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Zeus' 2008 Grow Show: A Mixed Bag of Goodies to Grow!!!


Registered Medical Patient
Sorry...I forgot to add...Ive been bending/pinching alot of the upper stems due to height issues, and it seems to be doing wonders!!!I also had to pinch a few top budsites on the Heavenly Hash girls!!! They are stretchy as hell..just wont stop!!!!Ill be scrog them next round with clones, and Ill flower them much earlier to compensate for the stretch...Thanks BR, ur genetics are A-OK!!!good suff bro...OH!!!Im also gonne germ some of Cores beans tomorrow..time to get ready for the nextfew rounds!!!!Laters

- Z


Registered Medical Patient
:bashhead: I forgot about the clones...about half are rooted, so next round will be clone-only under a scrog!!!Check it!!! :wave:
Cant find the pics???????????Later

- Z


Registered Medical Patient
:wave: hello again...just a nother quick update...i just put some new beans in paper towels, and they shpould be ready to go in the dirt in a few days... :jump:

So, we now got 5 Pollen Chuck, 5 Mongrel and 5 Amnesia Haze, all courtesy of Core...thanks Buddy!!!! :rasta: :headbange

Heres some pics and the clones as well...

I got some tomato plants gettin ready for the Spring as well...See ya guys..

- Z


Quality Control Controller
ICMag Donor
hello zeus :D
the amnesia haze is called Crash test...sorry did't label them coz i only had a few of those...only few close friends got'm ...just that you know :p...Nway i hope they will make you happy.....also keep'm close to the lamp..specially the Crash test...they seem to have the biggest stretch in veg....the other ones act normal untill now....if i got more nfo on how they are working it i'll drop by :smile: :wave:
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Registered Medical Patient
Heya Core..thanksfor stoppin in!!!I thought maybe the AH was the Crash test, but now Im sure...Thanks again!!!:respect:...Later, gotta go get some bat shit!!! Peace

- Z


Registered Medical Patient
Hey guys... :wave: finally back with a very busy update!!! First off, the girls are filling out daily and startin to frost up nice... :jump: :headbange ...The Skunk girl is frosting up super fast, and the MxA looks to be my best yielder next to the Skunk!!!I guess I got the winning pheno!!!She smells lemony and kinda fuely...yum...

The clones are rooted, most at least, and growing new growth everyday!!!i guess they just needed a little more time, but they made it!!! So next run, we'll have some interesting stuff goin on in the closet!!!

As well... :rasta: My 15 Core beans all cracked in 24 hrs., and were put into soil last night!!! :jump: 5 Pollen Chuck...5 Crash Test...5 Mongrel...one of the crash test is already out of the soil..Yayyyyy for Core's beans!!!!Thanks bro'...

So, all in all, a good lookin bunch of plants, all in difft stages of life!!I love it!!!
Not one yellow leaf yet on any of the girls in flower, so Im keepin my fingers crossed!!!Thanks again NK!!!
Well, onto the show...
By the way, you guys may see some other babies in the pics, they are Pumpkin and Tomato and Broccoli seedlings..gettin ready for Spring here!!!

BYe guys... :wave:

Black Ra1n

Cannaculturist ~OGA~
Hey bro, you have quite the line up man. Bud are forming nicely. I hope those MxA cross's keep in line. I remember the one I had was stretchy, but stopped and filled in nicely. The indica is much better than the sativa dom. Take care man.



Registered Medical Patient
Hey BR, thanks man...The Heavenly Hash girls have finally stopped stretchin and are startin to fill out...They are prolly gonna go 10 weeks, but Ill wait em out..they look like some nice smoke!!! As far as the MxA I have tho, shes lookin to be my best yielder so far!!!Filling out ALOT daily, and startin to frost up nice, nice...Thanks again bro...Ill bbl with new pics tomorrow or Sunday!!!Peace

- Z

Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
Everything is looking great Z, glad to hear everything is rocking for ya

Can you do me a favour and get a mumbles stand alone shot, I would like to see what pheno you have, I should be able to tell now


Hi Zeus

Love your grow. I'm def gonna go for more the two different strains next run.

