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This is an issue that I feel very strongly about (not to mention the slaughter of ANY endangered species), and I'm sure a lot of others here do too given the nature-loving peace-loving foundation that is the stem of icmag. :)

It's a tricky one to talk about because it can easly get so political - politics are after-all at the crux of this issue. But I also believe if you feel strongly enough about something then it's better to speak up about it than sit back and do nothing.

The Japanese are in my opinion a beautiful, noble and remarkable people - terms like honor, manners/politeness, quality food, advanced robotics and car/engine design etc immediately spring to mind (just to name a few), and I have nothing but respect for them and their culture.

But that's why I find this so surprising! Basically their only "flaw" as I see it, is that they still commence whaling, and not only that but they do it under the blatantly obvious fake guise of "research" when the entire world knows it's simply for meat. There is an International Moratorium against whaling, yet Japan continues to blatantly disregard that under the nose of every other country uder the name of "research".

[PHOTOS/VIDEOS] - I could include hundreds of photos and animated gifs of whales with harpoons in them, part of their body missing with blood spewing everywhere, struggling with their last breaths of life, but I won't -- you've all seen the footage before of how Japan conducts this "research"/meat gathering :frown:

The world KNOWS there is no science in Japans annual whale slaughter - there never has been before, and Australia and New Zealand will soon be releasing scientific data - without having to blow up any whales using grenade-tipped harpoons.

Perhaps out-researching them using non-lethal methods is the only way to finally put an end to this blatant endangered whaleburger meat harvest?

Endangered? Yes - ENDANGERED SPECIES are not spared either - Japan proactively targets endangered Fin Whales annually, which they do not deny. The world is still yet to see any science results from these slaughters, although you can find the meat at various burger shops around Tokyo and taste for yourself their scientific value.

A lot of Japanese people are against whaling, and whale meat isn't even very popular in Japan - indeed even the current Prime Minister Yukio Hatoyama says "I hate whale meat", yet there is still such a determination from Japan to keep putting whale meat on their menus.

Australia by the way is Japans #1 trading partner, so this issue pops up every year with a lot of passion from both camps. It's an issue we can quickly and easily solve simply by letting these beautiful endangered species live in peace. Us humans have plenty of meat to eat already - we don't need to slaughter endangered whales.

What's particularly frustrating to me is that most of these kills are happening in waters that have been internationally recognised as Australian for over a century, but our government is playing this so cautiously.

One good proactive measure however is that Japan's whaling fleet has been banned from docking in Australian ports for several years now, but that seems more symbolic than anything as it's just an inconvenience for them - it doesn't stop them at all from slaughtering whales in our oceans.

Please discuss, but please keep your thoughts civil and foremost PEACEFUL, because a PEACEFUL and mutually-agreed end to this is what all parties need, and is what's in the best interest of the whales.
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I agree that higher order mammals should not be hunted, or eaten...

And (IMHO) the Japanese are a very, very nasty race when they want to be.

Check out "the rape of Nanking", and other atrocities committed on WW2 POWs (forced labour to death, the death march, vivisection, etc...)

They may be smart, and industrious, and small - but so are those ants that eat everything in their path. Not to be trusted, or fucked with...


Well, not every German is like Hitler, nor are all Japanese like Hirohito, and the world has learnt a lot from World War 2, so can we please keep this thread on topic about whaling & anti-whaling. :)

ps. You Americans had Japan when you got them to sign the unconditional surrender ... WHY DID YOU FORGET TO ADD AN ANTI-WHALING CLAUSE !?!?!? :)


I'm not American - I am Canadian...

And not to bash Japanese - just mentioning various wars and stuff they've been in, and their propensity for savage behaviour.

And their porn is seriously F*cked up...


Active member
Check out "The cove"
Documentary of Japans dolphin industry, they catch 100's a day during the season, people from swim with dolphin parks, sea worlds, etc... come and select dolphins to take back and train, the remaining 90% are brutally slaughtered, it was one of the most disturbing films I've ever seen.
the area they do it in is completely secret and policed, these guys crawled in in camo and planted cameras disguised as rocks to get the footage.


ddrew, I seriously couldn't handle watching that, but I know the slaughter of dolphins in Japan also exists :frown:
a female Aussie surfer was arrested for protesting about it just a couple years ago but she had no regrets
More info at http://www.savejapandolphins.org


Active member
ddrew, I seriously couldn't handle watching that, but I know the slaughter of dolphins in Japan also exists :frown:
a female Aussie surfer was arrested for protesting about it just a couple years ago but she had no regrets
More info at http://www.savejapandolphins.org
I wished I didn't watch it, makes you cry and leaves images you will never get out of your head.
The woman your talking about was in it I believe.


pretty sure the elites munch on whale, unforciantly untill compassion takes over goverments, which is very unlikely, this sorta sheet will continue


i hear ya bro, sharks too.....sharks too.

