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Vote YES or NO on Prop 19

Vote YES or NO on Prop 19

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Refer to the states actions when Alcohol Prohibition started to fall.

This has happened before and the last place the law died was at the federal level.
It was still illegal to brew your own beer until in the 70's. I think that in some states its still not formally on the books yet.

The same as it will at some point with Cannabis, hopefully the first huge crack will be prop19.
The catch is how local LEO reacts. With the old Prohibition local cops and municipalities for the most part followed state law and the feds couldn't do anything because of the sheer resources required to try to enforce the law.

It will get interesting if 19 is a yes.


I think that the rest of the US wants this to pass more so then the people of Cali. I can say that after spending a month out there. You hear all the rumors of these premits being sold and the fact that they are already sold. I can tell you not one person I talked to in Nor-Cal wants this to pass.
I think that the rest of the US wants this to pass more so then the people of Cali. I can say that after spending a month out there. You hear all the rumors of these premits being sold and the fact that they are already sold. I can tell you not one person I talked to in Nor-Cal wants this to pass.

I live in Norcal and unfortunately I agree. I voted yes already but most who already have concerns in the marijuana industry now are against it becuase of all the money they stand to lose trying to make themselves legitimate taxes paying ordinance/regulation following businesses...

stickey fingers

i am positive about the election, although i think if steve cooley is elected to ca attorney general, the party will be over in the state !!!!!!!!!!! he will attack any thing with cannabis,
he does not belive in medical marijuna and belives every body useing it should be arrested !
both the us and ca attorney generals are the root of all evil !


stickey fingers

i live in norcal ,as a grower med patient who grows and sells to the clubs,and gives to family and friends, i will be voteing yes on 19 ! and strongly urge everyone else too !


I agree zeppelin I think a no vote will turn the tide I think the feds will see a no as the people backing there position

I'm on the east coast, but have the same thoughts as well for what happens on Tuesday.
I think a no would give the signal not just at the federal level but the state as well that folks don't want weed legal. That would set the movement back so many years I don't want to think about. And it would hurt just about every other state as well. How? well Cali has a rep for being laidback, chilled, etc a leader of trends so to speak. If the citizens say hey weed is a no-no then a lot of others may think the same.
For those that are worried about losing $$ all I can say is this.
I sure as hell hope you put some of that cash away so you can keep your prison commissary account filled. Because a no vote will just increase the chance of you being busted. And I honestly feel the feds will pour even more resources into going after growers esp. in Cali with a No vote.

BiG H3rB Tr3E

"No problem can be solved from the same level of c
Everything Steve Cooley has said about Prop 19 has made me want to vote for it more, and more.

I agree, with the mj hate squad opposing 19 (Cooley, Trutanich and Dumanis) I wouldn't even need to read 19. Because if they want it to fail, it MUST be a good thing for cannabis and cannabis enthusiasts!!!

BiG H3rB Tr3E

"No problem can be solved from the same level of c
come on, thats a bit far fetched saying that if it fails, medical rights will disappear.......

i respect you, but if thats not fear mongering, what is?

there ultimatum has to do with the legalization of cannabis, nothing to do with medical.....

could be wrong, but im pretty sure.......

What if 19 fails and cooley is elected? Would you still keep faith in 215 remaining untouchable?

Vote yes on 19 and vote for all democratic candidates. (ID say vote liberterian but I feel it's a wasted vote and we can't chance republicans getting any seats in CA due to diversified candidates from our side)

yes on 19
yes on Jerry brown
yes on kamala Harris

BiG H3rB Tr3E

"No problem can be solved from the same level of c
I think that the rest of the US wants this to pass more so then the people of Cali. I can say that after spending a month out there. You hear all the rumors of these premits being sold and the fact that they are already sold. I can tell you not one person I talked to in Nor-Cal wants this to pass.

That's like asking al Capone if he wanted liquor legalized...nor cal growers have lived in the hills too long. They stand some of the best chances to capitalize off 19. With their reputation and their foothold in this industry combined with a very leniant and cooperative local govt. they could easily build off the norcal name and make a substantial profit legally from doing so.

Alcohol was legalized and look at all the brands of beer, liquor, and wine that arose from it. What happends when mj goes legal nation wide and everyone wants the famed norcal cannabis? They will be able to ship product nationwide and make obscene amounts of sales.

