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Kooki's diary(K2 T44 DG BB)enviro/cfl


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:wave: BR
Heya BR thanks, i was at first not so impressed with the DG this time round but it is startin to get a bit chunkier , and the smell is really nice , like vanilla. It has stayed short, and branched ok too, compared to previous ones i grown which showed more the sativa influence in them. This seems to have the shortness and compactness of the indica in its mix, so maybe that will also mean quicker flowering i dunno i will see :yummy:
Ones before took 9+ weeks , the packet says 7to8 weeks lol so going from earliest pack to what ive grown of these before i got 1 week to 3 weeks left... buts its already yellowin everywhere, hairs oranging by the minute :yoinks: ive been lookin at triches and still mainly clear some cloudy poppin up... So i guess its more than a week away .
Still 1 to 3 weeks isnt too long a wait , my money is on 8 weeks finish :wave:


Registered Medical Patient
lookin great Kooki, Im here, just busy as fuck...plants look great, that BLueberry is gonna be a big yielder, I think!!!take care. Peace

- Z


Active member
:wave: loads the bong with some t44 for everyone.. lets get stoned :sasmokin:

So i am late by a day or so updating my veg status.. on friday the purple power was 6 weeks,so is the mutie ww also.. so we got some pics of those to come :joint: also i got some k2 that are just babies, i let em stretch a little to start by keepin away from light now i moved slightly close but still some distance, i am lookin for a male so want it to be a bit tall i spose to loom over trained clones hehe to dump his load so to speak :D
That and the Purple power is quite stretchy too, and its training keepin a flat canopy means its all over the place :yoinks: so just gettin things crammed in where i can at moment ..


Active member
So first off lets look at some baby K2

I started two, hopin for a male will start 2 more probably in a week or two, just considering space is all, the PP shld be goin into the flower room by then maybe.
And next up is mutie WW at 6weeks this is still stayin small, and i keepin it small pot to keep it that way D ,its started showing good growth at nodes now, and its mutliple tops from start is cool,i count 3 branches but one branch in particular has assued dominance by some way, and that branch auto split into two growth tips of its own accord :yoinks: so 4 branches ,its hard to see in photos tho, but take me word for it its mutie tastic :D



Active member
And of course the PP at 6week,
Stretching hehe, but i keepin it tied down, n let it go sideways, got a triangular kinda shape at the moment, but im happy i got some tips that will be going upwards from now on , with stretch in flower i wanna see how tall those get hehe, tho flower periods is quoted at 7to 8 weeks so a quick flower strain by all accounts , to allow for early finishing outdoors in the northern part of the world i think they say (sommat along those lines)



Active member
turns out both of mine are dudes, except the dutch dragon. so I'll probably just let them die (not the dutch dragon). and wait until I'm back and start a hindu kush grow diary.

Looking great by the way man ^^ wicked grow, happy to be here!


Active member
:wave: @ hanfi .. i hope the dutch dragon does well for u , and hindu kush sounds cool would love to see that diary :yummy:
Ok back in a few with pics update etc :D


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:wave: hey folks ,fill up the bong and enjoy some more flowerin pics (i hope u do anyhow)
First up is the T44cut, this is in small pot, crammed into the free space, and i lst this to start to get some even tops then i took off string n jus let it go, its small when went in flower , has stretched now as much as its going to i think n its still short :D of course pot size might have sommat to do with that also but it is a cuttin and i shld be able to get away with the smaller pot and still get some buds ...



Active member
Next up is the blueberry at 3 weeks also.. u may notice the reflective is missing.. they where narrow bands cos of the cfl lighting and lst my plants stayed short hehe, i need some wider bands of it, as looser training and more height to plants, so will tape up some later when i get 5 mins

As i have been looser with the training, i got longer taller branches this plant, and not so even, i will tweak em tommorrow or day after to be a bit more even all over, but not worrying too much :D its quite bushy a plant now, takin up a good amount of room with budsites buildin up already :yummy:

On this pic the Blueberry is left and rigt of pic is the Doublegum with obvious bigger buds :D



Active member
Here we go with the Doublegum at 7week, lots more orangey hairs, triches are clouding a lot , still some clear ,few amber, so not far off now :woohoo:
Its got quite denser buds compared to previous ones done under cfl, the frost is still the same tho, cfl can do quality frost and so does this hps :D nice...
Check how i like to keep that even canopy, this DG was started under cfl for a few weeks then been under hps, but i kept the training as it was established and had gone through its stretch period under the cfl.. the odd tweak of a string here n there and its been pretty sweet n simple to train through flower, to be quite even .. this is quite a good easy to train strain i think, just a thought :D

And a groupshot, to show size of things, u got the Blueberry left that has Doublegum right of it and top right just crammed in and small is the t44cut :D


Black Ra1n

Cannaculturist ~OGA~
Hey Kooki, looking good man. Like to see all those bud sites, great job! You can almost smell em.



Active member
:wave: BR i can smell the DG its vanilla :D :yummy: smells so good i can hardly wait, its a very diff smell to the ones i grown before with a piney lemon smell


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What does DG stand for (am i being stupid? i bet it says at the beginning somewhere)? But i really want one now xD can't be arsed to check.

They look too good!!! does the blueberry humm aswell?


Active member
@BR yeah it is smelling gorgeous i have to say :yummy: all milky triches now ,not spottin the right amount of amber yet but its gotta be close, another fast plant to flower this one :yes:
@Hanfi heya :D i use the abbreviations to save time typing sometimes lol..
So DG is doublegum(whitelabel seeds) the BB is Blueberry(bagseed) and its jus startin to get faint smells of fruity skunkiness ,nothing really identifiable as yet.. The T44 is Top44 (nirvana) and PP Purple Power (female seeds) :wave:
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Quality Control Controller
ICMag Donor
Kooki said:
more orangey hairs, triches are clouding a lot , still some clear ,few amber...

Thats going in the good direction:D...Right on Bro!


Active member
Oh yeah i knew the other ones but now you mention it i should have known that it was doublegum ah whaddahell, a stoner moment, but yeah that sounds like a bomb. looks like that'll be the choice for the next seed buy. Thanks Kooki for opening my eyes to vanilla sweetness.

Whats the word on the mini widow?


Active member
Well i will say most of the pack has been lemony pine in smell this is only one so far to be vanilla, so i think i got a distinct pheno outta the pack(feel quite lucky )
And i shall have pics of veg tomorrow, the mutie widow included :D
I been a bit busy and juggling space in veg, got the big stretchy PP the mutie 2 Baby K2's ,just potted n have humidity dome over a T44 cut, and still have a T44 cut and a PP cut in covered glasses of water rooting :yummy:

:wave: @core ,hello there thanks for words, i think it will be soon i can dry a tester bud, and chop the rest for curing :dance: maybe next week ,we will see :D
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