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check this, dont tell me how to talk or what i should say.........im a shit talker for a reason........

go " Check " and spit shine your hard wood floors

can I call you Cracker or Whitey ? no , then dont call them Japs .
go talk your racist smack on a racist board


heres a better video....

at the 1:30 mark, the jap ship clearly turns into the stealth ship, now what?

Not only that, but it clearly shows that they turn the water cannons off while they hit the small boat, as if to check on the damage, but then as they keep on sailing past they turn the water cannons back on them.

One of the men has already sustained broken ribs at this stage, and this is in the freezing oceans of Antarctica.

Japan's fleet showing absolutely NO regard for human life, let alone the life of endangered whales.

They are there illegally, poaching illegally, with complete disregard for the rest of the worlds views.


Dear Haters, I Have So Much More For You To Be Mad
go " Check " and spit shine your hard wood floors

can I call you Cracker or Whitey ? no , then dont call them Japs .
go talk your racist smack on a racist board

feel free to call me whatever you want, im a spick, words dont hurt me....lol


Im out of this thread , time to smoke some full melt and Tahoe

Have fun guys


Active member
I'm not American - I am Canadian...

And not to bash Japanese - just mentioning various wars and stuff they've been in, and their propensity for savage behaviour.

And their porn is seriously F*cked up...

haah my dude that was over half a century ago.

have you even visited japan lately?

they have almost zero crime. no shootings, only a couple stabbings. most japanese are very complacent and non violent now. they care more about their cellphone cameras and new hair styles than killing and raping people lol.

and yeah they have fucked up porn because its so publicized. china, korea, they all have similar shit. but the japanese are kings of that nasty shit so thats what you see over here in america.

and also...




but you still bring up WWII ...

lets now forget about the Norwegians and there Seal Clubbing
and they even offer it as a tourist attraction !
they Canadian do this also

a canadian seal hunt


First time a leading scientist says that seals are sentient, I will apologize for the Canadian seal hunt.

We are talking about whales - large, smart mammals with advanced language and recognition skills.

Hunted for their meat - under the guise of "science".

Against pretty much every other countries laws, and most civilized nations detest the actions.

I have farmed, and killed my own food. I have taken a life, and eaten it. Caught, skinned, cooked and eaten. Not the same as chasing down and killing something that could be smarter than some folks I work with...


Yes4Prop215, yep I agree, that's why i said in my first post that I think their only flaw is whaling ... get rid of that and they're untouchable!

Yet it just seems SO important to them, in the name of "science" that they never produce, and even to SPECIFICALLY TARGET ENDANGERED SPECIES such as the Fin Whale ... it's just bizarre :(

"The fin whale is listed as endangered by the USDI and is on Appendix 1 of CITES; it is only listed as vulnerable by the IUCN. Fin whales were heavily hunted over the last century. Harvests from 1946-1965 exceeded 10,000 animals per year. International Whaling Commission quotas were lowered in the mid '70s and were reduced to zero by 1985, with the exception of a small (e.g., 10 in 1987) aboriginal catch and catches for "research" purposes. However, these restrictions may have come too late. Southern ocean populations are currently estimated to be no more than 5,000 individuals and probably only 2-3000. As with the blue whale, it is not certain that the fin whale has been saved from extinction by wanton overhunting." [src - University of Michigan]

Do you still REALLY NEED that whalemeat burger???


its pretty fucking obvious from the video that the ady gil rammed its self into the ship. you can clearly see it speeding up and throwing serf up before it hits it.


Active member
they arent out killing whales just because they want to.

its about MONEY. whale products sell for top dollar, so it makes sense to go out and get that money.

money money money, it makes the world go around, and whales get harpooned.


haah my dude that was over half a century ago.

have you even visited japan lately?

they have almost zero crime. no shootings, only a couple stabbings. most japanese are very complacent and non violent now. they care more about their cellphone cameras and new hair styles than killing and raping people lol.

and yeah they have fucked up porn because its so publicized. china, korea, they all have similar shit. but the japanese are kings of that nasty shit so thats what you see over here in america.

and also...



