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ICMAG Administration endorses The Regulate, Control and Tax Cannabis Act of 2010

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Dear Haters, I Have So Much More For You To Be Mad
How was he arrested? The legal minimum limit is 6/12.

was wondering that as well. must not of been in cali.....

a week ago my boy got busted with 25k in his house, 200+ plants. cops came and asked to see his recommendation. saw it and left, didnt even call his federal probation officer....


Game Bred
If they want to LIMIT enforcement why is there specific language for the localities to FUND enforcement of MJ laws with licensing fees raised from new business established in accordance with Prop 19.

The answer is there is NO desire to limit enforcement of laws. The whole concept is ridiculous. Either something is illegal in which case the police have a duty to enforce the law or that thing is not illegal.

So what does LIMIT enforcement mean? Only arrest minorities or poorly dressed people for MJ offenses?

What are the limiting factors? The pig has to think you have more than 25' or more than one ounce? If that is the only thing limited than the CA pigs will have more overtime than ever.


im sorry i didnt realize your ability to comprehend the english was compromised.

the law limits enforcement by saying:
(a) Notwithstanding any other provision of law, it is lawful and shall not be a public offense under California law for any person 21 years of age or older to:
(i) Personally possess, process, share, or transport not more than one ounce of cannabis, solely for that individual’s personal consumption, and not for sale.
(ii) Cultivate, on private property by the owner, lawful occupant, or other lawful resident or guest of the private property owner or lawful occupant, cannabis plants for personal consumption only, in an area of not more than twenty-five square feet per private residence or, in the absence of any residence, the parcel. Cultivation on leased or rented property may be subject to approval from the owner of the property. Provided that, nothing in this section shall permit unlawful or unlicensed cultivation of cannabis on any public lands.
(iii) Possess on the premises where grown the living and harvested plants and results of any harvest and processing of plants lawfully cultivated pursuant to section 11300(a)(ii), for personal consumption.
(iv) Possess objects, items, tools, equipment, products and materials associated with activities permitted under this subsection.

you see all those things are illegal now and there are regulations toenforce that prohibition.
after TC2010 passes the enforcement of that prohibition will be prohibited because the prohibition of those activities will be lifted.

that is how you limit enforcement of existing law.

hope this helps with your inability to comprehend


I love my life
See you haven't even read the whole prop. Liscensing and permits are left to localities and hash and edibles are covered in this as well.

At least read what you are opposed to!!! How can we take you seriously when your own statements prove you are speaking on assumptions rather than facts.....

Like I said not going to be in San Diego, so where is the doob ranch going to be?

I have read the prop. and I read the CA criminal statute posted in this thread that said "Concentrated" mj felony over 28.5 grams of bud felony.

Oh yeah here is the link for the proposal:

See I went to the CA secretary of state. This PDF is cool because it has all kinds of HAND written changes, you should really look at it.

Page one of the PDF used to contain "and the penal code" but that has been scratched out and now prop 19 modifies or changes only the "Health and Safety Code"

"Only the active amount of cannabis in an edible cannabis product shall be included." This is really the only reference to concentrated MJ I can find, but Prop 19 doesn't modify the penal code and in the penal code ANY amount of concentrated MJ is a felony.

Again good luck getting that license and if the doob ranch is in a cool beach city I'll come visit.



I really see this as progress and fail to see what's so bad about this.

****************-Localities/cities decide on public use, commercial growing, sales and distribution.****************

PLEASE someone tell me where they're going wrong here and if I'm missing something thus far.

Take care and stay safe all.

The part with asterisks is the issue. Local municipalities are what is holding CURRENT CA Patients back, how is this gonna be any different than now. Sick people always get the sympathy from people, we haven't received much sympathy. you think it's gonna be any better when a bunch of stoners try. If cops still raid patient homes for growing under the limit, you think they are not going to go after rec users?

