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~Kief Junkie & QueenKief's 250w Organic Medi-Cab (soil) Grow!~ ~Pure & Blue Mystic~


Kief Junkie's inhaling the knowledge!

Don't worry about waiting for a full cure to taste your harvest, just dry a sample nicely and burn a nug or two ;) sample the goods I say it only gets better tasting as it cures but the potency is always there! Nice work again buddy...can't wait for the encore!

I know I could taste it now, but I'm just geeky like that I guess...I want to make sure it's properly cured first. If I were fiendin', then I'd likely be spinning a few nugs around in my microwave right now. Luckily I have a caregiver who keeps me in supply of the best medicine around, so I can be patient. I know that means ya'll will have to be patient for the smoke report though. :smile:

The encore is going to be even better, I assure you. We hope to correct at least a handful of our newb mistakes by then. We should have it going by the second week in June. I just spent some time cleaning out the cab, getting it all ready. We need to finish up the light traps, but that won't take much time. And then we're off! I've already ordered clones from the co-op, so if that comes through we'll be doing...B and W! Not gonna spill the beans just yet, the new thread will be up soon enough!

Mine NYCD is 33 dayz flowering now and fattening up nicely!

Straight up, I've been following. Looking phat, indeed.


Grow like nobody is watching
Purdy was the Pure right? Damn, I hope I get results half as good as that, man!

Not to :beat-dead but I would've suggested you try a bowl, just so you can quantify how much your cure has worked.


great job on the Pure...I am a seasoned vet at this growing thang and my beginners luck was not nearly as good as yours is!!!! Great Job!!!! Holla


Kief Junkie's inhaling the knowledge!
Toke report, of sorts

Toke report, of sorts

Yesterday was finally the first day in my life that I was able to sit down and toke back on some of my own homegrown! It's been a long time coming and it was a sweet moment with my lady. Shout outs and much love to those who couldn't be there for this momentous occasion, you know who you are and we missed your presence, indeed.

You should all know that I suck at smoke reports, but I'll do my best here. I have a difficult time describing something so subjective as the cannabis high.

Petunia, Baby and BillieJean have been jarred for 2 weeks now, which to me is the minimum a cure should take. A good testing point.

Petunia: She smells amazing to me, very complex with lots of fruit juice tones, but still that skunky undertone. The smoke was very smooth going down, about a 8 out of 10. The flavor is way to complex to even attempt a description at this point, but it's yummy and it holds strong until about the 4th toke on the bowl and then it starts getting ass. The high is very uplifting, yet it hits you right between the eyes; euphoric, happy, yet fully in the body and very effective for my type of pain. Overall I would rate this one at an 8 out of 10; I kept reaching for it instead of my other meds all day long.

B&B: I'm lumping these together for now because they're still so similar. Same cure time as Petunia, but less cured you can tell. Not much to say yet on the flavor front, other than that it kind of reminds me of a Haze. Aroma in the jar is subtle, but sweet and pleasant, with BillieJean throwing down a little sour funkiness. These girls are sticky too! When I go to cull some from the stem for the bowl, my fingers get instantly sticky. The high is pretty stony, though it centers in the head; not as euphoric as Petunia, more chill and relaxing. The smoke is just as smooth as Petunia too. The flavor is good for one or two hits, but that's it, then it gets rather harsh...still some cure to be had for sure. Overall, so far, these two get about a 7 of 10 for me. But I expect that'll improve as they cure more. I would give them a medicine rating, for my condition, of about the same.

I know I'm biased, but honestly the quality of all of the girls thus far is top notch; not that it can't be improved upon, but I'd be willing to put it up against any medicine I've had thus far (and I've tried MANY). So far I'm very, very satisfied with these 3 in our medicine cabinet. I would definitely run both of them again, though I'm so far most pleased with the Pure. A classic in every way!

I still owe you all a pic of the final product...soon..soon...


Kief Junkie's inhaling the knowledge!
ScrubNinja: Thanks for stopping in. Purdy was a Pure, indeed...you're gonna love your results! See the smoke report above. :smile:

Hollaachu: Welcome friend! Thanks for the compliment.


Kief Junkie's inhaling the knowledge!
wow thouse plants look super great. now dod u keep that last one so dam short.

Which one? We used LST on the Pure's to keep them short, the Blue Mystic's were short because they were flowered at like the 3rd internode and were also double-potted so they shared root space.


