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Trump administration hints at ‘greater enforcement’ of marijuana laws

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Active member
Sessions isn't going anywhere folks, same way Eric holder got away with so much, so will Sessions.

Respectfully Wendull, Eric Holder has absolutely zero to do with the issue of Sessions talking to the Russians prior to the election, and then lying, under oath, to Congress.
Sessions will be held accountable. People in his own party are asking him to step down.
What you did was called deflection.
'Holder got away with so much" ??? So, if true at all, that makes anything Sessions has done ok ?? Not hardly, the two would be separate issues.
Respectfully, do you have any factual evidence of wrongdoing by Eric Holder or would those allegations be "alternate facts" ? Not that it has anything to do with any actions of Sessions, just curious if you have any proof.
Good day !:tiphat:


I don't like Trump but this RUSSIA RUSSIA RUSSIA stuff is just a propaganda tool for the corporate media and government establishment. I don't think people are falling for the artificial bogey man strategy like they did in the past. If Bernie Sanders had won they would be pulling the same Red Scare 2.0 Russia brain washing with him as well.

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Bob Green

Active member
I don't mind if they turn him into a sacrificial lamb.

He chose the music now he has to dance.

Good stoners don't approve of Sessions.
This administration will get into deep doo-doo early and never dig out.

At least tricky dick waited until having the students at Kent State students shot.

I predict that Sessions will become an MJ convert. Just you watch.


Loc Dog

Hobbies include "drinkin', smokin' weed, and all k
I don't like Trump but this RUSSIA RUSSIA RUSSIA stuff is just a propaganda tool for the corporate media and government establishment. I don't think people are falling for the artificial bogey man strategy like they did in the past. If Bernie Sanders had won they would be pulling the same Red Scare 2.0 Russia brain washing with him as well.

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Well-known member
hey,the majority of voters put him in power.....its your own faults...welcome to the stupidest nation in the world....

what the fuck did u think would happen?!


Active member
Ready, what Holder did is completely different but every bit as treacherous, if not more so.

Hello Brown Thumb, If you can provide any proof of what you claim or specifics, I will listen. If can provide any proof, you will be the very first person to provide it, from the many dozens of people that I have seen claim the same. Nobody has had any proof, they just repeat what someone else has told them.

Lying under oath, before Congress, as Sessions has apparently done, is a criminal act known as perjury. Me or you would charged for the same crime, why do think Sessions is above the law ?
And, while many are impatient about Russia ties proof, you can bet our intelligence agencies, after Trump has attacked them, are being very, very thorough in investigating the Russian contacts prior to the election.

Loc Dog

Hobbies include "drinkin', smokin' weed, and all k
Hello Brown Thumb, If you can provide any proof of what you claim or specifics, I will listen. If can provide any proof, you will be the very first person to provide it, from the many dozens of people that I have seen claim the same. Nobody has had any proof, they just repeat what someone else has told them.

Lying under oath, before Congress, as Sessions has apparently done, is a criminal act known as perjury. Me or you would charged for the same crime, why do think Sessions is above the law ?
And, while many are impatient about Russia ties proof, you can bet our intelligence agencies, after Trump has attacked them, are being very, very thorough in investigating the Russian contacts prior to the election.

Hiliary lied in front of congress 54 times in one sitting, by saying I do not recall, to every question she did not want to answer. That is tip of iceberg, and she is not in jail.

Bob Green

Active member
It's fucking weird that guys named KUSHner and J Sessions are so anti Herb?

And Sessions named after two Confederate generals is anti states rights?

Trump does have balls though I'll give him that. At least the dude is trying and not holding back praying for a reelection. That man has no chill and right or wrong I do respect that.

I am just hoping we get a restart button for a new and improved AG that is at minimum willing to accept the voice of the constituents instead of strengthening the cartels.

This has definitely been the most entertaining election in my lifetime.


Active member
I don't like Trump but this RUSSIA RUSSIA RUSSIA stuff is just a propaganda tool for the corporate media and government establishment. I don't think people are falling for the artificial bogey man strategy like they did in the past. If Bernie Sanders had won they would be pulling the same Red Scare 2.0 Russia brain washing with him as well.

It is not just Americans concerned about Russians, Bum. Sweden just reactivated the draft because they are worried about Russia. A dozen other small countries, some that used to be part of the Soviet Empire are also feeling pushed back into the Russian orbit. Western European governments back them up. It's complicated, no black and white, but international power politics. Russia is pushing it.


Well-known member
Wonder how the countries that the U.S. and NATO recently collapsed/destroyed feel towards America.

America is not pushing it, right ?

Well, when all you can do is bow down before superior military firepower and an unprecedented propaganda machine, I guess that's just love and admiration. . .

Go 'Merica ! < sarcastic >


Active member
Hello Brown Thumb, If you can provide any proof of what you claim or specifics, I will listen. If can provide any proof, you will be the very first person to provide it, from the many dozens of people that I have seen claim the same. Nobody has had any proof, they just repeat what someone else has told them.

Lying under oath, before Congress, as Sessions has apparently done, is a criminal act known as perjury. Me or you would charged for the same crime, why do think Sessions is above the law ?
And, while many are impatient about Russia ties proof, you can bet our intelligence agencies, after Trump has attacked them, are being very, very thorough in investigating the Russian contacts prior to the election.


Doc D

Active member
Hiliary lied in front of congress 54 times in one sitting, by saying I do not recall, to every question she did not want to answer. That is tip of iceberg, and she is not in jail.

"I do not recall" is a phrase used to protect yourself from self incrimination.... it's much different than lying, which is what sessions did.


Invertebrata Inebriata
Hiliary lied in front of congress 54 times in one sitting, by saying I do not recall, to every question she did not want to answer. That is tip of iceberg, and she is not in jail.

She should be, but we're not talking about HRC. I mean, I'm almost sure you don't mean "she got away with shit, so let's let them ALL do whatever the fuck they want." Right?

soil margin

Active member
"I do not recall" is a phrase used to protect yourself from self incrimination.... it's much different than lying, which is what sessions did.

Saying "I do no recall", when you in fact do recall, is in fact lying. By the very definition of the word. Cut the politically correct bullshit please.

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
Oh dear, lets not get into a slanging match about politically correctness, or the virtue signalling will start.


Active member

LOL !!! So you provide a link to some bizarre far right wing blog as proof ??? With all kinds of total nonsense throughout.
In other words, you have no evidence that supports your claim - just as not one single person, claiming the same as you, has ever had.

Deflection 101, nothing more. "Alternate facts".

Sessions recuses himself, only in an effort to save his position, the end is coming soon for him thankfully. All the more reason for a full scale independent investigation into the entire administration.
"Lets get it all out in the open" - Bob Corker (R) Tenn.
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