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Kooki's diary(K2 T44 DG BB)enviro/cfl


Active member
:wave: everyone hya core :joint: dont worry about the rep i will be famous soon enough :biglaugh: (well it does say i will be :D)

Ok so i shld update again. And do a bit of rambling as i often doooo.
So warm days here i got mid 80s' in flower cab, i can see the hot summer period which thankfully here isnt too long :biglaugh: it will get too hot, for my liking, i am a cautious kooki, anyhow will rig up cfls then if need to , as know i can cool them sufficiently. Its no biggie i got a nice 400w hps tube and i got a load of cfl power too, so can always be growin some bud :yes: Got some trips holidays etc tho, and its leaving things runnin when i not here is botherin me,, maybe time for a plan :yoinks: i can use conservatory probably and maybe use some wick system to keep em watered while away , i thinking about it anyhow :D , too hot use cfl and conservatory when away is the plan i think. enough rambling u want some pics i bet hehe :D

Well mutie is 5week old, so small n wierd hehe This is jus to watch and fun so we not worrying about it , one branch looks to have split to into two on its own.. other branches started to come out of the mass of leaves it was for a while, it looks quite healthy colour wise etc, be fun if its a girl to get a few joints of her to smoke n see how that is hehe :joint:



Active member
Multi posting it, here is the Purple Power, this is 5week also and still lounging in veg being trained a little, dont know if u see , but i was trainin the 4 branch ,not worryin about the smaller lower two ,but one of em decides its racing to the sun, while the other is sayin nah im gonna stay here, so got 5 up there at an evenish level.. :yes: its responding ok to training, not as well as other plants but its trying..



Active member
Then we gotta move onto the flower cab..

:yoinks: lookin full in there.. :D

We got some Blueberry at its 1n half week mark.. its week is on tue.. but jus takin pic now hehe, ive been loose on trainin this, and it really needs tying down a little n "sculpting" into shape with string.. but i not gonna worry about it with the 400w hps, that shld be fine as is..

Then we move onto the cuts.. again same age week n half in flower cab.. the left is top44 the right is Doublgum, and i know they kinda all over each other hehe.. only in small pots ,just growin em out (got cuts saved so cool)

Then we got the 5week in flower Doublegum.. this worried me with some balls showing, not seen any since but doesnt mean there isnt any hehe, and some buds near side that i saw them do look like they are oranging a bit early , but hey ho, i keep sayin i not gonna worry too much :D its budding along anyhow.

Pics dont show it but some yellowin on leaves on the DG too, tho i think the buds look fatter than DG i have grown under cfl before at similar mark of flower. This one is shorter in stature than ones ive done of DG before too tho.interesting anyhow :D :wave: take it easy
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Active member
The DG is smelling mm.. like vanilla. Its the best way to describe it, a little bit like vanilla.. lol. Dunno it doesnt seem to have the piney lemon smell it had thetimes ive grown that before.. more a velvetty vanilla like smell, quite pleasant .I wonder how it is gonna smoke.... also got the top44 drying its smellin hashy but as it cures its gettin a slight fruitiness to it.. sorta like a soft black hash resin smell.. but a bit more lively :yoinks: :wave: catch u all soon with some shots of the dry buds :D gotta weigh n dry the second half i harvested properly but lookin to be half maybe over half oz , not bad for a small plant under cfls :woohoo:


Occasional User
You mean like chocolate chip cookies baking in the oven kinda vanilla?..awsome...!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm Kooki's Cookies


Active member
aight, mmh your right, i can smell them from here yeah like a fresh vanilla pod with like hints of fresh vanilla custard cream wow, I'm good :p do you think you will be finding any random seeds? cause you said you seen some bolls hanging around.
that little crazy X-plant looks like a natural bonzai tree good luck with it



Registered Medical Patient
Hey Kooki, lookin great!!!Vanilla, huh??!!sounds yummy...I just chopped 1 1/2 of my girls...they smell friggin awesome...Peace.

- Z


Active member
:wave: hya folks.. hehe indeed it smells of vanilla, BG hanfi and Zeus...quite pleasant. But its not doing as well i cld hope for, not really putting weight on like i imagined and lots of oranging of hairs on some bud sites too, so i cld have had some pollination gone off , is no biggie the main tip is growin okish, and i not seen any more balls for my searching, tho maybe they hidden hehe. Its comin up to 6 week thursday, and lots of yellowin of leaves leaves fallin off left right n centre etc hehe oh well good thing is the blueberry is about ready to start buddin been in 2 weeks and so are the cuts in there and all looks well with those..;

Zeuse that sounds sweet :) good amount i got 1 oz n 6 gram so u beat me :D hehe the top 44 looks to have made 16 grams, of quite nice buds. chunkier than the K2 buds i will take some pics later,to shows u all, smells nice n hashy like a squidgy black resin does with that hint of overripe fruit mmm and gonna be having a smoke of that to taste it too , and save half oz for long curing over a few weeks in jar along with the K2 doing the same :woohoo:


The Tri Guy
Its all looking good Kooki, and 6 weeks leaves finishing up sounds perfect to me.