50 years isn't enough to breed the aggressiveness out of a pet, nevermind a warrior society.

They were beaten (bombed) into submission - otherwise we'd (the other half of the world) would still be trying to get their asses outta our caves and mountains. Same for the Germans.

Those who fail to learn from history, are doomed to repeat it.

Nice now - not so nice then. When does the next wave come?

PS - I'm more worried about the US than I am about the Land of the Rising Sun. For now.


Active member
sorry man, but you dont have any idea what you are talking about.

unless you have physically been to japan (ive been there more than a dozen times) and interacted with japs and they are all secret samurai sword toting yakuzas who go around killing animals for fun, you are wrong.

japanese people dont give a F about war, conquest, etc. like i said, all they care about is the latest new gadget phone, fad, pop artist, etc. they are probably some of the most non violent people ive ever met. you rarely see fist fights breaking out in japanese bars like you do in america. shootings are unheard of. stabbings happen like once every few months. crime is VERY VERY low. all the old psycho die hard kamikaze generation is dead, the new generation is westernized super tough, in love with micheal jackson and backstreet boys and kentucky fried chicken.


Active member
this is what most dudes in tokyo look like, no joke

super metrosexual, no way these dudes are "warriors" come on.


and some girlies too. (they looooove white guys!)


Thats why it makes no sense that these metrosexual modern doods are out there harpooning whales like it's 1949!

But what happens when Japan doesn't have enough whale meat to fill its burger quota???
They simply import more whale meat in from Iceland ...
(yes, including the endangered Fin Whale)

but I'm sure Japan are only interested in the SCIENCE of the food... (flavor, texture, salt content etc)


Active member


no joke, these girls are NOT in high school, girls just wear schoolgirl uniforms cus they know guys like them haha!



Active member
Thats why it makes no sense that these metrosexual modern doods are out there harpooning whales like it's 1949!

well most of the guys working for harpoon ships are probably from outlying areas like Okinawa and the country side, where they are little more crazy and not as westernized. kinda like in america, we got urban hipsters in the cities and the crazy right wing militia guys in the boonies.


Sharing Is Caring!
I grew up eating whale meat in iceland and i still eat it occationally. But before you get all nuts on me there are two things that you should know.

1. whale meat has been eaten for hudreds of years in iceland...actually it has probably saved 100 of lives through the ages when times were tough..noot to mention that it´s very healthy rich with omega-3 fatty acids. And dont give me bullshit about mercury and heavy metals in the meat.....thats only true with teeth-whales. They havent been hunted since the 1800´s.

2. Whales have NEVER been near extinction in the north atlantic, but have always been in abundance, especially in the recent years after we were forced to stop hunting. I worked as a captain on a fishing boat for 6 years and i saw whale every single day!!! There numbers actually threaten the balance of the ecosystem around Iceand, as the whale compete with the cod and other fish species about feed. which could end in an absolute crash of the cod-population that would ruin a land already in the shit!

I love whales, and have seen 1000´s of them...in every sizes from the smallest dolphin to the biggest of them all...the sprearmwhale. But i also love the cow and the sheep....which i eat all the time!!

Just a different angle on the issue..




New member
Whaling has been around for thousands of years. In some countries it's there lively hood. I'm not discounting it or condoning it. In Alaska native people still whale. I have seen it with my own eyes. These native people use every bit of the whale, from its oils to the hide. Why isn't the media up there persecuting these Natives. Because they would just sick up there middle finger, and they would get the point.
I watched last seasons Whale Wars. I find myself rooting for the Japanese whalers. Not because they are Killing Poor Innocent Whales <-----sarcasm..but because the Sea Shepherds are Crazy and Stupid People. They may be educated and intellectual, defiantly more then myself, but to ram a Ship into another ship you have to be stupid.
The little new stealth boat they have..by merit law you have to give way to the larger vessel because the turning radius is a lot larger then the smaller boat. You have to be mental to bring a stick to a gun fight. I can see how 1.5 million is a lot of money. I think I read somewhere that about 2 whales are as much as that on the open market.
The only way to stop the Japanese is to kill all the whales, they are going to continue to whale because its just too much profit.