Instead of people form other places putting in their two cents, they need to see what US patients have really dealt with. Yeah Medical use sounds legal under prop 215 and thats what people voted for. Local govt's continue to pursue raids and drug busts based on Marijuana use and growing. So if we give the local authorities the right to change the laws, what are they going to do? Given the fact that the raids continue and DA's all over OUR state continue to prosecute, med patients don't want it to change. We have come to a point where it's quasi legal and unless you are growing rediculous amounts and selling without keeping records or driving stupid with it on you, you are most likely fine. Let's be real here, anyone who has been pulled over knows that the cops are pretty chill about it unless you want to throw a tude. Be cool, they are normal people and in many cases patients aswell. Now if your sitting here talking about the effect it's gonna have on other states, nations and communities, so you want us to be the Guinea Pigs AGAIN, wait til we figure out how to implement a system as patients and find a balance and then you guys will start to legalize right? I did not like that over prop 215, and prop 19 wont get me any more rights that I or any other californian will have as a patient. You evr cut yourself, have a headache, break a bone, or real medically documented issues? than waltz your ass into an office pay $40-100 tell the Dr your perceived symptoms and walk out"legal", have more rights than prop 19 will ever give us and not have to worry about even more bureaucratic bullshit that never ask for our input. the cost of one recreational users arrest and prosecution should make you think about paying about $3-400 in fines and court cost, or spend $100 walk into a DR's office and then walk out and into any of the Hundreds of dispensaries and spen the other $300 on some bomb ass meds, do we really need 4 huge companies looking out for the well being of california patients? This is our CA vote, that effects us first. any other of the 49 states or any of the other 194 nations can make the decision to be guinea pigs or martyrs for the cause. I want it legal on a world level too, but I am not willing to throw any single person into the same situation we have dealt with as of yet. It has taken 14 years of this "medical MJ" to feel comfortable as a patient, now you want to throw in another monkey wrench. We are already playing the bureaucratic game. Being a MMJ patient is a right and not a privilage, know your rights. dont vote them away so easily.

with that said I am still slightly up in the air about this bill, however from what I have read of it, it's no bueno. I dont think anyone wants to be a guinea pig and fight potential arrests just to find out where the LEO stands and what could happen, so why is it that someone from so far away is supporting this bill wanting to make CA patients the guinea pigs again? Like I said I support legalization, this just isn't it and anyone who has not lived in CA and witnessed what has happened the last few years really has no input. You can support it all you want, but support it for the right reasons, the effect it will have on CA Citizens, not the potential effect it could have in 20 years on a national level. anybody could be the next Richard Lee and put up millions of dollars to have a law voted on anywhere in the world. If you really support this measure, than supprt a similar measure in your area where you live, where it affects you, now.


I love my life
Not to try and diminish your drama, but ICMag endorses this Bill because it will allow thousands of our members to grow and smoke their own Cannabis with out fear of arrest, loss of homes, loss of jobs, and all the other stigma that goes with it.

But you put any spin on it you want.....

So how many members is it OK to imprison for each 1,000 members that get to play with micro cabs and can quit worrying about a $100 fine from the state of CA?

How does this help ANY ICmager from being fired when Prop 19 SPECIFICALLY retains the right of employers to test and fire your members?

Of those members in CA who will be helped how were they EVER in jeopardy of losing their homes? Is CA seizing houses for 25sq' gardens or less than an ounce?

I didn't know that Prop 19 had a NO STIGMA clause, I guess if it passes all the judgmental fucks that look down their nose at me during the middle of the day will instead have a happy to see you shit eating grin on their face?



Watch what you are indorsing people: http://open.salon.com/blog/brinna_n...anny_senate_bill_forces_patients_to_smoke_pot

These are the people you are giving the power too. As prop19 stands it gives all the power to these people to further their prohibition agenda by giving them the power to tax and regulate as they see fit without the approval of the people. Further more the way the law is writen and if I am not mistaken can further increase sentencing and invoke new arrest critieria.

What people do not understand about the problems we have now is... that the laws on the books are in a grey area... guess what... prop 19 is a whole grey area.

Vote No on the enslavement act that is prop19! the prohibitionist choice for legalization.

Legalization is not Taxation!

Fact on prop19:

Turns a simple infraction into up to 6 months in jail and 1000.00 fine.

Lets Counties and Cities ban marijuana all together.

Will not stop the incarceration rates as people are not getting arrested for simple grows, possesion or sharing your marijuana.

People will still get arrested for intent to sell.

People will still get arrested for commercial grows

People will still get there kids taken away for grows

However prop 19 will serve:

big ganjapharma
cut out the mom and pops
support the fiscal irresponsible
fund special interest

The biggest and the baddest is:

The feds will give money to local LE for their raids... guess what... with prop19 that will not change and make it alot easier for them to target... it is one thing for them to go after a guy in a wheelchair... it is another to go after some rec smoker. Rec smokers chances are slim with them getting away.


