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Wuhan Coronavirus is an Offensive Biological Warfare Weapon

moose eater

Well-known member
well, i can't imagine that if an outbreak of some horrific disease occurred here, that we (in normal circumstances, not the Chump era) would prevent researchers from investigating patient number 1, where they had been, in contact with. it is entirely possible that our govt would not welcome teams from China, Russia, or North Korea from coming in to root around, lol...

My understanding is that we store both chemical and bio-weapons that we forbid other nations to possess (Aberdeen Proving Grounds as one location; there are reportedly others), and we exempt ourselves from the ICC/World Court, along with other behaviors expressing 'American Exceptionalism', telling me that we provide ourselves with much more breadth or liberty re. independence and transgressions than we allow for any other nation on the planet.

When other nations wanted to oversee our elections, the response was not only "No", but HELL NO!!"

I think those and other examples say all there is to be said about our openness to being 'helped' or monitored.


Well-known member
I think those and other examples say all there is to be said about our openness to being 'helped' or monitored.
"overseeing" implies some level of control. "monitoring" by foreign observers is something that happens in nationwide elections here. this past election, there were around 40 or 50 foreign observers visiting thirty or so states polling stations. oddly, lol, SOME states do not allow any foreign observers in polling site. state law... hmmm.


until i see a more convincing theory then the bat lady leaking it in her corona virus research lab by accident, thats my working hypothesis. the guys who claim the cleavage sites could be naturally occurring where they are are all conflicted, they were involved in that exact research. now they do anything to avoid gain of function getting a bad rep and being blamed for this world wide health emergency.

i challenge anyone to come up with a more convincing theory that fits that facts as well.


Active member
until i see a more convincing theory then the bat lady leaking it in her corona virus research lab by accident, thats my working hypothesis. the guys who claim the cleavage sites could be naturally occurring where they are are all conflicted, they were involved in that exact research. now they do anything to avoid gain of function getting a bad rep and being blamed for this world wide health emergency.

i challenge anyone to come up with a more convincing theory that fits that facts as well.
Can I see your research and peer reviews?


Well-known member
My understanding is that we store both chemical and bio-weapons that we forbid other nations to possess (Aberdeen Proving Grounds as one location; there are reportedly others), and we exempt ourselves from the ICC/World Court, along with other behaviors expressing 'American Exceptionalism', telling me that we provide ourselves with much more breadth or liberty re. independence and transgressions than we allow for any other nation on the planet.

When other nations wanted to oversee our elections, the response was not only "No", but HELL NO!!"

I think those and other examples say all there is to be said about our openness to being 'helped' or monitored.

A frighteningly accurate description. I would like to note and add that when that lab was shut down due to
repeated safety violations, the CIA sent in a team which went right to the heart of the collection and took
a library of references and standards needed to reproduce the work.

The anthrax attacks used a strain that was traceable back directly to our DoD.
Don't expect we will ever see the anthrax attack resolved.
Would not be surprised if this ends up just as unresolved.


A frighteningly accurate description. I would like to note and add that when that lab was shut down due to
repeated safety violations, the CIA sent in a team which went right to the heart of the collection and took
a library of references and standards needed to reproduce the work.

The anthrax attacks used a strain that was traceable back directly to our DoD.
Don't expect we will ever see the anthrax attack resolved.
Would not be surprised if this ends up just as unresolved.

crazy world we live in. could be a movie some times...i always wondered back then, why they never brought out a patsy for that weaponized anthrax attack, even if they didnt want the real perp to pay.


Well-known member
...........The anthrax attacks used a strain that was traceable back directly to our DoD.
Don't expect we will ever see the anthrax attack resolved.
Would not be surprised if this ends up just as unresolved.

............... and who's to say that that strain wasn't $old by an insider to a foreign country years before the attack? :whistling:

I remember many reports of scientists carrying vials of very lethal stuff in their shirt pockets on planes to attend conferences, etc. around the world.


Well-known member
............... and who's to say that that strain wasn't $old by an insider to a foreign country years before the attack? :whistling:

I remember many reports of scientists carrying vials of very lethal stuff in their shirt pockets on planes to attend conferences, etc. around the world.

