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XBOX360 vs PS3

XBOX360 vs PS3

  • 360

    Votes: 69 49.3%
  • PS3

    Votes: 71 50.7%

  • Total voters


I guarantee some of you PS3 fanboys are using alt accounts to vote.


Hey Wunderkid doesnt ur hate ever stop homie........ur a fucking funny ass cat....Stop posting all that B.S that fills this thread with negative shit nobody wants to read......All this fanboy talk blah blah blah......It seems your the biggest fucking fanboy of them all......My offer still stands.... when micrsoft sends u that check do us all a favor and by us all here yes including myself an elite and call it a day....... :jerkit: :wave:


UBER21 said:
Hey Wunderkid doesnt ur hate ever stop homie........ur a fucking funny ass cat....Stop posting all that B.S that fills this thread with negative shit nobody wants to read......All this fanboy talk blah blah blah......It seems your the biggest fucking fanboy of them all......My offer still stands.... when micrsoft sends u that check do us all a favor and by us all here yes including myself an elite and call it a day....... :jerkit: :wave:
I'm saying the negative shit? :laughing:


Nothing negative about that........Just letting you know the deal buddy.......and atleast I was nice and said when microsoft sends you ur check u can buy us all elites.........Then you can chill play some more gta and have a coke and a smile......Dont be that knat that always annoys people at the park....... :wave:


New member
I have both system...dont subscribe to XBL anymore cause ...PS3 is free online..haha. I vote for the ps3....anyone want to buy a barebones 360? lol
i love the 360. I justt love everything about it. I used to have a 360 but now i dont. I was addictive to it. the ps3 can kiss my ass, but it has its ups and down to it just like the 360. However when they tested the graphics between the 360 and the PS3, the 360 had better realistic shadows and lighting then the PS3 .. but i do want to play FF13 on the PS3. >_<


Its COOL to DROOL!!!!!!
360 whupping that ass!!hahaha

360 whupping that ass!!hahaha

yea i was addictive to it also! :muahaha: :muahaha: :muahaha:


So it seems that PS3 technology is being used to create the worlds fastest super computer now. Read the link below. The current fastest comp runs on 213,000 processors where as the new one, which uses the chip designed for the PS3, will run on less than 20,000 processors. Seems like sony have hit the proverbial nail right on the head. Seems like the US government is also going to use this super computer, Road Runner, to monitor their nuclear stockpile. Ouch watch out. Can you imagine if someone walks by with thier PS3 controller with the six axis on and recreates the movie 'Wargames'



Microsoft have also just announced that a bank of linked Xbox's will be monitoring the US Haemerroid problem. A spokesman for Microsoft said the following...

" With our business geared to fucking over customers and our motto being "ruling with the red ring of death" it seems only pertinent that we put something back to our community and have therefore decided to dedicate our consoles to the monitoring of this common gaming affliction "

so to all the Microsoft naysayers who claim Microsoft does nothing for the community i give you the above! Oh, i can almost feel the love!

D Rock

^^LOL^^ "Ruling with the red ring of death."

I just got a PS3 and I primarely got it for Blu-Rays. I use to have a Xbox 360 and sold it a while back. I really like the PS3 but I still miss my 360 I wonder why?
I voted for the PS3, only because its my only system as of now.


&#9835;All I want to do is zoom-a-zoom-zoom-zoom..
Don't want to start a whole damn new thread about this, so I'm dropping it here:

Who's playing Unreal Tournament 3 on Xbox 360?

Anyone interested in forming a clan?

I didn't read the entire thread, but when I did a search on Unreal Tournament 3, this came up...so I apologize if someone's already come out and stated they're playing it.


360..............content, content, content. xbox live crushes the psn. the ps3's content is horrible. when developers learn how to harness it's power then we might have an argument, but, by that time 360 will have taken over the world.


along with Unreal, if anyone is playing the new NCAA Football pm me your GT. We can play a game or two of either.

Mr. Freeman

just a fellow cannabis smoker, vaper, cooker and r
ICMag Donor
High all,

First post in a long time. Tough days...

I think the PS3 is better than xbox360 graphicwise. Anyone try MGS4? This game proves my point. You can barely tell sometimes between gameplay and cutscenes.

I also think that the xbox360 is holding the PS3 back. Since the x360 has sold more than double the amount in consoles than the PS3, its only logical that most game developers will make games for both. Now if they only made games specifically for the PS3, we would see more games like MGS4 come out. Its graphically better than ANY xbox360 game.

Also, an xbox360 charges you for a wireless adapter, xbox live, rechargeable battery,HD-DVD(NO BLU-RAY!!!). Most bluray players are around 500 bucks, I would rather just buy a PS3. PS3 has everything included minus the noise, when you add everything up, its the same price or even more. Thats what keep telling my friends.

Peace, I'm out.


RROD puts me off 360(even though i still play ninja gaiden on xbox to this day)but i think i'm gonna get a ps3...BTW anyone see the new vids of resident evil 5...looking outstanding..