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Ladies, I have the highest respect for women, but could you possibly maybe enlighten this middle-aged dude on something that has always completely baffled me. Let me preface this by saying I know my humor can be biting and thoughtless sometimes.

My deceased wife was putting on her make-up once and I said something about her putting on war-paint (like some native Americans did in the old westerns?). Anyway, she got REALLY pissed. I mean REALLY. And then it became a thing to complain about for years after that.

What was that all about? Why do think she got SO pissed. It was a joke.

BTW, my attitude about humor had always been:
Roses are red,
Violets are blue,
If you can't take a joke,
Then fuck you.

I guess maybe she didn't think it was a joke?


New member
Ladies, I have the highest respect for women, but could you possibly maybe enlighten this middle-aged dude on something that has always completely baffled me. Let me preface this by saying I know my humor can be biting and thoughtless sometimes.

My deceased wife was putting on her make-up once and I said something about her putting on war-paint (like some native Americans did in the old weterns?). Anyway, she got REALLY pissed. I mean REALLY. And then it became a thing to complain about for years after that.

What was that all about? Why do think she got SO pissed. It was a joke.

BTW, my attitude about humor had always been:
Roses are red,
Violets are blue,
If you can't take a joke,
Then fuck you.

I guess maybe she didn't think it was a joke?
hey girls always love there make up i take it she didnt see it as a joke maybe she thought u ment she looked like a some native old american
but nearly all girls love there make up but the way ur saying it u would take it as a joke
I never really wore make up, but when I do (like once or twice per year) My skin looks worse the next day or two. I get a lot of compliments that I look young or get carded all the time, etc. I really believe its because I didn't ruin my skin with years and years and years of caking it everyday with chemicals. The make up I do use once in a blue moon is mostly organic. I can tell it makes a big difference, much less oily and chemy, etc. I say if you can get by without it, then why make yourself age faster. I have found most guys I'd be interested in prefer a natural look.

In other words, Less is more!
my .02

Miss Blunted

Resident Bongtender
Ladies, I have the highest respect for women, but could you possibly maybe enlighten this middle-aged dude on something that has always completely baffled me. Let me preface this by saying I know my humor can be biting and thoughtless sometimes.

My deceased wife was putting on her make-up once and I said something about her putting on war-paint (like some native Americans did in the old westerns?). Anyway, she got REALLY pissed. I mean REALLY. And then it became a thing to complain about for years after that.

What was that all about? Why do think she got SO pissed. It was a joke.

BTW, my attitude about humor had always been:
Roses are red,
Violets are blue,
If you can't take a joke,
Then fuck you.

I guess maybe she didn't think it was a joke?

Haha...my Dad used to say my Mom was putting on her war paint, lol!!! I just actually said it myself the other day. PoopyTea was waiting for me in the car and I was like..."hold on, I gotta finish my war paint." Idk...I've always been able to laugh at myself and take little jabs lightly....from others but myself too. I'm a good target for jokes sometimes:D


New member
I wear make-up probably 3-5 times a year.
I work the ballet 3 times a year and usually wear make up to those.
And every now and then if I go out to a fancy place I wear make up.

360 days out of the year I wear no make-up at all.
No Eye-liner, cover-up.

I rarely use a perfume.
I use hemp shampoo/conditioner and sandalwood/lavender soap.
And Toms deodorant, I figure that's enough.


Well-known member
I wear make-up probably 3-5 times a year.
I work the ballet 3 times a year and usually wear make up to those.
And every now and then if I go out to a fancy place I wear make up.

360 days out of the year I wear no make-up at all.
No Eye-liner, cover-up.

I rarely use a perfume.
I use hemp shampoo/conditioner and sandalwood/lavender soap.
And Toms deodorant, I figure that's enough.

And she LOOKs and Smells AMAZING
I don't usually wear makeup. Mr. Mountain doesn't really like it, so why bother? When I do, I also use bare minerals. Sometimes just a light dusting of the mineral veil. I do like dramatic eyes, greens and purples and pinks, mostly. My main makeup accessory is glitter. Can you tell I'm an old tour head? :) I usually go for lip gloss or a shiny chapstick for the lips. lipstick requires reapplication and when I'm done for the day, I'm done.

Mr. Mountain

I'll second the no need for makeup! i think excessive eye makeup makes women look like street walkers (no offense ladies I have told my own wife this many times.) If you want to wear allot of eye makeup thats your right, but it's my right to not be attracted to it!

I'm an old fashioned kinda guy, shucks my gal looks pretty without makeup! I don't need her to try to do the "smokey eye"

She can do that without makeup! It only takes one look from those "come hither" eyes and I know EXACTLY what the score is.

But thats another story!


New member
Hey Mrs. B,
I don't wear hardly any make up. Just the bare basics... Eyeliner on the top lid only, mascara, a little bit of blush so I don't look dead, and eyebrow pencil. My lips? Just a little bit of Chap Stick and that's about it.
I have tried Bare Minerals and I just couldn't afford buying more. I liked it though. What I love the most about it is that it does not make your skin feel like it suffocating all day long.
I used to be a HUGE MAC fan, but then I developed a bacterial infection in my eye.
I have tried everything from cheap to ridiculous. And I have worn a lot of make up at times... Right now... I am in my semi natural state.


I think in general guys prefer lighth to NO makeup..I know I do..my gf hardly wears makeup,she usualy puts on eyeliner and thats it,and I think this makes ehr look sooo sexy and mysterious..so yeah..i think too much makeup looks damn wierd haha.

i actually dont like the "dolled up" look..i prefer a girl in a cute shirt,jeans,eyeliner,thats it..simple but so pretty.

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