Father, Carer, Toker, Sharer
Congrats both on a nice success :smile: .. nice to see Purdy pulling up at the end there to bump the numbers a little too... numbers aside though, you can't put a figure on the value of what we've both just learned and although there were a few little disappointments, I still think we're both incredably fortunate to have something of such quality to show for our efforts...especially when I read so many failed 1st grow diaries, I think you're to be commended :D

J :smile:


Kief Junkie's inhaling the knowledge!
Congrats both on a nice success :smile: .. nice to see Purdy pulling up at the end there to bump the numbers a little too... numbers aside though, you can't put a figure on the value of what we've both just learned and although there were a few little disappointments, I still think we're both incredably fortunate to have something of such quality to show for our efforts...especially when I read so many failed 1st grow diaries, I think you're to be commended :D

Thanks Jamie! And you're absolutely right. The numbers don't tell half the story, that's for sure. There are few things in life more satisfying than smoking your own home grown organic canna-meds! We feel very fortunate that our first grow went so spectacularly well.


Kief Junkie's inhaling the knowledge!
One bit I forgot to add to the toke report above: all three of these ladies burn to a very bright white in the bowl, to me that has always been a hallmark of organic and well cured bud!


Kief Junkie's inhaling the knowledge!
Final picture!

Final picture!

As promised, a pic of the final product. These are the crowns of the main cola's on each plant. I'll let the pics speak for themselves. Yummy!

The final product: Purdy, BillieJean, Petunia and Baby (L-R)



Grow like nobody is watching
That's a meticulous manicure there :) And I think I said it before, the pure is the best high I've had. You deserve every trichome! Well, 50% of them anyway, if ya gotta split it with the missus, hehe. Enjoy.


now that's a trim to strive for!
Looking forward to future grow shows!



Kief Junkie's inhaling the knowledge!
ScrubNinja, luv2garden, growMEDS, teerull: Thank you all so much for the kind words and for sticking with us through the grow. That's one thing I never expected to see so many kind words for: the trim job. Thanks, it was tedious at times. Next time will be even better.

And to all who have joined us since day one, all of those who have replied and kept us company, and of course to all those that offered advice and words of wisdom: we thank you from the bottom of our hearts for being such a great community and for helping us get our first grow under our belts. It's been a fun, thrilling ride and we're looking forward to our next grow.

Speaking of the next grow, it's coming soon. I will start a new thread for that one. We will be finishing the light traps between the rooms this week and the clones I ordered will be ready by this weekend. So what are we running this time around you ask? Well, if the clones are worth bringing home, it'll be Nirvana's Bubblicious and White Widow (not sure who the breeder is on that one). I picked up some Bubblicious the last time I saw my CG and it was amazing medicine; our cut is from the same mother. The White Widow I picked up a few months ago and it was equally excellent, and I'm pretty sure the cut is from the same mother. I have no doubt we'll be happy with these two!

Grow after that will likely be from seed again as we will have the veg room up an running. I'm not sure which ones we'll do, but I'm leaning towards a few more Pure's and a couple of GrowDoc's Bubbledust. We'll see!

For now, this ends our first grow journal. I will of course be here to answer any questions future visitors might have. Thank you all for making our grow, and this journal, such a success! Stay tuned for our new journal, I'll post a link here when I create one.

Much love to all and keep it green! :joint:


Father, Carer, Toker, Sharer
its been a great journey, mate and a pleasure to have been on with you :smile:

I look forward to your new thread with anticipation, I'm sure you'll make a fantastic job of it, I really feel like you guys have the "love" and I think that makes the world of difference in your grow. Your trim job only confirms this, thats a top haircut and no mistake :smile:

a quick word on WW, mine was quite a light feeder (around half rec' doses) but I'm sure you'll get some ideas on that from your supplier ..

best wishes
j :smile:


Grow like nobody is watching
Get outta here! I ordered some nirv bubblelicious a few days ago, haha! It's gonna be my next grow! Too awesome! :D

I'm amazed how cheap the pure is. It's one of the cheapest available it seems. I know someone who pulls pound+ plants every time outdoors and the pure is one of his two strains he runs. He's gone thru pretty much every seed strain there is, no kidding, and stuck on the pure. I think if you do grow it when you suggested, you'll be in a great position to dial it in for your situation. I think that's all it needs from my noobish experience with it indoors, just a bit of dialling.


Kief Junkie's inhaling the knowledge!
JamieShoes: It surely has been a great journey, glad you came along for the ride. I still can't help but giggle when I hear "good trim"...for some reason it makes me think of a hubby talking to his wife, commenting on her uh, good trim. Thanks for the pointers on the WW..hopefully our soil will be dialed in better this time and there will be no feeding required!

bork: Thanks for the compliments. I'll tell ya, I have about 8 different kinds of medicine right now, and I find it difficult to reach for anything but our meds...particularly Petunia...love that girl!

ScrubNinja: Well, what a happy coincidence. Can't wait to compare grows! Good to hear about others' success with the Pure too, it's a great strain and one everybody should try their hand at. You can't go wrong with it!

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