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Ahmar F1 : 60s Panama Red x Chefchaouen 'Sativa' Hashplant


Genetics Facilitator
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
For sure @island_organics they look amazing! great that you got a different pheno too..
I'm just back after 8 days away and my grows were mostly ok. The Ahmar clones were starting to droop from lack of water after the wicking ran dry... cutting it fine but getting away with it. The flowering plants looking great except a little bit of budrot after the heatwave conditions gave way to thunderstorms and cooler weather... will post up some pics soon they have certainly grown !
VG :tiphat:


Well-known member
@island_organics - forgot to ask... soapnut extract? presumably as a bug preventative?
we use them for most of our laundry so i'd be interested in how you use them on plants?
I use a water extract which is simply a handful of soap nuts left in a jar of water for up to 3 days, and that is strained and added to twelve litres of water, 60ml, neem oil and a couple of tbsp’s of castille soap for use as a foliar spray. The soap nuts do have their own insecticidal properties but also they help to emulsify the neem oil and act as a surfactant.

The plants are stunning. The pics nearly do them justice lol. The huge fan leaves give them that prehistoric look, and they’re all pushing out 11 blades on lots of the uppers. Flowering is going to be good fun!


Genetics Facilitator
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
Hi all, here are some pics taken yesterday of the 3 new F1 girls at 7 weeks. Weather is cooler and more humid which seems to have encouraged the red hues to appear. All 3 of them have some red in the buds now.
Smells are a similar mixture, leather, woody, earthy, mocha, musky.. and there is a sweetish smell too which is hard to place.. reminds me of rose like the smell of Turkish delight !

Plant 9 this was the tallest and was lst'd in early flower. Quite a similar pheno to red5 i think.


Well-known member
I collected some pollen yesterday from the two Ahmar male’s and will collect more in a week or so. I’m loving the structures on these two. The more ‘sativa’ type reminds me of pics of Panama red I’ve seen online. I have four female deep chunks on the go as well that definitely need a bit of this pollen.



Genetics Facilitator
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
they all looking really happy! i was just wondering about the boys earlier. They look great and i'm jealous because i never get to grow them to any decent size. They are really letting it all hang out lol. and yes, like you say, some variation between the two as well. exciting.
and cant wait to see the females budding up... and i bet that cactus discourages a few things that might otherwise have a nibble on the plants !


Genetics Facilitator
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
Purp4 nug. Ive finally worked out what the odd lemony smell is on this one.. well actually my wife did. Its very close to the herb Lemon Balm ! - (usually when i put buds under her nose and ask her, she just says 'it smells like very strong weed' , but today she was spot on ! )
Purp 4 dry nug:

VG :tiphat:


Genetics Facilitator
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
Hi all, the second round of F1 girls have been harvested at about 9 weeks. The grey mould was starting to progress and we had stormy wet weather arriving which seems to be what made it appear in the first place. No big loss and the plants were ready... but i need to get to the bottom of the problem because i had the same problem at the same time last year in this cab... it might just be down to the chunkier buds i'm getting from the MARS fce 300... not sure.
I couldn't take pics because it is school holidays and i have to take my chances early in the morning to work on my plants and don't get much time. i managed to take a nice one a couple days before. This was plant 7



Well-known member
Amazing work VG!! Those are some top shelf looking nugs for sure….and the descriptions sound even better…. I can’t wait until you send some of these in, I’d jump on a pack or two in a heartbeat!

That “lemon balm” you speak of, is that anything like the lemon in Lemon Thai? As two people who have quite a bit of experience with the LT, is it similar to the “woodsy” or “dry dusty lemon orchard on a hot dusty day” lemon in the LT or a different take on it?

Speaking of LT, I need to get you some f4’s I made out of Bodhi’s f3’s….to get the different LT repro lines back into one line….I’ll shoot you a dm.

Love your work VG….it’s cats like you, with the passion and skills you possess, that make this community what it is…and who will safeguard it from the vulture capitalists….mad respect my good man!


