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seeded gets aced


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Really interesting,man!:)Assuming you found what you liked and couldn't keep it as a clone,what would be the next step?Bx with the parent whose trait you want to lock down?Or try to find matching siblings to cross with and then Bx?Or am I talking nonsense ?:biggrin:

I don't have the mother or fathers any longer and since the pollen is all mixed a backcross is impossible so if they surprise me with a stellar turn around I'd sprout as many of them as I could to find the best parents for the f2 generation. I'd keep the two best mothers from which I've chosen seeds from alive and then pheno hunt both lines looking for males that exhibit the ssh frost and terps to make the f3 and backcross generations from. The f2 mothers would be flowered out after the males have finished their run and only the best two or three would get hit with pollen along with the previous f1 parents. I'd be aiming for basically the same thing in them as I did the males but vape testing them to ensure the raw strength of the malawi is backing them up.

I'd have to then test out the f3s and backcrosses to see which path to move forward in but I imagine that as each generation acts like a genetic filter the more I move down the line the more I'll prefer it. That said when a strain catches my eye enough to go that far I'm running a parallel line, backcrossing it, etc. just in case I screw up along the way, need to reintroduce vigor with as close a relative as possible or whatever because you never know what nature has in store.

Eventually though the end goal with any strain I make is to make it both unique and stable enough to breed true with the strongest of polywhirl kushes that touch it. I want them to dominate like the malawi did to the original hybrid where it said to hell with what I want while making me feel as though the ssh was letting it down. If I could accomplish that but in a more controlled fashion I'd be a very happy man indeed :biggrin:


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After all the hours I've put in today to take macros, edit them, stack them, etc. only to have them all turn out shit I've come to the conclusion it would have been better to spend $35 on a ring flash and hold it over my old point and shoot's lens than it would have been upgrading to a dslr :laughing:

I know that picture is better than average but if you take a few hundred pics one is bound to come out alright especially when heavily cropped :laughing:


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Fucking Lumatek. It's not even two years old, frosty conditions and the insides started melting to the inside of the casing :cuss:



Sorry about the shit pics. I've been playing with all the settings on the new camera and 99% of the pics are turning out awful. Life's really been put on hard mode the last few days and with this latest setback I really can't be bothered trying to take a decent picture of something that makes me depressed so those will have to do. I'll not take the same attitude towards tomorrow's scheduled weekly update though. That's gonna be special :biggrin:


That sucks. It's probably under warranty though. Is that a digital ballast? I have never had a digital ballast fail on me. I don't think I've ever had a magnetic last more than 2 years


Active member
That sucks. It's probably under warranty though. Is that a digital ballast? I have never had a digital ballast fail on me. I don't think I've ever had a magnetic last more than 2 years
Yeah it's a digital but I never kept the box, receipt, etc. so I doubt I'm covered. I too have had magnetic ballasts last forever. My last one lasted 7 years and only got replaced when I was upgrading all my lights. Wish I kept it now :(

Speaking of upgrades I was able to borrow some money and have ordered a 600w ballast to replace the 400w one that died. It only cost $11 more for the 600w ballast and since I had a slightly used 600w bulb here laying around doing nothing I couldn't help myself :biggrin:

In the meantime I've robbed the vege tent of it's ballast so the flowering tent can remain fully lit. Unfortunately the only spare light I can put in the vege tent is a 23w fluro as the other 123w of fluros I have are in the clone tent trying to root replacement mothers and the fathers for the upcoming pollen run. It's all kinds of hectic here but it's going to work out for the best in the long run :biggrin:


I always make sure to keep spare lights around. Your hydro store may be unwilling to help you but they can indeed replace that without a box or receipt or anything. The manufacturer can tell by the serial number or something on the product when it was manufactured. You don't even need to take it back to the same store. It's just a matter of whether the store wants to help you. I probably spend more money at the hydro store than you. but my current Hydro Store will replace anything I take them with one off of the Shelf immediately. It's pretty nice I had a Max fan go out that I bought years before from a different store and the owner of that store told me he wouldn't replace it. So it goes out and I take it into the store I go to and they hand me the upgraded model at no extra cost off their shelf.


Active member
I always make sure to keep spare lights around. Your hydro store may be unwilling to help you but they can indeed replace that without a box or receipt or anything. The manufacturer can tell by the serial number or something on the product when it was manufactured. You don't even need to take it back to the same store. It's just a matter of whether the store wants to help you. I probably spend more money at the hydro store than you. but my current Hydro Store will replace anything I take them with one off of the Shelf immediately. It's pretty nice I had a Max fan go out that I bought years before from a different store and the owner of that store told me he wouldn't replace it. So it goes out and I take it into the store I go to and they hand me the upgraded model at no extra cost off their shelf.
My hydro shop might replace if I brought it into them but they might not as well as I only go in there a couple of times a year to buy nutrients and never really say much other than hi and bye to them. Without the receipt or anything for all they know it could be stolen, not come from them, etc. so I wouldn't expect them to replace it on the spot but instead to send it in and get a replacement if it's covered and proven faulty. I'll take it in and see what they say anyway because if I can get a replacement it'll make a nice backup should anything like this happen again.

