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Garden Nymph
The problem with the comparison with the US slaughtering chickens all the time is that chickens are not endangered.

I do not want to make any generalizations and I agree with DoubleJ's response. The problem here is NOT that these people are Japanese, but that they are going after animals in protected waters and are violating international law.


But those enslaved were enslaved by Africans, US just a consumer.

Them Indians should have got on the reservation and stayed there.


But that was then, and this is now, and Whaling for meat is lame. Everybody else in the world has stopped, but the Japanese won't quit.

I say if the Japanese want to whale, they should do it the old fashioned way, a sailing vessel with row boats and a strong dude to throw the harpoon. That would at least give the whales the advantage of speed.


Active member
Japan has a very very very very very bad history of unkind acts to their enemies in war. Look at that Bridge over River Kwai movie for example. Also they killed tons of Chinese, raped their women and kids...kidnapped women into hooker camps.... the list is endless.

Japanese soldiers go crazy when they have a cause.

US soldiers don't act like they did in wartime.

US soldiers raped and killed innocents many times, including Vietnam and Iraq. There is not a single nation innocent of this charge. africans killing africans, russians killing chechnyans, serbs vs turks, they all commit atrocities in war.

Japanese soldiers from the imperial army generation where the fanatic psycho suicidal soldiers. The current japanese population is MUCH different, ive been there more than a dozen times. Alot of the old generation is dying off and the new japan is a generation x kinda crowd.


But those enslaved were enslaved by Africans, US just a consumer.

Them Indians should have got on the reservation and stayed there.


But that was then, and this is now, and Whaling for meat is lame. Everybody else in the world has stopped, but the Japanese won't quit.

I say if the Japanese want to whale, they should do it the old fashioned way, a sailing vessel with row boats and a strong dude to throw the harpoon. That would at least give the whales the advantage of speed.

1)Wow, you certainly are all over the place. Its ok to bring up Japan's dark past, but don't bring up ours??

2) Other countries allow whaling, your statement about everyone in the world has stopped is a LIE.

3) You don't like them whaling from a large ship, but a little one is ok??

4) You are ok with the slaughter of millions of chickens, but killing whales is totally wrong?


Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
I don't agree with whale poaching or poaching at all. The anit-Japanese flavor in here turns me off I have to say. I grew up overseas and studied southeastern Asian history. I'm familiar with Nanking and how violent that Japanese can be in war time.

We rolled up to the New World and wiped out almost the entire Native Americans nation of people. Raped, killed, and burned 'em down. Let's not throw stones shall we.


Hahahaaha ya'll got me cracking up.

Chickens can't survive on their own very well. They are domesticated. I have seen chickens drown in the rain from looking up at the sky.

Cows are domesticated, and can't really survive well on their own. After a while on their own, they will usually succumb to disease and/or stupidity. I have seen cows do some dumb things. I have seen 45 or 50 cows get under the only tree in a field, and be killed by lightning.

Whales on the other hand, survive on their own, and have a right to be left alone in their environment undisturbed. They are intelligent mammals.

Food that is grown for sale is a whole nother ballgame from a wild animal that wants only to be left alone.

There are exceptions to every rule, of course.

I just don't like seeing the Whalers whale in the manner they do. They give the whales 0% chance of escape.

When I go hunting, I don't shoot over a baited trap, cause that is wrong.

When I go fishing, I don't electrocute the water, or use dynamite, I use a rod and reel. This gives the fish a sporting chance.

These whalers go wild, if they are gonna whale, they should at least give the whales a sporting chance. Whaling should be over with in this age, but if they gotta whale, I would rather see the whales have a fighting chance.

In the old days, a pissed off whale could smash the whaler's boat in half and kill off the whole bunch. This is not an option for the whales today.

and no, I don't think all humans are equally evil. Nobody ever says, OMG, those Australians are a bloodthirsty bunch. Nobody ever accuses the Canadians of being bloodthirsty...

hahahahahahaha, I'm having fun...


Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
I like to fish. Not much for hunting just because I don't have the patience. I've tried quite a bit. Never got into it.

I'll have to say. When I think of real hunting and fishing. It's all bow and arrow baby. I'll take the fishing rod and beer though.

That's quite a different world away from illegal whale poaching.


I would like to add my name and strong support for the ban against the slaughter of dolphins and whales by the Japanese

At one point or another - we all have to take a hard stand

There is very little demand for whale meat in Japan - and these slaughters are more political and about MONEY than anything else

This kinda shit just pisses me off big time

As does the slaughter of sharks

Fact is - we are destroying the seas faster than they can reproduce !!!!!

The makers of Japanese products - autos, televisions, cameras, etc... must also feel our pain for their support and allowing their government to commit these horrid acts against the world

Support the ban on whaling and the slaughter of dolphins , or people wont buy or promote your products !




Exactly NOT

There is very little demand for whale meat in Japan

The whole thing is sickening .. the world is appalled ... and for the Japanese this about politics and money more than anything else

Whale meat just sits around in Japan - and is discounted deeply

The world is destroying the seas far faster than they can possibly reproduce

Get a backbone and take a stand or there will be nothing left in the seas for the future

Tell the people who make and sell Japanese products exactly how you feel - and that they too need to take a strong stand to put a stop to Japan's horrid acts of whale hunting and dolphin slaughters


Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
What they need out there policing the welfare and continued exhistance of whales is something like the U.S.S. Nimitz...

