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Vote YES or NO on Prop 19

Vote YES or NO on Prop 19

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I love my life
Oh I stand with this community against the oppressors. I have been growing for over a decade. I never asked you to settle for medical bullshit appeasement. I've posted photos of my grows on Overgrown and now ICmag.

You are correct this is a matter of principle and I am willing to fight to the death for my liberties, but I can't agree with your call for violent revolution. Or your wacky reactionary straw man that possession should be a capital crime (which it is in some nations).

There are public executions in some nations but the world hasn't woken up and insisted on different mj laws.

Just like you don't have to beg a doctor, no ICmager should have to ask permission to grow as they see fit on their land.




i dont have to beg a fucking quack doctor or pay extortion to the state to grow and eat tomatoes.

You cry way to much about this, it isn't shit, and its worth it.
What a pathetic weak argument. Cards are usually not more that 100$ anymore.


Plain and simple friend, that's what mmj is for. You don't have to pretend you have cancer or aids. Just say smoking improves the quality of your life and you cant live without it.


Active member
You cry way to much about this, it isn't shit, and its worth it.
What a pathetic weak argument. Cards are usually not more that 100$ anymore.


Plain and simple friend, that's what mmj is for. You don't have to pretend you have cancer or aids. Just say smoking improves the quality of your life and you cant live without it.

Why do I have to go tell a doctor about my desires to smoke weed? Is weed dangerous? Why can't I legally and privately enjoy the weed I grow and take with me where I may chose to if I keep it private?

And furthermore... does anyone's medical recommending professional follow up and monitor dosing?

Personally, I feel pretty stupid every time I have to volunteer my name, address, telephone number, medical condition, and driver's license number every time I want to pick up a sack. Seems like I'm giving out waaaaaaay too much info to the WRONG people.

BiG H3rB Tr3E

"No problem can be solved from the same level of c
You cry way to much about this, it isn't shit, and its worth it.
What a pathetic weak argument. Cards are usually not more that 100$ anymore.


Plain and simple friend, that's what mmj is for. You don't have to pretend you have cancer or aids. Just say smoking improves the quality of your life and you cant live without it.

Why should anyone pay anything and lie to a doctor? "can't live without it...."? That's not lying?? So if you ran out of herb and had none you would die?? That's my problem here. 215 has completed it's job. It's removed alot of social taboo and proved cannabis can be bought and sold in a retail market without causing a global pandemic.

But the fact we have 215 supporters who'd rather continue this sherade is beyond me. For every 1 person who truly needs mmj there are 1000s who just want to get high without getting arrested. and nobody should get arrested for weed, but why should we have to go through the ordeal of getting stopped, hoping the cop isnt totally against the mmj system, having him call his sergeant, then seeing what sarge thinks aobut it, have them call your doctor/mmj office and HOPE you can get verified so you dont wind up in a holding cell to you can post bail or see a judge?

If 19 was passed cops wont be able to do any of that shit. It will be "I smell marijuana" and you will say "yes officer I got a half ounce of some sticky og chemdawg and a quarter ounce of some co2 hash". They wont be able to write you a ticket, wont be able to confiscate, worst possible scenario is making you submit to a field sobriety test. Hell ive been pulled over high as fuck and still passed the FST. That same intoxicity with whisky and im falling down like i just got off the tilt-o-whirl at the carnival.....

Why continue to lie and hide under the guise of being a sickly patient who "can't live without mj"? I like to have a few shots of whisky and a beer every now and then but im not going to die if I don't get it. Just like I enjoy smoking some fine hash and rolling up a fat cone, but im not going to die if I cant get high.

Recreational mj laws need to pass to show the people that this is no longer a taboo subject. How can we ever expect real change if politicians see a recreational mj bill get shot down? Politicians need to see that supporting MJ isnt political suicide.

How many presidents and ex-police cheifs come out and will say "well mj is not a serious harm. the laws cause more harm then the substance. the war on drugs is a failure. etc. etc." ? If we could just pass some of these recreational laws, it would give these people room to express their opinions while IN OFFICE, rather of saying these things from the sidelines.

