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how many generations til a strain becomes yours


The title of the thread was "how many generations until a strain becomes yours" if we're are not dealing with Cannabis ownership then what are we discussing?

I don't care for DJ or his work personally. If others do well good for them.

I don't ask for any credit for my work. I let the work speak for itself. It is what it is. I don't claim to own the plants or genes never have, never will. I just work with what mother-nature has given me and others before me.

Please no more of this existential, philosophical crap. It's making me feel really emotional at the moment and I just can't take it. It hurts me deeply when you talk in a manner that I can't understand and that also exposes my lack of education and knowledge. I just can't take it anymore. I might start crying because you can't empathize with my emotions and my feelings too. Sorry to be such a wet blanket but can't we all just get along? I don't even know who these philosophical types are and how clever you are to quote their words which I struggle to grasp. It's just not fair that I'm a failure and you're so successful with the Philosophy lectures you give once a week at your local community college. I wish I could aspire to be as brilliant as you. But I am a flawed character. Sorry to let you and DJ Short down and the whole ICMag community for expressing my views in a forum. It won't happen again. Please forgive me. I didn't know that this wasn't the place to do so.

Croissant you are just a plain pathetic and useless person. Please go and euthanize yourself for the benefit of humanity.

good job you exposed the levels of your depravity.

I pinpointed it in my second or third post.. Then you lashed out at Tom.... You see my pathology is even trying to get through to people like you.

Point proven..

don't be like that guy...

Respect where stuff comes from and remember their are guys like him out there.

You probably have a personality disorder guy.... for reals.


good job you exposed the levels of your depravity.

I pinpointed it in my second or third post.. Then you lashed out at Tom.... You see my pathology is even trying to get through to people like you.

Point proven..

don't be like that guy...

Respect where stuff comes from and remember their are guys like him out there.

You probably have a personality disorder guy.... for reals.

Yeah I was being sarcastic. I thought someone of even your primitive intellect could comprehend that. I lashed Tom for unnecessarily lashing others. Also for failure to acknowledge his hypocrisy when he "stole" the Haze Bros. Haze line and used it for his own breeding work.

A personality disorder is an entirely subjective diagnosis. It has no basis in reality and is just a mechanism for ignorant people to put a label on something they cannot comprehend.

First you call me a sociopath, then a narcissist and now I have a personality disorder. I wonder what you'll be calling me after tomorrows psych 101 class.


but yocs,

after 4 generations inbreeding I would say it is your line of the Blueberry strain or your strain of the blueberry breed. Probably the 3rd generation and beyond.

Especially if you keep working the line its probably important to add your moniker to differentiate it as it would have altered and probably become fairly bottle necked over time.


I don't know DJ short and I am pretty sure most of you don't either.

Who is the image of dj short stand in for then?

The ideal ego you feel looking down on you judging you. It is not about DJ Short and it never was, he is your fetish object you use in your sado-masochistic fantasies.

I comprehend "you" as much as I need to. In this post I pinpointed it. It is just you insist on being an asshole. What ever you want to call it you are extremely Narcissistic and you likely go through life hurting people because you are such an asshole.

It is not even that your initial point wasn't one I think everyone agrees with.

It is just you being an asshole and disrespectful projecting your shit at DJ, then at Tom now at me. Basically anyone that called you out on your projecting your shit at DJ and you react like an irrational violent child.

It is you being an asshole people don't agree with... it is just that.

You are an asshole, it is up to you to own that and perhaps face your shit enstead of projecting it everywhere and disowning it.

Genghis Kush

Active member
Black and Blue
And who knows which is which and who is who
Up and Down
And in the end it's only round and round and round


>>>>Beanie Man<<<<
There is no correct answer because both sides have good points and bad points. The problem is wholeheartedly subscribing to ANY ideology.

I listened to a Joe rogan podcast where he was talking about caitlyn jenner. He said something to the effect of anytime thinking about the options is "off the table", it's b.s.
I feel the same way, dogma is dangerous.


Well-known member
high fambz!

the whole topic is a little bit sketchy, especially when it comes to cannabis sativa l. right?

the first problem is, nowdays everybody and their granny wanna make big $ with hustling seeds. take a look at the sheer amount of new "seedbanks" and "breeders", and every day there are more and more.

since most of these new catz never had shit to do with breeding or preserving strains, they took what was on the market -> all the mongrel polyhybrids renamed reshuffled and renamed aggain, just to suite the flava/name of the month.

and now there is the even newer folks who look up to the rippers, so on and so on...

the least one can do is, state the origins of ones "breeding material".
all the rest is left to the "moral/ethic" integrity of the pollen chuker (to many different intentions for releasing pseudo hybrids and pseudo stabilized lines and tranny femz and non auto ruderalis runts)

anyhow, me thinks the cannaBIZ industry should start following standard agricultural/botanical procedures when it comes to aspects of ownership???



I comprehend "you" as much as I need to. In this post I pinpointed it. It is just you insist on being an asshole. What ever you want to call it you are extremely Narcissistic and you likely go through life hurting people because you are such an asshole.

