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where to get good recreational in denver?


Caregiver Extraordinaire
ICMag Donor
funny, lazy lion is unlicensed and does not have to abide by regulations that all other legally licensed grows must. i wonder if that makes a difference for them - potentially sourcing from multiple smaller scale (obviously, again, unlicensed) grows rather than the "legal" licensed large scale grows that supply most of the dispensaries.

weedaholic, did u go to the speakeasy? hit up billy the budtender?
colorado is in fact one of the most dry areas of the country, not only a desert but a HIGH desert - high elevation makes the air thinner which lowers its capacity for holding moisture compared to.... let's just say sea level. ime there is no place east of the mississippi that has nearly the arid climate of colorado and "the west", you must live in a desert also, weedaholic :D

i don't think your exp. is unusual in colorado, it's sad that legal licensed growers supplying legal licensed shops can't put out a decent product.

thanks for your input weedaholic, i think it's neccessary that the industry begin to understand that despite to boatloads of $$ they are bringing in, the overall quality of product available in the state (particularly the state capitol, biggest city) is garbage.

i know that smell you are talking about and i think it comes from a few things potentially; wet trimming and bucking off the stem, then not controlling humidity levels and buds dry out quickly, often OVER dry, then it's a game of getting moisure back IN the buds - and imo they are never the same again after "re-constituting" them to 60% moisture after falling very low.

personally i prefer dry trimming in colorado - my harvest/trim/cure scenario goes something like this: pull all large water "fan" leaves in the last 2 weeks leading up to harvest, cut plants, hang upside down, let dry (usually 5-10 days) just until the outsides are crisp but insides are still gooey, THEN dry trim and seal up with boveda packs if dry enough (jarring too early also ruins smells/flavors), if NOT dry enough i go into paper bags for a day or 2 or even into tupperwares with the lid loosely on them until ready to jar up. for a home-grower that's not too much work, but when scaled up to warehouse sized grows that process may become tedious... but cutting corners is how the weed ends up low quality.
like i said before; boveda is a game changer.

as for your ascertion that the (lack of good) smell comes from neem and pesticides sprayed in flower; there is so much attention on residual testing right now that a store would have to be litterally ignorant of the scenario or downright stupid (more $$ than sense is a common attribute in Co canna industry, IME). the improper use of chems on cannabis has been a focus of mine since i LEFT the industry in 2011. i'm glad it's finally getting some sunlight on the situation, personally, and i think that attention will start to change people's bad methods (like spraying gnarly pesticides late in flower or at all) if for no other reason than fear of state reprisal.

I wonder if perhaps much of the really good flower is going towards high end solvent based extracts, because that could potentially be an upsell it certainly is a huge trend.... but the problem exists and has been a problem for some time - low quality herb in denver dispensaries, hence this thread.

i'll close this longwinded post with some advice to other potential colorado travellers; don't come just for the weed, or you may be disappointed. Come with some real plans, like skiing/snowboarding, whitewater rafting, climbing a mountain, prospecting for gold/gemstones, visiting national parks and wilderness areas, exploring the rocky mountains, concerts at red rocks (best venue ever imo) or fillmore or fiddlers green, sports events, trade shows, air shows, cannabis cups, bongathon, or whatever floats your boat... then just add legal weed to whatever you are doing (always be discreet and careful of course, especially on federal property like national parks). for me the colorado scene has always been about:
"________ and weed" you fill in the blank with whatever you are into that colorado offers - legal cannabis is the cherry on top.
The weed in the stores is mediocre at best.

Best to just buy edibles and extracts, which are truly the unique items in a place like Denver/CO. Regardless, 60-65% or something of the cannabis sold in stores goes to out of state IDs.

Healing House on Downing has good deals, and decent flower.

They aren't in Denver, but Green Dream in Boulder is worth the trip. They have have a nice elite lineup with strains not found at other dispensaries.

Not to mention a badass grower.


funny, lazy lion is unlicensed and does not have to abide by regulations that all other legally licensed grows must. i wonder if that makes a difference for them - potentially sourcing from multiple smaller scale (obviously, again, unlicensed) grows rather than the "legal" licensed large scale grows that supply most of the dispensaries.

weedaholic, did u go to the speakeasy? hit up billy the budtender?
colorado is in fact one of the most dry areas of the country, not only a desert but a HIGH desert - high elevation makes the air thinner which lowers its capacity for holding moisture compared to.... let's just say sea level. ime there is no place east of the mississippi that has nearly the arid climate of colorado and "the west", you must live in a desert also, weedaholic :D

i don't think your exp. is unusual in colorado, it's sad that legal licensed growers supplying legal licensed shops can't put out a decent product.

thanks for your input weedaholic, i think it's neccessary that the industry begin to understand that despite to boatloads of $$ they are bringing in, the overall quality of product available in the state (particularly the state capitol, biggest city) is garbage.

