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ICMAG Administration endorses The Regulate, Control and Tax Cannabis Act of 2010

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Tom Hill

Active member
Thank you Milton (and Chris),

Yes, all things considered we should try to get this thing through. It is without a doubt in cannabis's best interest imo.

As an aside, I'd like to publicly thank Sam_Skunkman whose very simple and laymans arguments turned me around on this whole thing - he (and Rob) have a way of doing that.

On a more personal note, I'm not rich (lots of folks see money falling from my sky but that's not how it is) infact I'm broke and I have no idea where this might lead me, but I just don't care. I am not qualified for much outside of being involved with this plant. I suppose I know my way around the wok and grill fairly well, it's all pH, yin yang, salt and sugar etc. But who cares, this thing is in the best interest of cannabis and mankind -enough is enough- it's a no-brainer when I look at it from that angle. -Many thanks Sam and all others throwing in - banzai green snowball, banzai. -Tom


Twice as clear as heaven and twice as loud as reas
ICMag Donor

even when the state's people vote something into law they still have to fight the feds to enforce it? WTF....

this battle for 19 isnt simply going to be over when the polls close and the ballots are counted... ESPECIALLY IF THE FEDS DONT APPROVE. They blocked a fucking immigration enforcement law for christsakes...

if 19 passes its just another small step on a long road...


^^^thats all i have to contribute....


Sorcerer's Apprentice

what actual rights would a 19 smoker have over a 215 smoker?

* You'd have the right to grow for personal use without a permit or taxation.
* You'd have the right to keep as much as you could grow for personal use, and the right to GIFT or TRADE an ounce at a time to your friends or to have them do the same for you.
* You'd have the right to follow due process of law and acquire the rights to sell or purchase herb legally without the need of medical backing.
* You'd have the freedom to do so on the DL without having to register yourself as a Cannabis Medical Patient.
* You'd have the right to carry 1 ounce on your person when in public.
* Allow for scientific and medical study of the plant.

please no theoretical nonsense about not needing a doc anymore and yadda yadda. i want actual factual facts please.

Not needing a doc to declare your smoking medically necessary in order to do it IS a factual facty fact factoid factarooni.

You might not see the value in it, but I and many others DO in fact see the value.

actual rights actual law, just like vta posts actual parts of 19. please

We've already posted this stuff in this very thread. But I'll throw you a bone. (I expect a response since I'm taking the trouble to post something you could easily read for yourself.)
(i) Personally possess, process, share, or transport not more than one ounce of cannabis, solely for that individual’s personal consumption, and not for sale.

There's the part where you can carry an ounce on you.

(ii) Cultivate, on private property by the owner, lawful occupant, or other lawful resident or guest of the private property owner or lawful occupant, cannabis plants for personal consumption only, in an area of not more than twenty-five square feet per private residence or, in the absence of any residence, the parcel. Cultivation on leased or rented property may be subject to approval from the owner of the property. Provided that, nothing in this section shall permit unlawful or unlicensed cultivation of cannabis on any public lands.

That's the part where you can grow your own without a license or taxation or anything.

(iii) Possess on the premises where grown the living and harvested plants and results of any harvest and processing of plants lawfully cultivated pursuant to section 11300(a)(ii), for personal consumption.

That's the part about how you can have more than an ounce in your home.

Does that address your concerns?

Tom Hill

Active member
Yeah Greyskull, the civil war went in the right direction in regards to slavery, but the wrong direction as far as big brother dictating what we can do locally from way the fuck over there in their warped lil idea of the world. Another argument for the passing of this and the eventual ratification of such laws is to get the world back on track with local rule/law prevailing over a bunch of non-participants dictating what is kosher in our neck of the woods. This is the very stuff that our country was founded on - don't tell me what to do from way the fuck over there...


JJ already posted the statute that says hash and edibles are legal under 19 .. But keeping making up any shit possible to decieve voters into voting to your liking.