Yes :frown:

Shark-fin Soup ...

Basically they capture a shark, cut its valuable fins off, and dump the shark back into the water to drown a slow cruel death - it can no longer move, it just sinks to the bottom and can no longer get oxygen through its gills.

I've seen documentary footage and it's pretty disturbing to watch so I won't link any youtube vids, but that is the shocking and sad reality of where many shark fins come from :frown:
It's a Chinese dish by origin.


I wished I didn't watch it, makes you cry and leaves images you will never get out of your head.
The woman your talking about was in it I believe.

Yep, it is very hard to watch, but I agree with you that it's even more important that people see it so they can see with their own eyes exactly what our fellow humans are doing. Sometimes words alone just don't convey the reality of a situation


Active member
i agree man i love marine life , i love tuna steak , grilled scampis and fried calamaris

hehe no but seriious now , as a diver , i really love marine life , sharks are my favorite fish and are very cool to dive with and i already seen the footage of the sharks with the fin cut off. Unbelieveable that people can do such a thing.

i will never ever buy shark fin soup


This just happened today ... the large 'security boat' assigned to protect the Japanese whaling fleet has collided with a small fibreglass yacht that was being used to track the fleet.

The very large Japanese whaling ship turned and careened over their small fibreglass boat. The much larger Japanese vessel escaped without damage, but the smaller fibrecraft yacht was destroyed to the point of no longer being sea-worthy. One of the men aboard is a former police officer who made a mayday distress call after the crash, but the Japanese whaling ship ignored the distress beacon despite being the closest ship and left the area, a clear violation of international maritime law. The Australian federal government is investigating, but has urged for calm from both sides.

Another man received two broken ribs from the incident.

The boat (worth over $1.5 million dollars) is basically a write-off, and at that price it's something you would not expect Sea Shephard to risk, but it seems in this case the Japanese whalers had other plans for them:

A few news articles about it from around the world (feel free to Google for more and find news articles from any other country - it's basically only Japan that's supporting this):
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Thats the difficult part of being the police of the world. The ocean is so vast that we have "OUR" particular waters.................................. then when the imaginary lines end and the Whales have migrated 1,000 miles away, they are fair game to the rest of the world who may not hold our beliefs like we do.

Besides, right now the Japanese are going crazy over this "Giant Jellyfish" that is populating in the hundreds of thousands in their waters and killing all kinds of their fish they use to eat and live on. They can't seem to explain this phenomenon, but I guess that "Karma" is a Bitch afterall huh???? :yummy:


Dear Haters, I Have So Much More For You To Be Mad
This just happened today...

NEWS: Japanese sailors accused of ramming anti-whaling vessel

The very large Japanese whaling ship turned and careened over their small fibreglass boat. One of the men aboard is a former police officer who made a mayday distress call after the crash, but the Japanese whaling ship ignored it and left the area.

Another man received two broken ribs from the incident.

that was a $1.5 million carbon fiber super stealth boat the Japanese fucked up. cant wait for the next season of whale wars to see that! and now they have the new $5 million bob barker boat out there as well! last season the japs were putting it down on the sea shepherds...... hopefully the tides have turned, but with the new boat out of commission......


The anti-whaling group should hire them pirates from Somalia, they always get aboard the ships they approach. And they are in row boats 1/2 the time. If they had a boat like that, they could rule the open sea's.


Thats the difficult part of being the police of the world. The ocean is so vast that we have "OUR" particular waters.................................. then when the imaginary lines end and the Whales have migrated 1,000 miles away, they are fair game to the rest of the world who may not hold our beliefs like we do.

True, but it's important to clarify that a LOT of these whales are being slaughtered by the Japanese in waters that have been internationally recognised as being territorially Australian for well over over a century, including in our Antarctic zones. The Australian government really needs to stand up and do more about this, but I think that'll have to wait until February 2 when the senate returns to parliament. (Slack i know!!!)

I think it's a good thing for the world that Australia has such a large claim of Antarctica because we won't be exploiting it like some might, or decimating its wildlife like others might, but rather preserving it as a a _wildlife heritage_, and we don't claim it as exclusively our own but rather simply its overseers to help protect it (park rangers if you will!) - scientists and anyone from all other countries are free to come as long as they don't kill the wildlife or fuck the land up, it's that simple!!! :)


Lammen Gorthaur
The video is getting prominent play on FoxNews and the FoxNews media people are letting the whalers have it with both barrels. Running over those dumbasses in the chase boat may have created a temporary end to the harassment, but now that the networks have it, these people are going to be harassed like they have never imagined. Woe be to the whaler that shows up with a blue whale in the hold.

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