One day you will have to answer to the children of
With all due respect,

Marijuana is already legal in california. mmj laws in cali offer more protections than this tax law does. read through the bill everyone please. what it will do is open the door for large scale commercial grows operated by big business with prohibitive liscensing fees.

medical marijuana has kept the cali scene relatively free from the influence of big business.

id like to keep it that way.

ps- if you dissagree with me on this bill, please do it for reasons other than "legalization"

It will be interesting to see in Colorado how this plays out. The state gov't has embraced the Taxing idea and HB 1284 goes far as being a big first step to "Commercialize" (i.e. tax like business as usual).

People from all over came here to get rich. No experience with Mary Jane, no love for Mary Jane, they just see dollar signs. More importantly, no love for Colorado.

So what do we see? All the bullshit that happens when something becomes legal. People fighting tooth and nail over "Regulations" (i.e. protectionist measures). When something becomes legal the sharks jump in the pool. There was a lot more comradary in the state when it was illegal. Now it is just everyone out to make a buck, regardless of the lies they will feed you.

In a true Free Market the only regulation is Self-Regulation.

It is legal to carry an Ounce in Denver City and County, no problem. I don't see that being a big benefit of Cali's initiative.

I think the craft grower in Cali is going to get fucked with this bill, for his concerns were not met. The real growers of Colo are pulling for you, but it doesn't look good.

Looks like you are going to do what Colorado did and pass something just to pass it. Instead of taking the time to get it right.

The Bay Area Seanator's proposal was the only reasonable push at Legalization. Everything else has just been window dressing, a wolf in sheeps clothing.


Game Bred
Watch what you are indorsing people: http://open.salon.com/blog/brinna_n...anny_senate_bill_forces_patients_to_smoke_pot

These are the people you are giving the power too. As prop19 stands it gives all the power to these people to further their prohibition agenda by giving them the power to tax and regulate as they see fit without the approval of the people. Further more the way the law is writen and if I am not mistaken can further increase sentencing and invoke new arrest critieria.

What people do not understand about the problems we have now is... that the laws on the books are in a grey area... guess what... prop 19 is a whole grey area.

Vote No on the enslavement act that is prop19! the prohibitionist choice for legalization.

Legalization is not Taxation!

Fact on prop19:

Turns a simple infraction into up to 6 months in jail and 1000.00 fine.

Lets Counties and Cities ban marijuana all together.

Will not stop the incarceration rates as people are not getting arrested for simple grows, possesion or sharing your marijuana.

People will still get arrested for intent to sell.

People will still get arrested for commercial grows

People will still get there kids taken away for grows

cmon al

youve tried your bullshit in other threads...

please dont spread lies anymore.
there are several in the above quote.

concerning concentrates.


For purposes of this Act:
(i) “Marijuana” and “cannabis” are interchangeable terms that mean all parts of the plant Genus Cannabis, whether growing or not; the resin extracted from any part of the plant; concentrated cannabis; edible products containing same; and every active compound, manufacture, derivative, or preparation of the plant, or resin.

this is important.

tc2010 defines consumables and concentrates as marijuana!!!!!


Yes sir... but she is working on the federal level. And as far as that goes... how do you get around the laws where cities ban Marijauna which is their right under prop19???

Tom Hill

Active member
Forget all about this "oh, the poor Cali guinea pigs" crap. We are earthlings,, in a good position to teach commonfolk something. The medi-scene as a whole is in complete disarray. The reason that redneck counties and states can get away with this anti-medi crap via city ordinances etc is because there is still plenty of room for doubt in the general public's eye. Remove their doubt, melt that fear away, show them that there is nothing inherently evil about this plant - that the public is in no danger from its existence. Only then will these hold-outs and DEA etc look like the complete buffoons that they are.
So how many members is it OK to imprison for each 1,000 members that get to play with micro cabs and can quit worrying about a $100 fine from the state of CA?

How does this help ANY ICmager from being fired when Prop 19 SPECIFICALLY retains the right of employers to test and fire your members?

Of those members in CA who will be helped how were they EVER in jeopardy of losing their homes? Is CA seizing houses for 25sq' gardens or less than an ounce?