Reference samples were in the past handled much more casually than today.
The standards associated with pathology have changed on a scale of magnitude over
the past few years.

Weaponized anthrax is of a completely different nature altogether. The circle of those with a working knowledge is deliberately kept miniscule to
keep diversion difficult to do and easy to trace.

Keeping tabs on those with past involvement is interesting with the passage of time.
It is my understanding that therare some real awkward budget requests from a
few years back, that will not look good when brought forward.

Found it interesting that big pharma informed the DoD, that they no
longer had the required personal with a working knowledge of
the traditional approach needed to be able to produce vaccines using
the traditional method in the quantity needed.
What you describe is not without precedent,
No one I know would be inclined to believe that
Israel sourced nukes in the same manner they
did the 10 commandments.


Well-known member
............... and who's to say that that strain wasn't $old by an insider to a foreign country years before the attack? :whistling:

I remember many reports of scientists carrying vials of very lethal stuff in their shirt pockets on planes to attend conferences, etc. around the world.

familiarity breeds contempt...or even worse, overconfidence. either can get many people killed.


Well-known member
:shucks: Well now this is back in the news, it's China's fault:

Covid-19 UK: Wuhan lab leak 'now the most likely origin of Covid', MPs told | Daily Mail Online
Wuhan lab leak 'is now the most likely origin of Covid because Beijing tried to cover it up' and it is 'reasonable to believe virus was engineered in China', Harvard scientist tells MPs
  • The Wuhan lab leak is now the most likely origin of the coronavirus pandemic, MPs have been told
  • Harvard scientist Dr Alina Chan said it is 'reasonable' to believe that Covid was engineered by China
  • She also said that Beijing's cover-up of the initial outbreak made the lab-leak hypothesis likely
  • Tory peer Lord Ridley also told the Science Select Committee a lab leak is the most likely origin
WWIII, what countries will China be aligning themselves with, Russia?


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ICMag Donor
Pandemic mystery: Scientists focus on COVID’s animal origins

by: LAURA UNGAR, Associated Press

Posted: Dec 10, 2021 / 01:02 AM EST / Updated: Dec 10, 2021 / 03:34 PM

Nearly two years into the COVID-19 pandemic, the origin of the virus tormenting the world remains shrouded in mystery.

Most scientists believe it emerged in the wild and jumped from bats to humans, either directly or through another animal. Others theorize it escaped from a Chinese lab.

Now, with the global COVID-19 death toll surpassing 5.2 million on the second anniversary of the earliest human cases, a growing chorus of scientists is trying to keep the focus on what they regard as the more plausible “zoonotic,” or animal-to-human, theory, in the hope that what’s learned will help humankind fend off new viruses and variants.

“The lab-leak scenario gets a lot of attention, you know, on places like Twitter,” but “there’s no evidence that this virus was in a lab,” said University of Utah scientist Stephen Goldstein, who with 20 others wrote an article in the journal Cell in August laying out evidence for animal origin.

Michael Worobey, an evolutionary biologist at the University of Arizona who contributed to the article, said he always thought zoonotic transmission was more likely than a lab leak but had signed a letter with other scientists last spring saying both theories were viable. Since then, he said, his own and others’ research has made him even more confident about the animal hypothesis, which is “just way more supported by the data.”

Last month, Worobey published a COVID-19 timeline linking the first known human case to the Huanan Seafood Wholesale Market in Wuhan, China, where live animals were sold.

“The lab leak idea is almost certainly a huge distraction that’s taking focus away from what actually happened,” he said.

Others aren’t so sure. Over the summer,a review orderedby President Joe Biden showed that four U.S. intelligence agencies believed with low confidence that the virus was initially transmitted from an animal to a human, and one agency believed with moderate confidence that the first infection was linked to a lab.

Some supporters of the lab-leak hypothesis have theorized that researchers were accidentally exposed because of inadequate safety practices while working with samples from the wild, or perhaps after creating the virus in the laboratory. U.S. intelligence officials have rejected suspicions China developed the virus as a bioweapon.

The continuing search for answers has inflamed tensions between the U.S. and China, which has accused the U.S. of making it the scapegoat for the disaster. Some experts fear the pandemic’s origins may never be known.


