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THE WORLD IS A VAMPIRE.... hahahahaha

Japanese people are evil, warring, blood thirsty devils.

Give them time and they will start WWIII. Every time they get a chance they rape, torture and pillage their enemies.



Tips for the Sea Shepherd or How To Attack a Japanese Whaler Successfully

Tips for the Sea Shepherd or How To Attack a Japanese Whaler Successfully

Crew of the Sea Shepherd! Listen Up you idiots! We are gonna give you some tips on how to be better Anti Whaliing Pirates.

I, for one, am tired of watching ya'll lob glass bottles of stink over your heads.

Crew of the Sea Shepherd, are ya'll stupid?

Let me tell ya'll of the wonders of air compression.

Instead of lobbing glass bottles at a deck 60 feet above your heads, try this idea.

Have you ever heard of a potato gun? This is basically a tube made of PVC, attached to an air compressor. Insert stinky object (try a plastic ball filled with stinky stuff) into PVC pipe, aim, and fire.

I guarantee that this method will get the stink onto the deck of the evil Japanese whalers.

Another idea ya'll can have for free. Have you heard of slingshots? These are handy when trying to lob things over your head.

Come up with some better ideas you bunch of pansies. Stay out of the range of their water cannons and launch your stink bombs from far away with my air cannon idea. Line the f*ing decks with air cannons, and fire a giant volley of stink bombs at them. Pound them with stink bombs till they cower in their holds and give up whaling.



Well-known member
They had one.


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Dear Haters, I Have So Much More For You To Be Mad
Crew of the Sea Shepherd! Listen Up you idiots! We are gonna give you some tips on how to be better Anti Whaliing Pirates.

I, for one, am tired of watching ya'll lob glass bottles of stink over your heads.

Crew of the Sea Shepherd, are ya'll stupid?

Let me tell ya'll of the wonders of air compression.

Instead of lobbing glass bottles at a deck 60 feet above your heads, try this idea.

Have you ever heard of a potato gun? This is basically a tube made of PVC, attached to an air compressor. Insert stinky object (try a plastic ball filled with stinky stuff) into PVC pipe, aim, and fire.

I guarantee that this method will get the stink onto the deck of the evil Japanese whalers.

Another idea ya'll can have for free. Have you heard of slingshots? These are handy when trying to lob things over your head.

Come up with some better ideas you bunch of pansies. Stay out of the range of their water cannons and launch your stink bombs from far away with my air cannon idea. Line the f*ing decks with air cannons, and fire a giant volley of stink bombs at them. Pound them with stink bombs till they cower in their holds and give up whaling.


true this, they definitely need to come up with better plans.....


They need a giant stinkball gun. Paintballs of stink...ouch

They need a giant stinkball gun. Paintballs of stink...ouch


LOL! You are meanmr. mustard! Let's not endanger their little evil Japanese whaling lives. That would only make us no better than them.

Now a torpedo with a net to foul their prop would be excellent idea.

Heehee, "Fire forward net torpedos!"

I think an army of large paintball guns with foul stinky paint inside would be a good idea.

Those paintballs hurt. and if they stank too.... and made the whale meat unedible.... even better.

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
Hmm... this may be a problem in logical progression Lola.

They aren't going to stop.

SeaShepard isn't going to stop them.... unless they use the kind of torpedoes that go bang.

Instead they go out and act like a bunch of protesting hippies wasting a bunch of money just to get the publicity out there.

Now that we the people are aware of this action, it's up to us to CHANGE it, not jump on a boat, party like it's 1999, and act like we don't have real jobs.

PS Even the hippies burned down an ROTC or three.


damn! my thread with the sensational title has been censored again.

Welcome to the Whaling thread. hahhaahahaha

Now those idiots on the Sea Shepherd will never be able to google my great ideas to save the whales. Poor whales. I bet that thread merge will kill 40 or 50 whales at least. Bad whale killing Mod!

How about whale away in the water? Go ahead of the Nissan Murderoo and dump in some Whale Away? Too bad Billy Mays is dead, he would be all over this Whale Away idea.


This is a cultural thing, it doesn't have anything to do with caricaturing Japanese people as evil bloodthirsty vampires, sheeesh...
That being said...this Sea Shepherd stuff is a load of crap...they aren't really accomplishing much at all, just an inefficient and largely ineffective PR stunt..
Shock value crap...it's what gives environmentalists a bad rep.
The TV show sucked too..!

Moldy Dreads

Active member
Japanese people are evil, warring, blood thirsty devils.Give them time and they will start WWIII. Every time they get a chance they rape, torture and pillage their enemies...


Apparently they teach kids how to filet sharks in elementary school, the hary kary thing comes in Junior High....


Active member
THE WORLD IS A VAMPIRE.... hahahahaha

Japanese people are evil, warring, blood thirsty devils.

Give them time and they will start WWIII. Every time they get a chance they rape, torture and pillage their enemies.


hahaah wow come on now..i hope your post was sarcastic.

one thing the southpark episode got right was at the end, they made us look like bloodthirsty because we slaughter cows and chickens by the billions. right now maybe one or two whales are dying, but in the 15 seconds it took you to read this post hundreds of livestock have had their throats cut. and america is 20x more war mongering than Japan. most of japan does not care about conquest, war, or even whales geez.

we all know that they only care about schoolgirl bukkake and hideki matsui.

bageled j


FUCK YOU WHALE!!!!!!!!!!!

and yes we are just as bad killing cows,chickens,pigs ect.just look at how veal animals are treated

and how lame is the Sea Shepard and there mutant captain?if you r serious about something than you will do whatever it takes to accomplish your goals.they shud start performing guerrilla actions if they want to make an impact.throwing stinky butter isnt doing shit.except making you all look like a bunch of push overs.if ya want results you must take real action.Fucking stinky butter.unreal

just wait till Soylent Green hits the shelves.LOL


hahaah wow come on now..i hope your post was sarcastic.

one thing the southpark episode got right was at the end, they made us look like bloodthirsty because we slaughter cows and chickens by the billions. right now maybe one or two whales are dying, but in the 15 seconds it took you to read this post hundreds of livestock have had their throats cut. and america is 20x more war mongering than Japan. most of japan does not care about conquest, war, or even whales geez.

we all know that they only care about schoolgirl bukkake and hideki matsui.

Cows are bred for slaughter, so I don't feel too sorry for them. I have known a few cows worth saving from slaughter, but they are generally a pretty dumb bunch.

Japan is not war mongering, cause we made them sign a pact not to have an army after WWII. Then we felt sorry for them and gave them our economy.... hahahahaha

Japan has a very very very very very bad history of unkind acts to their enemies in war. Look at that Bridge over River Kwai movie for example. Also they killed tons of Chinese, raped their women and kids...kidnapped women into hooker camps.... the list is endless.

Japanese soldiers go crazy when they have a cause.

US soldiers don't act like they did in wartime.


^ The history of the US is based on genocide of the Native Americans and enslavement of Africans. Not exactly all peaches and cream is it?

No one nation of people are any worse than any other. Nations themselves are a fabricated concept. We are all human beings. People do fucked up shit to other people when given a chance. Thats just the sad reality of it.