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Im not sure whats more annoying, long ass signatures I have to scroll through, or miss informed people here...

First, these "anti whaling hippies" assaulted the whaling ship. They are lucky they were not met with automatic gunfire.

Second, the captain of the small "stealth" ship, deliberatly plowed his boat towards the larger vessel, to create the collision. They were warned SEVERAL times to back off, and they didnt. They wanted to disable the large boat and leave them STRANDED at sea.

As far as I see it, one ship down, a couple more to go!




Im not sure whats more annoying, long ass signatures
You're clearly easily upset over "long ass signatures" (who's???) ... yet not by the slaughter of endangered whales???

First, these "anti whaling hippies" assaulted the whaling ship.
Assaulted how??? It's interesting you avoided mentioning a single detail. Was it in any way worse than deliberatly veering into the course of a ship - potentially causing fatal injury to humans??? Driving your vessel into a tiny yacht is assault.

(Hint: their small fibreglass yacht is not only so small it could not even scrape the paint off the Japanese vessel, but its $1.5 million price tag means it wouldn't be worth it in the first place, so WHY would they be the ones to force this collision???)

Japan can simply say "it was their fault they careened into us", because for them they get 1) no damage to their boat, 2) a Sea Shephard boat out of commission - they can't lose in that regard.

Clearly the whalers have no regard for the life of endangered whales so maybe they have little regard for human life too - that was my impression when they fled the scene, ignoring a distress mayday beacon from a former police officer. Again, one of the men onboard suffered two broken ribs as a result, on a smashed boat yet the Japanese boat simply left, having done its job.

They wanted to disable the large boat and leave them STRANDED at sea.
Heh yeah I'm sure this little boat also had a pirate boarding party ready with cutlass swords and eyepatches too. This is Antarctica not Somalia.

They are lucky they were not met with automatic gunfire.
They're in Australian waters and it would be seen as a hostile act. (It all goes downhill from there, if you had've thought ahead).

To suggest that the Japanese should've used automatic gunfire on them just proves ... well, I'll let everybody else make up their mind about you, you've said enough, thankyou.

Please forgive my excessively long signature, I didn't know it caused you such unduress (you might want to give this website a miss though because mine's one of the smallest):
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Dear Haters, I Have So Much More For You To Be Mad
Im not sure whats more annoying, long ass signatures I have to scroll through, or miss informed people here...

First, these "anti whaling hippies" assaulted the whaling ship. They are lucky they were not met with automatic gunfire.

Second, the captain of the small "stealth" ship, deliberatly plowed his boat towards the larger vessel, to create the collision. They were warned SEVERAL times to back off, and they didnt. They wanted to disable the large boat and leave them STRANDED at sea.

As far as I see it, one ship down, a couple more to go!


oh man, the things i want to say, but dont want to get banned again!
look closely at the video, the stealth ship is not even moving in the water, only the last second do they hit the gas, turn slightly right, to try to get out of the way. the japs clearly rammed the ship....


krunchbubble, filo6942 just needs to ask himself why a tiny $1.5 MILLION vessel would risk the boat and the welfare/lives of its crew - in freezing Antarctic waters where there is nobody to call for help - against a massive heavy ship like the Shonan Maru -- if this thing turns at you it's like an oncoming truck and then some, as one of the men found out when he suffered broken ribs as a result.

It is the boat SPECIFICALLY tasked with security over the rest of the whaling fleet.

Notice the overly large size of its bow!?!? Convenient huh (and no, it's not used as an icebreaker)


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"The Institute of Cetacean Research, which has previously fronted for the whalers, claimed the Ady Gil's crew were launching projectiles at a ship in the fleet, the Nisshin Maru, and attempted to entangle its propellers with rope.

"The research-base vessel Nisshin Maru, currently engaged in the Japanese whale research programme in the Antarctic ... was subject to attack today for about two hours by the New Zealand-registered watercraft Ady Gil," the institute said.

"In a manner similar to their 23 December attack on the Shonan Maru No. 2, at about (7am NZDT) the Ady Gil came to collision distance directly in front of the Nisshin Maru bow repeatedly deploying and towing a rope from its stern with the intent to entangle the Japanese vessel's rudder and propeller.""

^^^ sounds like an attack.

One would think it may be a stupid idea to attack a vessel much larger and stronger than your own. They got what was coming to them. This was a publicity stunt to get some "oh noooes poor lil boat" feeling going for them. They wanted to play with fire and got burnt. They should have kept their toys away from where men were working and not gotten run over.

"being rammed"

Nice choice of words.

"parking infront of a big vessel with huge momentum and wide turning circle" would be another choice...



Leaving a longline in the water in an attempt to disable a boats motor is one thing, deliberately ramming it with your much-larger vessel is RISKING LIVES, and again one man has already suffered broken ribs as a result, and all men have had to abandon ship.

Japan are already violating international law by whaling in the first place - we wouldn't even be having this discussion if they followed the International Whaling Memorandum like just about every other country does. ITS 2010.

Yet because they do the Australian Navy will now be sent to monitor them, as well as various scientific research vessels to perform non-lethal research in an attempt to show Japan that you don't need to blow up whales with grenade-tipped harpoons if you're only after science.

The problem however is that they're only after food (if you want to see the followup science you have to go to a whaleburger store), and their government actually gives the order to slaughter an endangered species.

So filo, can I ask why you're so passionate about ensuring the Japanese are allowed to slaughter whales including endangered species, in Australian waters ???


Dear Haters, I Have So Much More For You To Be Mad
"The Institute of Cetacean Research, which has previously fronted for the whalers, claimed the Ady Gil's crew were launching projectiles at a ship in the fleet, the Nisshin Maru, and attempted to entangle its propellers with rope.