Well-known member
they all looking really happy! i was just wondering about the boys earlier. They look great and i'm jealous because i never get to grow them to any decent size. They are really letting it all hang out lol. and yes, like you say, some variation between the two as well. exciting.
and cant wait to see the females budding up... and i bet that cactus discourages a few things that might otherwise have a nibble on the plants !
They were a stunning pair alright! Their pollen is in the freezer waiting for when the girls are ready. I have quite a few spiky cacti around that can be a good deterrent lol.
The three Ahmar females have really blown up in the last couple of weeks. Two have just about finished stretching while the Panama red phenotype still has a way to go. I have to say that these plants are absolutely stunning up close and can’t wait to see them in bloom.


Genetics Facilitator
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
Amazing work VG!! Those are some top shelf looking nugs for sure….and the descriptions sound even better…. I can’t wait until you send some of these in, I’d jump on a pack or two in a heartbeat!

That “lemon balm” you speak of, is that anything like the lemon in Lemon Thai? As two people who have quite a bit of experience with the LT, is it similar to the “woodsy” or “dry dusty lemon orchard on a hot dusty day” lemon in the LT or a different take on it?

Speaking of LT, I need to get you some f4’s I made out of Bodhi’s f3’s….to get the different LT repro lines back into one line….I’ll shoot you a dm.

Love your work VG….it’s cats like you, with the passion and skills you possess, that make this community what it is…and who will safeguard it from the vulture capitalists….mad respect my good man!
Hey thanks for checking in again! yes i'm looking forward to sampling the new girls, although i think that purp4 the lemon balm one is still the most different of the them all tbh, I did send a few packs to boutique for the 'early adopters' lol, i'll put a link below.
The Lemon Balm smell i would say is different to either of the lemon smells you describe.. and looking LB up, it looks like a combination of linalool, geraniol, neal, citronel, and B-caryophoiline , so a more spicy mixture of a smell with lemon in the foreground. (im interested in the LT btw, do hit me up about that please). That makes sense, they are all quite complex smelling really and i'm not the best at working them all out.



Genetics Facilitator
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
hey @island_organics , they continue to look fantastic! really cool seeing the two phenos and interesting that the flowering time looks like it will be much shorter on the hashplant phenos than the Panama pheno.. I would imagine that one of the primary reasons why he made this cross is to get it to finish more quickly. Those are crazy deep serrations on the leaves...


Well-known member
hey @island_organics , they continue to look fantastic! really cool seeing the two phenos and interesting that the flowering time looks like it will be much shorter on the hashplant phenos than the Panama pheno.. I would imagine that one of the primary reasons why he made this cross is to get it to finish more quickly. Those are crazy deep serrations on the leaves...
I think i have three phenotypes. Two look very similar but they do have differences in their morphology and also the aromas are very different, but flowering will show us more. I love the deep serrations on the leaves, and some of the fans are massive with eleven blades and a prehistoric vibe about them. Very cool plants and very vigorous... the tallest one is nearly six foot at just over ten weeks old.


Genetics Facilitator
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
great, yes it's hard to put into words but there is something about these genetics which just sort of exudes 'primal energy' or something like that, and those plants are clearly enjoying themselves in your garden!


Genetics Facilitator
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
Hi all, i harvested the last 2 plants today, this was red5 and purp4 the original 2 girls that i have run again.. and the kids were out so i managed a couple of pics before i trimmed them. Nice pics and it's frustrating that i couldn't get more of the 3 new girls but so it goes.
@island_organics pics looked so nice in the sunshine that i thought i'd try and get some sunny pics of my indoor grown girls!
Red 5 , taken at 9 weeks, both of these went into flower a few days after the new girls.


Well-known member
Can't believe I am lucky enough to post my own pics to this thread. The man VG has granted me the privilege of a little test run with the Red Bubba (Ahmar x Bubba). These seedlings are 8 days above the soil. Have one possible runt, and the rest are very vigorous, very identical seedlings: long first leaf, and short internode distance to second set of leaves.

RedBubba day8veg - Copy.jpg