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Zeus' 2008 Grow Show: A Mixed Bag of Goodies to Grow!!!

Black Ra1n

Cannaculturist ~OGA~
Hey Zeus, sorry to hear about the hermi, hope one lasts to finish flower. Guess this cross isn't good.


Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
ZeusOGrefugee said:
Dog warned me about them herming ...I guess he was right..

- Z

Am I not always right LOL

Sorry to hear about teh possible herm, hopefully that will be your last one


Registered Medical Patient
Hey BR, Dog & TML...thanks for stoppin by...Yea, Im kinda bummed about havin to get rid of the 1 girl, but better safe than sorry I always say!!

Dr Dog - Of course ur always right..LOL..thats why we all listen to you!!!LOL

The other girl that I think may be a herm isnt a herm, I think...a few more days will tell the truth of that beeatch!!! But BR, dont get too down on the cross, The other 3 or 4 are doin great..startin to fill out, AND they smell great when rubbed..the resin is sooo sticky, I love this friggin plant!!!

TML, I wish I could mourn like u do, but unfortunately, I have no herb atm...maybe tomorrow, maybe when I harvest!!! Its killin me bro...maybe u guys could send me some buds to get me by!!!LOL..J/K..or not!!!

One more interesting observation Ive made...we are on week 4 or 5 of flowering and the Skunk girl is already showin brown pistils??!! WTF...Any thoughts BR?? Just thought Id thro that out there..I really hope she fills out and comes to fruition!!! Anyhow, later all, and Ill see you guys later..Gonna snap some shots as soon as I figger out why I all of a sudden forgot how to use my cam!!!


- Zeus


Quality Control Controller
ICMag Donor
heya Zeus ...had to make a stop to come in and visit ya....looks like you got it all under control man...thats realy nice ay :D...ohw and might i ask why you said a posssible herm??....how can you know?....it ether is one or not...plain and simple...you just did't wait long enough to find that out i think hehehehe
just be shure before you cut my friend ....thats all :wink:

Black Ra1n

Cannaculturist ~OGA~
Hey Zeus... not sure about the skunk bag seed. They are untested/unstabilized beans. It's mostly sativa, so it could be a sativa thing, pistils browning isn't much to worry about, it will continue to get bigger. The one I grew smelled awesome, not much on yield, if you check back in my thread see if the bud stucture is the same. Later bro.



Registered Medical Patient
:rasta: Heya Core...good to see ya around these parts again!!! I took a closer look today and realized the Heavenly Hash girl I thought was a hermi, isnt!!! :jump: :jump: Shes just foxtailing like crazy...pretty girl she is though!!!

BR - hey bro...Skunk girl smells like a bag of fresh oranges and lemons...fuckin YUMMYY!!!! :rasta: Glad to hear the pistils are nothin to worry about..thats what I thought, but my know-it-all, horticulture major girlfriend thought diff't!!!LOL Anyhow, Ill def check ur thread to see if they compare to each other..

As far as an update...The girls are all fillin out fine and gettin frostier daily..Ill have pics tomorrow, prolly after they get fed...time to go super bloom on their asses!!!LOL. My next day off will see transplants for the clones and topping/lst on them, as well as prolly transplantin Cores gear and, ummmm...thats about it. I know u guys want some phat pics, so I promise Ill come thru...been a shitty week at work already...may need to find a new job!!! And the home life has been a little nutso as well...Nothin I cant handle tho...just wish I had some herb to smoke!!!!! :violin:

Anyhow, BBL with pics..Thanks all for stoppin in!!!


- Z


ZeusOGrefugee said:
I took a closer look today and realized the Heavenly Hash girl I thought was a hermi, isnt!!! :jump: :jump: Shes just foxtailing like crazy...pretty girl she is though!!!

Congrats man:)

It makes one appreciate that one even more. Kind of a near-death type of thing.