We must look at the BIGGER picture. There is such a huge demand for CA mj, but we have to legalize it and that has to start somewhere. What better place than CA and what better time than now?

Vote yes on 19!! Vote yes on Jerry brown! Vote yes on kamala Harris!


Dear Haters, I Have So Much More For You To Be Mad
What if 19 fails and cooley is elected? Would you still keep faith in 215 remaining untouchable?

yes on 19
yes on Jerry brown
yes on kamala Harris

tell you the truth its something i have thought about a lot and i am fearful he can pull some shit, he already is.....

i can only hope that kamala can pull it out, but according to the news the other day, it was looking bad......

a pretty bad scenario can be whitman, cooley and not passing prop 19.....


I can't imagine looking at a ballot, seeing the words "legalize marjuana", and voting against it. Hopefully some of the people who are against it will have a change of heart once they actually see it in front of them. Good luck California!!!!


so sad seeing so many vote NO. Kind of ridiculous to vote no due to 'greed' of bigger businesses. That same greed applies to those who are shamelessly making tons of money off of the ambiguous legality of their product, taking it all the way to the bank, while the rest are getting taken all the way to a lockup.


I love my life
How many more F'ing greed posts do we need? People are hashing this out and many in the biz are voting no, but pounding the GREED button has changed no minds.

The people you talking about are not making tons of money. News flash growers all over the US are scraping by not big pimping internationally ;)


Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
come on, thats a bit far fetched saying that if it fails, medical rights will disappear.......

i respect you, but if thats not fear mongering, what is?

there ultimatum has to do with the legalization of cannabis, nothing to do with medical.....

could be wrong, but im pretty sure.......

they would consider it a "mandate" to go after dispensaries and growers..

gotta get revenue somehow either taxes or fines and fees....

^exactly! I am not fear mongering. The DEA , and friends is getting more and more desperate to seem useful, and have become out of control. Now just like the CIA, they are an ever expanding rouge agency that is only out for themselves. they are going to try to appeal to the half of the country that still thinks pot should be illegal to justify their treasonous acts.

You know the drug warriors are out of control because they even ignore changed law, and state that they will continue to ignore it. California says weed is ok, but you still have crazy fucking CAMP; and Obama said dont go after dispensaries in med states, but the DEA still does whatever they want. It is a scary organization that is modeled after the nazi SS.


How many more F'ing greed posts do we need? People are hashing this out and many in the biz are voting no, but pounding the GREED button has changed no minds.

The people you talking about are not making tons of money. News flash growers all over the US are scraping by not big pimping internationally ;)


ya, I have discovered most of the gorowers voting no are not greedy they are just trying to feed themselves, and there family, and do what they love, up in the forest


nor cal growers have lived in the hills too long. They stand some of the best chances to capitalize off 19 ...... they could easily build off the norcal name and make a substantial profit legally from doing so.

great..... so all the ppl who moved to the sticks so they could avoid the rat race that so many seem to enjoy, are now going to embrace government-sponsored capitalism with open arms?

just so they can get "brand recognition" for their ganja?

fuck prop 19.

"lived in the hills too long"?????? go fuck yourself city boy, i hope your orwellian future comes true only for you

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
^if this is your attitude then please come up with a better law and pass it by november second 2010. the goal is to keep you out of prison, not to force you to join in the rat race.


^if this is your attitude then please come up with a better law and pass it by november second 2010. the goal is to keep you out of prison, not to force you to join in the rat race.

umm the goal of prop 19 is to make tax $$$, not to keep me out of prison.
keep it straight jack

and i know of a better bill, how about the one that doesn't TAX a fucking plant

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
^no that is just a side effect of the bill. THE GOAL OF LEGALIZATION IS TO KEEP GROWERS OUT OF PRISON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! PERIOD

as much as taxing weed sucks, that is just the way it goes. all commodities are taxed. so tuff shit. change it later. dont throw a good thing down the drain because you cant handle a tax. it may not be greedy but it is short minded

I think that the rest of the US wants this to pass more so then the people of Cali. I can say that after spending a month out there. You hear all the rumors of these premits being sold and the fact that they are already sold. I can tell you not one person I talked to in Nor-Cal wants this to pass.

well it is a good thing the entire population of the emerald triangle doesnt even add up to the population of LA
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