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Wuhan Coronavirus is an Offensive Biological Warfare Weapon


See the world through a puff of smoke
Was The New Covid Variant Manufactured?


Here, reposted from above, is a key graph showing just how big a genetic jump Omicron is compared to other variants:

https___bucketeer-e05bbc84-baa3-437e-9518-adb32be77984.s3.amazonaws.com_  public_images_a454935c-4492-4498-ad27-16daee76f4fc_900x601.jpeg - Click image for larger version  Name:	https___bucketeer-e05bbc84-baa3-437e-9518-adb32be77984.s3.amazonaws.com_  public_images_a454935c-4492-4498-ad27-16daee76f4fc_900x601.jpeg Views:	1 Size:	117.9 KB ID:	18016718


mexcurandero420;n1801671 7 said:
Was The New Covid Variant Manufactured?


Here, reposted from above, is a key graph showing just how big a genetic jump Omicron is compared to other variants:

puts on drunk pub voice of speaking secret wisdom to fellow drunks at the bar:

the vaccine forced delta to mutate to create omicron which is even better at getting around the mrna vax then delta was.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
the most puzzling part about it being from animals at the wet market is that no animal was ever found there with the virus when they investigated the whole place, further more this so called bat virus is not able to infect bats.

if the Chinese had nothing to hide and it was just all a natural occurrence, why did they hide literally all the evidence? why delete the corona virus data bank? why forbid researchers from researching?

when a corona virus originates next door to a place called the corona virus institute or what ever you naturally get suspicious, when that lab is then taken over by the military and no one is allowed to investigate you get even more suspicious.

speaking of natural immunity i got my antibody test done yesterday, should get my covid certificate within 10 days, ah to go swimming again. my bro and dad both already got theirs so im pretty sure ill be positive for antibodies too, was sick at the same time as my bro.
I heard Prof Worobey interviewed a couple of weeks ago and he said he believed racoon dogs to be the animal. He did give reasons as to why there was no evidence but I can't remember what they were, and I couldn't find the interview. If I do, I will post it.

I used to work with a Chinese guy who told me all sorts of stories about bribery and cover ups, some of it quite shocking if he was to be believed. Basically you make your superior look good, and are rewarded. It just seems part of the culture.

Good luck with your test. So you can get tested for antibodies then instead of getting the vaccine? Didn't know that. Anyway, I hope you get to do normal things again.


I heard Prof Worobey interviewed a couple of weeks ago and he said he believed racoon dogs to be the animal. He did give reasons as to why there was no evidence but I can't remember what they were, and I couldn't find the interview. If I do, I will post it.

I used to work with a Chinese guy who told me all sorts of stories about bribery and cover ups, some of it quite shocking if he was to be believed. Basically you make your superior look good, and are rewarded. It just seems part of the culture.

Good luck with your test. So you can get tested for antibodies then instead of getting the vaccine? Didn't know that. Anyway, I hope you get to do normal things again.

thanks. its the one small mercy with the Swiss gov, they do react to the latest science some times, it took them long enough, but yes, you can now get a Swiss wide covid certificate just by having the antibodies. but it's not valid for out side Switzerland, so i still can't travel for now except a few places where you can still get in with a pcr test. they also give you a 1 year pass if you had a positive pcr tests and got better. it used to be 3 months, then 6, now they give 1 year for the recovered.

im trying not to get my hopes up too much, but it would be surprising if i didnt have the antibodies. the whole fam got sick pretty much at the same time about a year ago and 2 of them got a positive result, so we all acted as if we were positive and did quarantine at home.but yeah, who knows, this thing is pretty strange in many ways, i won't be sure till i see it.

Harry Gypsna

Dirty hippy Bastard
I owe some people apologies. Those I used to laugh at and call antivaxxer.*
I was never an antivaxxer until the definition expanded so far that was I was suddenly inside it.

I will eat no sprouts this Crimbo. I am now an anti vegetable extremist.

*Come forward and I shall for a limited time only place mine lips upon thy derrier in a show of contrition.


Well-known member
I owe some people apologies. Those I used to laugh at and call antivaxxer.*
I was never an antivaxxer until the definition expanded so far that was I was suddenly inside it.

I will eat no sprouts this Crimbo. I am now an anti vegetable extremist.

*Come forward and I shall for a limited time only place mine lips upon thy derrier in a show of contrition.

if by "vegetable" you mean broccoli, brussels sprouts, asparagus, and other slimy loathsome tasteless dietary abominations, then i'm right there with you...👌


I heard Prof Worobey interviewed a couple of weeks ago and he said he believed racoon dogs to be the animal. He did give reasons as to why there was no evidence but I can't remember what they were, and I couldn't find the interview. If I do, I will post it.

I used to work with a Chinese guy who told me all sorts of stories about bribery and cover ups, some of it quite shocking if he was to be believed. Basically you make your superior look good, and are rewarded. It just seems part of the culture.

Good luck with your test. So you can get tested for antibodies then instead of getting the vaccine? Didn't know that. Anyway, I hope you get to do normal things again.


got my results by email today, am officially positive for antibodies!


Active member

Justin Bieber Cancels Tour After Half His Face Goes Paralyzed​

"He got the Fauci Ouchie!"
"His girl had a stroke recently and a blood clot in her brain. He got off easy."
"We know it as "Bell's Palsy". Quite a common condition..."
"I'll still go to his concert even if his face is half dead."
"Typical Covid vaccine injury."
"Thanks to the media watching out for me I will be getting my 5th and 6th jab straight into my balls,then I'll blast that fat fuck head from CNN in the face with my vax loads."
Last edited:


Feeding the ducks with a bun.
Im at home with the Wuhan right now. Unvaxxed. Tested positive yesterday after two days of feeling under the weather. Runny stuffy nose, chills, slight cough and 100 degree fever. I must have picked it up on my trip to Wisconsin and back last week.
Ive had common colds worse than this.


Well-known member
Im at home with the Wuhan right now. Unvaxxed. Tested positive yesterday after two days of feeling under the weather. Runny stuffy nose, chills, slight cough and 100 degree fever. I must have picked it up on my trip to Wisconsin and back last week.
Ive had common colds worse than this.
those are omicron symptoms .... how you doing today?


Well-known member
yes, be afraid, be VERY afraid ... well said AOH. proper messaging. from someone who open carries. what does THAT say?

this is what EVERYONE should be afraid of

A study published in the prestigious Journal of the American College of Cardiology finds that 93% of all adults in the US are cardiometabolically unhealthy. That’s 14 out of 15 people. This is a completely man made disaster. The study was published in 2018, which means it does not include the rapid rise in myocarditis that has occurred since the bioweapon jab program began.


Well-known member
yes, be afraid, be VERY afraid ... well said AOH. proper messaging. from someone who open carries. what does THAT say?

this is what EVERYONE should be afraid of
i don't open carry. i do not want anyone to know i have a firearm on me unless it is necessary to save/protect myself or others. open carry, in my opinion, means that YOU will be the first person shot. no one needs to be afraid of me unless they fuck up bad & think i cannot/will not defend myself or others... which is an inalienable right. this is not up for debate.