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What's the big deal with Kush?

Oliver Pantsoff

Active member
oook, and your point is

oook, and your point is

la confadential is o.g l.a affie x afghani- NOT o.g kushx o.g la affie x afghani
la is a great strain 1 of my favs-but u might be talkin bot mk ultra thts og kush x g13

^^^Didnt say anything about the genes. I said it's won awards sir...Do your research brethren><



Well-known member
So this is why our troops are sticking it out in Afghanistan? So Bush & Obama can secure the Kush from Osama:)

All for something whose effect can be simulated with a couple of prozac? Shit, insomnia must be rampant in California.

@Rainman - you have a real way with words hombre, but you look stupid when you disrespect a master grower:

Dalai Hempy's Mango Haze...:wave:


Twice as clear as heaven and twice as loud as reas
ICMag Donor
am i supposed to be impressed by that?

edit: its is a well grown healthy specimen for sure. no doubt. a true showing of patience and care. just not sexy to me though...


^^^i like this stuff way better...
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cocktail frank

ICMag Donor
Kush sucks!
Hazes all day!

really tho,
i've grown many-o-ogk's.
many more hazes.
i'd take the haze everytime.

not saying ogk's aren't top notch.
ima bias sativa head tho.

anytime i have smoking buddies over,
i will break out jars of ogk and haze.
75% of the time (w/ them) they reach for the haze.

some guys wanna be stoned for under an hour,
i wanna fly high as the stratosphere for 3-4 hours.

just my 2 pence


Well-known member

is that hempy's ssh pheno or his thai ?

i lov that fukkin plant wish i could get a detailed smoke report on both especially the thai

as for the kush haze debate im sure you kno how i feel LOL

but honestly my top 3 smokes of all time include the best sativa/haze ive ever smoked the FRANKIES and 2 pure indies i believe ,hashplant from nyc and purple kush which i believe to have been OPK aka real deal which rainman can put up against hempys dope

now i enjoy a potent smoke and these all are hard to say which is best

ive been skyy high /stuck /stupified /redeyed for 4 hours plus

ive been stoned /comatose 4 hours plus and note this is one of the only strains ive smoked were after ive eaten i was just as high or higher than before i ate which after i munch will usually fade the effects

purple kush

knockout stone /lethargic/might put you to bed

the big deal wit kush is the current hype plus flavor /stone and short flowering time but as somone had mention these og kushes that are of the actual hype are not really true kushes ,master kusk/afghan kush /hindu kush/original purple kush those are the real kush /big deals and are not hype IMO

but IMO id stay in church if i had the choice rather than a hash field

say oliver the computer gangsta-actually u did refer to la conf. to haveing kush genetics.u can just go 1 page bak n read wht u said-didnt mean to call u out just stateing the facts-sorry lil man:moon:


Active member
im kinda liking the hazes recently too...i will still never turn down an OG kush based strain, but these new Hazes i got were really nice.

but lately ive been puffing some of this Banana Haze that has J1 Jack in it i heard...but it has a really nice hazy taste, reminds me of sweet lemons or oranges, whereas the kush is a more fuely, makes me think of minty seaweed lol..


Active member
Oh yea saw some really nice Violator Kush yesterday too....looks kinda like OG but definately different not as plump. i would have bought the whole bag but i saw traces of power mildew and had to pass unfortunately...


The revolution will not be televised.....
Chili - Now thats a sexy lady!!!

GreyS - That is makin my mouth water also!

Bushweed - Since you only been around for a short time I will let you in on a little secret the rest of us already know. When you call someone like Hempi a "master grower" it makes you look like a douche and you basically lose all credibility from that point forward. You are reppin a guy who has never grown any Cali Kushes but always shows up in Kush threads and starts in with his holier than thou, I only grow pure landraces spill. The problem is that to be a "master grower" as you put it, you also gots to have more pics of herb you are actually growing than you do of pics you found in National Geographic. It also helps if you have any experience, I mean any at all, with the cuts you are talking down to. Now pay attention to what all the hype is about. It might be hard to see my ornaments so you might gotta get real close to the screen..........

Bubba Kush......






SR-71 Purple Kush






Unknown Kush........




You see I actually grow the plants we are discussing and can back it up with pics from "my" grows. And if disrespectin a clown like Hempi makes me look stupid then just call me Forrest. Class dismissed.
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Is Hempy Troll still at it. LOL. Giving opinions on something he admits he never tried. Hempy You are a Joke! Smoke some Cali Kush first and then speak on it. You are obsessed with bashing Cali Kush's for some unknow reason. This is straight up trolling at its finest and you've been doing it for years. Any threads on Cali Kush's or feminized seeds and Hempytroll is there bashing away. You used to be a well respected member of the Canna community. What happened to you?


Yup...many ,many poly-hybrids..

I saw some plants from the Afghanistan Hindu kush mountain range.. called the baba mountains..thick wide long blades..skunk smell short squat indica.

now seems like everything has kush in it , maybe hype.

Grew some "Hindu Kush" F2's in 1999 one toke and there was an auditory hallucination.
It was the same for everyone.. Some funny thought where the toker would reply vocally and the bubble popped and they felt silly.. That and it took a few hours to come down enough to know I have several hours of stone left but I did stop looking at the wall after that moment. I then looked at the Computer screen.

That is my frame of reference for Kush..

Oh and it could make the world think folks were smoking Skunk.. I remember saying it isn't Skunk it's Kush.

