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Vote YES or NO on Prop 19

Vote YES or NO on Prop 19

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As a Texan I would love to be able to vote on a bill such as prop 19. No such thing as a perfect bill an amendment can be put fourth later. Did you ever really think corporations would come out on the losing end of any bill?

It is my hope prop 19 passes and rapidly sweep across the nation in different forms. I am able to brew beer and wine in my state for my own personal use. If we have wound up with cannabis laws that are somewhat identical to alcohol I would be satisfied.



Jack didn't support prop 215 either when it was proposed. Then he changed his mind. Why wouldn't he have done the same in this case? Why not think for yourself?


Active member
Wow this thread really took off. I was absent for a short period of time and a couple of weeks will make a big difference. I have some reading to catch up on.


Sorcerer's Apprentice
Thats great! 19 has already been a big positive for the movement.

but on a side note, Mr. Santos should not base policy on a voter initiative from a foreign country, rather grow a pair and just do it!

When that foreign country is the wealthiest nation with the highest-tech bombs in the world, following their policies is probably not to due with lacking a pair, and more to do with survivability.

You may secretly hate the bully on your block, but when he asks you to do something as a favor you generally do it to keep on his good side. Not that his good side is a GREAT place to be, but it's a lot better than being on his bad side. There's a family on the other side of the river that pissed him off 20 years ago and he just burned their house to the ground because he thought they might be hiding something from him.

When it's just YOU living down the street from a bully, maybe you stand up against him. When it's you and your wife and your kids and your single-mother sister and her kids and your retired widowed mother... you maybe just do what the bully asks.

For those who aren't good with analogies... the US is the bully on the block that Colombia lives on. The Colombian president must play his own country's politics as well as looking out for the best interests of his nation.

The best interests of any nation on a continent with "America" in the name is to be friends with the US.

Where US Drug Policies go, other Americas are sure to follow.


Freedom Fighter
Looks like 19 is going to pass. Get ready for free weed and the downfall of the greedy grower. Yeeehaaaaaawww!

That is the beauty of 19...anybody can have free weed by simply growing it--
Of course, the 1 thing that will help keep us "Greedy Growers" in business...is the "Laziness" of the common person-- Most will not grow it, the same as they do not make coffee at home for pennies a cup, but instead give up an hours wages to go buy it at the local Starbucks--
Just look at 215...Dispensaries sell at what most agree is a very high price...and do a VERY good business-- Even tho every single one of their customers are legally allowed to grow their own for free--
That is why Growers should openly embrace Prop 19...it will not hurt us at all-- I do not think price will be effected much, until it is Legalized at a National level-- Between ppl who want convenience, and the rest of the Country still under prohibition...there will be no shortage of customers--:tiphat:
That is not greed, that is simply how it is--
This Grower not only embraces Prop 19, but challenges all other Growers to vote Yes on 19-- It will open up a whole other world of cannabis related jobs, while leaving our "Bread & Butter" in full swing!!:tiphat:


That is the beauty of 19...anybody can have free weed by simply growing it--
Of course, the 1 thing that will help keep us "Greedy Growers" in business...is the "Laziness" of the common person-- Most will not grow it, the same as they do not make coffee at home for pennies a cup, but instead give up an hours wages to go buy it at the local Starbucks--
Just look at 215...Dispensaries sell at what most agree is a very high price...and do a VERY good business-- Even tho every single one of their customers are legally allowed to grow their own for free--
That is why Growers should openly embrace Prop 19...it will not hurt us at all-- I do not think price will be effected much, until it is Legalized at a National level-- Between ppl who want convenience, and the rest of the Country still under prohibition...there will be no shortage of customers--:tiphat:
That is not greed, that is simply how it is--
This Grower not only embraces Prop 19, but challenges all other Growers to vote Yes on 19-- It will open up a whole other world of cannabis related jobs, while leaving our "Bread & Butter" in full swing!!:tiphat:
How about a ICMAG PROP 19 cup? Right in NorCal. I have some Chem4 that should have a nice cure on it about early NOV.


The cat that loves cannabis
That is the beauty of 19...anybody can have free weed by simply growing it--
Of course, the 1 thing that will help keep us "Greedy Growers" in business...is the "Laziness" of the common person-- Most will not grow it, the same as they do not make coffee at home for pennies a cup, but instead give up an hours wages to go buy it at the local Starbucks--
Just look at 215...Dispensaries sell at what most agree is a very high price...and do a VERY good business-- Even tho every single one of their customers are legally allowed to grow their own for free--
That is why Growers should openly embrace Prop 19...it will not hurt us at all-- I do not think price will be effected much, until it is Legalized at a National level-- Between ppl who want convenience, and the rest of the Country still under prohibition...there will be no shortage of customers--:tiphat:
That is not greed, that is simply how it is--
This Grower not only embraces Prop 19, but challenges all other Growers to vote Yes on 19-- It will open up a whole other world of cannabis related jobs, while leaving our "Bread & Butter" in full swing!!:tiphat:
I think that's the best post I've read on why all should vote yes for 19 yet.


