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seeded gets aced


Active member
The smells have been coming on like crazy over the past week though I'm sad to say that the bb/thai x malawi's are all taking on a very earthy and oily smell that's completely dominating the fruitiness. It's delicious in it's own right but I'm hoping the berry smells come back. The Zamaldelicas are all grassy and slightly woody with the big fat one with the egg carton on it also has a lemongrass/citrus background to her as well though it's very faint. The malawis and the ssh x malawi are all just grass and wood though this one last malawi also has a paint thinner smell coming on like mad :D



Active member
I've got my new toy but not my macro lens which means I can't get up close to the plants. Well that's not entirely true but the old point and shoot shits all over it without the macro lens except for having raw files which I haven't been able to play with before so I took a few depressing hps pics to see what I could do.



They're not bad for being auto focused and lit solely by the hps lights but I do feel a little dirty even uploading pictures that are so fake colour wise :laughing:



Well-known member
You might need a learning curve on the new camera, but the plant looks excellent;) So do the first two pics, super quality, you can tell. Good investment.


Damn you Seeded,you're gonna make me look for a better cam...Jealous here...Can only imagine what it can do with proper focus/lenses...That Zam looks evil dude!


Active member
Thanks guys :tiphat:

After spending another day learning basic image manipulation I feel like I've put on a pair of sunglasses from they live and can see the manipulation everywhere I look now :hotbounce I'm going to stick with it as I'm getting some truly amazing results at cleaning my pictures up but it feels like I'm painting pictures and not taking them which makes me feel like a fraud for not presenting reality even though I'm actually aiming for a more natural look. God only knows how the people who shot the menu for McDonalds live with themselves :laughing:

I'm going to spend the rest of the night taking pictures of the garden and learning about image stacking. It's preparation for when all the macro kit arrives more than anything but if I take any decent pics along the way I'll be sure to share them :biggrin:


3M makes some blue safty glasses that I really like. A few times I've taken pictures through the glasses to correct the color and get rid of the lines from the magnetic ballast


Active member
It's been a shitty week here as my lens hasn't even been posted off yet and I've caught the worst flu I've had in years. I can't breathe through my nose let alone smell anything so I've got no clue how anything is smelling these days and after moving half the garden around and being forced to use the old camera my heart just wasn't in it to switch cameras or even make a proper effort which really shows in the washed out hps pics. So apologies in advance for them but I'll make it up and then some once I've got the new lens and don't feel like death. :violin:

Week 7 of flowering

Flowering tent group shots and the vege tent. I have to take half the plants out to water the ones at the back so I took a shot to show how deep into the canopy the buds are growing at a decent size. It doesn't even come close to showing how full it really is in there though as the plants are severely crowding one another.





Active member
Fastest and slowest Zamaldelica's and then the rest of the pictures are (blueberry x thai) x malawi's.







Active member
Seeded your going to have to start charging for the pics lol nice work

Thanks but I haven't put anything special up yet and even worse I've shit the thread up with blown out hps pics on the regular which is pretty inexcusable. Speaking of which those last group shots of the flowering tent are terrible so here's some much better ones of the jungle :biggrin:



Well-known member
You set the bar high for yourself, wanted to mention to you I have wild thai in full bloom right now and I can see why you used her for your cross really nice plant.B


The real reason most of you are here, Double Thai.
I was in for the Double Thai ...Then for the vids...Then for the camera...Now for the Jungle!

This slow Zam and the spindly Double Thai is such a joy to watch!Lucky you got the space and time!Have you tried the sshxmalawi?Is it mr.nice ssh?

Fantastic skills bro!-talking bout the plants :biggrin:


Active member
You set the bar high for yourself, wanted to mention to you I have wild thai in full bloom right now and I can see why you used her for your cross really nice plant.B
Thanks and I'd love to see your wild thai in full bloom. I bet she's a beauty :D

I haven't run wild thai before though. Mine is ace's double thai and today I'm taking cuttings of my lone male to get ready his first and only flowering. To be completely honest with you though the 7 weeks of stretching mildly scares me so I'm not sure how much I'm going to use the double thai in the long run when other sativas would already be half done.

I was in for the Double Thai ...Then for the vids...Then for the camera...Now for the Jungle!

This slow Zam and the spindly Double Thai is such a joy to watch!Lucky you got the space and time!Have you tried the sshxmalawi?Is it mr.nice ssh?

Fantastic skills bro!-talking bout the plants :biggrin:

Thanks mate and this is technically my second time running the ssh x malawi but the first run had to get chopped down before I could even flower them so this is the first time I've really grown it. The mother was an f2 of mr nice's ssh and the fathers three different malawi's from the first generation grown from ace. I won't be growing it again anytime soon though as they don't seem to have complimented each other like I expected. The ssh had an insane flower to leaf ratio which has been ruined, the trich coverage has lessened, the leafy tea tree oil terps were turning woody last time I smelt them, etc. basically the ssh got dominated and seems to have brought the malawi down with it. I know that I could f2 it and easily run the numbers needed to find what I wanted but I'm about to flower all my males out and create a ton of seed that the ssh x malawi would have to compete against and unless they magically turn themselves around over the next couple of months they're not going to stand a chance of being planted again.

It kinda feels like I just broke up with the ssh x malawi :laughing:


Really interesting,man!:)Assuming you found what you liked and couldn't keep it as a clone,what would be the next step?Bx with the parent whose trait you want to lock down?Or try to find matching siblings to cross with and then Bx?Or am I talking nonsense ?:biggrin: