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how many generations til a strain becomes yours


PS. You don't seem to understand why other people are upset because you are utilizing a defence mechanism known as negation. Even though you think you are an atheist.... it is not the case your "big other," who functions as our god allows you to see yourself in the right and blinding you to being able to empathize with others. This all probably has to do with your rejecting your own culture so now you disrespect other peoples to sidestep a feeling of alienation. IN short it is your own pathological BS.

Go take your psycho-babble back to your psychology 101 class. No one knows what you're on about. Stop going after me or my character because you can't express clearly your view points and more importantly the rationale behind them. I'm far from being "rejected" in my own "culture" which ever culture that may be. I can understand why some people might get upset with my personal beliefs on greed and patent law as well as my frank talking. Personally I don't care if I've upset said people or lack empathy.

"I give props when props is due and my props to you is you're a mother-f*cker so fuck you"
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DEA Agent
Premium user
Couldn't Tom Hill be an African instead of an American (Indians are from India)?

Back to the topic, isn't this the same thing Neville did when he sold some IBL strains like Northern lights, Skunk, etc...? By this logic Neville gave them breeders like Sam the good ol' Fuck you.


the American Indians I know prefer to be called American Indians. They have already accepted the name and it serves as a reminder of the ignorance of the colonizers. Expecting them to change their damn name to assuage white guilt is retarded.

It is really simple.... Just respect where shit comes from.

This is a thread about cultural appropriation. Heirloom genetics are apart of a cultural heritage.

Stop being so damn offended if your going to shit all over everyone then act offended for shitting all over everyone.

I am taking this out of the realm of political correctness because people like you use that crap to hide that your bullshit functions exactly the same as the shit I am talking about.

You just can't see it because you are too narcissistic.


the American Indians I know prefer to be called American Indians. They have already accepted the name and it serves as a reminder of the ignorance of the colonizers. Expecting them to change their damn name to assuage white guilt is retarded.

The Amerindians I know prefer to be called by their christian names ;)


Back to the topic, isn't this the same thing Neville did when he sold some IBL strains like Northern lights, Skunk, etc...? By this logic Neville gave them breeders like Sam the good ol' Fuck you.

Yup similar thing. American goes to Holland and essentially gets his work stolen and fucked over.

People have to pay attention to the lessons of the past and learn from the mistakes of themselves and others.


DEA Agent
Premium user
I'm pretty sure I'm not white, especially having a bloodline that runs back way before Europeans and Africans ever set foot on this continent.

" They have already accepted the name and it serves as a reminder of the ignorance of the colonizers."

Shit if that's the case then call me an Atlantian since they also thought they hit Atlantis.


By the time that happened to DJ the internet was relatively new. We didn't have an online forum for people to get the story "straight," or at least hear different sides of it.

It is easy for us to look back and say oh they should have known because other people have come out and said it happened to them. Well we know this now because of the internet.

Or we can just pinpoint the mentality that doesn't respect where shit comes from because it is that mentality itself that is the problem.

You sir have displayed it to the point that people from that time and era that are still alive have come out and told you! That "ugliness" you saw is a reflection of your mentality and how it touches on old wounds of people that have been fucked over by people displaying that mentality in the past.

You lack empathy.

that is all.


i Am SoFaKiNg WeTod DiD
Alot of ppl dont understand the line between stealing n using.... Just cuz u sign a picasso dont make u a famous artist but does make u look like a person with some art skills... Which u dont have or u woulda painted ya own picture.... Imo if u want your "own" bb u need to get as many pieces as u can mix them up n then start.... Not f2 somebody elses f5_6_7... All ur doin is selecting from a line that somone else made good enough for u to feel entitled n not from a big enough group to be called breeding so ur not technically improving... Cmon mang ... Put the work in dont bite others or continue others claiming u did sumthin....


You lack common-sense and the ability to think logically and reason with others.

What you think of as "common sense" is a part of your own fantasy world. Engaging with you within the context of your fantasy world is frustrating and infuriating because you start from such a place that is so disrespectful and self righteous that it literally hurts.

You are like the white ravers dressed like neon American Indians who when you try to explain to them why it hurts you to see them like that they jump on every point that you show emotion as being illogical or irrational.

You just don't get it because you are an ass hole.

You don't have to be.