As to my resort, I would love for you to come by so I can slap the shit out of you and drag your face through the mud like Daniel day Lewis in there Will be blood for the way you knowingly misguide voters. Any chance you watch hannity or beck? You sound just like those fucking ass clowns




even when the state's people vote something into law they still have to fight the feds to enforce it? WTF....

this battle for 19 isnt simply going to be over when the polls close and the ballots are counted... ESPECIALLY IF THE FEDS DONT APPROVE. They blocked a fucking immigration enforcement law for christsakes...

if 19 passes its just another small step on a long road...


^^^thats all i have to contribute....

Er Indigenous people brother. You're all immigrants if ya aint indigenous... Ah hell did I say that?


ICMag Donor
Tom, one of these big conglomerates would be a fool not to grab you up as their head "Budmaster", lol....

Thank you Milton (and Chris),

Yes, all things considered we should try to get this thing through. It is without a doubt in cannabis's best interest imo.

As an aside, I'd like to publicly thank Sam_Skunkman whose very simple and laymans arguments turned me around on this whole thing - he (and Rob) have a way of doing that.

On a more personal note, I'm not rich (lots of folks see money falling from my sky but that's not how it is) infact I'm broke and I have no idea where this might lead me, but I just don't care. I am not qualified for much outside of being involved with this plant. I suppose I know my way around the wok and grill fairly well, it's all pH, yin yang, salt and sugar etc. But who cares, this thing is in the best interest of cannabis and mankind -enough is enough- it's a no-brainer when I look at it from that angle. -Many thanks Sam and all others throwing in - banzai green snowball, banzai. -Tom


Well-known member
there is a group here that believes that a better proposition could have been written
i suppose that's true, most legislation can be improved
then why aren't we discussing this better proposition?
it's not like Richard Lee had a monopoly on the proposition process
the opportunity was there for other groups and individuals
you got this proposition because no one else had the combination of will, money, and desire to put it together
so you can wait for better, just don't have any illusions how long a wait that could be


... Another argument for the passing of this and the eventual ratification of such laws is to get the world back on track with local rule/law prevailing over a bunch of non-participants dictating what is kosher in our neck of the woods. This is the very stuff that our country was founded on - don't tell me what to do from way the fuck over there...

Exactly Tom, we have to make educated decisions and these discussions help everyrone get educated, and maybe people can see what would be considered the smaller picture, the people this would actually affect. so long as everyone does there due diligence to learn about the potential law and how it would affect them, then we will have an accurate vote. I think a lot of no voters want legalization, just not like this, too many loopholes in the wording for some. Like I said I am still somewhat up in the air about it so I hope this conversation continues on.


Again.. you fail to relize that prop19 is a restrictive grey area that will only add to the prohibitionist agenda and will be voted in by the people.

Half the problems we have now is because of the grey area and prop 19 is full on the color grey.

Not to mention that the reason people are going to jail are not for mear possesion of an ounce but:

more than an ounce

cultivation of more than what you need at the personal level

possesion with intent to sell

giving someone more than an oz as a gift

giving it to someone under the age of 18

giving it to someone 18 and over...

again prop 19 will not stop this and this is what is filling our prisons now.

Also I just looked it up... the number one reason people are being arrested for... is for possesion of more than an oz.

Sorry but prop 19 will not stop that... if anything that number could skyrocket as more people become comfortable carring weed on there person. Aslo the fact it will not change that local LE will continue to recieve funding for busting marijuana users.

Fact as the laws are now:

possesion of an oz or less- 100.00 fine

possesion of over an oz- 6 month in hotel cali with a 500.00 fine.

With prop 19:

No fine for an oz or less

possible 6 mo stint and 1k fine instead of 100 fine for sharing with friends 18-20

possesion of over an oz.... 6 month stay in state pen and 500.00 fine.

Sorry but I like it now instead of when prop19 comes into effect.


Game Bred
what "loopholes"

they are mostly wrong about those "loopholes"

the one they are correct about is people 18-25 w/o med cards would still be illegal.


Sorcerer's Apprentice
I'm saying that rapists will still be settling less time then non violent "drug criminals". I want these "drug criminals" to get punishments less then rapists, manslaughterists.