That is the beauty of 19...anybody can have free weed by simply growing it--
Of course, the 1 thing that will help keep us "Greedy Growers" in business...is the "Laziness" of the common person-- Most will not grow it, the same as they do not make coffee at home for pennies a cup, but instead give up an hours wages to go buy it at the local Starbucks--
Just look at 215...Dispensaries sell at what most agree is a very high price...and do a VERY good business-- Even tho every single one of their customers are legally allowed to grow their own for free--
That is why Growers should openly embrace Prop 19...it will not hurt us at all-- I do not think price will be effected much, until it is Legalized at a National level-- Between ppl who want convenience, and the rest of the Country still under prohibition...there will be no shortage of customers--:tiphat:
That is not greed, that is simply how it is--
This Grower not only embraces Prop 19, but challenges all other Growers to vote Yes on 19-- It will open up a whole other world of cannabis related jobs, while leaving our "Bread & Butter" in full swing!!:tiphat:

Nice! This is a realistic and most likely possibility, and yes I think the ole "greedy grower" will still be able to survive. If prices drop 25-50% that's good isn't it? 60$ eights are a little pricey.

Lets apply the "greedy grower" thing to grapes for a second from the average mindset of the over done yes on prop 19 troll...

"Boy I cant wait till grapes are legalized all these greedy vineyard owners will be fucked... grapes will be free and worthless. Growing good grapes is so easy just plant it in some dirt and you get a lifetime supply. Yep you vineyard owners are dinosaurs. You had your time with your easy money. You should a learned to work like normal people now your fucked..."

Now cannabis maybe different to grow than grapes but I think this help sum up the fear or a post 19 world.

I guess we will see how it all goes.


Freedom Fighter
Nice! This is a realistic and most likely possibility, and yes I think the ole "greedy grower" will still be able to survive. If prices drop 25-50% that's good isn't it? 60$ eights are a little pricey.

Lets apply the "greedy grower" thing to grapes for a second from the average mindset of the over done yes on prop 19 troll...

"Boy I cant wait till grapes are legalized all these greedy vineyard owners will be fucked... grapes will be free and worthless. Growing good grapes is so easy just plant it in some dirt and you get a lifetime supply. Yep you vineyard owners are dinosaurs. You had your time with your easy money. You should a learned to work like normal people now your fucked..."

Now cannabis maybe different to grow than grapes but I think this help sum up the fear or a post 19 world.

I guess we will see how it all goes.

The grape analogy is pretty close...I live near Temecula, which is Wine Country...and there are dozens, if not hundreds of vineyards out here-- They are all doing great!! They have tours, wine tasting...and most are very plush...offering deals for having weddings there and stuff--
Wouldn't it be great, to be able to have a large grow...spruce it up a bit with nice buildings and landscaping, so ppl can get married to the sweet smell of fields of Ganja!! :jump:
...better to be breaking tax law? or better to be breaking drug law and tax law? IDK about you, but I know my choice is clear.

Limitations schlimitations. I know weed makes ya paranoid, but comeon, the less of a big deal it is to smoke and possess weed, the less attention a person draws even by breaking weed laws. They're not going to hunt you down nearly as much for breaking tax law as they're hunting you down right now for poisoning the world with devil-herb AND not paying a tax on extra income.

IDK, just seems obv 2 me. Econ 101 and stuff.


Sorcerer's Apprentice
IDK, just seems obv 2 me. Econ 101 and stuff.

Yeah. It's obvious to most of them, too. Econ 101 and stuff. That's their problem with it.

Voting YES on Prop 19 will only make your mythical 2012 Prop that much easier to get signatures for, that much easier to get financing for, that much easier to get passed.

Vote YES on Prop 19 and expand on it in 2012. This is the mantra.


The limitations of prop 19 outweigh its good.

You could call it unbalanced.

Large scale grows should then be limited also on this bill, like a wattage and plant cap. I think currently it feels monopoly favored ,and the limitations on people are designed to enhance that aspect.

If big biz was more limited and average joe less limited they could not keep pot prices as inflated as possible and keep as many people buying as they can. That is the dirty side to this legalization bill. I'm not telling you how to vote, that's just the economic model I see them trying to build.


Freedom Fighter
You could call it unbalanced.

Large scale grows should then be limited also on this bill, like a wattage and plant cap. I think currently it feels monopoly favored ,and the limitations on people are designed to enhance that aspect.

If big biz was more limited and average joe less limited they could not keep pot prices as inflated as possible and keep as many people buying as they can. That is the dirty side to this legalization bill. I'm not telling you how to vote, that's just the economic model I see them trying to build.

I am sorry for quoting you again...but you brought up a great point--
I have no problem with the Mega Grows...unless...and I stress that word...UNLESS...
They do not use it to out the current growers!!
From what I read in that proposal..was that they felt that 1 big grow, was better than 100 private grows, that had the potential for being non-conforming to local building codes--
Granted, I do not want a bunch of unsafe grows around-- However...I also do not want the ppl that are willing to comply with building standards, to be systematically removed from legality...simply to accommodate the 1 (one) Mega Grow--
Thank you FoxxyDoe, for bringing this up--:tiphat:

BiG H3rB Tr3E

"No problem can be solved from the same level of c
My boy just pulled almost 24 oz out of a 4x4 tent. All these people claiming 5x5 is too small for personal makes me think you are growing to sell and just don't want to be real with it.... Another 3 months to harvest means he can smoke 2oz a week. That's roughly a 1/4 a day. If you can't get these numbers or smoke more than 2oz a week just keep your med card. But for the average smoker 1-2 oz a week is more than enough for personal use....
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