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It's the CLUBS not the GROWERS!!!

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Game Bred
you will think its easy again after another 10 years...
someone said "money is the root..."

no it's not.
the love of money is the root of all evil.


Active member
^more than just the love of money...its the love of being able to work for myself growing good buds that all my friends and family love to smoke and are happy to pay reasonable prices for.... nobody has ever complained about paying me 200-240 an O for my SFV..

but really some people need to stop being such a stinker about this. its really not that big of a deal that some people are making money doing this....if you dont like that, go out and GROW YOUR GOD DAMN OWN BUDS and then give it away for free to everyone. undercut all the greedy growers that way..instead of whining and complaining about people out there making a living in this green gold rush....i really dont get what you guys are trying to prove with alll this "it only costs me 50 bucks to produce an OZ" crap...then sell it for 50 bucks!! im sure they will re-sell it to help pay their bills...might as well just cut them a check if you feel so sorry for them.

fuck, i might as well open a McDonalds and sell everything for free to all the hungry kids in the ghetto right!! ....enough of the sad SOB story about cancer patients being robbed at 20 a gram....anyone else getting sick of this shit?


Game Bred
^more than just the love of money...its the love of being able to work for myself growing good buds that all my friends and family love to smoke and are happy to pay reasonable prices for.... nobody has ever complained about paying me 200-240 an O for my SFV..

but really some people need to stop being such a stinker about this. its really not that big of a deal that some people are making money doing this....if you dont like that, go out and GROW YOUR GOD DAMN OWN BUDS and then give it away for free to everyone. undercut all the greedy growers that way..instead of whining and complaining about people out there making a living in this green gold rush....i really dont get what you guys are trying to prove with alll this "it only costs me 50 bucks to produce an OZ" crap...then sell it for 50 bucks!! im sure they will re-sell it to help pay their bills...might as well just cut them a check if you feel so sorry for them.

fuck, i might as well raise 100 cattle and 1000 chickens just to give away for free to all the hungry kids in the ghetto right!! ....enough of the sad SOB story about cancer patients being robbed at 20 a gram....anyone else getting sick of this shit?


in all the bullshit in the 19 threads i never subscribed to the "those damn greedy growers" mentality..
i still say no voters were pricks but it weren't 'bout greed...


Active member
of course there are greedy fucks out there..i just dont patronize them. those guys running warehouses pumpin out beasters with no med recs, stealing power.....i let them know i dont like their product and wont buy it. they dont seem to mind because theres always someone else to dump shit on...


Active member
LOL. You guys crying about $10 an hour are TRIPPING.

You're telling me if MJ was legal...

That growing it requires some special degree...

Where you're able to charge what a doctor charges for brain surgery?

You put a seed in some dirt. You water it. It grows a flower. You dry the flower. You sell the dried flower.

Its not rocket science folks.

Maybe when they start charging $120 an oz for cucumbers and lettuce you'll start bringing down your inflated sense of self worth.

Yes. Its a black market industry... no matter how medical you are. This is why you can charge a 300% markup on a commodity already marked up 1000%


Licensed Grower
ICMag Donor
^10$ is a joke, I wouldn't get up to an alarm for no less then $100, and thats just to put my feet on the floor!

Growing takes lots of financial risk, personal security risk, and personal freedom risk. Growing is rocket science, look around the boards and see how many fall flat on their face, and how many can pump out AAA 100% of the time. Sure anyone can just add water and MAYBE procure something they can actually smoke, but not everyone can maintain perfect conditions, at the perfect times, with the perfect feedings, and cure perfectly. Take a stop by the infirmary if you don't believe me.

I see good examples a few times a week while vending to the clubs. Been over a couple years and the crap flying of the shelfs I wouldn't smoke if you gave it to me. It will be summer soon, and my comp will be once again be battling heat, humidity, bugs, and shitty genetics. Their shit will be airy hay and mine will be rock hard perfection. Apparently the professioanl caregivers here have not yet learned how to grow proper meds in two years.....must not be rocket scientist.....

growing is hard work, you must simply not be growing enough if it is easy for you. Sure, I have days where Id on't have to do shit but stare at em, but there is always something to be done.

I wish you could see my upgrade list for 4 rooms, to do list for 4 rooms, and running cost + time I put into 4 rooms. Oh and all the experience and learning curves, ups and downs, upgrades and downgrades. Growing is also a bit of a personal lifestyle sacrifice, lots of things you can and can't do. Having one spot one cycle is not to hard, but PRODUCTION of consistent quality meds is a REAL job.

The price is what the market will bear. Market sets the price, plain and simple supply vs demand.

