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Florida Growers Thread

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Guest 18340

You let them flower too long and they burned? Huh? Never heard of that....are you sure they didn't dry out and fry from concentrated nutes in the coco? Yeah, strait coco outdoors is retarded.

That is all mango widow looking hungry. They got fed right after pictures. They are smelling ridiculous...nothing like SSH at all and very much like mango chutney.

They were full on amber when I started flushing them, way over ripe. 2nd day of straight water, bam, dried up pistils. I couldn't keep up with the watering frequency They would crumble when I touched them.
Yeah, coco outdoors is ass. The ones I put outside that are in coco are my moms that I pillage for clones.
That M/W was THEE ONE, perfect in every way, I hope you cloned her.


Whats everyone up to on this MUGGY ASS Florida Friday? Hope everyone is getting ready for a nice and chill weekend.

Me? Glad you ask :joint: I'm patiently waiting for a dozen Ultra Chocolate chip cookies to get done....yummy! Cooked up 8grams of Big Bang bud into a stick of butter, so each cookie should have about .75g....I'm thinking 2 for most people, only one for this old fart :abduct:

PEace - pics coming! - ogh


Client of Wu-Tang Financial. You need to diversify
Whut up oldgrayhair...sounds like some good treats ya got there...have fun and stay safe bro...peace

Chunk D


Crap man, you gotta come out and show something yummier than my cookies!!!!

Blasphemy!! :smoker:

hehe, I'm going to get some macros when they come out the oven!

peace- ogh


Mmmm cookies! Nice OGH! Hope you brought enough for everyone:laughing:

Whatcha all tokin on the weekend?

Here's whats happening on the west coast


Client of Wu-Tang Financial. You need to diversify
LOL oldgrayhair...wasnt tryin to outdo ya :D just showin the goods...cookies look dank bro, taste even better probably...Smokin some Chunk D myself (pictured above)...Peace


Nice! Got the cookies and some NLxshiva for the weekend.

Hey Meaty, glad to see another steamroller lover! I have an ehle just like that, nothing better for tasting the essence of the lovely herbs. Though it seems you've been lazy on your ISO baths :)

PEace guys, be safe, enjoy the chunkyD SPicoli!



Active member
When I bake a batch of cookies from bud, I put an entire oz of ground buds in a box of cookie mix. It tastes way too dank for my preference, but it saves me from having to bake too often. The downside is that I have to carefully weigh every dose of cookie, because a few extra grams can get me way too stoned.

When I have low potency raw material, like fan leaves, I put a few pounds of it in a few gallons of boiling water with a pound or two of butter. The water helps wash out some of the nasty taste. I then add some of that cannabutter to a batch of cookies instead of bud, or I just melt a couple grams of it into a couple tablespoons of boiling water and cover the taste with an oz of coffee liquor, like Kaluha.

Guest 18340

Milk and cookies at OGH's house!
I felt like I was tripping on Mescaline when my wife made cookies with butter.
Damn Spicoli, that is some bad ass looking chunk D! Nice brother, real nice :)
hell yeah, tasty lookin cookies oldgray, one would probably lay me out as well haha.

It would really be great if some of you space coast guys could make it out the the Franklin T. DeGroodt Public Library in Palm Bay tomorrow. People United for Medical Marijuana has opened a space coast chapter and will be meeting there tomorrow between 1-3 to discuss what needs to be done and how we're going to do it. PM me if you need any details, or search for it on meetup.com


Im a brand new Grower and would like to find

Im a brand new Grower and would like to find

Some local Peaple around V. B. to chat with and get things going good. Have A Great Day



Hey Meaty, glad to see another steamroller lover! I have an ehle just like that, nothing better for tasting the essence of the lovely herbs. Though it seems you've been lazy on your ISO baths :)

Oh yeah steamrollers are the best. I have been lazy cleanin it though. Shes gonna have to soak over night. Then that resin peels right off.

Do you save that resin or just toss it?


Client of Wu-Tang Financial. You need to diversify
toss it meaty...nothin but nastyness...that shit will do more bad then good...its a mix of ash and butane....Peace bro


YEah man, that stuff isn't worth saving. I use a tall glass, about a 10 min iso soak, a few q-tips, good as new.

Oh yeah steamrollers are the best. I have been lazy cleanin it though. Shes gonna have to soak over night. Then that resin peels right off.

Do you save that resin or just toss it?

Guest 18340

Checkin with my Florida brothers:wave:
Beautiful day today, hoping everyone is nice and high:smoweed:


Active member
Florida's Marijuana Boom: House-Grown, and Potent
By Carmen Gentile / Miami Thursday, Jul. 30, 2009

"California may be the center of the marijuana trade and the controversies over its legalization. But Florida has surpassed it in one important category: the Sunshine State is now the country's leader in indoor marijuana cultivation. It is a potent distinction because most of the marijuana grown this way is cultured hydroponically — that is, mostly without soil and with a carefully calibrated cocktail of chemicals and lighting — to create some of the highest level of highs on the market.

In 2006, Florida law enforcement here discovered 480 homes growing marijuana indoors. Last year, 1,022 grow houses were busted. "This isn't your grandma's marijuana," quipped a Miami-Dade narcotics officer at one bust as he tossed garbage bags stuffed with confiscated marijuana into an unmarked police truck. Levels of THC — the agent in marijuana that produces feelings of euphoria, and in some users mild hallucinations and paranoia — have risen dramatically because of indoor techniques. Thirty years ago, most marijuana contained about 7% THC. Today, indoor growers boast THC levels of 25% or higher thanks to the additional care that indoor plants receive.

Indoors, high-powered lights that stimulate growth can remain on all day, their nourishing rays reflected off the metallic-coated paper covering walls. The chemical fertilizers used are just as powerful and nourishing, spawning fast-growing plants that produce more THC than those raised outdoors..."


Kind of a messed up to get statistics but 'Time' is right. If you look at the frequency and number of busts occurring in south/central florida right now compared to other places in the country the numbers are staggering.

A huge percentage of people in the state are recreational users and with the huge strain the legal system is facing are two of many reasons the people of florida will more than likely be the first southeastern state to get medical laws on the books.
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