What you think of as "common sense" is a part of your own fantasy world. Engaging with you within the context of your fantasy world is frustrating and infuriating because you start from such a place that is so disrespectful and self righteous that it literally hurts.

You are like the white ravers dressed like neon American Indians who when you try to explain to them why it hurts you to see them like that they jump on every point that you show emotion as being illogical or irrational.

You just don't get it because you are an ass hole.

You don't have to be.

How is my world exactly a fantasy world? Please explain clearly for all too see. I've been disrespectful to whom? One person only, DJ Short. I've give as good as I get to all the other sheep here who try and "bash" me for my views on Cannabis ownership.

You keep using the same stupid analogy. Pathetic really. Some people are easily offended others are not. So no-one should be able to dress-up as any other culture or racial group other than their own just in-case we offend someone who's overly sensitive? Maybe some indigenous peoples appreciate others sharing their culture. Get a life.

You are a giant douche and can't help it no matter how hard you try. :tiphat:


Well-known member
Like when some one makes s1 out of a cut they did not create and puts them out. especially when its for profit.Every time I see any thing like this I say Happy Thanksgiving.


How is my world exactly a fantasy world? Please explain clearly for all too see. I've been disrespectful to whom? One person only, DJ Short. I've give as good as I get to all the other sheep here who try and "bash" me for my views on Cannabis ownership.

You keep using the same stupid analogy. Pathetic really. Some people are easily offended others are not. So no-one should be able to dress-up as any other culture or racial group other than their own just in-case we offend someone who's overly sensitive? Maybe some indigenous peoples appreciate others sharing their culture. Get a life.

You are a giant douche and can't help it no matter how hard you try. :tiphat:

We are not even talking about cannabis ownership. It is you that is focused on that singular point. Then there is some sort of jealousy you have of DJ and how you feel you deserve credit for the breeding work you are doing. Something about the proper way and what to expect blad blah.

Those are all facets of your fantasy world. Everyone lives in a fantasy world it is what sustains their "reality." It is precisely when someone thinks that their personal fantasy is the Base one everyone else is deviating from that they tend to become freaking assholes. It is for this reason I know you are not an atheist. You can't be because what sustains your assuredness in your fantasy as logical and rational is an "other" that deems it so and that is how "god" functions.

"None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free" --Goethe


We are not even talking about cannabis ownership. It is you that is focused on that singular point. Then there is some sort of jealousy you have of DJ and how you feel you deserve credit for the breeding work you are doing. Something about the proper way and what to expect blad blah.

Those are all facets of your fantasy world. Everyone lives in a fantasy world it is what sustains their "reality." It is precisely when someone thinks that their personal fantasy is the Base one everyone else is deviating from that they tend to become freaking assholes. It is for this reason I know you are not an atheist. You can't be because what sustains your assuredness in your fantasy as logical and rational is an "other" that deems it so and that is how "god" functions.

"None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free" --Goethe

The title of the thread was "how many generations until a strain becomes yours" if we're are not dealing with Cannabis ownership then what are we discussing?

I don't care for DJ or his work personally. If others do well good for them.

I don't ask for any credit for my work. I let the work speak for itself. It is what it is. I don't claim to own the plants or genes never have, never will. I just work with what mother-nature has given me and others before me.

Please no more of this existential, philosophical crap. It's making me feel really emotional at the moment and I just can't take it. It hurts me deeply when you talk in a manner that I can't understand and that also exposes my lack of education and knowledge. I just can't take it anymore. I might start crying because you can't empathize with my emotions and my feelings too. Sorry to be such a wet blanket but can't we all just get along? I don't even know who these philosophical types are and how clever you are to quote their words which I struggle to grasp. It's just not fair that I'm a failure and you're so successful with the Philosophy lectures you give once a week at your local community college. I wish I could aspire to be as brilliant as you. But I am a flawed character. Sorry to let you and DJ Short down and the whole ICMag community for expressing my views in a forum. It won't happen again. Please forgive me. I didn't know that this wasn't the place to do so.

Croissant you are just a plain pathetic and useless person. Please go and euthanize yourself for the benefit of humanity.


Well-known member
This has very little to do with genetics and everything to do with name brand.Take a DJ's or Tom Hill genetics and make f11 but don't ever use the name. Dont breath it.
Every one wants to cross awesome x awesome and the jump up and down and take ownership of the Name/Brand.
Happy Thanksgiving

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