Active member
:wave: GMT thanks G , i have not been using the nutes , and with the DG being under just cfl for weeks then being placed under the 400 hps i thought i might have just overdone it a bit, maybe why i noticed the odd ball too, stress, but i will say it smells nice is frosty, still time to put weight on so i shld just let it grow :yummy: its diff to the DG ive done before, shorter smell is total different, but its about as chunky on buds now as othere before finished so i guess the next 2 weeks will show me diff between the cfl n hps :yummy: , will admit tho i only just thought now to make sure of ph on run off and think of flushing hehe..


Active member
I think you should give it a name dude. ok it's a mute but it looks really healthy, how about Cerebro lol the first of the X-plants gonna fight the world of evil mutie haters XD mad *jumps against the padded wall @_@*



The Tri Guy
If you havent used nutes Kooki, and the leaves are finishing up, then theres no need to think about flushing, there's nothing to flush. I dont know about measuring your run off, its something that I've never done. keep it lazy buddy.


Active member
Ahh that makes sense GMT, no i not used nutes for quite a while. The soil mix i use is nutrient enriched stuff,so i dont bother adding anything but water :)
I jus like to measure watering run off for ph to check its in right level is all. Dont normally get probs with that unless i got diff soil mix to the "usual" , i try to stick to the same stuff tho, keep all things the same.
Doublegum is a 7 to 8 week strain by guide of white label.. previous ones ive grown have been just over 8 towards 9 weeks, this one more shorter in stature and also did start to show budsites i would say at least half a week prob a week earlier. So expect the 8 week finish mark to still be about right. Gonna be checkin triches with scope from now on in ,to check their progress.


Active member
LOL @ hanfi.. the X men films where great werent they.
MM name my mutie i dunno i actually quite fond of it now, will be great to see it flower if a girl hehe. Its small for age compared to anything lol, and is from a baggy of white widow so i cld call it mini widow :D


Active member
Mini Widow as been pimpdaddied!

Do you use a soil mixture or just a certain type? I've got a bit of a sandy potting and cutting soil, thats quite dry, mixed with the moister more nutrient rich flowering dirt and a load of vermiculite. Now and then i water them with nutrient laced tepid water just so they don't take it all out of the soil straight away and it lasts longer. Haven't had any burns yet. I find they love it when i spray them with the older water because they don't get the chalk stains.
hope you don't mind me showing you?!

She looks a bit thin underneath but thats because i cut the leaves off to get her concentrating on bigger side shoots.

Kooki don't you think it's time again for some more pictures?


Active member
Hya hanfi no probs u can post ya plants here i luv to see pics :D yours look healthy leaves :yes:
I just use a peat based nutrient enriched potting soilmix that i add perlite to, about 15 % perlite maybe sometimes 20% u know i dont really measure just throw in handfulls :D .And its been a year n half prob since i last bothered with nutes, and then i just used some simple cheap tomato plant nutes that are 4 8 8 or 4 10 10 sommat like that. I figured if u keep it simple then u only got few things to blame rather than lots of things to blame lol or try to figure out .
And pics day prob wed/thurs for the week mark on DG the others hit their week mark monday/tue but will just take a bunch at same time tommorrow.The purple power hits its week mark for veg friday so prob take its shots early and make just one post.. oh and i will take some shots of the dry top44 and report on the taster smoke :joint:
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Active member
:wave: hya folks
Ok well i got some shots of the t44 buds, been smokin some too , and it is nice.. it smells hashy , musky with a slight overripe fruity smell.. :yummy: it also smokes with a fruity hashy taste also, quite pleasant to me . The effect is definitely indica stoney , all over body relaxation n buzziness. You also feel numb in the head too :biglaugh: really nice relaxing smoke i think. :yes:
The main tip was about an eighth dry , got 16 gram of a little bit leafy and airy buds, but they taste nice smell nice and work so im happy :woohoo:

Then we also have in flower the cut of t44 at 2n half week of flowering.. got this in a smaller container, and just using the space, the DG cut went to a new home :D so dont have a pic of that.



Active member
Then at 6w flowerin is the doublegum, its got some curly tips of leaves ,yellowin and such everywhere i even snipped ends of a few leaves , but the buds are lookin ok and chunkier than same strain grown b4 under cfl and chunkier than the K2 was, its frosting ok, gonna have to take my plants out to take pics to get rid of the yellowing hps bulbs give hehe..

Then at 2 n half weeks in flower is the Blueberry that is just about startin that budding mode.. its quite large now , might have some more stretch in it yet but we shall see :D


Black Ra1n

Cannaculturist ~OGA~
Hey Kooki, man that db has some awesome tops. How much longer do you think it has?
I bet you can't wait to light that one up :)