It is not even that your initial point wasn't one I think everyone agrees with.

It is just you being an asshole and disrespectful projecting your shit at DJ, then at Tom now at me. Basically anyone that called you out on your projecting your shit at DJ and you react like an irrational violent child.

It is you being an asshole people don't agree with... it is just that.

You are an asshole, it is up to you to own that and perhaps face your shit enstead of projecting it everywhere and disowning it.

Now lets get this straight Croissant I never disrespected anyone who didn't already have it coming to them. Got that?

You're equally as guilty as me for being arrogant and narrow-minded if not worse. I at least provide some reasoning for my views and beliefs. You just state your opinion and expect others to treat it as gospel and with no good reason at all. You also fail to empathize with me and my belief I should be able to express myself clearly and frankly. You've done nothing this thread but petty name calling and when you get as good as you give you cry like a little girl saying I've hurt your emotions.

You insist on being a little bitch, you're pathetic. Don't get mad at me because you can't compete on a level playing field. You try to use your psychoanalytical bull shit to attack my character when you are one in the wrong. In reality you are the childish one. You started the unpleasantness so how about we settle this like adults?

Lets take it to a poll with the loser to delete their ICMag account. How does that sound?

Genghis Kush

Active member
Forward he cried from the rear
and the front rank died
And the General sat, as the lines on the map
moved from side to side


Active member
ICMag Donor
but yocs,

after 4 generations inbreeding I would say it is your line of the Blueberry strain or your strain of the blueberry breed. Probably the 3rd generation and beyond.

Especially if you keep working the line its probably important to add your moniker to differentiate it as it would have altered and probably become fairly bottle necked over time.

What if you self it twice? I reckon there would be more genetic difference from the p1 than a f3. :D


ICMag Donor
Forward he cried from the rear
and the front rank died
And the General sat, as the lines on the map
moved from side to side

A LEADER leads from the front,
Leading by example.
A Dictator leads from the rear,
Using orders and demands.

I dare you to come to my house and remove MY plants from my possession!
Go ahead n try it. I bet you get a lesson on plant ownership like you've never had!
I dare you to attempt to remove my seed vault that contains many seed lines that have never been released!!! Again... Bet you'll get a lesson on genetics ownership like you've never had.

If we, as a community, could/should agree on one thing...
I think people should replace the term "ownership" with the term "stewardship" in order to see our place & responsibilities while we inhabit this earth.
^^^this with all things "owned"^^^


Active member

stand and deliver!

your money

or, .......your life!
Last edited:


Chemdog & Kush Lover Extraordinaire
ICMag Donor
Anytime you make seeds, the result is your own hybrid/work. Granted the "right" thing to do is to give credit to where you parent plants came from. Let's not forget, all the OG's in the game got their parent plants from someone else's work, or traveled to places were it grows naturally, and collected seeds from the locals or had the locals bring them to the natural fields

EVERYONE is working off from someone else's work. To say someone "owns" a strain is a little much. The only thing anyone owns is the selection process. I've said it before and I'll say it again, if someone is so concerned about people making seeds and/or profiting from their work. They shouldn't be selling those seeds to begin with.


A LEADER leads from the front,
Leading by example.
A Dictator leads from the rear,
Using orders and demands.

I dare you to come to my house and remove MY plants from my possession!
Go ahead n try it. I bet you get a lesson on plant ownership like you've never had!
I dare you to attempt to remove my seed vault that contains many seed lines that have never been released!!! Again... Bet you'll get a lesson on genetics ownership like you've never had.

If we, as a community, could/should agree on one thing...
I think people should replace the term "ownership" with the term "stewardship" in order to see our place & responsibilities while we inhabit this earth.
^^^this with all things "owned"^^^

Seriously wtf dude. I don't care for your plants or your genetics. No one does!

All I'm saying is if you release your seed lots to the public for sale and people use those same seed lots to make their own strains and then go on to re-sell them don't whinge and whine like a bitch. No one's forcing you to release your stuff. You might not agree with my opinion that's why we have this forum, for healthy debate. Not childish little veiled threats.

I dare you to come to my house and do the same Mr. Big Scary man from the internet and then we'll see who gets cut down to size ;)

Yeah you set a good example by threatening people online. Definitely the qualities of a real leader.


I honestly don't know where this thread has gone to but I do enjoy reading it. I'm just a closet pollen chucker that really likes blueberry everything. I don't make money off seeds, in fact I lose money from them, considering anything I sell with seeds has to be marked down for that very fact. Even though I tell everyone the seeds produce fire but they don't grow so who cares. Anyway... This question on when a strain becomes yours occurred to me because when I first started growing it seemed most companies out have the exact same named strains, ex. White widow, blueberry, ak 47. When I was new I thought they were all the same. Come to find out there completely different. There's also alot of other things that come to question from this but this is where I'm coming from. I used to think they just line breed like I'm doing, but I don't think most do. When it comes to my f4 I'm going to introduce some new bb genetics fro. Other lines. But don't worry, you prolly wont ever see these for sale and if I did I would be honest about where my line came from and what went into it.

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