I didn't know that Prop 19 had a NO STIGMA clause, I guess if it passes all the judgmental fucks that look down their nose at me during the middle of the day will instead have a happy to see you shit eating grin on their face?

Stop with the spoiled mindset/unreasonable demands/narrow sightedness.
Think bigger picture
Forget all about this "oh, the poor Cali guinea pigs" crap. We are earthlings,, in a good position to teach commonfolk something. The medi-scene as a whole is in complete disarray. The reason that redneck counties and states can get away with this anti-medi crap via city ordinances etc is because there is still plenty of room for doubt in the general public's eye. Remove their doubt, melt that fear away, show them that there is nothing inherently evil about this plant - that the public is in no danger from its existence. Only then will these hold-outs and DEA etc look like the complete buffoons that they are.


I love my life

thats why you should be voting FOR freedom not against

I agree with ZERO and that is why I think we should NEVER vote for a law that would imprison any member of this community for growing, smoking, transporting, or selling.

I am all for less arrests but I can not lend my name or vote to ANY scheme that would continue to imprison this community.

There are no VOTES in matters of freedom. Either I am free to do as I choose or I am not, the majority holds no moral sanction over my life.

What if black American slaves in 1856 were given a special election and allowed to vote on a special proposition. Prop 19 titled The 1856 Humane Regulation of Slavery Act. Wouldn't it be much better less beatings, maybe kid slaves stay with their parent slaves until 16 years old. At least two meals a day. 1/2 of Sunday off of work.

Wow that is way better than slaves had it in 1856 they should be rattling their shackles with joy over this prop, why should they DEMAND total freedom, that is UNREALISTIC after all. What kind of person could vote NO on this?



ICMag Donor
This Bill has nothing to do with 215. It does not affect 215 and is for people who just want to be able to grow and smoke their own Cannabis.

Not everyone, me included, wnats to go to some doc and have my paper work given to god knows who. And then the control that they have over you with their rules and regulations.

So can we keep the medical and 215 talk out of this thread as this Bill has zero to do with prop 215. Tis Bill is for those that want to grow and smoke their own Cannabis and not have it being someone elses business......


Game Bred
Yes sir... but she is working on the federal level. And as far as that goes... how do you get around the laws where cities ban Marijauna which is their right under prop19???

show me the part of the law you think allows municipalities to "ban" marijuana?


Ensure that if a city decides not to tax and regulate the sale of cannabis, that buying and selling cannabis within that city’s limits remain illegal, but that the city’s citizens still have the right to possess and consume small amounts, except as permitted under Health and Safety Sections 11362.5 and 11362.7 through 11362.9.
8. Ensure that if a city decides it does want to tax and regulate the buying and selling of cannabis (to and from adults only), that a strictly controlled legal system is implemented to oversee and regulate cultivation, distribution, and sales, and that the city will have control over how and how much cannabis can be bought and sold, except as permitted under Health and Safety Sections 11362.5 and 11362.7 through 11362.9.

you cant be that stupid?


ICMag Donor
it is one thing for them to go after a guy in a wheelchair... .

Now that's funny, lmao..........

Even the people on this site have bragged that "anyone can get a certificate", lol. I'm guessing probably about 1/10th of 1 percent are in a wheelchair......

This Bill isn't about 215 nor does it effect it.....


Game Bred
What if black American slaves in 1856 were given a special election and allowed to vote on a special proposition. Prop 19 titled The 1856 Humane Regulation of Slavery Act. Wouldn't it be much better less beatings, maybe kid slaves stay with their parent slaves until 16 years old. At least two meals a day. 1/2 of Sunday off of work.

Wow that is way better than slaves had it in 1856 they should be rattling their shackles with joy over this prop, why should they DEMAND total freedom, that is UNREALISTIC after all. What kind of person could vote NO on this?


yup your right it would have made sense for the slaves to say "take the kids and continue to whip my ass i wont accept anything but total freedom"

so they remain slaves lose the kids and are subjected to rape.but they did not compromise.
now had they voted yes the kids would have been there and conditions improve WHILE the kept fighting for complete equality.

of course the slaves chose to go free under jim crow laws?
and segregation

maybe using your logic they should have remained under bondage until the civil rights act?
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