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Kooki's diary(K2 T44 DG BB)enviro/cfl



thats some really nice soil ur using. very dark rich colour. i can tell thats is great stuff. keep up the good work mate im sure you plants will thank u more than enough in the end.


Active member
:wave: Thanks kiwi i hope so too
:wave: BG ty of course ya can pop in anytime, i love popcorn so got plenty and have sugar and salty popcorn so everyones happy( i prefer the sugary kind :D )
As for string art ..well lol i used to use a cab to flower with very little height and constant battles to keep plants off the light meant a very fast learning of the art of using string (sometimes i think i go too far to be honest :biglaugh: )
, of course being in england we had shows such a "blue peter" and "why dont u" where they teach u as a kid loads of things to make with string ,sticky tape and plastic washin up bottles , so maybe i picked up a lot from there .. :D :biglaugh:
Nice to see how the older shot ends up, and at the 8 week mark it was like this...

Happy easter All :woohoo:


Occasional User
awsome...see that's what I mean...great canopy. Nice shot Kooki. And thanks for the warm welcome.

I'll be around for sure man. Peace


great grow man, lots for me to to learn... i'd like to see how that purple project you mentioned works out


Active member
:wave: to BG ,Core and adorno
Thanks guys :yummy: the plants lookin yummier by the day. No pics today shall do the veggin ones tomorrow and the flower room day after at their weekly marks...
But lookin at the K2 and Top44 , the hairs are turnin orange now, more n more, and lookin at the trichomes i am seeing lots of cloudy on both.. The K2 not seein more than the odd one or two amber here n there, the Top44 tho has more ambers.
The T44 says 6 to 8 weeks on flower description, i didnt believe 6 week at first, and thought that 2 weeks is a bit big difference to other indica types which only tend to say 7to8 or 8to9 ,but lookin at it today i think "that looks near ready" and thursday will be the 6 week mark :yoinks:
I like to cut with about 20% amber give or take a few, its how i like my smoke i guess , im sure everyone that grows their own has their own choice on when to chop :D so keepin an eye on the Top44 now, itching to go snippin :D

Also i took a small part of a branch of the K2 last week, and giving it the "quick dry cure" for a tester smoke i had a J :joint: today...
The taste n smell wont be same as a proper cure, but its like it smells on plant.. lemony sugar kind of sorbet sweet smell, and taste kinda sugary but sharp. no bad aftertaste, although still a bit "fresh" in taste cos of the quick dry.. potency tho i took it early, its nice and heady, bright vision, smiley but its not got enough body "buzz" that i like also. Hope the cut when triches are right will add that somewhat :D
Take it easy folks , shall be back to update things soon as im currently looking at all my parts for a 400watt cool tube :woohoo: ,lets hope we keeps this light cool enough in the space (works out at bout 100watt psf :yoinks: )
:lurk: :wave:


Active member
Ok so update time.. today i installed the cooltube and 400w hps.. its running mid to high 70's in the flower cab so all seems well... will get some pics on tomorrow. :D
Today tho is a veg update day.. first the Blueberry bag, this is a bit stretchy now, and i just tied it down a little to get those grow spots at nodes to get going and grow :D ,its 8 week veg now



Active member
Next a grp shot(bit bright grr) this is top left the Purple Power top right the Doublegum tri clone.. and bottom the mutant plant :yoinks:

Here is a close up on the mutant.. its about 3 weeks now and has freaky growth

And soon to be 3 week on friday is the Purple Power.. this has some nice indica lookin leaves, and growin rather well. :yummy: gonna give this one a long veg also i think , but not training it as of yet.. i plan on taking the top to clone and training after a topping :D chop chop



Quality Control Controller
ICMag Donor
congrats on the cooltube Kooki...if temps stay in that range your set dude!!
ohw and toss that runt....in that space you can grow a other plant ;)

owh and how long you gonne veg that blueberry you got a vegtime set?


