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how many generations til a strain becomes yours


Keyboard Warrior
Oh yeh and when can i run a pack of Dj's blueberry that germinates..... oh and while in at it id love a few packs of viable DC and old posi haze inbred by a crazy old man.. so i can open pollinate and sell the seeds and make all these millions of dollars hemp seed farmers make from selling them on the internets.


Active member
Tom Hill has my vote for telling it like it is.

Ironic how people can demand respect from say Tom Hill then, and at the exact same time say DJShort deserves no respect.

mojave green

rockin in the free world
I don't know DJ short and I am pretty sure most of you don't either.

Who is the image of dj short stand in for then?

The ideal ego you feel looking down on you judging you. It is not about DJ Short and it never was, he is your fetish object you use in your sado-masochistic fantasies.
Nailed it!


Active member
Man, for real disagreements can become positive things if we try to understand each other.

considering epistemological solipsism, it's impossible to proof the existence of anything let alone other people. why are we trying to understand what we can't even properly regard as existing?

understand yourself. with that in hand, other people, disagreements, and breeding plants have a more sensible vantage for consideration. if self is difficult to approach, try epistemological solipsism.

now, the value of the stochastic process is in proper perspective.

i could fly higher than an eagle, but i'm down in the shit looking for some crud to validate me. treating other people like the crud you want for validation, who wants to do that? predictable outcomes.... politeness exemplifies an impoverishment to us all.


considering epistemological solipsism, it's impossible to proof the existence of anything let alone other people. why are we trying to understand what we can't even properly regard as existing?

understand yourself. with that in hand, other people, disagreements, and breeding plants have a more sensible vantage for consideration. if self is difficult to approach, try epistemological solipsism.

now, the value of the stochastic process is in proper perspective.

i could fly higher than an eagle, but i'm down in the shit looking for some crud to validate me. treating other people like the crud you want for validation, who wants to do that? predictable outcomes.... politeness exemplifies an impoverishment to us all.

English please lol. Unless what your saying is people that are rude are self conscious?
considering epistemological solipsism, it's impossible to proof the existence of anything let alone other people. why are we trying to understand what we can't even properly regard as existing?

understand yourself. with that in hand, other people, disagreements, and breeding plants have a more sensible vantage for consideration. if self is difficult to approach, try epistemological solipsism.

now, the value of the stochastic process is in proper perspective.

i could fly higher than an eagle, but i'm down in the shit looking for some crud to validate me. treating other people like the crud you want for validation, who wants to do that? predictable outcomes.... politeness exemplifies an impoverishment to us all.

You're the only person I've ever heard talk about solipsism - infact one of my previous handles on another site was Solvs Ipse, "only I"

Awesome to find a fellow philosopher in the mix.

As an existential ponderer, I agree with your proposed mantra, look into self, understand self, because it is the only thing we could possibly self validate as being "real"

But with just as much uncertainty, we could all be separate consciousnesses , thus understanding each other would be of great import, especially if each "individual" was a part of a greater whole.

And on the other hand, back to solipsism, it could be important to understand others if "others" are renderings of our "own" (or singular - solipsismic) consciousness. In that scenario, understanding another would be understanding self.

Either way, I still come to the conclusion of working together is good. Even if just working together with "ourselves."


Well-known member
I believe a case in which Dutch Passions blueberry should not be called DJ's Bluberry. Different plants! this strain took two very different paths!

Most people know DJ created BB and Dutch passion procured it, or as the story goes "stole".

But calling DP BB, DJ's BB could be an insult to him or others seeing where the DP BB is at today in comparison to DJ's

If someone said "hey i have a killer BB clone want to run it?" I would definitely ask the origins knowing that ultimately DJ created it ( if it is in fact BB) in the 70's was it? But what I wouldn't know is the working and breeding that has taken place with it.

Something to think about.



you are comparing monsanto to DJ Short now? what the fuck are you even trying to say i am pretty comfortably calling you out as not having any fucking idea what the hell you are talking about in any of this and struggling to see a reason for you openning your mouth in the first place..
Comparing anyone who wants to patent plant genetics and sue people to Monsanto.


Well-known member
You Mr. Tom Hill sir are a truly vile and disgusting person. Take your foul language and your greed is good attitude and get the f*ck out of here. I will not be buying any of yours seeds because of your behavior here and will tell others to do the same.

What an idiot


Sdd420 don't be a follower, be a leader. Stay off the next man's nuts!

You have completely confused ownership of genetics with respect.

Think of heirloom genetics as something like a cultural heritage and the spirit of a peoples ancestors.

No one wants to introduce their daughter and entrust her to people outside the family to discover they have been running gangbangs on her and pimping her out and then discover it on pornhub during the sanctity of what would have been a wank session.

Your argument is akin to when the "white man," told the American Indians, "well you shouldn't have touched the pen to paper." When the white man honored none of their agreements. Of course the American Indians are going to be sore about it, flash forward a few generations and their culture has been appropriated as a trend for when white peepo decide to get waisted. There is money being made off of the cultural appopriation but it aint going to the A. Indians.

What we are dealing with here is more along the lines of ravers dressing like American Indians then not even understanding why it is racist.

In this case you are the white raver and Tom Hill is the American Indian in a fuss.


PS. You don't seem to understand why other people are upset because you are utilizing a defence mechanism known as negation. Even though you think you are an atheist.... it is not the case your "big other," who functions as our god allows you to see yourself in the right and blinding you to being able to empathize with others. This all probably has to do with your rejecting your own culture so now you disrespect other peoples to sidestep a feeling of alienation. IN short it is your own pathological BS.
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You have completely confused ownership of genetics with respect.

Think of heirloom genetics as something like a cultural heritage and the spirit of a peoples ancestors.

No one wants to introduce their daughter and entrust her to people outside the family to discover they have been running gangbangs on her and pimping her out and then discover it on pornhub during the sanctity of what would have been a wank session.

Your argument is akin to when the "white man," told the American Indians, "well you shouldn't have touched the pen to paper." When the white man honored none of their agreements. Of course the American Indians are going to be sore about it, flash forward a few generations and their culture has been appropriated as a trend for when white peepo decide to get waisted. There is money being made off of the cultural appopriation but it aint going to the A. Indians.

What we are dealing with here is more along the lines of ravers dressing like American Indians then not even understanding why it is racist.

In this case you are the white raver and Tom Hill is the American Indian in a fuss.


I haven't confused a single thing. This thread is about the ownership of genetics so leave breeder respect out of it.

There are a few greedy breeder's (who you know you are) out there who think they are bigger than Cannabis itself and own Cannabis. The vast majority of people are in opposition to this belief. Even if legally those breeder's may have a case to their claims.

Stop talking in riddles and using ridiculous analogies that no-one understands what conclusions you're trying to draw. Make your points clears and explain your reasoning behind them and keep the debate civil and moving forward otherwise get off this thread!

Leave race out of this debate please even when making analogies. Especially when you don't know someones heritage. I personally find the term "white" to be offensive when describing someones race and I do not identify myself as Caucasian either. My relatives were also forcibly displaced from the land they were indigenous to so I feel for like peoples.

Winner of " racist douche of the week" = Croissant

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