Scientists said in the Cell paper that SARS-CoV-2, which causes COVID-19, is the ninth documented coronavirus to infect humans. All previous ones originated in animals.

That includes the virus that caused the 2003 SARS epidemic, which also has been associated with markets selling live animals in China.

Many researchers believe wild animals were intermediate hosts for SARS-CoV-2, meaning they were infected with a bat coronavirus that then evolved. Scientists have been looking for the exact bat coronavirus involved, and in September identified three viruses in bats in Laos more similar to SARS-CoV-2 than any known viruses.

Worobey suspects raccoon dogs were the intermediate host. The fox-like mammals are susceptible to coronaviruses and were being sold live at the Huanan market, he said.

“The gold-standard piece of evidence for an animal origin” would be an infected animal from there, Goldstein said. “But as far as we know, the market was cleared out.”

Earlier this year, a joint report by the World Health Organization and China called the transmission of the virus from bats to humans through another animal the most likely scenario and a lab leak “extremely unlikely.”

But that report also sowed doubt by pegging the first known COVID-19 case as an accountant who had no connection to the Huanan market and first showed symptoms on Dec. 8, 2019. Worobey said proponents of the lab-leak theory point to that case in claiming the virus escaped from a Wuhan Institute of Virology facility near where the man lived.

According to Worobey’s research, however, the man said in an interview that his Dec. 8 illness was actually a dental problem, and his COVID-19 symptoms began on Dec. 16, a date confirmed in hospital records.

Worobey’s analysis identifies an earlier case: a vendor in the Huanan market who came down with COVID-19 on Dec. 11.


Experts worry the same sort of animal-to-human transmission of viruses could spark new pandemics — and worsen this one.

Since COVID-19 emerged, many types of animals have gotten infected, including pet cats, dogs and ferrets; zoo animals such as big cats, otters and non-human primates; farm-raised mink; and white-tailed deer.

Most got the virus from people, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, which says that humans can spread it to animals during close contact but that the risk of animals transmitting it to people is low.

Another fear, however, is that animals could unleash new viral variants. Some wonder if the omicron variant began this way.

“Around the world, we might have animals potentially incubating these variants even if we get (COVID-19) under control in humans,” said David O’Connor, a virology expert at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. “We’re probably not going to do a big giraffe immunization program any time soon.”

Worobey said he has been looking for genetic fingerprints that might indicate whether omicron was created when the virus jumped from humans to an animal, mutated, and then leaped back to people.

Experts say preventing zoonotic disease will require not only cracking down on illegal wildlife sales but making progress on big global problems that increase risky human-animal contact, such as habitat destruction and climate change.

Failing to fully investigate the animal origin of the virus, scientists said in the Cell paper, “would leave the world vulnerable to future pandemics arising from the same human activities that have repeatedly put us on a collision course with novel viruses.”


But further investigation is stymied by superpower politics. Lawrence Gostin of Georgetown University said there has been a “bare-knuckles fight” between China and the United States.

“The politics around the origins investigation has literally poisoned the well of global cooperation,” said Gostin, director of the WHO Collaborating Center on National and Global Health Law. “The politics have literally been toxic.”

An AP investigation last year found that the Chinese government was strictly controlling all research into COVID-19’s origins and promoting fringe theories that the virus could have come from outside the country.

“This is a country that’s by instinct very closed, and it was never going to allow unfettered access by foreigners into its territory,” Gostin said.

Still, Gostin said there’s one positive development that has come out of the investigation.

WHO has formed an advisory group to look into the pandemic’s origins. And Gostin said that while he doubts the panel will solve the mystery, “they will have a group of highly qualified scientists ready to be deployed in an instant in the next pandemic.”


The Associated Press Health and Science Department receives support from the Howard Hughes Medical Institute’s Department of Science Education. The AP is solely responsible for all content.
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ICMag Donor
Analysis of first Covid-19 cases suggests Wuhan market was origin of outbreak and WHO report was wrong

New research on the origins of Covid-19 has found evidence the WHO misidentified the first case, raising doubts about a controversial theory.
Charis Chang

3 min read
November 19, 2021 - 6:45PM

Wuhan Lab Hypothesis or Animal-Human Leap? Hunt for Covid-19’s Origins
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New research has put forward “strong evidence” that a Wuhan market was the source of the Covid-19 pandemic and suggests the World Health Organisation may have got a crucial timeline wrong.