Active member
:wave: @ core
Well i waitin on the K2 and top44 to finish so i got the space to throw the blueberry in the flower cab.. think/hope/looks like it will be anytime soon up to the next week mark for the flowering plants. During that time im gonna be trainin those node tips to grow. :yummy:
As for the runt i cld get rid n have space lol, but im enjoying watchin it grow ( i know i am silly sometimes :D ) kinda a what will become of it grow.
Once i have the Bluberry out of veg, i can repot the purple power, give it a topping and then train it for a long veg.. during that also i can sow some more regular seeds to look for a male (so can do my bean grow) I not sure if im gonna build a smaller cab with the envirolite to do that in or not yet, cld be a good plan :D


Active member
thats a crazy little freak, i like it, you gotta keep it just to see what happens, keep us posted on 'it' might have some funky psychedelic properties, what is it anyway?
Yeah, can't wait to see the progress of that purple power and blueberry. I've just started a Blue Mystic and Purple Star, I hope they're Phenos, and girls.
Keep the posts coming!!


Active member
:wave: @ hanfi
The mutant is from a baggie of white widow, so its a white widow bagseed mutant hehe .. yep i also cant wait to see how the purple power goes in flower, nice growth on it so far, i like the looks of it :)
hope u manage to get some colour phenos in your blue mystic and purp star too :lurk:


Active member
Ok so time to update the flowerin ladies . :D
First i shall start with the Doublegum at its 3week mark.
Its still stayin quite compact with the training and bushy too,compared to previous grows ive done of this plant...
With the 400w cooltube in place i have hopes of gettin some nice buds from this one :yummy:

Then we have the ultra compact Top44 lol at its 6 week mark, its so so close to being chopped soon as the triches are nearly as i like em... snip snip snip..hehe

some frosty shots, i learned last time i took pics that dark room with flash works to get some frosty shots hehe



Active member
And the K2 ,i am also watchin this for the chop :woohoo:
nice and frosty, smells nice and lemon sugary sorbet , gonna enjoy smoking this i think :joint:
Heres the pics, hope u like :wave:



Quality Control Controller
ICMag Donor
kooki said:
:wave: @ core
Well i waitin on the K2 and top44 to finish so i got the space to throw the blueberry in the flower cab.. think/hope/looks like it will be anytime soon up to the next week mark for the flowering plants. During that time im gonna be trainin those node tips to grow. :yummy:
As for the runt i cld get rid n have space lol, but im enjoying watchin it grow ( i know i am silly sometimes :D ) kinda a what will become of it grow.
Once i have the Bluberry out of veg, i can repot the purple power, give it a topping and then train it for a long veg.. during that also i can sow some more regular seeds to look for a male (so can do my bean grow) I not sure if im gonna build a smaller cab with the envirolite to do that in or not yet, cld be a good plan :D

aaaah space issues... :badday: then i suppose your gladd that T44 does't take that long 2 flower :D
Nway you seem to master the LST thingy quite good....:bow:

and yea its nice 2 watch ..but if you come 2 think about it ...you put in so much time and efford and you know its not gonne yield :pointlaug
and if you decide on builing that new cab..i'l be watching :joint:


Active member
:wave: @ BR WM and core :joint:
Thanks guys , its great to get some positivity thrown at me :dance:
@BR yr grow is comin along good too with the scrog screen and all :yes:
@WM thanks wm, i like the lst technique, and learn more ways to be better with it every grow ,its great for keepin an even canopy :dance:
@core, i like the lst , gonna be looser with lst for a few plants under the 400w tho, see how things go , hehe and yeah the t44 is great to be finishing so quick :yes:
Gotta think about this bean cab too, wether to make somethng more permanent or just a temporary thing.. space n all u know . :confused:
As for runti mutie hehe, well i am a little bit kooki ya know? :biglaugh:


Active member
Oh dear, takin a looksee at my doublegum in flower today.. and its got a cplpe places with male parts grr...
Gonna have to watch it closely and try remove as i see them, but this brings into question the stability of the cut i took.
Also soon to go in, shld be this week i pop the blueberry into flower, hopefully i can keep the doublegum in check n not get a whole heep of pollination going on lol.

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