"The research-base vessel Nisshin Maru, currently engaged in the Japanese whale research programme in the Antarctic ... was subject to attack today for about two hours by the New Zealand-registered watercraft Ady Gil," the institute said.

"In a manner similar to their 23 December attack on the Shonan Maru No. 2, at about (7am NZDT) the Ady Gil came to collision distance directly in front of the Nisshin Maru bow repeatedly deploying and towing a rope from its stern with the intent to entangle the Japanese vessel's rudder and propeller.""

^^^ sounds like an attack.

One would think it may be a stupid idea to attack a vessel much larger and stronger than your own. They got what was coming to them. This was a publicity stunt to get some "oh noooes poor lil boat" feeling going for them. They wanted to play with fire and got burnt. They should have kept their toys away from where men were working and not gotten run over.


why dont you quote the whole article and who put it out? shit, i will for you...

The crew of the New Zealand trimaran harassing Japanese whalers in the Southern Ocean had to be rescued after their boat was allegedly rammed and sunk by a Japanese ship, anti-whaling group Sea Shepherd Conservation Society says.

The confrontation is thought to have happened early today in the area of Commonwealth Bay off the Adelie Coast of Antarctica.

The former Earthrace boat - now known as the Ady Gil - was captained by Aucklander Pete Bethune and had at least three other New Zealanders and a Dutchman in its crew.

Mr Bethune said before his departure he would not follow previous Sea Shepherd tactics and try to ram Japanese whalers.

Sea Shepherd leader Paul Watson told The Age newspaper the Ady Gill had been cut in half by the Japanese whaler acting as a security vessel for the Japanese fleet.

The $1.5 million high-tech vessel's remains were sinking, but its six-man crew had been rescued and was uninjured, Mr Watson told The Age. He said it was idling in waters near Commonwealth Bay when it was suddenly approached and rammed by the Japanese ship Shonan Maru.

Earlier in the day the fleet was contacted for the first time by the Ady Gil and Sea Shepherd's third vessel, the Bob Barker.

Mr Watson, aboard the society's bigger, but slower ship Steve Irwin, said he was still 500 nautical miles from the scene.

"This seriously escalates the whole situation," he said of the collision.

The Institute of Cetacean Research, which has previously fronted for the whalers, claimed the Ady Gil's crew were launching projectiles at a ship in the fleet, the Nisshin Maru, and attempted to entangle its propellers with rope.

"The research-base vessel Nisshin Maru, currently engaged in the Japanese whale research programme in the Antarctic ... was subject to attack today for about two hours by the New Zealand-registered watercraft Ady Gil," the institute said.

"In a manner similar to their 23 December attack on the Shonan Maru No. 2, at about (7amNZDT) the Ady Gil came to collision distance directly in front of the Nisshin Maru bow repeatedly deploying and towing a rope from its stern with the intent to entangle the Japanese vessel's rudder and propeller."

It said the crew of the New Zealand boat were also shining a green laser light and launching stinkbombs that smelled of rancid butter.

The Nisshin Maru started its water cannons "and proceeded to prevent the Ady Gil coming closer".

The institute claimed the activists' actions were "nothing but felonious behaviour" and potentially threatened the safety of Japanese sailors.

"In addition, their repeated deploying and abandonment of ropes designed to entangle the propeller of our navigating vessels ultimately ends up litter spoiling the Antarctic marine environment."

The Ady Gil was donated to the protest lobby by a Hollywood businessman.

the people who put out this article is already biased towards the Japanese. and the ship was idling when it got hit by the japs......


Ah, so I suppose we should sympathize with those who try to disable a large ship and its crew in the middle of nowhere. Great logic there!! The ship was given several warning to stop its attacks.


I agree that higher order mammals should not be hunted, or eaten...

And (IMHO) the Japanese are a very, very nasty race when they want to be.

Check out "the rape of Nanking", and other atrocities committed on WW2 POWs (forced labour to death, the death march, vivisection, etc...)

They may be smart, and industrious, and small - but so are those ants that eat everything in their path. Not to be trusted, or fucked with...

time to gang up on the Japanese ?
we can bring up the past about anyone


Yep it's a lot different when you read the full article instead of the little snippets that filo6942 has selectively chosen :)
And whereas filo is being selective about plucking 3 or so sentences from a particular article, to you the readers I say all you have to do is Google and read ANY article from ANYWHERE in the world (well, I guess the Japanese press might have a different view), and read it in its entirety, so you can make up your own opinion.


time to gang up on the Japanese ?
we can bring up the past about anyone

Like I said in my post following his comment, this is only about Japanese WHALING. Nothing more nothing less nothing else :)

Japan didn't like Australia much either during WW2 lol, they even bombed Darwin and sent miniature submarines into Sydney Harbour - threatening to invade Australia, but WW2 has nothing to do with this, and Japan is now a close ally of both the USA and Australia - and it should be.

But whaling ... it just doesn't make any sense to me, it seems to go against the honor of their culture that they hold so dearly.

I know a lot of Japanese are against whaling and whale meat isn't even very popular - the Prime Minister of Japan himself hates whale meat, so I just wish the Japanese would also start to stand forward more about it.


Like I said in my post following his comment, this is only about Japanese WHALING. Nothing more nothing less nothing else :)

Japan didn't like Australia much either during WW2 lol, they even sent miniature submarines into Sydney Harbour, but WW2 has nothing to do with this, and Japan is now a close ally of both the USA and Australia - and it should be.

But whaling ... it just doesn't make any sense to me, it seems to go against the honor of their culture that they hold so dearly.

but you still bring up WWII ...

lets now forget about the Norwegians and there Seal Clubbing
and they even offer it as a tourist attraction !
they Canadian do this also

a canadian seal hunt
