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Zeus' 2008 Grow Show: A Mixed Bag of Goodies to Grow!!!


Registered Medical Patient
:spank: :spank: Alright Core...shame on me bro!!!I got ur request...come back later for some NON-HPS pics for you and the rest that have requested them...Yu gotta understand, I only get 2 days a week to really spend time with my babies, and thats AFTER a balancing act of a fiancee and a daughter!!! :bashhead: Anyhow, like I said before, Ill have some real-life pics later, after the lights come back on!!! Shhhhhh, they are still sleeping!!!Thanks for stoppin by Core...

StonedGrunt - you too man, thanks for stoppin by, and for the kind words..You'll see later, some of these babies have SuPeR Phat leaves!!!Looks like I got some great Indica dom phenos, as well as some Sativa doms, so I should be smokin it up real nice very soon!!!:woohoo:

See ya guys later..... :wave: :dueling:

- Zeus

D Rock

Zeus you are looking good with the HID. Grow looks good too. Got couple different strains going so that will be cool to see the different buds and Pheno's. Later


Registered Medical Patient
here ya go Core...Sammet, etc......

here ya go Core...Sammet, etc......

:wave: Hey guys...finally half-time so I got some time to update for all u guys!!!

So, I gave all the bitches a trim(got a little carried away!!), and I took 2 clones from each plant...Put 2 clones in each cup with some nice potting soil anda small dose of Microblast & Catalyst, as well as all dipped in Rootstock cloning gel :rasta: This is my first time with the gel, so I hope it works well. I labeled all the clones and they are now basking under 126 watts of CFL's. Now that they are trimmed a bit, all the babies are gettin much better light, due to the loss of some of the HUGE fans!!!I took pics, but I need to take some of the fans only, some of them are huge, biggest Ive grown yet!!! Anyhow....I didn't sex all of them, but all 5 MxA crosses are femmes, at least 2 Mumbles are femmes for sure, at least 4 bagseed and I think 2 Skunk are femmes, so 14/20 females is a pretty good ratio, IMHO!!!

Well, they will get fed a good dose of nutes tomorrow and thats aboot it!!! I took some pics before & after the trim, you guys can guess which are which..LOL :spank:

Check it:

somethings weird with my gallery, but u guys get the point...
See ya l8r..........Peace

- Z

Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
I cannot guess which are which, maybe if they were separate I could.

But dude, you are going to have a forest of buds here, you have enough room for all 14 plants?

Nice work, I knew you would be fine with teh Mumbles once it gets past its mutant stage


Still Getting Sky-High

:jawdrop: Dayum bro, those r some really fat leaves there hehe.. Is this the MxA ? all is looking nice here, the youngins too :rasta: GREAT WORK! :wave:


Registered Medical Patient
Good Morning all....

Dr. Dog - thanks for stoppin by...Im not sure about the space for 14 plants, but Im sure gonna do my best!!!A forest of buds would be just fine with me!!!I need a good stash to keep me thru till the next harvest!!!

SG - thanks again for the props...Actually that phatty there is a Bagseed girl and she's lookin to give me one nice, phat nuggsicle!!!LOL Peace bro'

Ill be back later with some more updates, maybe!!!If not, Ill be around anyways...Peace all

- Zeus:wave:


Registered Medical Patient
Hey guys, just a quick update for anyone interested...

I topped/tipped all 5 MxAxPPP's tonite as per advice from my sig. other, the master greenthumb!!!Took them down about 3 LONG nodes, so they went from like 3 1/2' tall to about 2-2 1/2' tall...They were gonna outstretch the lights, so now they will be much happier and closer to the light...

As well, I killed 2 males, one Skunk and one Bagseed...droppin the balls early, so they had to go...My girl saw them before me, so she gets the props for havin the great eyes!!!

Anyhow, down to 18 plants, all of them trimmed up good &/or tipped/topped, and lookin very happy!!! The rest should show sex in the next few days, then we'll be able to see better what we'll be budding with!!! Can't wait...keep stoppin by guys, its gettin exciting in here every minute!!!Peace:woohoo:

:wave: Zeus


Registered Medical Patient
Hey all...just a quick U!!! The girls look great, the stretch seems to be almost over, and it looks like I only got a couple more males to pull, so my predictions were correct, and Ill end up with about 14 or 15 females!!!Thats the most Ive budded out before, so hold on tight...

On another note, the clones are lookin kinda sad and wilted...dont know whats goin on!!!Is it possible they are wilting cause I took them from the youngest, freshest growth??Any help would be much appreciated!!!

Anyhow, see you guys later, Im hopin to have time to feed these babies tonite, they kinda need it!!Pics later too!!!Peace

- Z


Registered Medical Patient
:wave: Hey all, yet another update, this time with some pics... :jump: :jump:

So, I fed the girls last night, and they are seeming to LOVE the dose of nutes...I fed them pretty lightly, giving them a 1/4 tsp./gal each of Grow, Bloom and Catalyst, all Earth Juice...All the fans and leaves are pointin up to the sky, and they are all a beautiful, deep green. Very lush plants, and the trim made them all go bushy like crazy!!! :jump: Looks like Im gonna have a sea of buddage here in a few weeks...cant wait to start to see the trichs packin on!!!

As far as the clones go..I gave them all a good watering today, and lo and behold, they all perked up, except for 2!!! I dont think I moistened the soil enuf at the beginning, so I hope they will still root for me???Anyhow, the budsites are multiplying thanks to the tipping//trimming, and ina couple months, I should have some real nice dank to smoke on!!!Enjoy the pics, and ill see u guys later...