I respect that. I couldn't find it on google. Maybe you can help me out. What is the MAXIMUM POSSIBLE SENTENCE a rapist could be sentenced? What is the MAXIMUM POSSIBLE SENTENCE a manslaughterist can recieve?

Because you seem to be comparing what a rapist often DOES get with what a cannabis possessor MIGHT get if they really pissed off the wrong judge on the wrong day.

Just because you can get "up to 7 years" in prison for something doesn't mean that the average judge is going to sentence someone to 7 years in prison because they were at a barbecue and smoked a joint within eyesight of a toddler.

Will you please concede this point? Will you post up the maximum jail term for rapists for us? Because I don't know what it is. I'd like to have that number (with references, please) so that we can compare and contrast and see if your argument holds weight.

Reasonable, no?


Game Bred
Again.. you fail to relize that prop19 is a restrictive grey area that will only add to the prohibitionist agenda and will be voted in by the people.

you are for[/] continued prohibition by definition that makes you a prohibitionist.

Half the problems we have now is because of the grey area and prop 19 is full on the color grey.
the only "grey" area is your misunderstanding.
ill be more than happy to walk you through the law again as i have done for you in other threads.

Not to mention that the reason people are going to jail are not for mear possesion of on ounce but:

more than an ounce

cultivation of more than what you need at the personal level

possesion with intent to sell

giving someone more than an oz as a gift

giving it to someone under the age of 18

giving it to someone 18 and over...

again prop 19 will not stop this and this is what is filling our prisons now.

ummmm translation please?

Also I just looked it up... the number one reason people are being arrested for... is for possesion of more than an oz.

Sorry but prop 19 will not stop that... if anything that number could skyrocket as more people become comfortable carring weed on there person. Aslo the fact it will not change that local LE will continue to recieve funding for busting marijuana users.

prop 19 allows possesion of any ammount in your residence..

please stop lying.

Fact as the laws are now:

possesion of an oz or less- 100.00 fine

possesion of over an oz- 6 month in hotel cali with a 500.00 fine.[/QUOTE]

after tc2010

possession no fine, no jail, no probable cause, no begging doctors, no registering with the state


264. (a) Rape, as defined in Section 261 or 262, is punishable by
imprisonment in the state prison for three, six, or eight years.
(b) In addition to any punishment imposed under this section the
judge may assess a fine not to exceed seventy dollars ($70) against
any person who violates Section 261 or 262 with the proceeds of this
fine to be used in accordance with Section 1463.23. The court shall,
however, take into consideration the defendant's ability to pay, and
no defendant shall be denied probation because of his or her
inability to pay the fine permitted under this subdivision.


Sorcerer's Apprentice
I guess I misread too. Cities can't ban the possession of but they can ban selling, correct?


You can't be an unlicensed drug dealer. THAT'S STILL ILLEGAL.

But you can grow and smoke and share and carry.

And if you want to be a dealer, you just have to get the proper licenses.

if you want to grow more than 5x5 for personal, lobby your local city council or move to a city in CA that WILL allow for more.

(Hi there Humboldt! Hi Mendocino!)


Sorcerer's Apprentice
Let Cali vote how they want!
After all, it is THEIR lives that will be most affected by this.

Nobody here has a gun to anybody's head and none of us will be in the voting booth with you. But if people are going to post lies over and over and over in an attempt to smear the issue, I'm going to point out the lies over and over and over in an attempt to clear it. Make up your own mind. But please don't listen to fear-mongering.


after tc2010

possession no fine, no jail, no probable cause, no begging doctors, no registering with the state

Uhhhh very wrong!

Again for those who do not understand.

with prop19:

possesion of an oz or less no infraction of any kind... great and love that.

However for possesion over an oz it will still be 6 months in jail with a 500.00 fine.

Also changes gifts of marijuana to friends 18-20 from a 100 infraction to a possible stint of 6 months in jail and 1k fine.

Also the number one reason people are going to jail now is possesion of more than an oz which they recieve 6 months in jail and 500.00 fine.

This will not change with prop 19 being voted in.

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