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Kooki's diary(K2 T44 DG BB)enviro/cfl


Quality Control Controller
ICMag Donor
hehehe i can't imagine that you did't taste her already.....:biglaugh:


Active member
:wave: @ tayla and core
Thanks for poppin in tayla :dance: i like your grow too, the buds u got with that 250 look niiice :yummy:
Heya core :dance: im bein soooo patient , lettin it get to 8 weeks n see the triches hehe, just checked today at 7nhalfweek they mainly cloudy still but a few amber poppin up more now, so sooon ,soooon :yummy:
Will prob set aside some when i chop for tester buds ,give em a quick dry , and the rest a proper cure, hope the taste lives up to the smell

Some pics cos i forgot friday to show vegin plants, so rush took some today so they crappy quality :biglaugh: but hey i try take some better ones of DG when i get to chop :D


Active member
:pointlaug @ kooki
PP at 7 weeks this has stretched a little durin its veg time, expect it to do more of same when it goes in flower hehe, when the DG comes out this goes in so soooooon...

The mutie at 7week also side shot showin the 4 branches and odd grow pattern shape call it what ya will :yoinks: next to the mutie is a PP cuttin

Then we got some K2 babies, and centre is a T44 cuttin the left K2 looks fine, the right K2 looks a bit screwy, its half week younger , n stunty at mo(prob be germin another 2 look for male time remember) so will see if it straightens n picks up.


Kooki, how goes it bro? :wave:

That DG looks beefy, cant wait for the harvest shot's!! :lurk:

Jah bless!!:rasta:


Active member
:wave: @ Bean , it wont be long i keep checkin triches daily and today i feel like snipping :D , been taking some shots of it in better light today for some preharvest photo action hehe, and itching to get the scissors out now, n start a trimmin those buds. Smell is great , vanilla like, and the buds are quite dense, not massive but def chunky/dense :D
Will post up some pics when ive got em onto the laptop, and have done some trimming and wet weight measurement etc etc :yummy: and smoked the scissor hash :D :joint:
Catch u folks soon :wave:


Active member
:woohoo: :dance: :woohoo:

So some hours later and i am all snipped out :biglaugh:
I managed to get some harvested shots too, as well as pics i took earlier today. And also took a shot of the main trunk bare of buds so u can see the compact structure of the branches from main trunk.. Took some wet weights of buds, a total of 198 gram wet after takin the majority of fan leaf off :woohoo: which is not bad i think.. 40 to 50 gram dry estimate i am gonna say ,tell me what you think :yummy:


Active member
Ok so first the before the snip pics.. :dueling:
First a side shot to show the evenish canopy, i take pride when i do an even canopy lst ,to maintain in throughout flowering, and i did a good job on this one i feel. The current blueberry im being loose with , is such a sloppy lst job compared to this one :biglaugh: but then this is a nice compact indica pheno of the DG , the blueberry is showin quite leggy and sativa like growth to me so far..

Then we have some shots of buds up close n such, u can see some frostiness there, some nice orangey hairs etc, some curled up tips as well lol, but generally its a pleasant lookin plant :yummy:



Active member
Some more ....

And a shot of the main trunk bare.. so u can see the close together branch structure , its quite a compact plant. The growth tip is on next pic post top left of the harvested buds, stick that on the end of trunk side of pot and u got the length of the trunk :biglaugh:



Active member
Harvested trimmed buds, lets get these sweet things drying and curing :woohoo: , got a pile of popcorn buds there to quick dry for taste testing :D , but will be a few days at least before i get to smoke those, cant wait :joint:



Registered Medical Patient
:wave: :yoinks: Hey Kooki...that harvest looks like the bomb baby!!!!Beautiful buds...remind me again, u are all CFL's too, right??or do u have a 250w??anyhow, congrats on the harvest and enjoy the smoke, I cant wait to read the smoke reports...Peace bro'

- Z



Occasional User
That's awsome eh folks? ^^^^^^^^^^

Kooki, great job man. Got me laughing this morning. You could do one of those flip cartoon books. Take a bunch of shots from start to finish, including storing your bud in the tupperware dish you grew it in. Would make a funny cartoon. Unfolds from tupperware and gets harvested back in, lid put on, and some cheezy cartoon music in the back ground.....maybe I'm too high this morning.

looks awsome man


Active member
:wave: thanks zeus, i am really pleased with the DG harvest , for a short compact plant it has yielded well. I shld yield more than the K2 did that took up more space, simply cos of the plumper denser buds.
I was under the cfls and an envirolite for the K2 and T44, then i upgraded to a 400watt hps in a cool tube set up for the DG, the first 2or3 weeks of the DG in flower was under the cfls, then for last 5 weeks they have enjoyed the HPS, it has had a good effect of plumping up those buds :yes: , i know i cldnt have got the same result with my cfl setup, but that doesnt mean cfl's dont grow quality bud. The buds i grown before under cfl have the same quality frostiness that when smoke , get ya stoned :D

I will get a real good idea of how the HPS will perform with the Blueberry bagseed, this was put into flower under the HPS for all its flowering time, so is the T44 cut in a much smaller pot than i had the previous T44 plant, to see how small a pot i can use for cuttings of the T44 and still get an ok yield etc, so just testing the waters a little there :D