i know that smell you are talking about and i think it comes from a few things potentially; wet trimming and bucking off the stem, then not controlling humidity levels and buds dry out quickly, often OVER dry, then it's a game of getting moisure back IN the buds - and imo they are never the same again after "re-constituting" them to 60% moisture after falling very low.

personally i prefer dry trimming in colorado - my harvest/trim/cure scenario goes something like this: pull all large water "fan" leaves in the last 2 weeks leading up to harvest, cut plants, hang upside down, let dry (usually 5-10 days) just until the outsides are crisp but insides are still gooey, THEN dry trim and seal up with boveda packs if dry enough (jarring too early also ruins smells/flavors), if NOT dry enough i go into paper bags for a day or 2 or even into tupperwares with the lid loosely on them until ready to jar up. for a home-grower that's not too much work, but when scaled up to warehouse sized grows that process may become tedious... but cutting corners is how the weed ends up low quality.
like i said before; boveda is a game changer.

as for your ascertion that the (lack of good) smell comes from neem and pesticides sprayed in flower; there is so much attention on residual testing right now that a store would have to be litterally ignorant of the scenario or downright stupid (more $$ than sense is a common attribute in Co canna industry, IME). the improper use of chems on cannabis has been a focus of mine since i LEFT the industry in 2011. i'm glad it's finally getting some sunlight on the situation, personally, and i think that attention will start to change people's bad methods (like spraying gnarly pesticides late in flower or at all) if for no other reason than fear of state reprisal.

I wonder if perhaps much of the really good flower is going towards high end solvent based extracts, because that could potentially be an upsell it certainly is a huge trend.... but the problem exists and has been a problem for some time - low quality herb in denver dispensaries, hence this thread.

i'll close this longwinded post with some advice to other potential colorado travellers; don't come just for the weed, or you may be disappointed. Come with some real plans, like skiing/snowboarding, whitewater rafting, climbing a mountain, prospecting for gold/gemstones, visiting national parks and wilderness areas, exploring the rocky mountains, concerts at red rocks (best venue ever imo) or fillmore or fiddlers green, sports events, trade shows, air shows, cannabis cups, bongathon, or whatever floats your boat... then just add legal weed to whatever you are doing (always be discreet and careful of course, especially on federal property like national parks). for me the colorado scene has always been about:
"________ and weed" you fill in the blank with whatever you are into that colorado offers - legal cannabis is the cherry on top.

Absolutely excellent post and info miles. Non Coloradans READ this ! Agreed on all points. On the drying/curing process you posted , I have not heard of boveda before. What dude was saying about the smell and flavor, I am familiar with. Most shop herb , and lots of private grown as well. I agree , most people don't take the time to harvest proper. After over 20 years growing here in Colorado, I can say its not easy at all. I have noticed that many strains need different treatment during harvest. Ie ...some you need to start sweating early , when fairly moist still.....others ,like flo, I noticed cured better when a bit more dry. Many factors play into a perfect cure, I certainly don't get it perfect every time ! But I do pay super close attention, and treat the process more serious than actually growing the herb evertime. The times I've gotten it perfect, the cure took over 3 months (til it stopped rehydrating on its own in the jar) then I will vacuum seal and store in my wine closet. i have "cellared" many strains for well over a year before smoking them. When done perfectly these buds were pristine and NOT dried out, smoked amazing ...after over a year of storage.


[URL=https://www.icmag.com/ic/picture.php?albumid=64965&pictureid=1549014&thumb=1]View Image[/url] [URL=https://www.icmag.com/ic/picture.php?albumid=64965&pictureid=1549013&thumb=1]View Image[/url]

Left Louis XIII right Holy grail kush
From Kind Loves connoiseur shelf, both had seeds, dried out, no terpenes. Tested in 20 percent thc which I cannot believe at all, both are very weak.

[URL=https://www.icmag.com/ic/picture.php?albumid=64965&pictureid=1549040&thumb=1]View Image[/url]

From Craigslist, again dried out, same sweet hay smell, worse then Kind Love.

Any recommendations, in town til saturday.
Which brings up the most important part of buying weed in a legal state:

If you don't like the way the product looks/smells/feels, don't buy it, go somewhere else, there's plenty of other choices in town.


My homie that has a larger scale grow pretty much never has flower, they have a lab and just blast it all. Great shatter , but I like flower. My birthday is this week so I might head down to the city for a day on Monday or Tuesday, if any of y'all front range dudes on here have a bit of fire for a brother please pm me !


