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Vote YES or NO on Prop 19

Vote YES or NO on Prop 19

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I'm sure that they will do all the "fixing" that some seem to think will happen AFTER voters initiate this.

I'm just as suprised as you are that people want to vote it in as "our last chance ever".

We need a better written initiative in my opinion.

Can't you open a vape lounge now, or is there some legislation in the way?

I never said this. This is your "true believer" tactic of putting words in my mouth.

I dont want to open a vape lounge for MMJ users only. When I open one, I want all to be able to walk in and partake. Why open one now and limit it to in-state medical users? Tourists want to vape too. But your no voters want to stop that because its not the perfect bill or because "I GOTS MINES!" attitudes.

The logic the no voters throw out just doesnt add up or make sense to me. Kinda like the prohibitionists logic...just doesnt make sense, add up, or made up of mistruths and lies. Sorry If this offends you, it's just my 2 nuggs.

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
I have read allot of these post and that is untrue. I have not read anywhere where we think this is our last chance ever. You are putting words in my mouth there my fiend. I know everyone thinks its poorly written legislation but it is the right thing to do now but ALSO KEEP THE MOVMENT GOING. NOBODAY WANTS IT TO STOP ON 19 FAR FROM IT.

You haven't seen any of the posts that say "if we vote no on this, we'll never see it on the ballot again" "a 'no' vote means that we don't want pot legalized" or anything like them?

Don't vote for poorly written legislation... plain and simple.

I agree we need to keep the movement going... and NOT hand it to the same people who imprison us while they misrepresent our desires.

If you hand the reins over, don't be suprised when the dog bites you.

I've never agreed with the government's official stance on cannabis.

I don't want to give them a dime... or any more prisoners.

If I was whipped repeatedly for seventy years and all of a sudden it stopped, I'd still find the fucker responsible and whip him for seventy years.

I would most certainly not say "Ok, thanks!", give them fifty bucks, and walk away.

We've given the government billions of dollars and millions of prisoners... what have we gotten from them?!


If weed was legal in California, it would be a 20-30 billion dollar industry, even if mj prices drop. Demand is going to fucking skyrocket if 19 passed, mark my words.

It will go this way at first, demand will skyrocket. We have no way of predicting the long term impact.

you should have already started that process. It's not that easy. You have to be able to compromise and no one here is willing to do that. There's going to be a middle ground just like 19 where half hate it and half are OK with it. Politics is a very ugly games and no one wins

Politics is not a good area for me, I wish I could have taken part in financing and writing our legalization bill. There is no way I'm gonna give myself a 10,000 light grow and make everyone else have a 5x5. (yes i like people to make money with mj)
I want the pie cut into smaller pieces and preserved. I am only speaking of the economic side of things here.


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
Im not willing to wait while more people lives get ruined buy cultivating cannabis I'm sure we wont have any problems living with 19 until someone delivers a better bill. when will that happen 2 or more years more like 5 years IMO. So I will do what needs to be done to stop this untill witch time there is something better and will vote yes on that oneas well. Vote yes please thats all can do RIGHT NOW.

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
The logic the no voters throw out just doesnt add up or make sense to me. Kinda like the prohibitionists logic...just doesnt make sense, add up, or made up of mistruths and lies. Sorry If this offends you, it's just my 2 nuggs.

What exactly doesn't make sense about my points?


What exactly doesn't make sense about my points?
The no compromise attitude. Hey. I'm not going tell you not to think how to think. I'm just saying it doesn't make sense to me. I learned a long time ago not to argue/debate with someone who isn't open to changing their opinion. An exercise in futility . And I damn sure aint changing my vote to no, so really we can go no further here as far as I see it. Peace and nuggs!

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
I was hoping for a more explicit example of failed logic... but I am constantly disappointed.

You don't compromise with an entity that has lied, cheated, and stolen from you... it's just not American the way I understand it.

I can always agree to disagree... but usually get ruffled when someone says I don't make any sense.



I think its reasonable to ask. . why I should vote yes.. other than the movement?

How great are the benefits for you?

How does 19 stop me from going to prison?

Who's life got ruined that wouldn't have if 19 passed?

Who stands to gain the most out of this bill?

Oh and.. Why are the no on 19ers "prohibitionist"?


I was hoping for a more explicit example of failed logic... but I am constantly disappointed.

You don't compromise with an entity that has lied, cheated, and stolen from you... it's just not American the way I understand it.

I can always agree to disagree... but usually get ruffled when someone says I don't make any sense.