Whatis the reason to stifle progression in our movement for the heralding of an archaic mj system. Does it not look foolish when 80+% of patients are young healthy looking adults? Ive worked with numerous mmj doctors and have heard so many patients jokingly ask eachother while waiting "what are you going to tell them...".

If we as mmj patients ourselfs know that this system is a whole wink wink sly of hand deal, how does this reflect on non smokers who voted this in for terminal patients?

215 helped push the envelope and 19 will push it even farther. This is progression.

Imagine if we all voted against 215 because it wasn't "absolute legalization"? Where would we be now? Think about that before you vote no on 19.

Jesus I thought we would all be dancing in the streets to have some form of "legalization" on the books and show a W in our column heralded by all the newspapers and news stations nationwide.

I guess I temporarily forgot how amazingly self centered and greedy money can make people....
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just pointing out duplicity..

these fucksticks get all righteously indignant about 19 being "regulation" and how evil the government is,and how unless pot is treated like toms. they would not support 19...
but these exact same anarchists line up for their government protection...

like decrying the welfare system with a mouth full of free cheese.

lmao. it's really absurd how some of these people think. As if prop 19 is a step backwards instead of a step forwards. "I will not relinquish control to the NWO"....whatever hippies.

Don't want it taxed? Grow your own in 5x5.


It's obvious they are hiding behind those excuses as a front. They are sack slingers who dont want to give up the easy cash cow they have growing. They would rather see people imprisoned to justify the high prices they charge. When prop 19 passes, most likely they will move on to other drugs that are prohibited so as to maximize profits. Us true Cannabis lovers know that mature people in a mature world do not have an all or nothing attitude towards this subject. Compromise is the key fundamental ideal in a democracy.

BiG H3rB Tr3E

"No problem can be solved from the same level of c
Shit, I've had so many old cats who grown and sale call me a "damn fool" for being so overly optimistic about 19. But it is what it is, ID rather step my game up and be 100% legit then deal with gray areas, raids, arrests, and all that bullshit. I think there's plenty of room for all of us to continue a kushy lifestyle in a post-legalization California.

And for those of you only intrested in money, I hear oxycontins are pretty profitable....


I love my life
Do you tell your old cat friends to start selling oxy, because that is cool with you and they suck to much to grow weed?


mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
It's obvious they are hiding behind those excuses as a front. They are sack slingers who dont want to give up the easy cash cow they have growing. They would rather see people imprisoned to justify the high prices they charge. When prop 19 passes, most likely they will move on to other drugs that are prohibited so as to maximize profits. Us true Cannabis lovers know that mature people in a mature world do not have an all or nothing attitude towards this subject. Compromise is the key fundamental ideal in a democracy.

Some people look beyond money... because we don't make any off of selling grass.

I see a bad bill that does nothing for the imprisoned nonoffenders.

Why cast your vote for something that you don't agree with?

What is the point of this thread?

It's gone beyond discussion... now you're just trying to convince people of what you think is right.

That's truly absurd in my eyes.

The idea behind a democracy is to vote FOR WHAT YOU THINK IS RIGHT.

I don't see how giving people Walmart weed and saying it did some good is going to get us anywhere but down.

Why on Earth would you want to hand the only people we've never agreed with the wheel of our ship.

My favorite fallback for the Pro group is "Well even if Prop 19 passes then things will be the same if you choose to do it that way."

That's never the case and you know it. THE LAW IS BEING CHANGED... when was the last time you agreed totally with legislators?!?!?!

Just for the record:

Some people are worried that you're doing more harm than good.

No amount of repetition will remedy this.


I don't know about prop 19 , but no government should have the power to tell some one that they cannot grow a plant . Marijuana is a plant . Maybe we need to get it on the endangered species list.


Why should anyone pay anything and lie to a doctor? "can't live without it...."? That's not lying?? So if you ran out of herb and had none you would die?? That's my problem here. 215 has completed it's job. It's removed alot of social taboo and proved cannabis can be bought and sold in a retail market without causing a global pandemic.

