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Kooki's diary(K2 T44 DG BB)enviro/cfl


Active member
:wave: hya folks
Heya hanfi the mutie is still alive :D i will try get some pics up tonight or tomorrow, i been really busy and not had time for anything :yoinks:

My update is late i took some pics on monday and today saturday lol.. just a few to show progress, and i will try get veg pics soon as i can, got things rolling on in veg.. i have a definite k2 female in there , and i think a male also( i hope its male really to do a bean grow :D ) my mutie is gonna be repot soon and maybe even put to flower , along with the K2 female when i do, i got cuttings of PP and The T44, i want to put with the male if it is a male.. when thats certain .. so just waiting really on the male to be sure, the few i need to put in flower i need to wait for the BB and T44 cut in flower to finish.. etc

Ok ramble over some pics :D
T44cut , this is in very small pot a couple of litres of soil is all but its doing ok.. it is resiny and gettin some nice small buds, at 6 weeks at the taking of pic, i know this is done by 8weeks , so a week as it stands today and it will probably be drying :D



Active member
Ok and next up is the BB at 6weeks also.. this is starting to plump up a bit, tho a lot of branches still are quite poor compared to others. My lst was loose on this , so main tip took off big style while the rest didnt.. u can see in the pics the main tip is sideways lol, and i keep havin to tweak it down, but all in all, its startin to smell that BB smell, and really pack on resin now. I cant wait for this one :yummy:



Active member
Lastly the Purple power, this is at 2weeks in pics, and starting to bud up, and change colour :woohoo: the buds and parts of leaves are getting a really nice darkish purple colouring to them, which i like, it really is quite dark when u see in natural light, i tried to get one to show u. The hps makes colours funny so snapped one with a cool cfl when lights went off ....
This plant is sooo stretchy, of course they do say not recommended indoors as its an outdoor variety lol, but hey we can give it a go cant we :D


Black Ra1n

Cannaculturist ~OGA~
Hey Kooki, finally made it back. Damn that lst is working great for you, those baby are plump :). So they say the purple is an outdoor hahaha who ever does what they say???? Looks awesome man, can't wait to see that purple bulk up.

Take care....



Registered Medical Patient
:wave: :yoinks: Hey Kooki, those babies are lookin amazin!!!! You sure seem to have them dialed in, my friend... :woohoo: Have fun with 'em, and that LST looks great!!! Damn, I gotta post some new pics!!! Later bro.Peace

- Z :moon:


Active member
:wave: thanks guys :joint:
I stil busy n tryin to keep things updated when i can.. the t44 is ready n i cut it today, took cple pics but nothin much diff to before, anyhow they here, just as i am about to start cuttin off fans n then chop branches off.. :D this was done in a litre and a half of soil so not bad.. might make 10 to 12 gram dry we shall see, thats my estimate hehe
The DG i got 41.3g dryed off it.. nice buds , it smells nice of vanilla but does actually taste like bubblegum, not a skunky taste to it , and potency is good, it doesnt sit u down as much as the t44, but it does get u giggly :yummy:
I have chucked another K2 female i got into the flower room in a small pot, 3 litres of soil or sommat, and also put the mutie plant into flower see if its gonna be a girl. The heat is gettin too high, our weather hotted up here, so i put the enviro back on, need to hook some cfls up in there, and use the cfl/enviro combo for the summer, so the PP in there has had about 4 weeks under hps n is gonna have to finish under the cfl power, no biggie, i can grow with cfls , and have an idea for my summer grow :D
The BB bagseed is nearly done too, just waitin on triches to be jus right u know, but its 8 week mark just about also, (will be monday mornin)
Also while im rambling on :D i think i got a male also K2 , for a bean grow, so i have flipped my veg to flower timing, got a PP cut and T44 cut in there to be pollinated, and i have timing of vegroom to flower timing opposite the time of flower room, so i can keep a t44 cut in veg by switchin it between cabs :D
So i started the flowerin for bean grow today, and put two into flower cab today for my weekly marks.. and the BB and PP in flower are monday for weekly marks.. just for record.



Active member
I will get more pics of everything as i can.. i had an idea of doing an all t44 grow after these that are in are done, take a lot of cuts n just fill space with as many in small pots as i can :D lol and as they stay short they be fine under cfl.. once i got my bean plants pollinated( assumin i do have a male n all goes to plan) i can remove the male n plop those two plants into the flower room, as the PP in there will prob be finished or near finished by then, and start a lot of cuttings vegging, and i think enough to fill both cabs and keep one veggin by swappin cabs with times alternating :D enough rambling i think u get the idea


Active member
:wave: Hya all
Sorry but busy still my updates are non existent!!
So i have passed 7 week for the PP near its 8 week soon and its lookin close, got pics below. The photo doesnt do the colour of the buds justice tho, it looks brownish on photo but in reality its a very deep lookin purple colour, quite pretty if the plant wasnt such a stretchy thing :)
Also its 3rd week for the K2 and The Mutie. The mutie is lookin nice now, budsites all over and frosting up already , compared to the K2 which is quite slow to start buddin n hardly starting to frost at all yet. Think the mutie might make for some good smoke in the end :D
Harvested the BB made about 8 gram more than the DG from it, about 1 n 3/4 oz, also the cuttin in small pot made about 9 grams the T44cut. Nice n frosty is the T44cut. small but quite dense buds i got with it.
Also i have been doing my first attempt at a bean grow crossin a k2 male with a t44 and a PP cuts.
The male has been droppin its funky stuff for 5 days or so, and i see budsites already lookin like the hairs are witherin n browny orangey coloured ,hopefully the sign they are pollinated. Only small buds i think i shld have timed it better before lettin the male near but i think either way i shld end up with hopefully some seeds :D I try to get some pics soon, but prob gonnna get rid of the male soon too, let the plants go into main flower cab once the PP is chopped down, as they are in the veg cab at moment flowering.
Ok enough rambling, hope u all are well and will surely pop into your threads to see how things fair :)


Active member
Ok so cfl and enviro power with these again, hps will be away till end of summer, done no trainin on the k2 or mutie at all, as been busy so might not be the best results with these lights for them but still , i know its gonna be some bud :D
first up the PP at 7week

Take my word for it theyre more purple than they look, will get better natural light pics when i can. Next the Mutie :D this is frosting good for its 3weeek mark


Black Ra1n

Cannaculturist ~OGA~
Kooki, hey man haven't seen you around in a while. Plants look great, nice harvest too.

Take care man.



Nice job there kookster! Lots of nice looking herb there! Keep up the good work.