Oh yeah, I almost 4got...DOH!! Tomorrow, I will be moving the whole grow show to a diff't closet in the house...The new digs have white walls and should give me better reflection, as well as some more space to work with so its not so cramped in there!!!Pics manana..Peace all and enjoy the show..

First up, my MxA crosses, they are some tall bitches!!!

and the rest...

Peace guys..BBL

- Z :rasta: :wave:

Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
hey Z, plants are looking mice and healthy, told ya they would stretch.

Was not lack of pics that keep me away, did not see any updates, threads get buried quickly in here, just did not see any updates.

Good to hear that your clones are coming back, you should try and get some individual pics of the plants, I would like to see the mumbles

Black Ra1n

Cannaculturist ~OGA~
Hey Z, you sure have a jungle going on. I hope your MxA cross's finish up. Hope to see an update in that new closet, take care bro.



Quality Control Controller
ICMag Donor
just had to come bye and say hello now there pics up :p...ofcaurse i will be checking ya girls out....maybe you got a hottie inthere :D....
dang bro......they are all hotties to be ....:D..
should be a fun flowering sesson sooon :respect:


Registered Medical Patient
thanks guys, good to see ya !!! Ill be movin the girls to the new space as soon as the lites come on @ noon here!!!Ill take some individ plant shots so u can see the variances...Mumbles is turning out to be one of my most beautiful girls yet...and I think I only got 1 male from the 4!!! The bagseeds girls are, ONCE again, lookin to be some of the nicest plants yet, thank god I took clones this time!!!Just hope they root!!!Theyve def perked up alot since their watering yesterday...:woohoo: Anyhow, Ill BBL with pics of the new room, etc...

Bye Core, BR and Dog...

- Zeus


Registered Medical Patient
:jump: :jump: :jump: Yea!!! My girls have a nice, new home!!! :headbange

Well, moved the girls into their new closet today and I should have done it sooner!!!The walls are painted white, the space is easier accessible, and the ventilation is better...They are all very happy and growin like champs.

I may have 1 more male to pull, but all the rest have shown pistils, so Ill be flowering out 17 beautiful femmes this round and am lookin forward to plenty of smoke to get me thru till next harvest and then some!!! :rasta:
As per requests, I took some individ plant shots, in real light, so u guys can see what I got here...
Black Rain - thanks for the killer beans dude, as u will see, the Mumbles are growin up into to some very sexy ladies...The 2 MxA's are both males, the MxA/PPP crosses are all femmes and crazy tall-legged bitches that smell great, and that Skunk bagseed...well, Ill let the pics speak for her!!!If she was a woman, I think Id be in Love!!!LOL..she smells great to boot!!!

Ill say it again, but the bagseed girls are beauties and I cant wait to see what they give me...I thnk Im lookin at a good yeild this round, so...on to the pics... :wave:


Mumbles 1-4

random shots



Registered Medical Patient
The 2 MxA's...sorry, 1 is a male...

and the sexy, tall MxA/PPP bitches..(we gotta find a name for these girls!!)

and finally, the bushy bagseed sisters..






Well, I think thats it for now...
Clones are lookin much better, and tomorrow, I am gonna soak some Core genetics to get ready for the future...Peace out :wave: :headbange

- Zeus

Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
Hey Bro nice pics

The Mxa strain BR was calling Heavenly hash, you would have seen this name a bit more, but they all hermied on me, so they got put away. I suspect that would be the proper name for them.

Black Ra1n

Cannaculturist ~OGA~
Hey Zeus I forgot if I had given you any of the MxA true beans or not... those are from nirvana... the MxA x PPP is Heavenly Hash...don't have a name as of yet for the ak48 pheno as of yet... are you planning on flowering any males for pollen? I hope you get the indica dom pheno on that MxA... some pretty tasty smoke, the sativa dom is not as potent IMO, but I'm mostly smoking Indica these days so could just be my tolerance. Mumbles looks just like the one I had, big fans and bushy. Should be able to tell what cross they are when they're almost finished. Looking great man...



Registered Medical Patient
:jump: Hey guys, thanks for stopin by...
Dog - Heavenly Hash!!!Mmmmm, I like that name, I think Ill use it....Thanks for the words...
BR - yea man, u gave me 2 MxA seeds, and Im glad I got a female. Shes quite a looker too!!!Im actually hopin for a more Sat dom pheno, but either way, I think she will be some nice smoke :rasta: ...As faras keepin a male, I only have the MxA male atm, so we'll see if i decide to catch some of his goodness or not. Heavenly Hash looks to be a keeper, even though shes stretchy as all hell, she smells great, they all do, and looks like I may get a decent yield as well from them..Thanks again bro. Mumbles speaks for themselves...They are lookin like keepers for sure. Lets hope the clones root!!! See ya 'round...howz the move??

SG - thanks for the props man, hope I can live up to ur growin skillz, I still have alot to learn, but Im commin along pretty good!!!LOL Take it easy bro :joint:

Peace y'all, and Ill see u guys later..

- Zeus :wave:


Registered Medical Patient
Hey guys...have any of you ever tried trimming the top most fans off to get more light to the rest of the buds??????????The fans on these bitches are fuckin HUGE and shading everything...what to do, what to do!!!!??? Give me some words of wisdom pleeez!!! Peace

- Zeus