Maybe I started the whole mess?


Travieso get back in your box the only trolls i see here is you and your side kick Rainman.

I have been offered most of what you parasites yes parasites call elites from 7 years ago i wouldn't touch any of them or ever will.

I know of many that went threw these so called cali elites and few of these growers i became friends with held on to them 1 in fact liked bubba around as his wife liked it.

Most are low yielding av smoke that you girls hype and post close up pics of and the reality is girls that a prity picture even if the flower is covered in resin don't mean it will be an exceptional smoke now does it any one that has grow long inuf knows this fact.

Most of these so called elite lines are dutch origins you lot come up with such fantastic story's behind them yet are for the most part from a seed found in an unknown bag of commercial mid grade smoke get a grip.

Cali has some amazing growers and dedicated cannabis activists that i have much respect for but you piss ants pushing these bull shit kush lines and telling every one else its the very best and the rest of us are smoking shit need a reality check.

I have many strains some from available lines others not commercially available i have quiet a few indicas and indica heavy lines yet so do many others in this site no one carries on like you stupid elitist Cali girls and i would love to see you smoke some good old school kali mist or any of the haze hybrids or even a well selected widow it would level you panzzys why because your smoking avredge cannabis and raving on like you saw god from its affect lol.

Your a disgrace to California to the cannabis community and to the human race ow and to the cannabis plant.


heres just a few of the shit inferior cannabis lines we pesents smoke lol.


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sallyforthDeleted member 75382


Dalai Hempy's Mango Haze...:wave:[/QUOTE]

I'll smoke some of that.


Well-known member
@Rainman - They are indeed some delightful examples of dwarf ornamentals, no really nice nug shots, but what distinguishes these plants from Afghanis every second grower is posting?

Answer: SFA

Now check out this original psychedelic shit that Hempy has been dropping for 30+ years:

compared to your miniature bonsai

monster shit:


a picture says a thousand words hombre.

and these pictures leave no doubt that Dalai Hempy is a master cannabis grower.


OK Forrest...


Even if Hempy is some kind of master of the universe that can shit gold and piss (colloidal) silver, his recurring hate in all Kush-related threads is still annoying.

Yes the term "Kush" has been expanded to mean certain cultivars that aren't pure Hindu Kush varieties or in the extreme case even related to any. Maybe because the buds look similar to the buds from plants from that area have or a similar reason... So what?

I only have experience with GHS Bubba. With that Kush "the big deal" was definitely smell and taste. Nothing wrong with the effects but they weren't as special. Growing qualities were certainly not the big deal, a real PITA to grow.


The revolution will not be televised.....
Bushleague - Im confused cause I thought that people came here to show off "their own" goods and not have their cheerleading squad in skirts and poms poms doin it for them! I dont think I ever came across a member who only posts other growers gear! Look! No one said Hempi troll couldnt grow but to call him a master grower sounds like you and him are swappin spit on a regular basis. He is a troll of the highest order who gives the same tired old arguements in every thread. "I could have had all the Cali genetics I wanted but I turned them down. I only smoke pure landraces that will blow the doors off any strain you Cali boys are talking bout!" You Cali boys need to pay homaege to the old growers who blah blah blah!! He has never been to Cali and never had a chance to grow anything close to the Cali Kushes. Period. Is that not computing? End of story. Now I get that you two are from the same upside down rock but please do try to post pics of shit "you grew" and let him do the same! I see you have a habit of posting for other but nothing on your own! Why is this? Are you not a grower either? Cause you look like a little troll protecting papi from the bad man? Nice how you collected rep and accolades on others grows but again it makes you look like a cheerleader. Can I get a D!?! D! A?! A! Can I get a L!?! L! Can I get a I?! I! Too funny!

Again this clown is a troll of the highest order and if you wanna cheerlead and swing from some pebble sack why not do it with someone other than dalitroll? I mean there have got to be other master growers who at least have grown a kush that would love to have an assistant troll to mentor. Yeah? You are basically moving into assistant troll territory.

As for geography dali and assistant troll, who obviously has never crossed the pond, when you actually go to Cali and smoke something from Cali then we can enjoy a debate. But to argue points when you have absolutely no experience goes to show that even in Australia and NZ a troll is a troll is a troll. Besides when was the last time anyone moved to either place or visited for the just for the herb? Oh!!! Oh!!! I got this one!!! NEVER.

Hempi - You have used that same post about 20 times in other threads. Time for some new lines and a new cheerleader!

Im gonna stop argueing with tards now cause I suspect from a distance people prolly cant tell who's who.

Momma always said life was like a box of chocolates...............
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Oliver Pantsoff

Active member
Damn Whipper Snappers!!

Damn Whipper Snappers!!

say oliver the computer gangsta-actually u did refer to la conf. to haveing kush genetics.u can just go 1 page bak n read wht u said-didnt mean to call u out just stateing the facts-sorry lil man:moon:

hahaha..gangsta ey...hilarious

:laughing:1st off junior, LA confidential does have "kush" genes. You would know that If you grew it or in your case read a description of it from DNA's site! Reading is fundamental.:bashhead: Well, that's if you can read.

So, lemme get this straight. You saw a comment that I made to "another" member, then you went to the previous comment I made, and "tried" to correct me, but was still wrong. Weird!! When I saw you post I thought to myself "he's a kid Oliver Pantsoff, he can't even spell"...It's not his fault...Gosh, the nerve of you kids now a days:spank:
