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Jack 47 Auto ® grow Sweet Seeds


Father, Carer, Toker, Sharer
yeah that number is the post number so it's part of the quote tags... you just want the bit that starts with [url and ends with /url]


Active member
Today is day 14 since putting the young seedlings into the tent under lights.

1 full week of 24hr 250 hps followed by
1 full week of 20/4 on 600 hps

Within the last hour I have switched that over to run 18/6 from here on in. I will always have the option of moving the hours back up if needs be or if it looks like they need a bit more spurt.

Last week when I switched over to 600 I thought they were looking a little pale due to only having PH'd water until then,plus the added bonus in the mix of the finest banty cock chicken shit haha. I gave them a bit nutes A+B and Rhizotonic. Over this past week I think I may have nuted them a bit too much so they have been on a diluted drink since then. Lil leaves a touch crinkly.

This afternoon I gave them 18ml of A+B plus 20 ml Rhizotonic. Been keeping the PH between 5.8-6.2.

They have come on canny the last week and I am looking forward to them continuing the progress over the coming weeks.

All sweet seeds and the 1 unnamed seed are doing very well.

I think I have sorted the picture size and position out, unfortunately my camera skills are shit so please bare with me as I am no David Bailey.

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Looking good bro your doing well man keep it up

Have you found any 3 stem plants ? I've popped a few beans lately and I've just seen what I believe to be a 3 stemmer !

It's got 3 cotledons aswell


You talk people into a lot of purchases BGB your either a terrible influence or a great motivator I've not decided yet lol


weird double post ???

Anyway swamp u would say that man I didn't exactly drag you round the hydroshop did I?

Lol hahahahahaa


Active member
No extra pics I'm afraid but I just thought I would let you know, these have quite simply almost doubled in size since Wed night I'm sure lol Full steam ahead methinks.


See bruvva told you not to worry Lol

They got ages of stretch left mate


Active member
Today is day 21 since putting the young seedlings into the tent under lights.

1 full week of 24hr 250 hps followed by
1 full week of 20/4 on 600 hps
1 full week of 18/6 on 600 hps

An amazing difference in this last week. All plants have stopped having any negative effects to too much nutes that were given in the early stages, lush green coming through looking really nice.

They have received 18ml A+B all this week with 25ml cannazym and 20ml Rhizo. PH kept between 5.6 -6.1

Yesterday their feed was mixed up with just PHd water to 5.8 with a touch of cannazym just to keep things bolstered. I will continue with PHd water this week and roll on with normal feeding from next Wednesday. The reason for this is I have extra nutes added in with the coco, the chicken pellets, and I feel these are giving more than enough for the time being. I will change if needs be but I don't think it will be necessary this week. I may be proved wrong.

I have also held back with adding any seaweed tea for the time being. Again, if I feel it warrants it then it will be added.

I think they look fine as they are for now.

Very happy with the growth so far and especially happy at how well the straws done their job around the stems. They were removed a few days ago and the stems look really healthy and thickening up with vigour.

The un named plant is also coming on strong with plenty of lush growth this week and is keeping up with it's neighbours.

Anyway, a few pics. Still cant sort size out but they should be the correct way up.

The un named plant looking a little wind swept if anything but very healthy.

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Active member
Great work fella, I'll be around to see how these plants flowers but I'm already sure you'll get a very good production.

Sweet smokes


I hope you find a couple of them phenos I had mate monster mate huge!!!!


Active member
Nice grow HIGA, i see how you started them, i nearly scared mine back into the pots with the 1200 watts, gonna grab a seat here, goodluck.


Active member
Cheers lads, they are starting to pull away :biggrin: So much so that I have given them feed in place of just PH'd water. They lapped it up and look like they will be lapping another batch up very soon.

I went with a 27ml A+B 20ml rhizo 25ml zym. They loved it :tiphat:

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