That said I've been toying with the idea of upgrading my lighting anyway. I was thinking that the 600w wasn't enough to cover it's half of the flowering tent as fully as I'd like and the 400w definitely wasn't so the 400w was on the chopping block anyway. Fate screwed me into needing to upgrade when I could least afford it so I couldn't afford the 1000w light that I wanted but I'm happy to upgrade to 600w at this point in time because it's drastically going to bump up my yield from this crop and I'm sure in the long run my power bill will appreciate the lower usage too :biggrin:


It's worth a try at least to get it replaced. It's always good to have a backup and it'll take so long to send that thing in and get it back anyway you would need something different.

It's all about how much the staff of the store feels like helping you. I used to go to a pretty big store and they didn't like doing returns for stuff that they knew I bought from them


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Time for the weekly update which is a bit of a horror show this week as I've got quite the nutrient deficiency/lockout going on, I've completely run out of nutrients and the order I made for coco nutrients and a better calmag supplement didn't arrive today so I can't fix them up with the flush and feed they need until after the weekend. I've also had to fall back on using the old point and shoot this week for all the bud shots because I killed all the batteries in the house playing with my new flash during lights off. On the plus side of things I got these three pics just as it chewed the last bit of power from those poor AAs :biggrin:





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I could guess what these are for the most part but after a fit of rage at finding out the new cheap AA batteries I had on hand couldn't even power a single flash I flipped shit, grabbed the old camera, took hundreds of pics and then deleted all the lower quality ones so I'm not really sure which plant is in which pic.






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I've always had issues with males around but thought I was a bit more on top of things this round. Oh well, it's a toss up between erdpurt, malawi, durban, double thai, zamaldelica and pakistani chitral kush for the daddy. Where's Maury when you need him? :laughing:




Whichever males were the pollen donors got their balls chopped off for it as I turned them all into cuttings and stripped off any sacks I could see the other day. Pretty sure that's when the damage was done tbh but it's only bad on a couple of the much more advanced bb/thai x malawi. The slower one up the back is seemingly without seed and the rest seem to only have a few here and there so it's not too bad but I'm disappointed in that making seed stops a lot of girls from throwing bananas and I wanted to see if any of my girls would as it's a poor trait to pass on. Oh well, shit happens and there's more pics...


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Last up is an unknown plant and the two opposite zamaldelicas. Sorry about the hps filth again. I'll get some good batteries for the flash and make up for it soon though.




Everything's giving you a hard time huh? I like to buy batteries at Home Depot. They've got something like a 30 pack for $15 maybe I'm a little off on those numbers but I get a giant pack of batteries at a pretty good price. I haven't really shopped around though.

Pics look nice


Active member
I also got over my flu and have been smelling the girls up a ton lately.

The malawis are all grassy, woody and oily with some fuel behind them

The zamaldelicas are starting to get citrusy and very fruity in general like tropical punch with fuel and grass behind them.

The double thai are grassy but are developing a sort of citrusy/fuely tang to them when touched. #5 much more so than the rest but it's the fastest by far too.

the bb/thai x malawis are all getting their blueberry goodness back on but there's a woody nutiness to them as well which works for them a bit though if it gets any stronger I can't imagine it doing the line any favors.

the ssh x malawi smell of grass and fuel with a slight bit of tea tree oil from the ssh mum.

The smells aren't overly strong yet but since I need to pull them out every couple of days to water them all and rearrange them I'm getting right up them every chance I get so I'll keep you all updated with how they progress :D


Active member
Everything's giving you a hard time huh? I like to buy batteries at Home Depot. They've got something like a 30 pack for $15 maybe I'm a little off on those numbers but I get a giant pack of batteries at a pretty good price. I haven't really shopped around though.

Pics look nice

Thanks and yeah it's just one of those moments in life where the universe sought equilibrium after things were going so well for me. It happens to us all eventually but it's how you get up that counts so I just need to keeping marching on and wait until it's someone else's turn :laughing:

The last lot of batteries I purchased cost around the same amount. Funnily enough they're polaroid brand and I remember thinking at the time that coming from a camera manufacturer they're going to be good as I remembered then my ancient camera chewing batteries when I used the flash and figured they'd take the same attitude towards making a decent battery :laughing: Oh well tonight I find the optional power pack I cheaped out on when I bought the flash and tomorrow morning I'll pick up some decent batteries to tie me over from the supermarket. I did say I'd make up for the shit pics soon and after sorting out all of the issues I had taking macro pics I intend on delivering in a big way :biggrin:


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I promised decent pics in a timely manner and just woke up a couple of girls to deliver. I'll start by underselling things with some Malawi :biggrin:




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Now to show some real potential with a bb/thai x malawi :woohoo:



Consider that part one. I'll take the rest of the pics later during lights on :biggrin:

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