I was just wondering how much trouble you've had dialing in the nutes and such for so many different plants?


Registered Medical Patient
:rasta: Hey Dog...will do..I will snap some plant shots tomorrow...I was actually planning on getting some good single plant shots anyways, now I have more of a reason!!!! :headbange Ill get all 3 Mumbles sep., then together so we can see what we got...

Beak... :wave: what up bro, thanks for stoppin in the show!!!As far as the nutes go, I feed the same solution to all my plants, regardless..I dont have time to make separate solutions for each strain, etc...and I dont feel its necessary!!!I always feed a light nute regimen to my plants and there seems to be no problems at all, so far!!!lol..Im using a formula for EJ that I got from NorthernKron, and its workin out great...Ususally, if I get signs of def. or burn, I switch to water, then a lighter solution...No yellow leaves yet!!!All very healthy...hope that helps....Ask more if u got em!!!!


- Z


Registered Medical Patient
Hey guys... :wave: Just another quick update with pics, as requested...

First up, the new beans...Crash test, Pollen Chuck & Mongrel...

Then the clones, about 75% rooted, not too bad

and then some Mumbles shots #1-4 and the rest of the left side of the closet!!! :jump: :jump: Enjoy the show..got some frosty macros, as well....

MxA beasty...

and Mumbles 1-4...

Thanks again all...see ya later!!! :wave:


Grower of fine herbs...
Good to see that everything is going so well over here. Those mumbles ladies are getting big underneath those 250's:headbange keep up the great work bro! Also cant wait to see you with some core ladies in the future. They are super easy to grow, keep em good on that EJ regimn and they will love you. Keep kickin ass bro!


Black Ra1n

Cannaculturist ~OGA~

Like the purple veins on the fans. This bud is nice, I can't quite tell yet what the dominant is. If you could take some pics of the mumbles up close, then a bud shot and post them side by side, I should be able to tell what's what, or at least try. That way you can mark those clones and keep track of what's what. Looking awesome man... I can tell the MxA (is that a cross or origional m x a) is sativa dom, not bad smoke. Everything looks sweet bro, keep me updated.....



Registered Medical Patient
:wave: Hey NK, thanks for the kind props bro...I really appreciate it alot...you guys here on IC keep me goin sometimes...and keep me sane!!!When life is crazy!!!
:wave: Hey BR...thanks to you too bro...The MxA is a pure MA, not a cross, and the 1 femme from the 2 seeds u gave me...As far as the bud above...pretty sure that one is from my bagseed girls...Remember all the purps in the last grow...same batch of random seeds...could be another AK48 purp....Anyhow, will do with the mumbles pics...Ill post them manana or in a few days when theyve packed on a bit more frost and weight...Laters dude.... :rasta: :joint:


- Z

and yes BR, the MxA seems sat. dom, HOWEVER she is getting phat as hell..lookin at a great yield from her, fo sho'......


Registered Medical Patient
alright, alright.....BR, TML and Dog...what is up with the OGA????I wanna know!!!lol..

Anyhow, thanks for stoppin by TML..later..

- Z


Registered Medical Patient
kinda bad news!!!

kinda bad news!!!

:badday: Hey all...not great news to report, but not horrible either... :violin: I had to chop one of the Heavenly Hash girls tonite...she was stretchin too much and the buds were very wispy and few and far btwn...just felt like I was wastin good lite on her, so she had to go...Possibly a hermi as well, but never know now!!! Dog warned me about them herming ...I guess he was right..I may have another hermi, but Ill know more in a few days...Gotta say tho, she smelled fantastic!!!Lemony, skunky and herby!!!! :joint: Anyhow, gonna go mourn my loss and go to bed!!!Later

- Z


Snow Grower ~OGA~
Too bad about the possible herms bro :badday: Better safe than sorry though right?
When they show thier nanners towards end of run, they're usually salvagable. This early is not a good sign though. I'm sure you've made the right decision :yes:

NK has got it! :woohoo: He wins a big fat Purple Bastard bud for his guess :joint:

Hope your mourning is like mine....smoke lot's of weed! :smoker:

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