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Vote YES or NO on Prop 19

Vote YES or NO on Prop 19

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BiG H3rB Tr3E

"No problem can be solved from the same level of c
Wow, you guys making local reps out to be big government juggernauts and NWO is beyond comedy....

I'd bet that you were all against 215 back in 96 too. But now it's your bread and butter. Why do you think 19 will be any different?

Were already paying city, state and federal taxes on medical cannabis, so what is the difference if we pay these same taxes on recreational cannabis...?


Shit I wish the nwo were real. That way I can surf baja and not have to deal with federalis and borders or go snowboard with bubbleman in Canada....

Come on NWO get with the amero already!!!!!


I love my life
As I've said I want everyone free and weed treated like tomatoes (also grown by the ton in CA).

Prop 19 is ok in that it does loosen things a little but it is hugely immoral in the ways it wishes to control and the continuation of imprisonment for mj related offenses is inexcusable.

If it passes things will be a little different but the immoral subjugation of human rights will continue.

I welcome the lessoning of drug war, but can not lend support to the immoral steps between prohibition and the official recognition of our HUMAN RIGHTS.

So again I welcome this passing but I can't sanction the proposition because it is still a tool telling the world that weed smokers are second class and criminals that need to be caged.



I love my life

Shit I wish the nwo were real. That way I can surf baja and not have to deal with federalis and borders or go snowboard with bubbleman in Canada....

Come on NWO get with the amero already!!!!!

The really scary fact is NAFTA should have taken care of this for you, but I understand that you don't feel free to head north or south.

I hate the government. They got their NAFTA and it is no better for you. How the hell can anyone trust them with ANYTHING?



ok. i guess i can see where you're coming from. i'd love to see that day as well but i feel this small step forward is a lot easier than waiting for the huge leap that may never come.

all this shit isn't going to go away overnight. sure it'd be awesome. but realistically.... it's going to take a lot of steps to get to the finish.


is it legal now....uhhhh yes it is prop 215....if prop 19 passes government has more and more control. Instead of labling me a cooke I suggest you look up information up for your self rather than listening to exactly to what your tv portrays.. There is a reason all other countries call us dumb Americans...Its sad but true...Americans believe what is fed threw the TV. And guess who runs all the TV networks.....political supporters....surprise surprise...whos profiting from this all? Be your own mind dont be a mind of a normal American media. The normal everyday American is very easily tricked.


just wondering how hard was it to get your medical lisence because mine was super easy to obtain. Just about anyone can go and get it by using the excuse that they have insomnia. This new bill takes away a lot of freedoms that we currently enjoy under the medical laws (looking at the proposition I dont see where it states anything about not altering the current medical laws) and prop 19 dosnt make it feredally legal so we could essentially achieve the same goal if everyone in CA went out and got their doctors recommendation right now. If all of the other states began their own medical programs and everyone who wants to use Marijuana goes and gets their license Marijuana will eventually either become 100% legal or it will be one of those laws that no law enforcement officer enforces for example did you know it is illegal to set a mousetrap without a hunting license? Its a silly law that no one enforces for more silly laws in CA check here


Marijuana being illegal may soon be on this list of loony laws if everyone exercises their right to go get a medical marijuana license from a doctor.

Prop 19 also says no marijuana for anyone under the age of 21 but what about recent studies that suggest marijuana is a great alternative for kids who suffer form ADD or ADHD? have you seen what Ritalin does to people if you want your child to be a mindless drone go ahead and give them Ritalin but there are new studies that prove promising in using Marijuana to combat ADD and ADHD while still allowing a child to live a normal life. However other than medical use I am in agreement that there needs to be an age restriction on the use of Marijuana as there is with alcohol.

IMHO I believe that the current Marijuana laws are as good as they need to be its up to the people to exercise their rights we start with individual states and then it eventually becomes federal law all we need are more people to participate

BiG H3rB Tr3E

"No problem can be solved from the same level of c
1. 19 does not effect 215, anyone who tells you different is lying.

2. Medical marijuana is CA is a joke. The more people that lie to get a recc the harder it is for other non smokers to look at mmj with any sort of legitimacy.

3. Mj is not legal. Just like oxycontin is not legal. If I have to pay some quack to get a piece of paper allowing me to smoke mj, it's not legal.

4. How is gov taking over if I can grow and have no limits on possession inside my residence?

5. For you 215 lovers, it took 14 years to get where we are today. I'm fairly certain you would be making the same arguments against 215 as you do against 19. It takes work, the legalization fairy isn't going to make this happend overnight...


just wondering how hard was it to get your medical lisence because mine was super easy to obtain. Just about anyone can go and get it

Prop 19 also says no marijuana for anyone under the age of 21 but what about recent studies that suggest marijuana is a great alternative for kids who suffer form ADD or ADHD? have you seen what Ritalin does to people if you want your child to be a mindless drone go ahead and give them Ritalin but there are new studies that prove promising in using Marijuana to combat ADD and ADHD while still allowing a child to live a normal life. However other than medical use I am in agreement that there needs to be an age restriction on the use of Marijuana as there is with alcohol.
Please do not blur prop 19 and 215. If a child has ADD/ADHD and thier parents and doctors believe cannabis is a proper treatment, they will be legal to use under 215 and 19 will not affect them. 19 is recreational. Treating ADD/ADHD with Cannabis is NOT a recreational use.

