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MPC thread--- MP's, LP's, and recording


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theres nothing like lightin' one up and digging through some records, but syncing that through a computer seems wierd. whats your take on DAW's vs. real recording?


Un - Retired,
not really into MPC's as I tend to be recording tracks rather than samples
i'm more of a Pro Tools guy recording guitar, drums, vocal and bass etc
and I never really use drum machines though I do use Midi via keyboards and synth drum kit for recording


Active member
thats whats good oldpink. u must know the horrors of pro tools aswell lol i never woulda thought. Aint it a biatch. somthing so powerful yet so glitchy...! anyone here using wavres mercury pack? i just got it, thing has the best plug inssssssssssssssssssssssssssss


Un - Retired,
I've acctually had very little issues with pro tools, it seems to be fine on my system and hardly ever has a problem
I also use cakewalk sonar and find that just as stable though just not as powerful as pro tools when it comes to the audio tracks


Active member
no glitches???????? i cant tell u how many times ill have to restart and change sessions and stuff due to weird errors and other things. Must be some cracked plug in bs but who knows. you seen the new pt 8?


Un - Retired,
yeah I seen an early demo
I use pro tools 7 Mpower to go with my M Audio 1010 sound card / interface
I have heard of issues if using standard sound blaster type cards as there not really up to the job


Active member
ahh mpowered, i always wondered about those. we run hd systems here at 2 of the offices and then an le back at the pad.. mpowered is just lower track count i think?? how many can u do 41-48?


Un - Retired,
I can run 48 but normally don't need more than 8 - 12 as most of my recordings are in a jam situation where we record a full song in one take
normally it will be a couple of guitar tracks and a bass line, drums are done via a midi kit (roland TD5)
sometimes hooked up to a roland sound canvas to get better sounds on the kits

everything runs into a behringer 32 channel desk and then to the patch bay on the 1010 on its own channel
and recorded onto seperate tracks before running back to the desk for submixing

think the most tracks I did in one go was 14 when I had a drum kit miked and pro tools was stable as a rock
this is in my home, I do occasionally work in studio's using a lot more tracks but never recording any more than 12 at
any one time but studio work is normally more about overdubbing and multi tracking instruments


Ganja struetu?
M-audio Axiom 49 Midi keyboard
Reason 4
M audio fasttrack ultra
4 string homebuilt bass
saving for a mic. What should i get for a mic?


I essentially have an MPC, though I don't have one. I use one of those Akai pad controllers sometimes with the S3000XL. (and S950) I also sometimes use an Ensoniq EPS 16+. I mostly use the 950 for drums for that 12 bit crunch.