Its still quite cool in weather here, the odd day we get a hot day, but so far cool , and temps with the HPS staying cool. As soon as the weather hots up, the Temps in flower hot up , so for the summer i will be back to an all cfl grow( i know i can keep those cool to my liking in the summer time) , i am thinking of either a run of cuttings in there under the cfls, and adding more cfl power than i did for the K2 and original T44( i had 125watt enviro and 110watts of cfl in 5 bulbs total 235watts) or maybe even running the last of my afghan seeds, as they also a short indica fast flowering variety that will do well under cfls i feel :yummy:

:wave: @ bonsai... hehe that sounds like a neat idea actually, i wish i cld do somehting like that. And yup they not tupperware brand but pretty much that kind of thing i use hehe, just tape up the sides and away you go, they clean easy, square shape also is great ... Glad u like the harvest shots, cant wait myself to smoke some, but gotta be patient. At least this T44 i got to smoke really is nice :joint: i am really enjoying it .

EDIT: The Purple Power female seeds goes in flower today :D thought i mention tho i did already say as soon as DG done PP goes in :dance:
Their website splurge on these seeds says 7 weeks flowering or something, so another fast flowerin strain apparently, so thats cool with me :D we will see if it takes longer hehe,u just never know till u know. With this i hope i get some colourful purp buds, that would be nice. Smoke n yield isnt foremost in my mind with this plant, its a bit stretchy so far, more big than actually developed if u get me lol. Anyhow over the weeks we shall see it grow its buds :yummy: :wave:
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Quality Control Controller
ICMag Donor

great training on this plant...looks like she yielded wel in that container?whats that content of soil ?about a gallon as i can assume from the pics?

Black Ra1n

Cannaculturist ~OGA~
Damn Kooki, that's some awesome training on those. The canopy is even across the board, which as you well know is key for a better yield. Great job man ... can't wait to see your next grow!!!



Active member
:wave: @ core and BR

@ core hey core hope u good.Thanks for the kind words , im happy with the results too
My pots are holding more soil than u think, i have two sizes of the square shape pots i use for flowering, both same widths but height is different, i have so many that are 6 litre, i used a 6 litre pot for the T44. And i have some 10 litre , i used the 10 on K2 and the DG, but i never fully fill the pots so prob use about 5 litre in the short and 8 or 9 in the tall, so dunno in gallons is about 1 gallon short 2 gallon tall... Got the Blueberry and PP in the 10 litre ones. And i will prob use just the 6 litre ones when i do a bean grow crossin the T44 cut :yummy:

@BR thanks BR , i havent done as good a job with current Blueberry, but im hopin the hps will still give me some nice budded branches :D , stay tuned tho as its about half way now so just gets plumper from here on in :yes: :dance:
Im happy cant u tell lol
Take it easy folks , thanks for the kind words, help yaself to a bong while u here .

EDIT I also have to say Big Thanks to lurkers also, some folk dont like to make lots of posts but do give nice encouragement in rep messages so :respect: to those of you :wave: u all cool folks on here :joint:
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Quality Control Controller
ICMag Donor
ohw you count in Liters 2:biglaugh:....yea a gallon is about 4Liters ...Nway seems like a good pull 2 me with only 6L of soil:yes:


Active member
Hehe yeah i go in litres , and was 8 for DG, its still on its drying process, even the smaller tester buds, maybe next tuesday i can give it a smoke , see how it is like :joint:

I have been enjoying the T44, its a really nice stoney indica just like i like em, so even tho i didnt get a lot from it at 16g it is quality stuff. As i got more K2 i have been tryin to leave the T44 alone for a nice long cure, and been smokin the K2 more, that is ok, its not as nice as T44 in my opinion, but i am enjoying it. It does have nice effects, and is smooth enough to toke , so not gonna complain :D
Glad u folks like the buds , and harvest shots, i will get some more pics once they dryed enough. The smell as its drying is really nice, a lovely vanillia like smell just captures your nose hehe ... :yummy:


Active member
:wave: hya folks
Got an update of some pics of flowering ladies :yummy:
First up , i think we start with Purple Power, its been in 12/12 a week now, and i moved plants about n fit this plant around my ducting :D Its lookin ok so far, still quite a stretchy plant i expect it to be taller by end of stretch too :yoinks: lots of string on this one in weeks to come i think

Next the T44 cutting, i got this literally just crammed into what space is left, its in small small pot few litres tops, and its overshadowed by the two other plants, but its still budding along, with some frost developing.. At 5 week this has 2 to 3 weeks left to go, the original seedplant took 7n half so thats our guide.....



Active member
Ok and last lady in flower is the Blueberry, this is starting to fill in the buds on the main grow top, the other branch tops are kinda a mix of some doing well and filling in and others that arent doing so good, and look quite sparse, so tied this down a little today to even things for the last weeks, im not sure on a flower time for this , but looks like its got plenty time left yet....I expect those sideways branches to straighten up soon enough hehe , and will tweak the ties then..



Registered Medical Patient
:wave: Hey Kooki, those plants are lookin real nice man...Buds are startin to fill out and the resin will follow soon after...Keep it up man, very, very nice!!!! :yoinks:

- Z

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