If you are worried about prices you need to:

A. Grow your own

Hop of the hater train, if you can't beat em join em!


Active member
I imagine you're so busy because your garden takes 10+ hrs of your time a day.

$100 an hour or $100 a day?

$100 a day works out to $6000 per flower cycle.

So if you grow 2 lbs. you feel compensated at $3000 a lb.

$100 an hour? That's $1000 a day or $60000 per flower cycle...

So you would need to grow 20 lbs. at $3000 a lb. to feel compensated.

Big difference.

The reality is most growers, once set up and running spend less than one hour of real work on their gardens a day. So factor in start up hours, you dont spend more than 100 to 200 hours on a garden per harvest.


Licensed Grower
ICMag Donor
I love people who counts others money, you waste all the time and energy counting others money when you should be out making your own.

Don't like the price grow your own. market dictates, plain and simple, no simple equations for that buddy. That literally is end of argument, no rebuttle for that.

How about you invest 30-50K, risk your personal freedom, take personal life sacrifices, risk your security, and when you harvest, sell it DIRT cheap.


Also, this is a dog eat dog world! Wuff Wuff
The one thing I don't accept is this "full time job" mentality. Not that it matters.

But if you're doing less than 10K watts and you need to spend 40 hours a week in your room to get great weed, you are doing something wrong.

Growing on medium scale just isn't hard. I'm sorry, it's not. There is a learning curve, but there is a learning curve to packing boxes off a conveyor belt at FEDEX, too. Growing takes knowledge and time and balls and initiative. But once you've got it dialed in, you've got it dialed in.

Bottom line is that it's an irrelevant aside and you can justify your lifestyle any way you want so long as you're not doing harm to others, which you're not. But enough with the full-time stuff, please.

I probably spend 20-25 hours a week in my garden, but most if it is just hanging out, staring at the room and thinking of potential future plans, etc. I could easily spend 5-6 hours a week in my gardens and get the same (excellent) results. So could almost anyone IMO.

And the 30-50 K figure blows my mind. I just set up a 6K flower and 2K veg room for 5, total. Are you guys growing with gold-plated ballasts or something?


Active member
I love people who counts others money, you waste all the time and energy counting others money when you should be out making your own.

Don't like the price grow your own. market dictates, plain and simple, no simple equations for that buddy. That literally is end of argument, no rebuttle for that.

How about you invest 30-50K, risk your personal freedom, take personal life sacrifices, risk your security, and when you harvest, sell it DIRT cheap.


Also, this is a dog eat dog world! Wuff Wuff

dude I dunno when you're gonna come off the high horse. I'm not disagreeing on the price. I'm arguing what it really costs is close to NOTHING if you take away "personal life sacrifices, risk your security."

Growing weed is not rocket science. Growing it and distributing it without getting robbed or busted is difficult. People put a premium on availability. If you can get it in 4 hrs for $10 or now, before your movie, for $20 some people will pay the premium for convenience.

But you're still just watering a plant.


Game Bred
I was a land surveyor prior to becoming a caregiver.
Would you guys please tell me how much money I should have been making?
Also how much should I have been paying my employees?
People here seem to have the ability to determine what others should make.
I just wanna see how my business stacks up....


Active member
LOL. You guys crying about $10 an hour are TRIPPING.

You're telling me if MJ was legal...

That growing it requires some special degree...

Where you're able to charge what a doctor charges for brain surgery?

You put a seed in some dirt. You water it. It grows a flower. You dry the flower. You sell the dried flower.

Its not rocket science folks.

you are way way off..it sounds like you are just arguing for the sake of arguing...or complaining, who knows.

go tell a grape farmer, lettuce farmer, etc that what he does is simply just "put seed in dirt, water, grow, harvest"......you obviously have no idea about the agricultural industry. im getting into the vineyard business so im learning alot about how things work in farmland. you forget to factor in the myriad of outside factors that are totally non related to the plant itself. like contolling pests, humidity, temps, the potential outside problems keep adding up. why do you think a "how to grow grapes" or even a "how to grow weed" book isnt 12 pages then. the grow bible alone is like 300 something pages........so i respectfully say TruthorLie, that sorry, you are wrong on that one. Growing anything of QUALITY, especially high end top shelf marijuana, entails way more than your simple formula. unless you like airy leafy underdeveloped buds then by all means, your method works..

and no, growers arent charging as much as brain surgeons. Unless they are in a non-med state charging 6500 an LB, i disagree with you that as well. most of the people here arent selling their meds for top shelf prices....they get lowballed and the guys making good money are the brokers and clubs. and the whole business itself of selling your product sometimes is MORE than growing the actual product itself. A marketing job for selling any product can run 60k a year, so why wouldnt that 60k a year salary (which is a ton more than 10 an hour btw) combine with the growing job itself....i crunched the rough numbers, and running my 5k bedroom that produces 5lb per harvest selling at 2500 an LB is only 50-60 grand gross revenue before expenses with 3 month cycles. after paying rent and electricty, the wage per 5k room is only like 40 grand a year, which is not much. now someone running a warehouse with 20lights can do a little better, but most growers arent making 800k a year like a brain surgeon does....the only ones making brain surgeon loot are the clubs and bigtime illegal growers...

and one last thing.....which i already said in an earlier post.

even if marijuana was fully legalized and companies like Montansanta have huge factories...(look at moonshine for example)....i garuntee you sure as shit they wont be paying their employees 10 bucks an hour or hiring unskilled labor. they will want skilled budtenders with knowledge in all aspects, and that kind of knowledge will command a premium. hahaha like Moonshine is gonna run a 250k warehouse for 10 an hour...try quadruple that. GO search average salaries of vineyard managers, etc, none of them are your measly 10 dollar estimate. 10 bucks is what they pay the trimmers and deckhands. our vineyard manager is clocking 120k a year just for our vineyard..he has another 3-4 vineyards he manages and makes more on.....


OverGrow Refugee
dude I dunno when you're gonna come off the high horse. I'm not disagreeing on the price. I'm arguing what it really costs is close to NOTHING if you take away "personal life sacrifices, risk your security."

Growing weed is not rocket science. Growing it and distributing it without getting robbed or busted is difficult. People put a premium on availability. If you can get it in 4 hrs for $10 or now, before your movie, for $20 some people will pay the premium for convenience.

But you're still just watering a plant.

I have too completely disagree with you bud...Growing weed is easy growing chronic, mouth watering smoke is actually quite challenging..and the minute i read that you think its easy..well that just tells me about your growing skills..as far as just watering a plant...well good luck with that if thats all you have to do...


Zen Master

hey truth, how much do you grow?

you seem to have the notion that the people supplying clubs are closet growers.

the people that have the same HIGH QUALITY product on the shelves 24/7 at your favorite local co op have HUNDREDS if not THOUSANDS of plants growing.

Takes a lil more than an hour, and although technically it does scale per plant. adding one or two extra plants to water isn't shit, adding 300 extra plants you need to water does tack on some time. oh and thousands in equipment/operational costs. oh lets not forget its not 'set it and forget it' in a warehouse, hence me wondering what level you're on yourself.

what is your time worth? just curious. $5? I mean illegal hispanics out here in CA get paid more than that for manual labor jobs that nobody else wants to do. you seem to think $10 an hour is blasphemy.

you think the people producing absolute top notch grade A fire (and enough of it to keep the clubs supplied) are dreadlock rockin hippies with a 4x4 tent in their apartment? lol. You have an inexperienced tone towards the business side of what is still a very much 'grey area' business.

oh and whats YOUR freedom worth? 5 years of your (I'm assuming in your 20's) life... whats that worth to you? really? because you act like its worthless.
I have too completely disagree with you bud...Growing weed is easy growing chronic, mouth watering smoke is actually quite challenging..and the minute i read that you think its easy..well that just tells me about your growing skills..as far as just watering a plant...well good luck with that if thats all you have to do...

He's not being literal, dude...

And I guess you're saying I'm a delusional grower with mediocre plants, then. Because I've only got half a decade in this game and I think it's by far the easiest work I've ever done for money in my entire quarter century on this Earth... And I'd put my meds up there with anyone, as would my patients.

Yes, I'm proud of a few crosses I made, and that did take some semblance of thought and, dare I say, "skill." But that's about it. There is such a thing as a green thumb, but you don't start farting out THC and watermelon scent once you acquire it, dude. Your product is as good as your genetics, and nothing beyond it.

As well, guys like Lazyman for example, whom I look up to, absolutely have generalized skills/intelligence beyond my capacities. He regularly produces a sexy, interesting, unique room with awesome buds. But at the end of the day, he's not necessarily a better grower than I am. He's thought of smart room ideas I haven't, but again, he's limited to his strains. Guys like heath robinson- a certifiable genius- is a madman getting insanely good buds and incredible ratios. But at the end of the day, his product is limited to his strains, just like everyone else...

I'm sorry, it's just not that hard to grow incredible weed. You are deluding yourself if you think you have some incredible ability to stop the nutes/pick/dry whatever at the perfect hour which produces superior buds to your peers.


Game Bred
But you're still just watering a plant.

hmmm ifin i had an auto waterer i would never have to see 'em

it's called auto.
all fem.
auto flower
no nutes needed
tops and clones itself
100%mite,heat,mold,mildew and pathogen resistance
self harvesting
self trimming
self drying
self curing
guaranteed purple
guaranteed 27% thc
guaranteed 3GPW per 30 days

instant $10.00 per hour just add water

im selling 10 packs of beans for $1,000,000

who's in?


Licensed Grower
ICMag Donor
He's not being literal, dude...

And I guess you're saying I'm a delusional grower with mediocre plants, then. Because I've only got half a decade in this game and I think it's by far the easiest work I've ever done for money in my entire quarter century on this Earth... And I'd put my meds up there with anyone, as would my patients.

Yes, I'm proud of a few crosses I made, and that did take some semblance of thought and, dare I say, "skill." But that's about it. There is such a thing as a green thumb, but you don't start farting out THC and watermelon scent once you acquire it, dude. Your product is as good as your genetics, and nothing beyond it.

As well, guys like Lazyman for example, whom I look up to, absolutely have generalized skills/intelligence beyond my capacities. He regularly produces a sexy, interesting, unique room with awesome buds. But at the end of the day, he's not necessarily a better grower than I am. He's thought of smart room ideas I haven't, but again, he's limited to his strains. Guys like heath robinson- a certifiable genius- is a madman getting insanely good buds and incredible ratios. But at the end of the day, his product is limited to his strains, just like everyone else...

I'm sorry, it's just not that hard to grow incredible weed. You are deluding yourself if you think you have some incredible ability to stop the nutes/pick/dry whatever at the perfect hour which produces superior buds to your peers.

I see shitty nugs all day everyday man everywhere I go, every club. So apparently yes, I do have an incredible ability you do not yet believe in :) I know people who have grown professionally for years and still can't get it right.

Send some of your shit to this years ICMAG 420 cup and prove yourself.

Storm Shadow

Well-known member
I think the sad truth is ....what most of you think is the bombest of the bomb .....just really isnt...I mean...the clubs wont even have the balls to negotiate shit if you walk in there with a 9-10..... if your shit is a 8....3200 sounds right...but once again.....do yourself a favor...try finding new phenos from seed of dank strains instead of growing the same cut everyone and their mom is growing...OG for example...Why not take a chance...get some landrace seeds and cross them to all the OG'z and find something new....so when you walk into the clubs...you have everyone jocking and just waiting on every drop you have for them....you have to outshine everyone else is the point.....its alot harder to do then you think...your entire life has to be commited to this business.....quality triumphs quanity any day of the week ....If your want 4k shit.....you have to put in real work....grow lots and lots of SEEDS!

Zen Master

....If your want 4k shit.....you have to put in real work....grow lots and lots of SEEDS!

nope, I disagree, sorry.

I'd venture to say a solid 80%+ (if not more like 90%) of co op patients are buying whatever strain is hot at the moment.

I like to call it the flavor of the month. Although as evident by co op menu's some strains stay popular for years.

its all hype and whats 'cool' to smoke for these people. they want 'the dankest of the dank' not some equatorial landrace sativa.

as much as I love truly amazing herb, its not what 'sells' at the clubs. people laugh at foxtailed sativas and disregard them as stringy outdoor while instantly gravitating towards the 'kush'.

I'm not saying that herb isnt fantastic. I love it. Its just not what garners the best rate given todays demand.

edit: I do agree with the 'bombest of the bomb' being far from it comment though. Some people need to try new stuff but hey they are mindless consumers at that point tbh.


Game Bred
nope, I disagree, sorry.

I'd venture to say a solid 80%+ (if not more like 90%) of co op patients are buying whatever strain is hot at the moment.

I like to call it the flavor of the month. Although as evident by co op menu's some strains stay popular for years.

its all hype and whats 'cool' to smoke for these people. they want 'the dankest of the dank' not some equatorial landrace sativa.

as much as I love truly amazing herb, its not what 'sells' at the clubs. people laugh at foxtailed sativas and disregard them as stringy outdoor while instantly gravitating towards the 'kush'.

I'm not saying that herb isnt fantastic. I love it. Its just not what garners the best rate given todays demand.

just make up something and put "kush" behind it...

supercalifragilasticexpalidocious kush..

see they will scoop it right up.
if you can make it purple and fruity even better...

sorry but the whole "kush" thing kills me...
none of it has any resemblance to what the old hindu kush strains once were.
nothing kush about all these "kush" cuts...

rant over.
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