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y the fuck do ppl get so "hung-up" about dreadlocks????


Active member
Peoople love to judge each other. I have never had dreads, but I have had some gnarly beards and people always seem to make faces and you can just tell they are judging away inside their heads.


There are FOUR lights!
I think you have more in common than you realize ;)

How do you know I don't realize it? I have long hair well past my
shoulders. Just not dreads. But some people see my long hair, and
pass judgement before we even exchange a word. So we have that in common.

One difference is that I would never start a thread with "y the fuck".

Is that what you were thinking?


Active member
You think that this lifestyle gives inlaws/grandparents a warm glowing feeling about your ability to support and care for their daughter/grandson? I think that you are failing to see their viewpoint as much as they fail to see yours.

i see that point...and it makes me think....

thing is i take care of my family better than most, i awlays do the right thing.....i just am hell bent on not being a conformist....

aside from growing i work my ass off at a full time job as a production manager, and make great money...

lost in a sea

Dreads are very cool. I like them on anyone.

i dont have dreads myself and probably never will but i love people to be themselves whatever they think that is at that time,, otherwise you never find out who you are,,,

people aren't living cancers there to crowd your world and poison your eyes, they are our brothers and sisters..

there's far to much xenophobia in the world and its growing
white boys shouldnt have dreads.

and black girls shouldn't straighten their hair(if they want to)???
come on dude...you're trippin

Well there you go.

You can't stand people.

They can't stand your hair.

C'est la vie.

People can't even tolerate each other.

This is the end.

I think that's what it comes down to huh?

I'm willing to tolerate others but if its going to be like that then ill just excuse myself and retire to the hills. if distance keeps the peace, lets keep the distance?

You think that this lifestyle gives inlaws/grandparents a warm glowing feeling about your ability to support and care for their daughter/grandson? I think that you are failing to see their viewpoint as much as they fail to see yours.

i dont think hair has anything to do with being able to provide

if dude is a deadbeat dude is a deadbeat regardless of hairstyle

one of the most successful(intellectually and financially) people i've ever met had dreads down to his knees...the dreads where thin and clean and professionally kept,he had been successful long enough to where he was the boss and did what he wanted...i really think people respected him more for that..not only successful but he lets people know he's his own man, own boss period

the hairstyle shouldn't be a factor if he holds down a job or business..

Dreads are very cool. I like them on anyone.

there ya go


didn't think i'd find that on a cannabis board shit...


What ever happened to individuality? Now we have to have a certain hairstyle or we get accused of trying to be another race? Ignorance detected...ignorance denied...Do what makes YOU happy...if you feel more comfortable looking like every other joe shmoe then good for you I hope youre truly happy. here in nyc we have girls shaving off half there heads...and i have mad respect for them.

i actually know a girl that shaved her head down to the skin...who is she trying so hard to be? a cancer patient? fuck off. some people will never know what it is to be free.


f--- me... I posted a huge reply and it got erased because of a connection problem


Well-known member
I think a good percentage of people as they age get bitchy and cranky. I would ignore their opinion. One of my relations bitched at my hair b/c it was slightly longer than the beatles mop tops, and this is 2011!

So yeah, if they bring it up again, I would request they kindly shut it, or STFU. At least you have hair!

edit: reading the OP, if the lady who bitched is one of those with perfect 'hair did' every weekend, she probably hates the idea of your non hair-did hair. So she'll just have to deal with it. You're rejecting her hair-did way of life, and its blowing her mind. She's a mom and just wants you to comb your hair, but your an an adult who can refuse to do that BS.


Active member
dreads are the natural form of all human hair.

if you never cut or comb your hair you will have dreads eventually...no matter what fukin' race you are.

any other way u are making a "hairstyle"...dreads are natural.

it's not worth an argument tho
cute girl with dreads intermission



dreads are the natural form of all human hair.

if you never cut or comb your hair you will have dreads eventually...no matter what fukin' race you are.

any other way u are making a "hairstyle"...dreads are natural.

it's not worth an argument tho

The majority of animals do groom themselves, I don't see many animals running around with dreadlocks unless they're sick. I'm not against you, I'm just saying that I think stating dreads are the natural form of human hair is a bit of a stretch.


Active member
oooohhhh shit...i forgot to look at my skin color when i decided what hairstyle i like....or what hairstyle u don't like or what the fuck makes you uncomfortable.

....please fukin excuse me


Active member
The majority of animals do groom themselves, I don't see many animals running around with dreadlocks unless they're sick. I'm not against you, I'm just saying that I think stating dreads are the natural form of human hair is a bit of a stretch.

its not a stretch...and its not a stretch in the animal world....some animals shed more than humans tho.

i used to have a komondor...dread dog, and there are pulis...similar hungarian dogs.

my great pyrenees has a tail full of badass thick dreads....the rest of him sheds too much to xcept behind his ears and chest...they have sum dreads

poodles will dread if u help them along.

musk ox and bison dread alot....

human hair un-cut and un-combed will eventually dread

w/ humans