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The only way to stop the Japanese is to kill all the whales, they are going to continue to whale because its just too much profit.

Yeah their seafood industry is ma$$ive ... this was only a few days ago ...

"A tuna has been sold at auction in Tokyo's fish market for 16.28 million yen ($175,000, £109,000), the highest price paid in Japan for nine years.

The bluefin tuna weighs 232 kg - nearly four times as much as the average Japanese man."

How's that!!! A single dead tuna ... US$175,000
So yeah you can only imagine what an endangered Fin Whale would be worth (25 metres/82 ft is about 70,000kgs/150,000 lb)- it does end up at their markets afterall :frown:
(well, at least after it's been processed on their Nisshin Maru vessel to remove all the harpoon grenade residue and dodgy exploded bits)


Cannabrex Formulator
I grew up eating whale meat in iceland and i still eat it occationally. But before you get all nuts on me there are two things that you should know.

1. whale meat has been eaten for hudreds of years in iceland...actually it has probably saved 100 of lives through the ages when times were tough..noot to mention that it´s very healthy rich with omega-3 fatty acids. And dont give me bullshit about mercury and heavy metals in the meat.....thats only true with teeth-whales. They havent been hunted since the 1800´s.

2. Whales have NEVER been near extinction in the north atlantic, but have always been in abundance, especially in the recent years after we were forced to stop hunting. I worked as a captain on a fishing boat for 6 years and i saw whale every single day!!! There numbers actually threaten the balance of the ecosystem around Iceand, as the whale compete with the cod and other fish species about feed. which could end in an absolute crash of the cod-population that would ruin a land already in the shit!

I love whales, and have seen 1000´s of them...in every sizes from the smallest dolphin to the biggest of them all...the sprearmwhale. But i also love the cow and the sheep....which i eat all the time!!

Just a different angle on the issue..



I have to just point out some total inaccuracies in the above post....

1) Teeth whales (or toothed whales) include the Sperm whale and pilot whales, the former of which was hunted up until 1985 (in the modern era, at least 770,000 were taken, the majority between 1946 and 1980) and pilot whales are sitll hunted commercially.

2) Most whales are baleen whales: consumers of plankton and krill....they don't touch anything as big as cod. You wanna blame someone for the cod declines, blame the greedy-ass bottom dredger fishermen who rip out EVERYTHING they can with zero thought for collateral damage or tomorrows fich stocks.

3) The largest whale in the world is the blue whale. Sperm whales are about 3rd on the size list.....
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Garden Nymph
I might also add that you can get omega 3 fatty acids from other foods, without having to hunt down the largest mammals in the world. For instance, get a jar of peanut butter, buy a bag of hemp seeds..you'll get more than just omega 3 fatty acids.


hahaha, hippie lettuce *hi5* I'd give you some K+ but i've already given out too much this hour! lol -- ill be back in 24hrs i promise!

Why didn't anybody else think of hemp seeds for omega 3 :) :) :)
No sea sickness involved in the harvest either 8)


the way i see it, as long as they are not endangered, and you actually use what you kill, no biggie. i respect fishermen, hunters, etc. that actually USE what they kill. but killing endangered species isnt cool, imo. and big ol' factories with cages and cages of animals stuffed to the brim, rolling in their own excrement is DISGUSTING and i do my best not to support any businesses that deal in any such activities.

Moldy Dreads

Active member
Yeah their seafood industry is ma$$ive ... this was only a few days ago ...

"A tuna has been sold at auction in Tokyo's fish market for 16.28 million yen ($175,000, £109,000), the highest price paid in Japan for nine years.

The bluefin tuna weighs 232 kg - nearly four times as much as the average Japanese man."

How's that!!! A single dead tuna ... US$175,000
So yeah you can only imagine what an endangered Fin Whale would be worth (25 metres/82 ft is about 70,000kgs/150,000 lb)- it does end up at their markets afterall :frown:
(well, at least after it's been processed on their Nisshin Maru vessel to remove all the harpoon grenade residue and dodgy exploded bits)

Killing whales pisses me off, i agree that the Japanese are holding on to one of their uglier past traditions, kinda like cock and dogfighting, and toreros..IMO

Tuna is also in quick decline as well as wild Salmon due to poor management.

but what most disturbed me was the article directly under the Tuna one:

BBC-Warrant out for horse sex accused

An arrest warrant has been issued for a Leicester man accused of having sex with a horse and a donkey, after he failed to turn up to court.
Joseph Squires, 66, of Overpark Avenue, is charged with buggery of a donkey between February and April 1999 and buggery with a horse in March 2004.
He is also accused of criminal damage to the animals during the same dates.
He was due to appear at Leicester Crown Court earlier for a plea and case management hearing.
Mr Squires did not attend court and it was heard he had lost touch with his solicitors.
Judge Michael Pert QC issued a bench warrant for his arrest.