....a dirty great big aircraft carrier would be a very useful deterant to the unneccesary slaughter of the biggest mammals on the planet...

....would like to see those Japanese whaling ships try to ram that!

Bobby Stainless

"Ill let you try my Wu-Tang style"
While I hate to see Whaling, I like to fly fish and bait cast.

Here is the rub, there is NO difference in occupying a country (Afghanistan/Iraq), and telling another country how to conduct business.

Once again, the US is not a World Police. Japan is a sovereign nation, for now, and can do what they want.

If you have ever seen Whale Wars, you will see what a joke these outfits are, I saw a Japanese whaling ship lead a non glacier rated ship, right into a glacier field. Way to go captain. Glad you are using your head, behind that multi-million dollar vessel.

I think Bob Barker's money could be spent a lot more wisely, by helping the humans we have dying all of the world. One of those ships that got rammed could feed a good portion of Africa.

We all don't think the same way.

I actually care more about all the St. Bernards that are slaughtered in China. They keep them in cages and then when ready to slaughter, they punch a hole in their paw and let them bleed out...

Breaks my heart, but I have no right to tell them what to eat. Just like Hindus can't tell me not to eat this.


grrrrrrr :( japanese says its research hunt, yeah right! i hate this! all pupblic opinion says nothing like they says when chinese government harrasing dallay lama and other ppl on tybeth... world situation sux. srry for my eng.

Yeah Bobby u also got right, we can't repair world starting from animals, ppl all acros the world need help so its kind of true, but for me worst thing is; they doing what they like and nobody can put critics on media, i mean chinesse, korea etc. Americans only looking for money, if they dont get money from helping whals they dont do that.


Active member
I don't have a problem with killing whales on a moral ground. I have a problem with endangered whales being hunted. The problem is that international laws are only as good as they are written and these ones aren't particularly strongly written. The Japanese get to set their own quota and they do.


What they need out there policing the welfare and continued exhistance of whales is something like the U.S.S. Nimitz...

....a dirty great big aircraft carrier would be a very useful deterant to the unneccesary slaughter of the biggest mammals on the planet...

....would like to see those Japanese whaling ships try to ram that!

Hear Hear!!! I second that emotion...

Let's see them dirty whaling Japanese shoot a water cannon at the Nimmitz !!!!!!!

p.s. Let's all buy up the rain forest, and save it too! I know there's got to be some good plants in there I wanna grow!!

I am watching some assholes in the Patanal shooting Jaguar cubs right now.

Mebbe we just put all these assholes in New Zealand and guard it. hahahaha


Exactly NOT

There is very little demand for whale meat in Japan

The whole thing is sickening .. the world is appalled ... and for the Japanese this about politics and money more than anything else

Whale meat just sits around in Japan - and is discounted deeply

The world is destroying the seas far faster than they can possibly reproduce

Get a backbone and take a stand or there will be nothing left in the seas for the future

Tell the people who make and sell Japanese products exactly how you feel - and that they too need to take a strong stand to put a stop to Japan's horrid acts of whale hunting and dolphin slaughters

not that i want to see the whales go, but there are more imminent threats to the world than the japanese killing a surplus of whales.

perhaps our super special morality glasses could be turned around so that we can see all the bullshit that the united states is doing. how about still relying on fossil fuels, still making the latest and greatest bullshit ipods and xbox's that dont even work have the time... im sorry but i just dont have the time or the lack of respect for the rest of the world to write a letter to some assholes that wont even respond to a distress signal of a ship that THEY DELIBERATELY CAPSIZED.



Dear Haters, I Have So Much More For You To Be Mad
not that i want to see the whales go, but there are more imminent threats to the world than the japanese killing a surplus of whales.

perhaps our super special morality glasses could be turned around so that we can see all the bullshit that the united states is doing. how about still relying on fossil fuels, still making the latest and greatest bullshit ipods and xbox's that dont even work have the time... im sorry but i just dont have the time or the lack of respect for the rest of the world to write a letter to some assholes that wont even respond to a distress signal of a ship that THEY DELIBERATELY CAPSIZED.


so America is bullshit for still relying on fossil fuels? ah, we are not the only one! oh ya, xbox's and ipods are made in china........


Krunchbubble, that is a good one.

I thought that myself.

Everything is made in China.


Active member
I would like to add my name and strong support for the ban against the slaughter of dolphins and whales by the Japanese

At one point or another - we all have to take a hard stand

There is very little demand for whale meat in Japan - and these slaughters are more political and about MONEY than anything else

This kinda shit just pisses me off big time

As does the slaughter of sharks

Fact is - we are destroying the seas faster than they can reproduce !!!!!

The makers of Japanese products - autos, televisions, cameras, etc... must also feel our pain for their support and allowing their government to commit these horrid acts against the world

Support the ban on whaling and the slaughter of dolphins , or people wont buy or promote your products !

Well said Sundance!!I agree a 100%