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Blazeoneup hits the dirt again.


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Cloud_Strife said:
hi blaze

looked through your work just now and your simple method
is awesome. i have a few questions.

first, the blood and bone meal. i didn't see any mention of
whether you let the mixture cook for a while after adding the meals. if so, how long did u let it sit?

secondly, i would like your personal clarification on something. i understand that the point of organics is to maintain a culture inside the medium that continually breaks down the food for plant use. does that mean
if at any point of growing a plant, the microherd dies, does this mean that the remaining meals are useless to the plant?

for example: take your mix. transplant clone. 2 weeks later, you water with tap containing chloramine. no more microherd.

OR are the meals (the MG ones that you use) ready for immediate use to the plant?

(i'm guessing you figured out by now that i have a municipal chloramine in tap problem.)

i would like a definitive once and for all answer on this.

I do not let it cook at all, I mix and transplant directly into the mix, The miracle grow organic has plenty of available food to get the babies started. By the time they use up whats avaliable from the MG the blood and bone will be broken down and readily available.

The best thing you can do if your worried about chlorine, Is to buy a big 50 gallon res or larger and add an airstone to it, Then add your tap water, allow it to set 24 hrs before use, I done all the research one time as well, and I used to allow 24hrs of bubbling before use, However one time I decided to run 6 ak47 in this exact mix and put them in my hydro room in search of a mom at the time. Well I didnt use the RO water from the system I used straight tap water. Didnt allow it to set or anything. Turned out the plants grew great, So when I jumped into the soil growing again, I had a new outlook on things, I have no solid evidence of what goes on under the surface of the soil, But from the above soil level, Well the plants have shown me that the chlorine in the tap I use which my tap test at 7.4ph with 230-250 ppm. Isnt showing any ill effects.

Sometimes I've learned to let the plants speak for themselfs as apposed to listening to the science of it all. Of course science says the chlorine will kill off good bacteria which it will. But then the plants tell me the chlorine isnt very harmful infact I have seen some really vigorous growth over this past 8 months of running this mix crop after crop. Which means one thing for sure and thats that the chlorine isnt harming the end results.

Thats about as frank as I can get. Its a smple solution you can either choose to follow the facts, and allow 24hrs for the chlorine to evap to insure no good bacteria will be killed off, Or you can just say well dam blazes plants dont look like chlorine has harmed them and run it like I do. I have a hose hooked to a water outlet with a sprayer nozzle. It would be a pain in my ass to hand water each plant with water from a res that I setup to de-chlorinate the water. So for simplicity because it works I just use plain tap and water with a shower head thingy that I have hooked to a garden hose from the water outlet for the washer!

Basically my opinion is this, Fact is chlorine will kill of bacteria both good and bad (proven with chemistry), Fact my plants continue to grow great without evaping the chlorine before waterings. (Proven By my continuous success crop after crop) The fact is however your water could contain 2x the chlorine as mine and could cause a problem. Then on the other hand it also may do no harm. Atleast to the growth of the plants. I would reccomend just bubbling the water for 24hrs. For the feeds on most of the crop, But I would take one plant and set it aside and use just straight tap that hasnt been bubbled for 24hrs and then come harvest compare the outcome.

If you notice the one that recieved straight tap, Does as good as those that were givin the bubbled water then you know that the chlorine in your water has no ill effects on your outcome.
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Tom 'Green' Thumb
I remember when I was a kid we use to go swimming in my fathers pool. He use to add so much chlorine that my eyes were always burning for hours after swimming, so I started wearing goggles. When under the water with the goggles on I remember always finding seeds from a near by Maple tree in the bottom of the pool sprouted with a long tap root coming from them. The chlorine didn't seem to bother them one bit. I actually threw beans in the water to see what would happen. They too sprouted no problem after a couple days. So ever sinse then when I think of chlorine in my water that I feed to my plants, I think back to my dad's pool and it makes me feel more at ease. I always just use straight tap water and because of this experience it never bothered me in the least, or my plants.




WOW! I'm pulling up a seat. I'm loving what you are doing. Beautiful garden. I love a clean setup. I am tuned in and ready to learn :)

I guess its ludicrous to worry about the lights falling off the rails... somehow it still gives me room for concern.

Blaze - that is a tight 10x10 you got there. Very nice. :canabis:


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TGT said:
I remember when I was a kid we use to go swimming in my fathers pool. He use to add so much chlorine that my eyes were always burning for hours after swimming, so I started wearing goggles. When under the water with the goggles on I remember always finding seeds from a near by Maple tree in the bottom of the pool sprouted with a long tap root coming from them. The chlorine didn't seem to bother them one bit. I actually threw beans in the water to see what would happen. They too sprouted no problem after a couple days. So ever sinse then when I think of chlorine in my water that I feed to my plants, I think back to my dad's pool and it makes me feel more at ease. I always just use straight tap water and because of this experience it never bothered me in the least, or my plants.