The study from University of Arizona evolutionary biology Professor Michael Worobey was published in the prestigious journal Science and casts doubt on the theory the virus leaked from a Chinese laboratory.

Prof Worobey combed through hospital records, media reports and other data about the earliest Covid-19 cases to investigate the origins of the virus.

He now believes the first known case was a woman who worked as a seafood vendor at the market, not a 41-year-old accountant as suggested by the WHO in its report on the origins of the virus.

He noted the male accountant, who lived 30km south of Huanan Market in Wuhan and had no connection to it, said in a media interview that his symptoms started on December 16, not December 8 as the WHO appears to suggest.

This is backed by hospital records and other data.

The mix-up appears to relate to an earlier medical emergency the man experienced on December 8 which Prof Worobey suggests was actually due to a dental problem.
New research strengthens evidence for theory that Covid originated in a Wuhan market. Picture: Hector Retamal/AFP
In a later interview, the man said he believed he had got infected with Covid while in hospital (possibly at the time of his dental emergency) or on public transport on the way home.

This would make a female seafood vendor, who got symptoms on December 11, almost a week earlier, the first Covid case.

Prof Worobey tweeted that his research “dramatically changes the picture put forward by the joint China-WHO study report” which focused on the 41-year-old accountant as being the first case.

He said the man’s case had been used by “lab leak proponents to argue that the virus could not have emerged at the market” as the man had not visited it.

“It has led claims that the pandemic started at the BSL4 facility of the Wuhan Institute of Virology, since it is near where this guy lived and shopped,” Prof Worobey tweeted.

“Turns out he just had a dental problem on December 8.”

Prof Worobey said in his paper most early symptomatic cases were linked to Huanan Market, specifically where raccoon dogs were caged and “provides strong evidence of a live-animal market origin of the pandemic”.
View of Huanan seafood market on February 9, 2021 in Wuhan, Hubei Province, China. Picture: Getty Images
Wrongfully identifying the accountant as the first reported case of Covid has been used to discredit the “natural origin” theory that the virus was passed to an animal host before spreading to humans (possibly at the market). Instead it fanned theories the virus was created in a lab and accidentally leaked into the community.

Prof Worobey said he was confident the accountant’s case “loomed large” in US President Joe Biden’s intelligence community review, leading the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) to favour the lab leak idea and for other agencies to have “low confidence” in the idea of a natural origin of the virus.

But Prof Worobey said “you can’t explain away the preponderance of early cases linked to Huanan Market”.

“Many have dismissed the idea of the virus emerging at the market by arguing that all the focus by epidemiologists on the market led to lots of cases being identified there, while a vast number of cases elsewhere in the city were missed. This is just not true,” Prof Worobey tweeted.

“The pattern was there in the very first hospitals that noticed the outbreak, *before* epidemiologists even started looking for cases.

“And this means that in all likelihood the pandemic started at the market.”
New research casts doubt on lab-leak theory. Picture: Johannes Eisele/AFP
Prof Worobey believes the strength of his article is that it draws on “firsthand accounts” including audio/video recordings of doctors, hospital administrators and patients like Zhang Jixian, Xia Wenguang, Wei Guixian, Chen Honggang, Ai Fen and Yuan Yufeng.

It is not the first time the WHO report has been called into question, with The Washington Post discovering several problems with data, including the wrong virus sequence IDs for three early patients.
Investigative team members of the World Health Organisation visit Huanan seafood market in Wuhan on January 31, 2021 in Wuhan, China. Picture: Getty Images
The WHO report published in March this year found “no firm conclusion” could be made about the role of the Huanan market to the origins of the Covid outbreak but also that a laboratory incident was “extremely unlikely”.
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However, World Health Organisation director-general Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus later backflipped, saying the organisation was premature to rule out that a leak from a lab in Wuhan could have caused Covid-19 pandemic.

He called on China to be more co-operative in the next phase of investigations into the pandemic origins, demanding more access to raw data.


