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~Kief Junkie & QueenKief's 250w Organic Medi-Cab (soil) Grow!~ ~Pure & Blue Mystic~


Kief Junkie's inhaling the knowledge!
Yo KJ, I can't wait to see the cab put together. I guarantee you it's got to be the seed stock man, I never have trouble with the paper towel and ziplock bag method. Some seeds refuse to sprout, but it just sounds like you got unlucky bro.

You can't wait? Man, you have no idea! Ok, you probably do. :smile:

I hope you're right about the beans. I'm sure Gypsy will work with me on them if so.
Seriously? You've germed that many? Damn. How'd it be!? ;)

I would think it's the stock too, except for the fact that 3 of our BubbleDust beans also didn't germ (but that was prior to changing our method to the paper towel method). All of the beans I currently have came from the Boutique, all on the same order. So I'm rather confused at the spottiness of our germ success. I guess we'll see what happens with these Blue Mystic beans. You can bet I'll be in touch with SB and/or the breeders if I continue to have such issues.

yea man i started like 5 days ago soaked them for 24 hours put them in the bag placed them on the mat and boom 24 hours later 20 seeds popped but only 14 or 15 came up yesterday........... well the way it works i think is the breeders send their stock to seedboutique and then they sell them well if you get a strain that lets say isn't as popular they might have been sitting there a while you know because no one is buying them so when people like you buy them you end up with bad beans because there isn't high demand so they don't refresh the stock as often i think you should get a mandala strain if you do get new beans they own i love hashberry and there only 20 bucks:smoweed:


Kief Junkie's inhaling the knowledge!
i think you should get a mandala strain if you do get new beans they own i love hashberry and there only 20 bucks:smoweed:

Hell yeah, I'm with you on Mandala. Some of their strains (Satori especially) are already at the top of my list. I've heard they're easy to grow and a good germ rate too.


Kief Junkie's inhaling the knowledge!
I'm waaaay to worn and tired to type a full update right now, but I wanted to jump on and give you at least a little info (ok, truth be told, I came here to see if any of you had posted anything!).

So we spent much of our day sanding and prepping all of the panels for the final paint job. After sanding, we painted all panels and let them dry for a few hours; we then went back and did a second coat. We're only doing the side of the panels that will face the interior for now; the exterior will be painted once we assemble it (both sides have had 2 coats of primer/sealer). They look great so far, can't wait to see them all dry in the morning, ready to assemble!

Hang tight, because pictures of the Pure ladies will be up tomorrow afternoon/evening. It'll be exciting to show you all how much they've grown!


Kief Junkie's inhaling the knowledge!
i know how it can feel almost to the point of not posting it sucks when your hot shit then no one even says hi but hey we're here we aren't going anywhere either so keep on posting and hurry up with that cab already im tired of waiting 2 grand that shit should have been done a week ago............ just kidding

Hot shit? Who's hot shit?

A week ago? Hell, it should have been done a month and half ago! Yeah, we're sure taking our sweet time, eh? It'll be worth the wait!


Hey KJ - I'll be watching your progress on your cab. Thank you for all your input regarding my design. Hopefully, within a few weeks I'll be in the process of building as well.

Ain't nothin' wrong with takin' your sweet time...I'm doing the same thing!
haha kj i was just kidding you have like 4000 views in a month thats pretty bad ass and TAKE YOUR TIME that is the one most important thing i have learned about building cabs when you rush like i usually do you end up having to do all kinds of mods or either something doesn't work like you thought it would and you have to start over i have had to redo my current cab 3 times to get it the way i wanted


Active member
sorry to hear you had so many seeds not germ for you. Looks like your cab is going to be a real beauty. good luck, ill be watching


Kief Junkie's inhaling the knowledge!
banjobrain: No problem on the input; that's what we're all here for, to share our knowledge and partake of others'. Thanks for coming by!

borganicmunk: ahh...I get ya now. Yeah, tons of people viewing this thread, that's for sure. Thank you all, even the lurkers!

immortal: Yeah, bummer about the beans, but there's good news coming on that front! Thanks for hanging out with us.


Kief Junkie's inhaling the knowledge!
It's time for a long awaited update. On not only the ladies, but on the cab too!

First up is the cab. We've made serious progress this weekend. We finally have the outside shell assembled! It actually came together nicely. For whatever reason (Murphy's Law?) some of our measurements and cuts weren't exactly as they should be, which creates a few problems for the doors. We think we came up with a good solution though, so it's going to be all good. I guess that's just the way things go sometimes when you're a newb at cabinet building. We sure have learned a lot and our next one (if there is one) will be much, much better.