But the fact we have 215 supporters who'd rather continue this sherade is beyond me. For every 1 person who truly needs mmj there are 1000s who just want to get high without getting arrested. and nobody should get arrested for weed, but why should we have to go through the ordeal of getting stopped, hoping the cop isnt totally against the mmj system, having him call his sergeant, then seeing what sarge thinks aobut it, have them call your doctor/mmj office and HOPE you can get verified so you dont wind up in a holding cell to you can post bail or see a judge?

If 19 was passed cops wont be able to do any of that shit. It will be "I smell marijuana" and you will say "yes officer I got a half ounce of some sticky og chemdawg and a quarter ounce of some co2 hash". They wont be able to write you a ticket, wont be able to confiscate, worst possible scenario is making you submit to a field sobriety test. Hell ive been pulled over high as fuck and still passed the FST. That same intoxicity with whisky and im falling down like i just got off the tilt-o-whirl at the carnival.....

Why continue to lie and hide under the guise of being a sickly patient who "can't live without mj"? I like to have a few shots of whisky and a beer every now and then but im not going to die if I don't get it. Just like I enjoy smoking some fine hash and rolling up a fat cone, but im not going to die if I cant get high.

Recreational mj laws need to pass to show the people that this is no longer a taboo subject. How can we ever expect real change if politicians see a recreational mj bill get shot down? Politicians need to see that supporting MJ isnt political suicide.

How many presidents and ex-police cheifs come out and will say "well mj is not a serious harm. the laws cause more harm then the substance. the war on drugs is a failure. etc. etc." ? If we could just pass some of these recreational laws, it would give these people room to express their opinions while IN OFFICE, rather of saying these things from the sidelines.

Whatis the reason to stifle progression in our movement for the heralding of an archaic mj system. Does it not look foolish when 80+% of patients are young healthy looking adults? Ive worked with numerous mmj doctors and have heard so many patients jokingly ask eachother while waiting "what are you going to tell them...".

If we as mmj patients ourselfs know that this system is a whole wink wink sly of hand deal, how does this reflect on non smokers who voted this in for terminal patients?

215 helped push the envelope and 19 will push it even farther. This is progression.

Imagine if we all voted against 215 because it wasn't "absolute legalization"? Where would we be now? Think about that before you vote no on 19.

Jesus I thought we would all be dancing in the streets to have some form of "legalization" on the books and show a W in our column heralded by all the newspapers and news stations nationwide.

I guess I temporarily forgot how amazingly self centered and greedy money can make people....

I agree with you on most of your points, you do well at presenting your argument. BUT I have analyzed this whole thing up and down back and forth. For me and my views on life government and economics. I am just not so sure on changing what we already have.

At one point I was very pro legalization,
Iv gone though it all I can relate to every aspect of why a person would want these changes, I still however feel we can do better to keep a proper economic for the industry. I am most definitely taking about $ I never was trying to hide it.
This goose lays its eggs for anyone who puts the time and effort in to bad in this world there isn't much left. GREED is not what its about for me, I know how to work the system and I help others do the same. Maybe I am somewhat of an anarchist with a robin hood complex. I would help you, I would help everyone if I could. This is the last exploit.

One final point, not bragging here so hopefully I don't come across egotistical. My IQ is upward of 160, I have been analyzing sociology my whole life. I have a pretty good precognitive logic, no I cant see into the future but I am somewhat decent at predicting it. I'm gonna come out and say it for you.. I hate this bill and I am sad that so many people are focused on the whole fake legalization thing and forgetting what we have to work with currently.
Someone may bring up jail, well to me life is a prison all our resources are pissed away. Property is sucked up. The generation's before us got to it all already and corporations have taken almost everything.

I am not scared or paranoid its simple logic, there's nothing to twist or spin. Its cut and dry in my eyes. I don't care about the taxes, take em or leave em.
No legal corporate business model. Medical and decrim seems to be the better thing ATM. Whatever it takes to KEEP THIS FOR US but also keep more people outa jail. That's what I would vote yes on.