Active member
Was the first case symptomatic or do they even know? Considering there may have been some natural immunity in the local population or that the virus may have mutated within a human host before becoming deadly.


the most puzzling part about it being from animals at the wet market is that no animal was ever found there with the virus when they investigated the whole place, further more this so called bat virus is not able to infect bats.

if the Chinese had nothing to hide and it was just all a natural occurrence, why did they hide literally all the evidence? why delete the corona virus data bank? why forbid researchers from researching?

when a corona virus originates next door to a place called the corona virus institute or what ever you naturally get suspicious, when that lab is then taken over by the military and no one is allowed to investigate you get even more suspicious.

speaking of natural immunity i got my antibody test done yesterday, should get my covid certificate within 10 days, ah to go swimming again. my bro and dad both already got theirs so im pretty sure ill be positive for antibodies too, was sick at the same time as my bro.


The Logical Gardener
ICMag Donor
the most puzzling part about it being from animals at the wet market is that no animal was ever found there with the virus when they investigated the whole place, further more this so called bat virus is not able to infect bats.

if the Chinese had nothing to hide and it was just all a natural occurrence, why did they hide literally all the evidence? why delete the corona virus data bank? why forbid researchers from researching?

when a corona virus originates next door to a place called the corona virus institute or what ever you naturally get suspicious, when that lab is then taken over by the military and no one is allowed to investigate you get even more suspicious.

speaking of natural immunity i got my antibody test done yesterday, should get my covid certificate within 10 days, ah to go swimming again. my bro and dad both already got theirs so im pretty sure ill be positive for antibodies too, was sick at the same time as my bro.

I'm pretty sure that bats carry the virus but do not get sick from it like some people.
The serum titer test takes 10 days there? 24 hrs in Mexico.


I'm pretty sure that bats carry the virus but do not get sick from it like some people.
The serum titer test takes 10 days there? 24 hrs in Mexico.

here its called serology test, im not sure if its the same thing you mentioned. but yes the lady told me up to 10 days, but my bro go his results 2 days later, my dad had to wait 5 days, they are very busy as we are in a huge surge of cases here and this test is considered of secondary importance to the actual covid testing. i had to pay it out of pocket too, insurance won't cover it.


The Logical Gardener
ICMag Donor
here its called serology test, im not sure if its the same thing you mentioned. but yes the lady told me up to 10 days, but my bro go his results 2 days later, my dad had to wait 5 days, they are very busy as we are in a huge surge of cases here and this test is considered of secondary importance to the actual covid testing. i had to pay it out of pocket too, insurance won't cover it.

Yes, same thing. It is virtually the same test done to determine if one has immune system protection against other diseases like measles, etc. I'd be interested to see/hear your numbers. I'll need to do a repeat test sometime a year following the first. I hope someone is collecting the global data of these tests. It is really important IMO.


Yes, same thing. It is virtually the same test done to determine if one has immune system protection against other diseases like measles, etc. I'd be interested to see/hear your numbers. I'll need to do a repeat test sometime a year following the first. I hope someone is collecting the global data of these tests. It is really important IMO.

the cool part is that ill get a 3 month covid pass, if the results are what i expect. time will tell, i need to be able to go swimming, all the rest i can do without. didnt really want to even accept the certificate, but the government is literally on the long end of this stick. got less and less choice about doing something, either regular pcr, vax, or positive serology test every 3 months. i consider the serology test the lesser evil. but it still puts me on the mass surveillance grid which has been created to run the covid pass system.


Well-known member
the most puzzling part about it being from animals at the wet market is that no animal was ever found there with the virus when they investigated the whole place, further more this so called bat virus is not able to infect bats.

if the Chinese had nothing to hide and it was just all a natural occurrence, why did they hide literally all the evidence? why delete the corona virus data bank? why forbid researchers from researching?

when a corona virus originates next door to a place called the corona virus institute or what ever you naturally get suspicious, when that lab is then taken over by the military and no one is allowed to investigate you get even more suspicious.

speaking of natural immunity i got my antibody test done yesterday, should get my covid certificate within 10 days, ah to go swimming again. my bro and dad both already got theirs so im pretty sure ill be positive for antibodies too, was sick at the same time as my bro.

they always hide anything with the potential for them to "lose face", which is the most important thing of all for China. good, bad, indifferent, they demand (and have) control. gotta save face no matter how many lives are lost...