What you'll see in the pictures is the front of the cab with no face, but with all other panels in place. We've caulked all seams, inside and out, and will touch them up tomorrow. There is one panel that still needs 2 coats of paint on one side, and another panel that needs a final coat. And of course there is still the entire exterior that needs both coats of paint. We'll get to all that soon. On to the pics!

Our cab in various stages of assembly.




So what do you guys think? Turned out good so far?

There's still a bunch of work that needs doing on it, but we think we'll have it ready to light up for the first time next weekend! Exciting stuff! We will of course keep you all posted.

Next up is our new sprouts! We finally succeeded at the paper towel method of germination! Woooohoo! This afternoon we looked and all 3 Blue Mystic beans had popped. Since we didn't have any soil without the dry ferts already in it, we decide just to stick with the rockwool and cloner tray since it worked well for the Pure's. So they're now sitting in the dark, under the humid dome, working their way to the surface. Man, I'm so glad it worked this time.

Here are the Blue Mystic beans, ready to go into rockwool.


And last, but never least, are the Pure ladies. They've grown so much since we last posted their mugs (5 days ago). We did a light tea watering today for all of them. The tea consisted of 3/4 TBS. EWC's, 3/4 TBS. blackstrap molasses and 1/4 TBS. Liquid Karma mixed into 3L of water. So far the soil and the ladies seem to have loved the watering. Peanut does show a bit of droop on the lower set of leaves, but that's because of the fresh watering; she'll perk up by tomorrow morning. But they all look healthy and have fresh, vigorous growth.

Petunia 2-3-09


Purdy 2-3-09


Peanut 2-3-09


Group shot, 2-8-09


More to come soon as we'll be shooting to complete the cab this week and into next weekend! Stay tuned and stoned! :joint:

Big thanks to my wife for the beautiful pictures. She takes better pictures than I do.



It's looking great bro. The cab looks wonderful, you did a good job building it I can tell. The little ladies are looking great too.



Kief Junkie's inhaling the knowledge!

It's looking great bro. The cab looks wonderful, you did a good job building it I can tell. The little ladies are looking great too.


Wow, fast response. Thanks for all the props, we sure have worked hard and it's nice to see it paying off.


Just Call me Urkle!!
Yea good job bro I'm diggin it! I can't wait till I can put money into a grow they way I want.. I want to try out those air pots, what size are those? they look small...


Kief Junkie's inhaling the knowledge!
Yea good job bro I'm diggin it! I can't wait till I can put money into a grow they way I want..

Thanks brotha! It's so fulfilling, this project and hobby. I'm already thinking of ways to improve our next cab.

I want to try out those air pots, what size are those? they look small...

These ones are 4" pots, not sure how much medium they hold, but it can't be much. When we transplant they'll be going into 5 gallon Airpots. We placed them around the bottom of the flower room today to see how many we could fit and it looks like we'll only be able to fit 4 at a time, which is fine because we were planning on double potting ladies of the same strain (we'd love some feedback on this idea; good, bad?).

We'll see how the 5 gallon AP's work for this grow. We may downsize to the 2.5 gallon AP's next time around.

It's good to see you here Thundurkel!


Eugene Oregon
Great jobs so far K.J, I am pulling up a seat :)

That cabinet looks well made, the gals look happy.. overall your doing everything right so far!
Keep up the good work.


Kief Junkie's inhaling the knowledge!
Great jobs so far K.J, I am pulling up a seat :)

That cabinet looks well made, the gals look happy.. overall your doing everything right so far!
Keep up the good work.

Welcome and thanks for your support!


Active member
looking good, you plants are working on a mag def though. might wanna stay on top of that. maybe be time for a transplant?


Kief Junkie's inhaling the knowledge!
looking good, you plants are working on a mag def though. might wanna stay on top of that. maybe be time for a transplant?

Can you explain in detail why you think they're mag deficient? Petunia and Peanut both had a little yellowing on their first set of true leaves, but that has since turned a lime green for Peanut and the new growth on both ladies looks great. What are you seeing that we're not?

We don't plan to transplant until they're about 4-5" tall, and then they're going into 5 gal. Airpots (possibly double-potted). Transplanting prior to this would be a last resort for us.

Thanks for stopping by and thanks especially for joining in the conversation.