Registered Medical Patient
You said it Beak...Im glad shes a she, not a he/she!!!LOL

Looks like Im gonna have a nice mix of stuff to smoke, and since I took clones, I can stock up on the best, and focus on even newer stuff...Not much to say today..I finally nailed down some herb, so thats a good thing...Just checked on the girls b4 lites out, and they all look happier and frostier than yesterday!!! I promise Ill have some pics in a few days, just gotta get thru this week at work. Peace all

- z


Active member
Heya Zeus!
has to stop by and see how you were doing.
Good lookin full bloom room!
Have a good work week, I'll be :lurk: for the next update/ pics!


Registered Medical Patient
:rasta: Helllooo all... Just thought Id stop by an dthank you all AGAIN, for stoppin by!! I have a few pics for today, but Ill have much more in the next couple days... They arent that good, but I did finallly figger out what was wrong with the cam, and my next shots will be much better...anyhow...

First up, a big shoutout to all our friends in Europe...I picked this up the other day...nice beer, kinda like the Bud of Holland, but much better!!! :jump:

To the EU!!!

sorry about that... :rant:

and the rest...

the one I thought was a herm...

and a bagseed girl

Thanks again...:respect:...:wave:

peace all

- Zeus


Registered Medical Patient
:headbange :rasta: Hey guys...finalyy!!my work week has ended!!!Im FREE!!!!

Anyhow, just snapped a few more shots before lites out, so I thought Id share...Tomorrow, the left side of the closet gets fed, so Ill take some focused, real light pics... :jump:

Enjoy, and until tomorrow....



Grower of fine herbs...
Hells yea Zeus cant wait to see all those nuggeezzzeee get HUGE!!! Your doing a great job buddy. Keep up the great work!



Registered Medical Patient
:jump: :headbange Hey guys, Im back with a full update, and some pretty pics to lok at!!! Just for kicks...today is day 42 of 12/12!!!WOW, time flies..lol

All the girls got a heavy P feeding today to boost resin and swell those buds up!!!! They were pretty much beggin me for food!!!They were fed a little Grow, a good dose of Bloom, some Catalyst & some Microblast...They are all frosting up nicely and swelling as they should...I think the Heavenly Hash girls will go 10 or so weeks, Mumbles prolly 8 or 9, depending, the Skunk I think is gonna be an early finisher, but we'll see...and the MxA will be ready when she's ready!!!Shes gettin massive, as u will see, and I am lovin her smell and bud structure. She smells like lemons, skunk, and a little woody scent, kinda like incense...Her clone is thriving in the veg room, so she'll get another few runs in this garden for sure...thanks again BR!!!

The Mumbles girls are a little slow to fill out, but they still have plenty of time to fulfill their destiny....LOL...And the bagseed girls are lookin nice, as well :jump: ...3 of them are turning purple, and one has taken on some really pretty magenta and yellow coloring, not a def!!! Anyhow, Ill let the pics speak now..most are labeled, dont laugh, please!!!LOL Check it....:wave:

Thanks again guys, and I hope u like the show!!!PEACE OUT...

- Z


Quality Control Controller
ICMag Donor
dang man turn your pics before you upload them ...hehehehe..you don't want me in the hospital for a stiff neck ey.....it all looks good though !!!


Grower of fine herbs...
Yea man your breakin our necks here hehehe. Everything is looking great. Looks like your gonna end up with some really purple nuggets in the future. Keep up the great work!!!



Registered Medical Patient
thanks guys!!:wave:...:respect:...appreciate the comments...the firls are lookin fine tonite, just checked on them, and clipped a few lower buds from the Skunk girl...I think shes gonna be a fast finisher...maybe 55 days or 60?!!She smells AMAAZING!!!after a quick trim of the buds, my fingers smelled like I just peeled an orange!!!so yummy..Ill have a smoke report tomorrow!!The rest are doin fine, and ill have some more pics up tomorrow...Peacce bros..

- Z

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