Yeah hasnt harmed my soil crops and Its been cranking steady. Thanks for the read :)

NoWorries said:

WOW! I'm pulling up a seat. I'm loving what you are doing. Beautiful garden. I love a clean setup. I am tuned in and ready to learn :)


Cool man hope you can learn something useful...

Crhazey Daze said:
I guess its ludicrous to worry about the lights falling off the rails... somehow it still gives me room for concern.

Blaze - that is a tight 10x10 you got there. Very nice. :canabis:

I would have to agree ludicris to worry about a light falling from a rail :) JUst hang it properly no worries, Yeah canopy is really feeling out now.

Blowstrees said:
Blaze- excellent work dude! Clean setup. Cant wait to see how she turns out man. Take care

Going to turn out really nice man so keep your eyes open, The flowers are forming...

Greenbdman said:
Lookin good blaze, awesome canopy!

Thanks man its much nicer now :)


The Helpful One
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Ok guys time for an update, They are starting to flower now the stretch is pretty much over with...

I tried my best to get the whole canopy in a single picture however its impossible to get the whole thing in a picture. The room just isnt big enough for me to get far enough back and high enough to get them all in a single shot. Here is the pics I was able to get though!



I took anger management already!!!! FUCK!!!
howzit brother,,,>>>>??? Hope all is well over yer way.. Man that canopy looks just perty... Im loving it man... Always much love to yer grows... Cant wait to see the final chop and the new flav coming up... bbl peace..



The Helpful One
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Ok time for another update, Everything was looking good/Is looking good, Had a problem arise over night, You guys remember that I relocated this op during round #4 because of security issue's had to up and move the operation overnight. Well in doing that the room was built quickly, Things were overlooked that shouldnt have been and quality was lacking.

Turns out here the girls are looking all so good, Bang a problem accurs from the quick/Hack job done during the build of the room. Whats the problem, Well condensation bigtime, Bad enough to surely have caused problems during the next 6 weeks. So I had to tear the poly off the ceiling and insulate it in an instant. Other then that everything is on track looks great going to be a great show...

Now time for the pictures...

Here is a picture of the room, Shows the problem spot cant really visibly see the condensation in this picture though.

Now in these pictures you can clearly see all the tear drops of water building up and leaking down onto the girls. Didnt have this problem during veg however its gotten colder here over this past month.

Here's a shot of the ceiling stripped you can see the old beams all offset and inproperly aligned. Makes for a shitty insulation install :(

Notice in this picture insulation is quite the wrinkle mess, But I didnt want to trim it all down, So I just stuffed it in place.

Now here is the finished product, Insulated and sealed off should be the end of this here condensation problem.

This is the aftermath, :(

Looks better here though!

Now for a shot of the girls setting out in the cold, Ready to go back into their home..

These are the girls as they are going back into the room, and also best canopy shots I can get again not enough room to get them all into a picture so these will have to do!


buzzed day

heck of alot of work thanks for showing us !!! peace and dam you got a lot of sercurty problems, as do all of us!!!!


Holy quick fix???

That was fast,wanna job in constrution hhahaha!
Shure you'll be reaping them nugz soon again.....
Our pleasure to see YOU next time Blaze!!!
Go boy...Go!

GDS StonerBoy

I've read through this entire log and its phenomenal. Your work skills shows in your growing and your building. I learned carpentry from my dad as a kid but i have no clue how to do electrician work. So i was just wondering how exactly did you learn how to run wire and amps to your room. I have a room that i want to use but like most 1k's it takes up 9 amps meaning i cant run two at one time so i was wondering how would i go about upping the amperage of this room.
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gds stoner boy-if your ballast can...you could turn the 110 plug on your 1000 into a 220 by switching it INSIDE your ballast.that will cut the amps in half and you can run 2 and still draw only the 9 amps.you might have to install a 220 line for your outlet but you could use the same power cord and socket.just make sure you mark the outlet as 220 so that you dont plug anything into it that is not 220 because you will fry whatever it is.hope this helps peace

GDS StonerBoy

YwouldntI said:
gds stoner boy-if your ballast can...you could turn the 110 plug on your 1000 into a 220 by switching it INSIDE your ballast.that will cut the amps in half and you can run 2 and still draw only the 9 amps.you might have to install a 220 line for your outlet but you could use the same power cord and socket.just make sure you mark the outlet as 220 so that you dont plug anything into it that is not 220 because you will fry whatever it is.hope this helps peace

my ballast will allow that but doesnt that mean i would have to run a 220 cord from my breaker box to the outlet?

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