Not trying to ruffle you bro. I never said your logic failed, that's why I cant give you an example. I just said your no-compromise attitude doesnt make sense.

Give me your reasons for a no vote and I will point out what I think doesnt make sense. Even though it's been done a BILLION times on both of these threads. But I already know...you aint changing your mind on your stance, so really, do we need to waste time and teh internets space on such a futile exercise?


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
ALL OF THESE questions have Ben answered if you want the answers you will need to look for them here. We have maybe 5 discussions about 19. The only thing left is the what if question. This can not be discussed as we dont know and wont until we see the effects of 19. and IMO there is nothing in the initiative that warrants a no vote. Like I SAID you guys that hate it so much to vote no can live with it until a better one comes out. at least we wont have people's lives ruined by conviction's on there record for a few years while we work on a better initiative


I mean well, but I get a little over ranty sometimes. TBH I don't think I'm going to vote either way. If its passes I just hope it works out for the most people it can.


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
I sure hope that your not intimidated by what you read here. We have some very knowledgeable people here on this bill. All of the major breeders in the USA support this bill. Tom Hill, Rez, Sam, Chimera and Bog. There is nothing to fear. I know it's just me saying this but with as many respected people backing this bill. There is no fact that is bad enough to prevent anyone from voting yes.


Active member
ALL OF THESE questions have Ben answered if you want the answers you will need to look for them here. We have maybe 5 discussions about 19. The only thing left is the what if question. This can not be discussed as we dont know and wont until we see the effects of 19. and IMO there is nothing in the initiative that warrants a no vote. Like I SAID you guys that hate it so much to vote no can live with it until a better one comes out. at least we wont have people's lives ruined by conviction's on there record for a few years while we work on a better initiative

Not starting shit but I have to say that the MMJ laws specify only people with a treatable illness can be perscribed MMJ. Treatable illness is very vague and can mean anything from a sleep aid to a mood stimulant and tons of other uses. Hell I am officially using it for pain mgmt but it helps my asthma and is good for sour stomachs.

It was written this way so that people would not be deprived of it for use.

If you are in california and worried about getting arrested for marijuana, get a medical card.

If that is not going to protect you from what you need to carry or grow, then the new laws will only limit you further.


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
Im done for now I feel like Im talking to myself most of the time. MMJ and prop 19 have nothing to do with ea other at all. Im a mmj user but we are still being arrested the more ammo we have like 19 passing will only help us as this bill is for rec users not MMJ users


Not starting shit but I have to say that the MMJ laws specify only people with a treatable illness can be perscribed MMJ. Treatable illness is very vague and can mean anything from a sleep aid to a mood stimulant and tons of other uses. Hell I am officially using it for pain mgmt but it helps my asthma and is good for sour stomachs.

It was written this way so that people would not be deprived of it for use.

If you are in california and worried about getting arrested for marijuana, get a medical card.

If that is not going to protect you from what you need to carry or grow, then the new laws will only limit you further.



Game Bred
I was hoping for a more explicit example of failed logic... but I am constantly disappointed.

You don't compromise with an entity that has lied, cheated, and stolen from you... it's just not American the way I understand it.

I can always agree to disagree... but usually get ruffled when someone says I don't make any sense.


what entity?

this is a voter initiative the "entity" is all the people who signed it.

that is one "explicit example of failed logic"

the next is that the regulation in 19 is somehow more strict than the current PROHIBITION on non medical grows.
there is absolutely NO stricter regulation than prohibition.

the next failed logic is that if this initiative fails it wont be seen as a mandate against legalization.

the next bit of failed logic is the implication that you want to wait for a completely unregulated free for all.


Game Bred
I think its reasonable to ask. . why I should vote yes.. other than the movement?

How great are the benefits for you?

How does 19 stop me from going to prison?
makes possession of 1000 lbs of pot legal in my home
makes growing of my own legal in my own home
provides for entrepreneurs like B³ to open a vape lounge
provides for entrepreneurs like me to pay to play in a warehouse

Who's life got ruined that wouldn't have if 19 passed?
thousands over the last 70 years

Who stands to gain the most out of this bill?
the world

Oh and.. Why are the no on 19ers "prohibitionist"?

because they support continued prohibition.
because their allies are law enforcement and known prohibitionists
because they use the EXACT same lies and fear tactics that prohibitionists have used for years.
because if it walks like a duck,talks like a duck,tastes like a duck and smells like a duck it probably aint a chipmunk
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