to see one of your lights i might have different views same with some other data an info id stick with what i got.

if i get to see one of your lights i might have different views same with some other data an info, until then id stick with what i got.

gotta love that non existent edit button
Hi Mikenite69, I say do research first because I know you won't be disappointed. We have lots of great footage on YouTube. Even if you go with someone else, I'm glad you took the time to notice how Lush is different. Our customer service is very personal and caring. We call it the Lush Family. We'll be here when you return :)