Caregiver Extraordinaire
ICMag Donor
Which brings up the most important part of buying weed in a legal state:

If you don't like the way the product looks/smells/feels, don't buy it, go somewhere else, there's plenty of other choices in town.

herein lies another big problem with the "no onsite consumption" issue.... in many cases look, smell and feel don't really tell the whole tale... and without smoking even just a hit you can't tell what you are getting.

on top of that, many dispensaries (illegaly, i believe) are accepting returns from people not satisfied with the herb....
i'm pretty sure shops are only allowed to take herb in thru certain avenues, and not sure what they would legally be allowed to do with returned cannabis, aside from destroy it.

i suggested weedaholic check craisgslist, one major reason being that with craigslist peeps you can at least sample before you pay.

thakns mt. trogger for the double down on my previous post :D
Thanks for all the good advice everyone, kinda tapped myself out in the CO springs so I have not tried any other options today but yalls advice has been very helpful. As avinash mentions above, not being able to try before you buy makes things very difficult. It was also that on my first day, when I had been to multiple shops and seeing the same things, I ended up buying the best I could find becuase I did not have anything else to consume.


herein lies another big problem with the "no onsite consumption" issue.... in many cases look, smell and feel don't really tell the whole tale... and without smoking even just a hit you can't tell what you are getting.

on top of that, many dispensaries (illegaly, i believe) are accepting returns from people not satisfied with the herb....
i'm pretty sure shops are only allowed to take herb in thru certain avenues, and not sure what they would legally be allowed to do with returned cannabis, aside from destroy it.

i suggested weedaholic check craisgslist, one major reason being that with craigslist peeps you can at least sample before you pay.

thakns mt. trogger for the double down on my previous post :D

Yeah man, I can attest, I HAVE returned herb to a dispensary, back when I had my red card. Local shop, Kinda funny considering the topic of our recent posts in this thread, But whatever it was that I picked up at the time (d star, or hong kong or something) had a moldy flavor, no visible mold but an "off flavor" that i did not enjoy. I have experienced this several times with other peoples herb. Several days later I went back to buy something different. I mentioned this to the peeps who worked there and they told me to bring it back. When I returned, they weighed out what I had left and gave me a even exchange on different herb. Unexpected but very appreciated !

Fly by Night

Like a Wing
Recreational dating ,, by the hour whew



Active member
I posted about being mostly unimpressed up here in fort collins so i figured I should give props where deserved. -Keep in mind I'm usually broke & really only shop for bargains :(. I rarely buy flower because anything I can afford is usually unremarkable in every regard. CL is hit and miss, sometimes better & sometimes laughable. I'm happy with commercial concentrates, always know what I am getting. But I miss buds from time to time.

Earlier this week I swung into Natural Alternatives for Health & got a great deal (for me - a cheapskate). They just opened a rec side (jan. 1?). Their own buds looked/smelled awesome & being priced right in the middle of average for foco ($55 -1/8 I believe) I'd totally check their stuff out if I could justify to myself paying the going rate anywhere. Their own strains did carry a bit of similarity in smell, but man - every one had such a volume of it, just from a small (1/4-1/2 oz) display jar. Other places pull out a half gallon jar & not wanting to stick my head in the jar I'll have a hard time being certain what it smells like. NAfH's display jars are cool though - little magnifying lens in the cover. If more places used these... I'd guess more places' sales would go down. hahaha. A few, like these guys', sales should go up -their stuff looked great too.

They had (have through jan. while the stock lasts I believe) some deals on wholesale buds from a dispensary in Boulder, i forget which one. $35 an 1/8 and better quality than any rec. 8th under $50 up here. I grabbed an eighth of the white on sunday & went back yesterday for one of gg4. I like them both and should be happy a good little while at my consumption rate.

Both times I went the owner (or one of them) was there - Very friendly, he grows their house stuff, knows and cares. Small selection other than flowers but that's common for many rec shops up here too.


New member
Now that I think about it after returning home... Fuck dispensary weed lol I'm paying less and getting better quality in an illegal state.
I will be flying out today but heres one last dispensary review. The last dispensary I visited, Chronic Thereapy, located in Lakewood/Wheat Ridge. I stopped by to purchase a o.pen but was ppeasantly surprised at the smell upon entering the store. Most flowers were simliar to other disp. , however, their GSC is pretty good quality. The o.pen, for anyone who hasn't tried, is quite effective and discreet. Not the best taste but its a nifty little thing.

I have been on this trip to decide if I could indeed move here and live here long term. While the disp.quality was a shock to my world view lol, the benefits outweigh that fact. It will be challenging but in the end I still believe it is the right decision for myself personally.

Safe travels yall..


Caregiver Extraordinaire
ICMag Donor
yhea, dispensary herb is the least impressive part of legalization in CO
best of luck with the move weedaholic, keep us posted :D


Well-known member

Got a half ounce of shake from the Denver Clone Store to make butter with. Smoked a joint of it and licked the spoon, it worked. Pretty good deal for $50.

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