We have enough problems trying to educate people on this prop without people blurring the lines between medical and recreational use.

It's this simple:
Med patients were the warriors for the 215 wedge. We have done our job, backed by rec users, to make MMJ mainstream. Now that the wedge opened the front in this battle, the new warriors(rec users using medical excuses) went to the front lines in order to relieve the medical patient warriors. This shift in our tactics caught the true believers by surprise as they thought THEY were the only ones who could resort to reefer madness bullshit tactics. This is our time to pounce. They are regrouping but our next attack will happen WHILE they are regrouping. This next attack is the November vote. The rec users will now be the front line warriors. They should have 100% support from both the original patients and the patients that now enjoy the lax enforcement brought about as a result of OG warrior efforts. JACK THERE IS YOUR SOLIDARITY. Much love and peace. Now get out and sway the no voters!


Game Bred
As I've said I want everyone free and weed treated like tomatoes (also grown by the ton in CA).

Prop 19 is ok in that it does loosen things a little but it is hugely immoral in the ways it wishes to control and the continuation of imprisonment for mj related offenses is inexcusable.

If it passes things will be a little different but the immoral subjugation of human rights will continue.

I welcome the lessoning of drug war, but can not lend support to the immoral steps between prohibition and the official recognition of our HUMAN RIGHTS.

So again I welcome this passing but I can't sanction the proposition because it is still a tool telling the world that weed smokers are second class and criminals that need to be caged.


will you help me in getting all of the medical laws repealed in every state?
this level of governmental control in our lives with the unconstitutional mandatory doctor visit to avoid conviction(but not persecution) is FR from tomatoes!



will you help me in getting all of the medical laws repealed in every state?
this level of governmental control in our lives with the unconstitutional mandatory doctor visit to avoid conviction(but not persecution) is FR from tomatoes!




Game Bred

just pointing out duplicity..

these fucksticks get all righteously indignant about 19 being "regulation" and how evil the government is,and how unless pot is treated like toms. they would not support 19...
but these exact same anarchists line up for their government protection...

like decrying the welfare system with a mouth full of free cheese.


Senior Member
ICMag Donor
Seems as if we have a stand off?


I love my life
will you help me in getting all of the medical laws repealed in every state?
this level of governmental control in our lives with the unconstitutional mandatory doctor visit to avoid conviction(but not persecution) is FR from tomatoes!


Sure I'll help, but mediCAL is a California program therefor can only exist in CA. But you are correct we need to scrap the government run domestic programs, because the government wastes well more money than they distribute to those in need.

On a personal note I've never received welfare, unemployment, disability, or other government handouts; however I have paid into ALL of those systems.

Not everyone eats the free cheese or drinks the koolade ;)



Sure I'll help, but mediCAL is a California program therefor can only exist in CA. But you are correct we need to scrap the government run domestic programs, because the government wastes well more money than they distribute to those in need.

On a personal note I've never received welfare, unemployment, disability, or other government handouts; however I have paid into ALL of those systems.

Not everyone eats the free cheese or drinks the koolade ;)

He was obviously referring to prop 215:
"this level of governmental control in our lives with the unconstitutional mandatory doctor visit to avoid conviction(but not persecution) is FR from tomatoes!"
Playing stupid doesnt fool us.


Game Bred
Sure I'll help, but mediCAL is a California program therefor can only exist in CA. But you are correct we need to scrap the government run domestic programs, because the government wastes well more money than they distribute to those in need.

On a personal note I've never received welfare, unemployment, disability, or other government handouts; however I have paid into ALL of those systems.

Not everyone eats the free cheese or drinks the koolade ;)


not mediCAL...

and all other oppressive medical MARIJUANA laws.


I love my life
not mediCAL...

and all other oppressive medical MARIJUANA laws.

I'm right there with you, all laws regarding MJ need to be repealed. There is no need for government interference with this non-poisonous flower.

However 215 and 420 don't carry ANY penalties for weed that I know of. Those two laws modify CA's immoral criminal penalties for weed.

So really we need to repeal the criminal statutes in the various states, once those are repealed the medical laws you object too will be moot.



I'm right there with you, all laws regarding MJ need to be repealed. There is no need for government interference with this non-poisonous flower.

However 215 and 420 don't carry ANY penalties for weed that I know of. Those two laws modify CA's immoral criminal penalties for weed.

So really we need to repeal the criminal statutes in the various states, once those are repealed the medical laws you object too will be moot.

Keep looking up at the sun Icarus.


Game Bred
I'm right there with you, all laws regarding MJ need to be repealed. There is no need for government interference with this non-poisonous flower.

However 215 and 420 don't carry ANY penalties for weed that I know of. Those two laws modify CA's immoral criminal penalties for weed.

So really we need to repeal the criminal statutes in the various states, once those are repealed the medical laws you object too will be moot.



i dont have to beg a fucking quack doctor or pay extortion to the state to grow and eat tomatoes.

i suggest the death penalty for ALL marijuana possession until ALL unjust laws are repealed and the sacred herb is treated like tomatoes!

this is a matter of principle!
our founding fathers were willing to risk the death penalty for their GOD GIVEN FREEDOMS and so should we!

the only answer is to take up arms and create some martyrs!

will you stand against our oppressors?!?!?!?

maybe some public executions of marijuana users will wake up the masses as to the insanity of continued prohibition!

we should not settle for this bullshit medical appeasement!

it is a moral imperative!

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