Active member
One of the things they talk about in the Cove is their cultural pride, and that they almost continue out of spite to the rest of the world, as they resent being told what they can and can't do by outside cultures.


hrmm! ... :frown:

from http://www.whaling.jp/english/qa.html#04

The present IWC membership is 73 nations including Iceland.
"Including Iceland" ... ??? Iceland has a population less than 400,000, doesn't it say something when that's the biggest name they could come up with from that list of "supporters"?!?!?!
(The other 70 odd nations are basically other micronations that enjoy funding by Japan and thus get their vote)

Anglo-Saxon countries, like the United Kingdom, New Zealand, Australia and the United States have a hard-line policy against whaling.
Why do they specify "Anglo-Saxon countries" ???

Also for their whale population list they say FIN WHALES with Distribution only as "North Atlantic" (where they are not endangered).

They DO NOT mention that there are also Fin Whales in the ANTARCTIC that number just 2000-3000 and are listed as endangered by the USDI. This is despite the fact that they show the Minke whale being in various distributions.

Painfully obvious omission.
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Cannabrex Formulator
the way i see it, as long as they are not endangered, and you actually use what you kill, no biggie. i respect fishermen, hunters, etc. that actually USE what they kill. but killing endangered species isnt cool, imo. and big ol' factories with cages and cages of animals stuffed to the brim, rolling in their own excrement is DISGUSTING and i do my best not to support any businesses that deal in any such activities.

There is much evidence that whales are extremely intelligent beings, on the level with dolphins, chimps and perhaps even humans.....

That alone should be reason enough.....

But it really comes down to the fact that it is totally unneeded....eating whale in Japan is not centuries old tradition, BTW...it started primarily after WWII when whale meat was a cheap source of protein for an impoverished population.

Slaughtering animals that could possibly be as sentient, inteligent and sensitive as humans for cheap burger meat is 100% barbarism, IMHO.

If one has no probs with it, I guess one could say the same about cannibalism.....as long as you use everything, and it's for food, not for fun.....


Proud Cannadian Cannabist
and what pisses me off the most is.....these pricks have the best beef on the earth over there and the want to put a peice of whale between a bun and call it a burger?dat right thur is sinister....
BBC-Warrant out for horse sex accused

An arrest warrant has been issued for a Leicester man accused of having sex with a horse and a donkey, after he failed to turn up to court.
Joseph Squires, 66, of Overpark Avenue, is charged with buggery of a donkey between February and April 1999 and buggery with a horse in March 2004.
He is also accused of criminal damage to the animals during the same dates.
He was due to appear at Leicester Crown Court earlier for a plea and case management hearing.
Mr Squires did not attend court and it was heard he had lost touch with his solicitors.
Judge Michael Pert QC issued a bench warrant for his arrest.



I can not give more rep to MOLDY!!!


Active member
We could start harvesting Japanese, say we have a cultural need for japanese citizen meat burgers in America, they would be to busy hiding from the japanese hunters to even think about messing with the whales.;)


Garden Nymph
and what pisses me off the most is.....these pricks have the best beef on the earth over there and the want to put a peice of whale between a bun and call it a burger?dat right thur is sinister....

Yeah, they even MASSAGE some of their cows. If only they could treat the whales in the same manner.


Don't drink and drive home, Smoke dope and fly hom
ICMag Donor
Great thread bro, the Australian Government needs to wake up and step in and do something about it, now the Whaler's are hiring planes to go spying on the Sea Shepard, shouldn't we be the one's flying and spying on them
Fuck the Trade partnership
Fuck the whalers
Fuck em all
Peace animal lovers
shaunmulok and mellomel


that little boat made a clear right hand turn right infront of the larger vessel . Larger vessels have the right of way .
its Japanese not Jap , dont be so derogatory

Hey, get a job you worthless sack.

You been here 3-1/2 weeks and have over 400 posts. What a tool.


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