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Kooki's diary(K2 T44 DG BB)enviro/cfl


Active member
Ok so i have harvested the K2, triches looked pretty much how i like, so i got some trimmin to do :D
The top44 is still shy of being ready, so gonna let it stay in flower a little while longer . I gonna be busy trimmin this K2 today anyhow lol. No more signs of balls on the DG today, just seemed to be on two branches on one side of plant, i am thinking as things where fullin flower and this side had been up against side of cab, maybe i gave too much stress to those areas, anyhow gonna keep an eye. Dont really want something to be easily stressed for making beans so maybe i will just flower out its cutting.


Active member
Update time.. well i not taken pics yet so will have to pop back later with some.
But just a note about whats happening :D
I got holidays booked and visiting mine and hers relatives also to do, so not got as much time as i thought to be doing stuff. Gonna have to shut down as wont be able to keep an eye on things when im back n forwards ,oh well, i think i can manage to get a bean grow out tho ,so tryin to rush some things along. :D i got 12 week tops to play with.. lets hope i can do things in that time.

I put the Blueberry into flower cab on tue, along with the top44 and doublegum cut. The Blue being bagseed might end up with male flowers(might not but there u go) the Doublegum has shown some in flower already, tho not since last i looked and pulled some off, so the cut isnt stable for using to get beans.Gonna be keepin an eye on all those n pullin any off i see, and accepting any bud i end up with that might have got seeded.(tho not using those seeds for anything)

So i have cleared the veg area except for the Purple Power and some cuts. I took cuts from the t44 cut , gonna be tryin to pollinate those later and also topped and took a cut from the Purple Power to see if it would take to rooting, and if so that will be pollinated also. Letting the PP recover from toppin i had also repotted it monday, cple days before topping. Gonna let it veg another week or two before flowering that also. The T44 in flower ,is surprising me with just puttin on that extra weight frost etc, its so so near ready i cant wait ,but having a bit of the smaller K2 buds to be tokin on im happy to hold off :joint: The Purple Power will take its place in the flower cab , when its been chopped and i feel the PP is ready to go in, but not gonna be more than two weeks away as i gotta get things done (busy busy)

Also to do a bean grow i gonna need to start a hunt for some males(or at least get one) and i also have cuts that need to root and be potted n settled also.
I figure that i can start flowering on the cuts before i flower the male or males i get. And i can use my veg cab for flowering them out in for pollination while my flower cab is full. Its all tight for time, and space lol.The doublegum will finish first in flower ,so that will give me space for the cuts to start, then take them back out to the veg cab to pollinate away... So now i gotta start some beans for a male. I got a few choices, of what to use.. but i think im gonna cross with a K2 male. So gonna be starting some off in a glass today also.
Thats it for now will bring some pics later when i take shots of those in flower. :wave:


Active member
:wave: howdie folks.
Managed to take some pics. First up is the 7week for Top44, close to being snipped? :dueling: :joint: hehe ,i dunno it seems to be same on triches as it was last week, but has packed some more weight on, we will see !!



Active member
OK so took some shots with things in cab cos couldnt be bothered to move things :D had lots to do today ..
first is the Blueberry i have put in flower on Tues along with the DG and T44 cuts(taken T44 cuts still in veg) things so far are lookin ok for the plants in cab (beside the cple of balls i found on the DG)



Active member
And here is the Doublegum at its 4week mark. This one seems to bat for both sides :D :bat: not seen any more balls since i last looked n took a cple, lets hope its not gonna pop em crazy style :yoinks:



Active member
Wow man going great!!! Now wheres that little freak? Uncle hanfi want to see him XD. Here here when are your ladies going to get the axe?



Active member
:wave: hya folks
@hanfi the K2 was chopped sun/mon is drying nicely lookin to jar n burp soon :yes: The top44 is still packin on some things so will leave a few more days yet .. :joint:
Oh and mutie i will put some picks up tomorrow with the Purple power too.
@BR Thanks BR u too ,hope yr scrog screen is fillin up :yes:
@BG hehe chugga chugga indead, lets hope it gets no more balls too :yoinks:


Active member
Ok managed to get time for some pics of the veggers lol
First purple power at 4 w, i topped this and i am just training those 4 branches to be even, there are two small lower branches ,but they prob wont catch up as im not gonna bend anymore :joint: just do those 4 :D

And the mutie is about same age and is still tiny, the mass of leaf it started as, has now shot some branches, one even looks as tho it topped itself and has split into two :yoinks: mad mutie indeed



Quality Control Controller
ICMag Donor
thinking ahead thats cool man...then there only is flower and flower and flower and flower and ......lol :biglaugh:
what you gonne run next :pointlaug

nway cograts on some K2 chop :yummy:


Active member
:wave: @ core .
Well once i have got through the visit relatives n friends n holiday period i shall kick up my cabs again to grow (hopefully) some of the beans i make soon :D
Thinking im gonna grow some K2 look for a male , to use with the Top44 cut and the PP cut if that takes, but at least i will do T44(tri fem cut) to the male k2 .
here is some dried buds, i dont take all the leaf off as being cfl buds they not big, and the leaves frosty anyhow :joint: just showin a few , from the large to the small (hehe they all small but u know)

Also part harvest the top44, left some on to finish so got that drying, smells nice musky and hashy with no hint of skunkiness :yummy:
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Looking good man, glad to see you gots some nugs for a tokin on...great job.:D:yes:

Good luck with the grow man, I n I be watchin' from here.. :lurk:


Active member
:wave: thanks Bean BG core.. sure is cfl. :D and i got a ounce and 6 gram from the K2 which i was pleased with, all dry bit of leaf left like u see on bud pics but got a nice jar now filled with an ounce doing the long cure.. the rest is smoke box material :joint: help yaself to a bong :yes: once i dry the t44 shall see some budshots n get a weight too..


Registered Medical Patient
Lookin great Kooki, nice harvest shots bud!!! I know I havent been postin much here, but I watch it every day. I love ur all CFL grow, very inspiring for a 1st time CFL user here!!! Thanks man, and keep it up...Peace

- Zeus


Active member
Lol that mutie looks krazy, Lets hope its a girl. SEXY looking buds there finger lickin good.
my little ones are coming along nicely but i have a hunch that they're male.
Good luck with your little guys


Active member
:wave: @ zeus and hanfiking
Thanks Zeus, kind words from another grower who does really well using the cfl's ive seen those purple nirvana ak's they look really nice, and i been wanting to grow some purple buds myself so im jealous ,they look so :yummy:.. :D
Ta hanfi , the mutie sure is an oddball, not seen any sign of sex yet,bud u never know, also hopes u get a girl n not males too in your grow, although im at the moment gonna be lookin to get a male lol for making some beans..

Anyhow the cfl's can do the job, im impressed with the envirolite, it performs slightly better for me than 6x20w bulbs would, and plan to use cfls still in the future. Here when it gets summer n too hot to cool the hps i think i shall just use cfl's n then cooler months use the hps. Seems a good plan :yes:
Will put up some pics tommorrow of whats still happening ,the doublegum, the cuts blueberry and purple power and the Mutie of course :D ,too busy n need recharge on batteries hehe.
:wave: thanks all , grab a bong of the K2 its sugary , lemony, slightly sharp on the aftertaste, heady and bright vision weed, with a slight body buzz....


Quality Control Controller
ICMag Donor
You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to kooki again.

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