I keep hearing all this stuff about how prop 19 wont effect 215. Can anyone show me where in prop 19 it states that? As I see it this is such a poorly written bill that it leaves too much to interpretation. If everything is going to be interpreted anyways than how can you say you truly know what your voting for? Then theres all the cities lining up new taxs and laws to add on to prop 19 if it does pass.

im 25 when i was 22 I was rear ended on my way to work and fractured my lower spine I now live with chronic back pain every day besides smoking MMJ it takes 2 Vicodin to make my pain go away and im not about to spend the rest of my life popping pills slowly killing myself. My fiance has migraines so bad that we sometimes have to take her to the hospital so she can get a shot to alleviate the pain. She has countless medications to take before during and after she gets a migraine now she can either take all of those pills which put her to sleep or smoke a bowl and sleep through it. Under prop 19 we would be allowed a 5x5 are to grow for ourselves which is no where near enough space to have a perpetual grow to provide for 2 people. Then theres talks of taxs for people who grow in rancho cordova they are talking about an annual tax of $600 per sq ft of your grow op so growing in a 5x5 would cost you $15,000 per year it wouldnt be economical for you to even grow your own meds any more.

If prop 19 passes we will all be forced to buy our weed from government one way or another. We are handing our rights over to them by voting yes on this poorly written bill.


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
this bill is understood but they wont admit it. It keeps people confused and hope they can get everyone to vote no.

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
Who is "they"?

This should be written by "us".

I could say that there is certainly division among "us" so "they" should like that.

I'd rather be united for "us" rather than hand "them" "us".

"of the people, by the people, for the people"... ring any bells anyone?


That's never the case and you know it. THE LAW IS BEING CHANGED... when was the last time you agreed totally with legislators?!?!?!

Just for the record:

Legislators have nothing to do with this voter initiative. Besides, SB 420 and the future SB 1449 were made by legislators and have made more progress for freedoms in this war than pissing and moaning about everything not being perfect ever did.
I guess there could be growers that dont sell and still want to vote no....I guess I just dont understand it.

This thread is beginning to bore me, I just wish the damn vote would happen so we can move on. I need to be getting ready to open my vape lounge and reap the benefits of making plans. Peace.

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
Legislators have nothing to do with this voter initiative.

I'm sure that they will do all the "fixing" that some seem to think will happen AFTER voters initiate this.

I'm just as suprised as you are that people want to vote it in as "our last chance ever".

We need a better written initiative in my opinion.

Can't you open a vape lounge now, or is there some legislation in the way?


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
I have read allot of these post and that is untrue. I have not read anywhere where we think this is our last chance ever. You are putting words in my mouth there my fiend. I know everyone thinks its poorly written legislation but it is the right thing to do now but ALSO KEEP THE MOVMENT GOING. NOBODAY WANTS IT TO STOP ON 19 FAR FROM IT.

BiG H3rB Tr3E

"No problem can be solved from the same level of c
Do you tell your old cat friends to start selling oxy, because that is cool with you and they suck to much to grow weed?


Oh we argue the shit ALL the time. There's a mutual respect from both parties, but it always winds up heated. It usually ends after were too high to argue anymore. I can understand when your too old to do anything else and need the money. I always tell em don't worry, worst comes to worst you can come work for me as resedential old coot. But seriously it's time to legalize it. People will always be afraid of change, specially older generation, but there will ALWAYS be money in weed. Alcohol and tobacco don't cost dick, yet their still multi billion dollar industries. If weed was legal in California, it would be a 20-30 billion dollar industry, even if mj prices drop. Demand is going to fucking skyrocket if 19 passed, mark my words.


this bill is understood but they wont admit it. It keeps people confused and hope they can get everyone to vote no.

Are we even sure if "they" want us to vote no? maybe "they" want a yes (based on that logic).

We have yet to see how "they" treat 215 in a post 19 world. We know rick lee style mega grows will at least effect the economics of 215. Cheaper weed would be nice but that can and will happen without 19, it already is.

Other than teh "movement" what good is this damn thing?
We need something for the people this bill is geared in the wrong direction. Screw 19 lest raise money and write our own bill.


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
you should have already started that process. It's not that easy. You have to be able to compromise and no one here is willing to do that. There's going to be a middle ground just like 19 where half hate it and half are OK with it. Politics is a very ugly games and no one wins
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